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5,888 thoughts on “How To Make Him Miss You After A Breakup”

  1. Amy

    January 29, 2018 at 1:47 pm

    Me and my boyfriend been dating for 9 months this guy I use to talk to and have relations with decided to write him on Facebook and tell him we still talk but I’m 2 months pregnant with my boyfriend child we talked everything out then he came home off the road and got mad all over again and broke up with me for good

  2. Richa Kumar

    January 16, 2018 at 2:54 pm

    Both of us are off social media. So there is no social media jealousy. He has blocked me on WhatsApp and we work in the same company but different offices. So no contact. Will the NC still work ?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 18, 2018 at 6:37 am

      Hi Richa,

      You can still use social media, just make your posts public because he will still probably get curious about you.. why did you break up?


    January 4, 2018 at 4:09 pm

    January 4th, 2018 10:03 am
    My ex and I have been together for a year then we broke up because I know he was on date with another girl younger than him 10 years old (19yrs) while we were a part by argument. Although he and I been for a year but we just kiss, cuddle, and do “BJ” for both nothing really called make out.He sent video of him and her when I worked at night and texted me rude words. I cried because i trusted him never replace me by anyone. after a year he never show me to his friend or any person around him, i was mad and block his social media but then i unblock it. we had argument at the night he sent me the video without her knowledge about sending to me. I saw her picture on his screen phone and i understand what i tried for our relationship is nonsense for him( because he was disappear on valentines and my birthday). he said: “ you always get mad and keep silence then. i can’t handle you.we can try again. if you don’t change yourself, i will be back to that girl.” stupidly, i accepted try again because i loved him and i think i just did that because i was ignore him. then, the day after, he asked me go out at night to the hotel after work. i missed him because we didn’t talk for two months. at that night, he tried push me to do sex for real, but i think of why he with new girl and send video to me. i push him back and he really angry and didn’t want to look at my eyes. i went home with a sorrow and wonder why im so weakness. i also know while we start to try back again he still contact with that girl every sunday night at same place we met before. i texted him after to let him know my feeling and what he did was rude to me. he replied me that Im fucking stupid and fuck my school, my dream. He texted me that He was free so he can sleep with anygirl he wants. then, I stop texted him. I feel that it’s time for silence is better than his conversation in messages. after a week he sent me a picture he drink wine at bar and some girls, i had no answer. he still scoffed at me by rude words. i advised him should go home and don’t drink much. he still angry. he went home at night and texted me that im not the girl he wants, that girl she couldn’t sleep last night and wait until he was ok to reach home. he wanted to break up because i cannot be a girl he wants. (i didn’t have sex with him and he was mad). i let him decided because i just have school, work and him. i told him i never been with another guy at 12 am in car as he did. he still keep rude in his words and done. i really sad and i blocked his phone number and his social media. we have no contact for a month , then he found another app i use for my parents, he sent me a message say hi bla bla. i ignored them because i think he would send me a hurt message again. then he sent me 3 days after, i replied him as good morning how was everything? he texted he want to make me jealous about young girl and he couldn’t have another relationship because of me. i don’t trust him because he used girls as his game and he offended my honor. but he again want me back and fix everything but his sound seems to blame false to me. New year coming and his birthday on 1/1, he invited me to go the restaurant we met a year ago, i prepared cake, candle, gift for him. he appreciated it, then he booked a room we just sleep and cuddle over night. in the morning, he told me what he done to make young girl trusted him, i know they still contact untill now. he told me she is just his sister. i can’t accept he brought a girl while we are apart (her picture on his screen phone) for sister just 2 months. and she doesn’t know about me. i feel be played by his game again. i was mad and cried. he said he and her just friend. but he said her mother prepare a gift a him. I told him play the game is so far and i cannot take it back. i went home alone and he didn’t check me up if im ok because he saw I got serious coughs at night. at the wnd of that day, i send him a message that we should a part for time because i don’t feel safe from him and his relationship, i worked more for this relationship and i just received sadness and rude from him. and if you can, please step out of my life. TT is died since today. he didn’t reply until the following day, he sent me 2 phrases: Life with you is too hard. Ok let stay in your life and i will not bother you anymore.
    after a year, what i did and hope for him is exchanged by 2 conclusions and I didn’t cry.
    i want to know why this guy so complicated and what should i do?
    he used to ask me for marriage and live together but i refused because i cannot imagine if oneday he bring another in fron of me and say rude to me again. I need advises please.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 5, 2018 at 11:54 pm


      There are really people who will use us because they can see we allow them.. It doesn’t matter what kind of person he is because you will move on from him.

