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August 14, 2020 at 9:26 pm
After a fight i apologized for my part and he unblocked me . I know I upset him for him to block me in the first place he never blocked me before. When I noticed I wasn’t blocked on messenger I messaged him that I expected an apology and I expected him to work on communication with me or at least promise to try to work on it and since he hadn’t done either I would rather be blocked and at that point I then blocked him. Now I’m not sure if that was the appropriate thing to do. I want him to make an effort and communicate with me so bad that I feel I have nagged him to death now to where he doesnt even want me at all. Should I unblock him or will that make me look like I’m always available to him to treat me this way and will he get over my nagging enough to want to be with me again and what is it gonna take for him to meet me in the middle if he does?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
August 14, 2020 at 10:11 pm
Hey April, have you follows a NC at all? You need to give him that space to be open to “meeting you in the middle” but for now you need to work on your Holy Trinity and focus on that space between you so that he can have a chance to miss you
Teshan Paradise-Ward
July 25, 2020 at 4:15 pm
I’m feeling so lost I started a NC for 45 days got to day 6 and my uncle passed so I reached out to my ex I cried on my voicemail and he didn’t even get back to me. I sent an email and he is purposely not opening it. Starting to think is this programme for me anymore because I keep trying but he is so far from interested now and has seemed to forget about the main good times between us. What do I do? I’m really trying my best to work on my holy trinity but it’s not easy… it’s just hard knowing he doesn’t miss me like I miss him I just don’t even see the possibility of me being on his mind. Even when I shift my focus to me it suddenly comes back to him I’m feeling SO stuck please help x
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
July 25, 2020 at 7:14 pm
Hey Teshan, use the FB group and the group chat for support right now that is going to help you more than you realise. Stick with your NC for now and make sure that you are working on yourself and also allow yourself to grieve, I am sorry for your loss.
You do not know how he feels inside, some people are better at hiding their emotions and dealing with life than others. That shift in focus is a force of habit, the more you remind yourself to think about you and not him the easier it becomes with time.
July 13, 2020 at 12:35 pm
So as short as I can make this my boyfriend of 8 years just broke up with me a month ago. We still live together as COVID effected his job and he just started a new one. We sleep in separate rooms and keep our distance but I recently found out he was spending time with another girl. I did break the cardinal rule and looked at his phone. They say “luh you” and “babe” and he told her he informed me of “some” of the truth about them. We had been rocky for a while but I never thought he would end it. He said he wanted to move out to work on himself, stand on his own two feet and be a man ( I had kept us financially afloat for the majority of our relationship). Now, I see the way he talks to her and I feel strung along. I’m not willing to kick him out until he has somewhere to go but he still tells me he loves me, that he wants to take me out to dinner, etc. I just came across this site and am trying to implement a kind of NC rule but since we live together and share a car half the time it’s difficult. Obviously due to the perceived escalation of their relationship he was emotionally cheating before things were over. I’m trying to keep a cool head and at least act like the mature one but it’s hard.
He knows I know some of their “situation” that he’s told me they’ve hung out and kissed twice but I know in my gut it’s so much more than that. It is too late for us, should I stop trying, after 8 years and still seeing him everyday, I don’t know what to do.
Rebecca Holt
June 5, 2020 at 8:56 pm
He told me after 6 months of seeing each other he needs to step back. Fix himself, that he doesn’t like himself. Work on work, his relationship with his dying mother, getting tasks accomplished, working out. Says he isn’t giving me the attention I deserve. He feels bad with that aspect also. One week prior I got him to open up and cry for the first time about his mom. He got vulnerable which coming from his military background is hard for him to do. We had a great weekend. Then a week later he tells me he needs space. I’m devastated. We had said we love each other. I wonder if it really is his stress or me. I’m now since 3 days ago enacting the NC rule. I’m scared if I don’t hear from him at all.