  4. Nicole

    December 28, 2017 at 1:24 pm

    I have been with a guy for almost five years. We lived together almost four years. Out of no where, he felt like our relationship wasn’t on the right path and suggested that I move out. He claims that we are just on a break because he is liking his alone time. I invested over $14,000 in his home and I am devestared because I left my own home to move in with him. He sold me the dream that he would never let me go and we would always be together. I am miserable and don’t even know how to begin to find myself because he is my best friend. We still hang out and attend NFL football games together. Before we got together, his mom was murdered and an ex girlfriend died in a car wreck with him so I am not sure if he is just stressed. He keeps assuring that maybe our circle will repeat and we will start all over. Any ideas of what I should do?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      December 28, 2017 at 8:15 pm

  5. Alicia

    December 27, 2017 at 12:52 pm

    It has been two months since me and my boyfriend of 3 years broke up and at the start he messed me around saying he wasn’t sure and that he didn’t believe in us and maybe we were to different. Then when I said I can’t be messed around he got nasty and bitter towards me. He then blocked me and it’s been 6 weeks since I tried to contact him. I don’t even think he cares about me anymore. No response after no contact and still blocked. I’m at a lose for what to do next?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      December 28, 2017 at 4:51 pm

      Hi Alicia,

      Even if you’re blocked, in nc rule you have to be active in posting, just make them public..how much did you improve yourself?

  6. Grace

    December 25, 2017 at 2:23 am

    Happy Holidays!
    My boyfriend broke up with me and it was a bad break up scenario where I ended up begging, cursing etc. We were together for 5 years but had a long distance relationship for a year when I came back we were supposed to get married, wedding date was planned. But suddenly he broke up with me saying he is not anymore happy and is afraid that in marriage he won’t be happy too. Heelllppp!! I dunno what to do. I have not contacted him
    For 2 weeks now and he hasn’t either and Im off to leave for work again. Im afraid he would never even talk to me.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      December 26, 2017 at 10:28 pm

  7. Sandy Adams

    December 3, 2017 at 10:29 am

    I met a man and was living with another man and moved out and started living with this new man for about 6 months and things were okay but I started feeling lonely with his work hours I was crying a lot and he was manipulating. I told him I was moving back to my old boyfriend. Two days later I realized how much I loved the man I left and called him and told him I wanted to go back and he said no. He will not call or text and it’s been 7 months

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      December 5, 2017 at 1:46 am

      Hi Sandy,

      where are you living now?

  8. Maria

    December 2, 2017 at 10:06 pm

    Hi my boyfriend and I broke up yesterday. We have been best friends for years and got together last Christmas and have been with each other since with no arguments at all and we get on so so well. I moved 3 hours away to go to college so we have been long distance for 3 months but still seeing each other once every week. The first two months were good but then suddenly he became really distant and kept making me his last priority but when I brought it up he said he wasn’t sure how he felt about me but he still wanted to be with me but just didn’t want to hurt me. We decided to keep it going but two weeks later he visited me and said he didn’t know what to do. He wouldn’t make a decision and eventually I just told him that I couldn’t be with someone who made me feel like this. I miss him so much and I’ve lost a best friend. We haven’t spoken at all and are in the no contact phase. What do I do?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      December 5, 2017 at 1:32 am

  9. Melissa

    November 14, 2017 at 8:34 am

    My bf has just broken up with a few weeks ago,
    claiming that we had too many arguments and differences in personality which he doesnt think we And i did what most ppl did, to tried to beg and win him
    back. However, i didnt liked the fact that i was needy and desperate. He also made it clearly that he will not patch back, and knowing his temper, once he has given up on me, it means i highly dont stand a chance at all. In your opinion, even if i follow the recommendations laid out in ur article, should i still try to give it a go and win him back or i am better off giving up any hopes

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      November 18, 2017 at 1:24 am

      Hi Mellissa,

      Try it first, if it doesn’t work, move on..