Please tell me there is hope
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
June 7, 2020 at 8:19 pm
Hi Rebecca, it sounds as if he has a lot of emotional turmoil going on as is stressed. So I would not say that you dont have a chance but I would say that he is going to be working on himself for some time and dealing with the fact that he is losing his mother too. You just need to focus on yourself for some time working on your Holy Trinity and reaching out at the end of your 30 days No Contact
Emily Miller
May 5, 2020 at 10:59 am
I’ve read a lot of your work, thanks for all the advice My partner of 8 years left just over 3 months ago. We argued lots and he said he hadn’t been happy for a long time. He still comes over once a week to see the children (and me he says) We talk once everyday and text daily. He says he still loves me and wants to work on things but I’m worried he’s just stringing me along as he doesn’t really tell me how he feels and seems happy doing his own thing now away from us. Ì haven’t done NC as I think it will make things worse now. Ì told him I didn’t want to talk recently and ended up with 10 missed calls and texts telling me to tell him what was going on. Ì don’t want to make things worse and don’t know what to do. I’m trying to be positive but am struggling. Ì am grieving right now too as I recently lost some people I loved so just trying to deal with everything at once.
I would really appreciate any advice you have for me.
Thank you
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
May 11, 2020 at 9:47 pm
Hi Emily, so one thing I have to stress is doing a No Contact is not going to make things worse. He clearly freaked out in a few days of you not talking to him. As you share children you will need to follow the Limited no contact information. Where you only speak to him about your children and nothing else. When he visits the children you remove yourself form the situation. He is in control of the situation at the moment and you need to change that
April 27, 2020 at 2:01 pm
We broke up last month n i am the one who broke up with him because he said that his heart already for someone else..but day by day he text me,i ask him to reconsider about leaving me..he send video that he miss me and ask my apologies..i didnt respond because im in no contact for a month..now he delete my number coz i cant see his profile picture and whatsapp story..what hould i do? Plssss
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
May 2, 2020 at 4:14 pm
Hi Kim, continue with your NC for 45 days in total while you work on your Holy Trinity
April 24, 2020 at 3:52 pm
Last month my bf and I broke up.And I begged him alot on that day.But hesaid he doesn’tove me anymore and leave him alone.No matter how much I begged,he didn’t accept me.The next day I watched how to get your ex bf videos and found out about no contact rule.And I just started it.i still miss him everyday and I sti want him back.I really love him and so is he.But becuase I didn’t care for him sometime I guess he felt really upset about it.I know my fault and I ‘m willing to change it too.I’ve done No contact for 30 days..and no what should I do? I kinda scare to send him text becuase I don’t want him to be annoyed me.But still I really want to talk with him and get back with him.What should I do now? Am I ok to send him message?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
April 24, 2020 at 8:29 pm
Hi Ariko yes you can start the texting phase now, but be sure to follow Chris advice on how to speak with your ex
Amy Roddick
April 13, 2020 at 7:41 pm
my boyfriend and i broke up exactly one week ago today. he told me we fought a lot and then bad started out weighing the good and he was unhappy. we have talked since off and on mostly him messaging me and then one day i told him to stop. my friend also messaged him saying to give me dove and he got angry at her. after 24 hours of no contact i messaged him again saying that where i stood was that i believed we could fix things but i understand his choice i want him to be happy. we had a nice chat and he told me he did miss me. he said since we broke up he’s been really happy even with the break up taking a toll on him but he also said he feels like he’s missing a piece if him right now. he told me he reflects on the good memories when he feels like that. but i also know even though he is doing that he is still thinking of all the bad times. he still calls me my nickname “ames” pretty much every time we talk. and he has said he doesn’t want to be with anyone else either and it will take him a long time to be ready for another relationship. after that chat today we haven’t spoke since. to me it sounds like he’s happy because we haven’t fought but i can’t tell if he is regretting breaking up or not because he says he feels like a piece of him is gone too. we are still on good terms and i have him on most social media. i took him off snap chat and was planning to add him back in a few weeks or a month or so. do you have any advice? i feel like it all happened so quick and maybe he needs his space to realize that.