  10. Kaitie

    November 14, 2017 at 12:17 am

    So I’m 23 years old. I dated my ex boyfriend back when we were 16. He was a chubby little boy and I fell for his gentle heart. But we were 16. Harsh reality I broke up with him because we were young and I was going through a lot with the loss of a parent and we lived in different towns. It was hard to see each other. But he HATED me for years because I broke his heart. Fast forward to 2016 (5 years later) I asked him out for a drink and he said yes. It was the best first date I’ve ever had with anyone man. We hit it off. We both confessed that we’ve never had a connection like the one we had. But our relationship got rocky. He was super obsessive with the gym and his looks. His lack of confidence as a 16 was still there at 22. He begged for validation and he sought it with a girl he is friends with. A girl who is extremely flirtatious even in front of me when we were together. The thing is though, he lied to me about it. He went behind my back to see her at the gym then lied to my face. His texts with her were so flirty..”I need my gym partner ” etc. He was extremely apologetic but my trust was broken. Things got worse. He kept in contact with her through Snapchat etc. His need for validation on his looks became too much. He was insecure. We broke up but never really “broke up”. I went I Africa for 3 weeks and we spoke maybe 3 times I was one the trip. I came home and we kept talking on and off. But it was toxic because there was jealousy and still resentment and tensions since we weren’t 100% together. He didn’t want to commit. He wanted freedom and to figure his life out but me being the crazy girl I couldnt let go. And then he texted me one night because he was lonely and the next day he says “I’m have a great day now. We should go back to space”. I freaked. I felt used and I went crazy and said some hurtful things I didn’t mean. So last week he was saying I was his first love and he had a gut feeling we’d be together again one day to now him saying he doesn’t love me anymore and I ruined it all and he doesn’t care. He says we will never be together again and he’s finally moving on. It’s hard to tell if he’s driven by emotions or by our fighting and my craziness. I guess my question is…is there hope. I know we officially need space and actually follow through with it and no contact. I’m going to be 24 and I’ve dated… But he’s special. He’s a love I had as 16 and it’s a connection I’ve never felt with anyone. I don’t know if I should let go and move on or hold onto a dream.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      November 17, 2017 at 9:45 pm

  11. Ru Ri

    November 11, 2017 at 6:18 am

    I’m 21 years old girl.I had ex boyfriend who loves me truly.Our parents did not know we are in RS.We break up because his family do not accept me.His mom cried after she knew her son’s gf,me,is not hindu.The reason is he is hindu and I m not hindu.
    He told me that he loves me very much but to stay like friend bcoz he did not stand his mom’s sadness.I reply him *Don’t u think about my feeling,too?Why u propose me if u will do as yr mom’s decisions.Why u don’t want to try again.Why u decided to break up and why u dun want to fight back for our love ?*
    He said ,*sorry for everything ,he do not want his family unhappy for him ,he do not deserve with my great love and to trust him that he really loves me.*
    Actually,He is mama’s boy.
    We have been friend about 3 year since attending university.And we became in RS for 1 year and 10 months.
    I have crush on him since I have know him.He knew it after we were couple ,I confessed it.
    So,our connection is about 5 years.
    I could not believe he tells me to break up easily.
    He request me if he can be my bff?
    I say yes.
    Actually,I can’t accept the break up and I want him back.
    He is my type.He is so kind to me.I loves him so much.I wanna marry him.
    We both told about future plan for our marriage when we were in RS.
    He told me that he will marry me after saving enough money and he want twin babie after getting marriage.
    He explaines me his hindu culture and I accept them and even learn hindu language from him.We do not have sex.We are in pure love.
    He loves me & I love him.We r in love each other.But we can’t be together forever bcoz I m not hindu.I totally can’t accept that condition.
    We break up yesterday.
    Today evening,he phone me 3 times and I do not pick up the call.And then I want to know why he call me,so I ring him back.
    He told *I call u bcoz U r not online for all day ,I reply ,I’m still alive.And He told *stay well *with kindly voice.I say,Ok and hung up his call.
    Do u think I can get him back?
    How can He change from mama’s boy?
    What should I do?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      November 13, 2017 at 1:05 am

  12. Matchless

    November 10, 2017 at 5:23 am


    I was seeing someone for two months. We hit it off the second date and everything went well. He introduced me to his parents and friends after 3 weeks of dating and so I got the impression that he’s serious about me. But every time people asked if we’re boyfriend/girlfriend he would say we’re dating.. but he would also say.. we’ll see how it goes if she plays her cards right. He gave me the impression that the status of our relationship is dependent on him, that I have to prove myself to him and I’m under his mercy which pisses me off cuz I think that guys should be the one that should go after a girl and not the other way around. So the other day, I asked if he’s having second thoughts about me or “us”. He said “Yes. Because it’s only been 2 months and we still don’t know anything about each other” which I understand, and so I asked him if ” does he want to date other people?” He said, “sure, let’s give it a try”. Not the response I was expecting. Because if a person really likes someone then that person won’t even entertain the thought of dating other people. So I told him.. it wasn’t the response I was hoping for but, he can do whatever he wants. Because I’m not going to sit and wait for him. We met tonight to get my watch which I left in his house. I just took my watch and said thank you. But he initiated a hug and he asked how am I doing. I just said I’m good. Then I left. Will the NC rule work in situations like this to make him realize my worth?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      November 13, 2017 at 12:29 am

      Hi Matchless,

      You’re worth is in your hands, not in somebody else’s opinion.. We get what we allow. So, you have to remind yourself what your standards are..

  13. Lisa

    November 8, 2017 at 4:16 pm

    Hi Chris
    I’ve recently found your page and a glimmer of hope has sparked. I just want to know if my predicament is too much to get out of. I committed an infedility and he knows about it. But it was not until his sister stepped in and told his father, forcing him to break up with me. It has been three weeks since the break up and we’ve been speaking and been in contact. We’ve spoken and he has told me he wants the relationship back but is not sure if he can be in it. What does that mean? We are currently in a no contact phase and he said he will tell me his decision on whether or not he can be in a relationship with me after two weeks. I’m worried my mistakes run too deep. Please may you advise me on what to do.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      November 8, 2017 at 10:21 pm

  14. Saranya

    November 5, 2017 at 1:47 pm

    hi sir can i ask u my doubt please

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      November 6, 2017 at 7:47 pm

      Hi Saranya,

      are you going to try the no contact rule?

  15. Saranya

    November 5, 2017 at 1:37 pm

    hi sir,
    I ve breakup with my lover in march 2017 onbehalf of he is in an another relationship before me(that was 9 years mine was 6 years) already he had a breakup with me before 1year after he called me and texted me that he dont wants that girl and he really loves me.. he gave trust to me and i love him so much so i didnt say anything and started my relationship then i raised some of questions if he left me?? because of that girl he said you re important to me i trusted him so much but he refused me after 2days he called me and said that he loves only that girl and im sorry for u
    im really suffered a lot then my friend and sister knows it so my sister said our relationship to that old girlfriend when she calls me but i said dnt let her know please but my sister told about our relationship.. then she told dnt disturb my sister(me) u and ur lover please then im so confused bcoz i really love him so i only wants his happiness but godsake the girl knows our relationship by my side i thought he will surely get anger on me. then few days i ve seened his profile he was happy with that girl and posting new updates happily i feel guilty but when i saw this profile i was really hpy that from my side they wont be separated. but i cried a lot bcz he was my man… i really get anger on him wat he done to me but my love is greater than my anger he gives trust to me but he never shows it… then on oct 3 i texted him wrongly 1 message he continuesly messaged me and called me but i dont picked up that call and didnt replied him then i spoke with my sister at10.30pm he called me and came in second line waiting … then i wont picked i think he gets angry that im speaking with someone in that nit time then he messaged me( ok sorry leave) this was his last message on oct3 … then he doesnt contact me and texted me.. i blocked him facebook while we got the breakup first but his father is in my frndlist i think he will check my profile and also me from my frnds account i check his profile he was happy …… and im posting like hpppyyy and im happy… but stilll i love him i dont know why….. my friends and my sister all are quarrelling me( wat kind of person he is ?? he has no love on you so please forget him) but i know he loved me.. now he gone to that girl but my heart is always waiting for him i dont know why??
    im going through my life and my goal but without him i was not fullifies
    i know im wrong but still i dnt like any man in my life… i wants his happyiness so i let him on his way wat gives him hapy he go on but as a lover i cant sacrifies… still i love him … i want him back also no one can equalize his position in my life even he make me lots of crying and depressed no one can role a place in my heart for his place…. wat can i do please help me…….. reply me soon please