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
April 23, 2020 at 3:14 pm
Hi Amy, I think it is important that you follow NC to give him time to miss you and remember your good times together and he will think about the negative less and less. In the mean time you need to work on yourself and your Holy Trinity, try to work out why you both felt the need to argue and fall out often too. Was it a communication problem or are there any issues such as trust
April 4, 2020 at 8:32 pm
My boyfriend of 4 years broke up with me because he “wanted to do his own thing” and doesn’t want a relationship with anyone right now. He said he was feeling like he didn’t see a future with me for the past two months but I didn’t feel that way at all. He said he fears trying again right now because he doesn’t want this to happen again. This happened out of the blue at the beginning of march. He reached out to me a week ago and told me he was still thinking of me. We talked for a week and then he told me he doesn’t want a relationship but he doesn’t want me to not contact him because he loves and cares about me. I can’t just be friends with him. I soon found out he has hung out with a girl 3 times since our breakup. this girl is from our past. she gave him her number about a year ago while he was working. He says he hasn’t done anything with her besides hug. Is he just hanging out with her because he feels like he can do whatever he wants now? He is also pulling away from his family and is showing symptoms of depression. I really want him back. I’ve always thought he was the one and we were recently talking about marriage and we have a trip planned in June and in 2021. What do I do. We did everything together we started dating at 15 and we are both almost 20.
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
April 9, 2020 at 11:04 pm
Hi Jenna, it is difficult but you need to give him the impression you are doing just great without him in your life, it may feel like he does not notice but he will. Starting with a No Contact where you do not reply to anything he sends you, ignore phone calls etc. And do not watch his activity on any social media platforms. You then work on your Holy Trinity, you can read about this on this website. And then plan your first text from the information Chris has given about how to start the texting phase
April 2, 2020 at 2:17 am
Hello first of all it is an amazing article congratulations!!!
I was in a relatioship at 2019 and we broke up because he wanted to be with his ex. I did the nc rule and he called me after some months and texted me.
at february 2020 they broke up because she said that she cant wait for him to come back (he is military) and they broke up. two days later he texted me and we got back together . 2 days ago his ex sent me a screenshot that they were talking and he told me that he is now military and he is confused he doesnt know what to choose me or her. Today i was talking to him like a therapist (big mistake i know) and he told me he will text me again sometime.. He follows me in every social media. He will come back to our city at July. Should i keep contact or call him sometime to see how he is? i dont want him to forget me..
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
April 9, 2020 at 8:57 pm
Hi Anna, I would suggest that you work the Ungettable information so that you can show your ex is going to lose you if he doesnt make a decision. If he does get back with his ex you need to do a 45 day NC and then follow the being there method
April 1, 2020 at 8:47 pm
How long do I need to do the no contact rule?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
April 2, 2020 at 3:55 pm
Hi Lisa the length of your No Contact depends on a few factors, read some articles about the No Contact and then you can decide the length, the average however is 30 days
March 27, 2020 at 6:27 am
My bf and I had been together for almost 3 yrs. Last Jan. 2020, we had a fight cause he went drinking with his friends. I got jealous with his time invested on his friends and I felt like he was prioritizing them. When I got mad at him, he told me that he’s had enough and wants to break up with me. I was surprised, I said sorry, I cried a lot, told him that I would never do it again and begged him not to leave me. He said he needed space, but still I made a lot of effort like giving him gifts and surprising him. But he wasn’t convinced. However, that time we still see each other twice a week since we’re both attending the same church. Whenever I see him, I would always cry and beg until I learned not to text/call him. I thought we’re on the verge of getting back to normal because on the following weeks, whenever we go to church, we’re talking like how we used to, but still no text/calls. We were only talking whenever we see each other personally. Until all of a sudden, he asked me not to see him anymore, which means he requested me not to attend the church with him. When we talked about it, I cried and told him no, I will not do that. But after I’ve known about the No Contact Rule, I decided to try it. I’ve been to no contact since March 8, and I also stopped going to his church. Right now, it’s so hard for me to stay in no contact due to quarantine, which makes me worried about him. It hurts a lot cause he said he prayed for me, yet he left me. I just hope he would give me a chance cause I know that I can really change and it was a lesson learned for me. I already know my mistakes. Can you please give me an advice on how to make him forgive me, and give our relationship a second chance?
Thank you so much!
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
March 30, 2020 at 11:32 pm
Hi Joyce, so with EBR we say that you need to do a No Contact to almost reset things, you need that time apart for them to have space, time and able to forget the negative sides to why you broke up. You have that time to recreate the image you want your ex to have of you, this is why we work the Holy Trinity, health wealth and relationships (friends and family) I would suggest that for time being you focus on this and then after 30 or 45 days depending on how ready you feel. Reach out with a text that Chris suggests, short, positive and you end it first.
March 26, 2020 at 10:41 pm
I am a 40 year old woman who dated a man 3 months ago. He started acting a little different after I said I love you at about 4 weeks. I had an amazing time with him and saw him often. He fits my ideal. But after I said those 3 words he first said and acted like it was the most beautiful thing. He then said it was too soon to be saying that. I admit it was, but at 40 I have learned what my heart feels and learned who is it is not right for me. When he acted different it made me so uncomfortable that I told him I need space because I was unhappy with how things were going. He considered it breaking up and said I ended it with him. I tried to get him to come back, but he said he couldn’t just get back in the relationship right away after I ended things. He said I should have talked to him instead of texting him that I wanted space. I admit he is right. We really texted too much and that seemed to cause problems and lack of understanding a lot.
He wanted to be friends and I reciprocated though it was very hard one me. I know that he would get upset when I asked if he minded if it hurt him if I go on a date. Or when I said maybe I should move on. When he would mention it later it was clear that he was upset about it l, but he tried to act like it doesn’t affect him. One day in person (which was the last time I saw him) I could see the hurt in his eyes when I said I needed to move on and date. When I asked, in person, why he wants to be friends he said he doesn’t want to lose me then walked to another part of the house to be alone a few minutes.
Now that I think about it maybe he felt like I was giving mixed messages despite me continuing to say that I thought we should be together and that I made a mistake. I know that when we were together and now that he cares about me a great deal. And when we were together he was excited and liked me a lot.
Despite all of this he kept stressing friendship. However, he won’t date anyone else either (at least so far). He first said we’ll be friends and take it from there. But weeks later he told me that he will help me with my future pursuits as a friend, we are best friends, and says a friendship could be even better than a relationship. He said that he will be in my life forever!
But he is still adamant about just being a close friend. A few nights ago we spoke on the phone. The next day, I told him by text that I felt very close to him when I was on the phone with him. He kept pressing for me to elaborate more and more. I told him that I had experienced more than platonic feelings. He said it’s cool. But I was feeling vulnerable and rejected. I told him that being his friend hurts too much and that he is a constant reminder that he doesn’t want more than friendship with me. He said he shouldn’t text me so much. So, we agreed to stop contacting each other. I do feel like I need to get some distance from him so that I can heal from the rejection of him not wanting to get back together. But I am not wanting to completely let him go. I also don’t want to just be his friend.
I think that being friends will not get me what I ultimately want. At the same time, I don’t know what the best thing I can do is to get him wanting a relationship again.
March 21, 2020 at 6:02 pm
Hi, my girlfriend and I broke up about 4 weeks ago after about 18 months together. We broke up because I was going through some mental health and work issues and didn’t reciprocate her love as I should have. She just lost patience. I love her dearly and want her back. We initially only lasted 2 days of no contact. We began to see each other frequently such as dinner, movies, shopping trips. I thought things were going great. Yesterday she informed me that she just started talking to someone new. She said that she can’t give me another chance because she hasn’t fully forgiven me. She offered being friends and seeing if it grows from there. She has said I have no chance right now and that things would end immediately if we tried again now. It doesn’t sound like she’s ruled out the future stating that things grow from friendships. Do I have a chance if I reset and fully complete the no contact period? I took your quiz and it said above average but Im on day 1 of this new journey and could use some advice digesting this situation.
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
March 29, 2020 at 10:23 pm
Hi Guy, so yeah following the program is going ot give you, your best chance at getting her back. You do not want to be put in the friendzone as you are then going to have to work to get out of that too. Complete a No Contact period and then start the texting phase. Do not go out to dinner etc and friend date her too soon. You need to get her to start missing you and wanting to see you. Get her investing time into you
March 5, 2020 at 5:22 pm
Hi, so my situation real quick… we were together for 2 great years. I was starting to get worried because we don’t know if we will end up in the same city next year. Mutually broke up 1.5 months ago, but I worked really hard on myself and now know how important he is to me. I told him that and that I don’t need him but I want him in my life but he cried and said he is too emotionally exhausted and he couldn’t be with me. Sooo now Im trying to get him to miss me by traveling and taking good pictures and just being happy. I am 11 days into no contact again and I’m trying to decide what cards to play. I am going to Chicago for st. patricks with a bunch of our mutual friends who chose me in the break up. I don’t want to make him feel sad that he doesn’t have anyone to be with and his other best friend is in Chicago. Should I break no contact and ask him if he wants a ride to Chicago so he can hang out with his friend (not the people I will be hanging with)? Or would it be better if he did feel that sadness and loneliness from seeing all of his friends and me having fun together? I just want him to be happy and it makes me sad thinking that something I do will make him sad. I know I should be selfish because he’s fine without me in his life. He’ll probably say no anyway because he studies hard but should I offer and then when he says no, he will be jealous that he wasn’t there, but at least I offered? I’ve got a week to decide but I would appreciate any help! Thanks!