  16. Shay

    November 3, 2017 at 2:31 am


    My boyfriend out of the blue started to distance himself from me about 2 weeks ago with really no explanation. He wouldn’t sleep with me in the same bed and said he was exhausted from work and school (semester started not long ago) The following Monday, he said that he wasn’t happy with our relationship anymore and said I need to work on some personal issues (help with depression, tone with my responses, etc) he also mentioned that he wants to figure himself out,
    but we could always work things out in the future but he said he can’t predict it. Which confused me because we planned a trip to Disney in 2018 and decided to move in together once we graduate college in May’18. I hold on to this hope, but I was devastated knowing he left me. He said he wants me in his life and I’m his best friend. He was contacting me for the first 3 days after that, but now, he won’t text me or Snapchat me, but, he does watch my story. We have the same mutual friends so when I go to hang out with them, he’s always there. I haven’t initiated any contact with him (calling, texting) but when we are in person, I do talk to start a conversation and so things won’t be awkward between him and our friends. What should I do? I miss and love him like crazy and I want him back more than anything in the world. What Can I do to make him realize that this was all a mistake?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      November 4, 2017 at 12:53 am

      HI Shay,

      if you’re in the no contact rule, don’t initiate a conversation with him.. Are you?

  17. Carly

    October 31, 2017 at 7:32 pm

    Hi, my situation is a little bit different I wanted to know what you guys think. Should I do no contact? My boyfriend left for boot camp for the Army. Before he left we had a huge argument and now neither of our families want us together anymore. We’ve been together for 4 years; he decided however, it would be for the best to break up and said he needed some space. I was really disappointed. He did say however that he wanted to keep in contact with me and that he would write me while in boot camp. I’m so confused! Help anyone? I still love him more than anything.
    Thank you!

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      November 1, 2017 at 8:52 pm

  18. Tabresia

    October 29, 2017 at 3:37 pm

    My ex was my first everything. We have known each other since 7th grade. We started dating in 2013 and July 2017 I have found out that he has been living a double life since 2015 and when everything surfaced it was like he had no regrets and played the blame game making everything my fault. The current girlfriend is 27 has 4 kids none of which are his in which he claims he is there because he does not want to be homeless as she does not require much from him besides that he babysit while she works. When we lived to gether he accused me of nagging too much because he was not hding his half of a man finacially which made me lose intrest in trying to please him anymore He got me pregnant in July 2017 in which I have lost the baby due to the stress of harrassment from his signicant other amongst many other threats from other people on her behalf combined with my high blood pressure. The crazy part is that even though he has not been supportive and put me through a great deal of heartache I still love him and want him back. I recently started a new job with great pay and have lost alot of weight more so to do with the loss of our baby girl What advice besides no contact can you give or is there really no hope

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 31, 2017 at 9:31 pm

  19. Judy

    October 28, 2017 at 12:54 pm

    My boyfriend broke up with me yesterday, which was only 2 days after our 7 month anniversary. (this has been a high school relationship btw)
    We were going through a bad rough patch, because I very stupidly dedicated all my time and effort to school work (since my parents are very strict and I needed a lot of work to improve). This meant I didn’t talk to him as much or even spend time with him as much. I realise now I was selfish for only caring about myself, and not even being aware of everyone else around me especially my ex. We had a long talk about it, and he explained how he didn’t want me to be distracted by him and vice versa, which was then I completely freaked out and cried and didn’t know what to say. He told me he still cares a lot for me and wants the best for me. He told me he felt so bad to see me cry. So a few hours after our breakup, I texted him trying to make normal conversation and in the end I blurted out “i love you” to him, which was then I asked if he felt anything towards that. He replied saying “not really”, “i dont know how i feel”. I am absolutely heartbroken, because I can’t believe I have lost the guy I loved and cared for the most. We have known each other for almost 3 years and now this. I don’t know what to do.
    *Also, he still hasn’t changed his profile picture of him and I, which I am confused about.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 31, 2017 at 7:07 pm

      Hi Judy,

      It’s not stupid to focus in your studies..he should have studied with you if he wanted to spend time. Are you going to do the no contact rule?

  20. Abby law

    October 26, 2017 at 8:41 pm

    so i dated this boy but he broke up with me because he said he wanted to focus on school but he falls a sleep in class what does this mean.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 29, 2017 at 11:28 am

      HI Abby,

      that’s hard to say.. more likely he’s not telling the real reason to you..

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