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
March 18, 2020 at 1:51 am
Hi Laura as you are only in 11 days NC you do not invite him to anything you do not reach out at all. You need to complete 30 days total working on yourself and then reaching out with a text, where you do not ask for a meet up you just have a short positive conversation and then from there build it up through the value chain
March 4, 2020 at 3:44 pm
It’s been 2 weeks since we broke up. He is now entertaining another girl. Will he be able to miss me? What can I do to get him back, even if he is pursuing other girl now?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
March 7, 2020 at 8:15 pm
Hi Gwen as he has moved on so quickly I would say that he was in a rebound relationship and yes he would miss you still but hes just distracting himself. Read about the being there method if he does get into a relationship with this new person. But again I think its just a rebound to distract himself from the break up
Madison K
February 28, 2020 at 3:49 pm
Hi there. I have been dating my boyfriend for 8 1/2 months. He is 39 and I am 23.. we met at work. We both had a strong connection from the beginning and love/serious relationship quickly took place. Throughout our 9 months we have had issues with conflict. We continuously fought for this reason or that, at first surrounding him controlling me. I learned he is bipolar and he started therapy to save our relationship. This was back in October. We still were fighting over little things that we realized were silly fights only after things truly escalated. And I mean REALLY escalating. He has told me before he has a way of self-sabotaging himself away from happiness which he does in fights where he leaves the apartment, says things he doesn’t mean, says mean things, and tries to end the relationship. Back in December we had a big fight and it ended with me slapping him. He called the cops on me and we took two days to calm down and we came together to talk and he wanted to keep trying. So we did. But I will admit he was becoming more and more detached, his intimacy level went way down and in fact became incredibly depressed. We were supposed to move in together in March (all of my clothes and things were already at his place and I hadn’t spent a night away from him in 6 months) but he was rethinking this. He aggressively defended not moving in together and not moving forward. His therapy sessions made him revisit this and in late January we discussed moving in and we decided it was a great idea. After all we had got a puppy together in November after he had an explosion with his family (those relationships are in turmoil as well). We had an awesome couple of weeks and Valentine’s weekend. He left for a business trip last week and when he came back he didn’t come home (stayed in a hotel without telling me he was doing so) because he didn’t want to come home to me— he thought we were going to fight because he wasn’t texting me kind and I told him I didn’t like his tone. So the next day he came home and we worked things out. We had an AMAZING day together and went out and had some dinner, wine and cocktails. We discussed our wedding one day and the next holiday season with our families. The ride home was flirtatious and frisky. Then I accidentally dinged his car door when we parked and I was getting out. Immediate explosion. When we got into the apartment he demanded I call my mom and tell her everything he was saying (I did because as I said we had been drinking and I did it in a sassy way)— I left to walk the dog and came back. When I came back he started throwing my things down the hallway and screaming at me. The neighbors called the cops because of the loud noise. Again I didn’t spend the night there. The next day, this past Sunday, I went to his place in the morning to chat, he said we were done and again got raging mad, said I was evil, glad he never married me, and all sorts of things. I ended up talking to his parents for 2 hours and they said they had been worried about him for years. Sunday night we chatted on the phone and he took ownership for a lot of the fight and that he was going to go on anti-depressants, up therapy and work on himself. But at the same time he wanted to work on us, do couples therapy like I had suggested before. He said he wanted the night to be alone and I said ok and that we would talk tomorrow. I said I love you over text before bed without a text back. The next day I heard nothing from him.. no communication. Tuesday I showed up to his place in the morning because I had no work clothes or shower items. I knocked on the door and he wouldn’t open it and told me this conversation was over and I needed to leave. I was confused after the conversation we had sunday. He said over text he wasn’t trying to be unkind but was uncomfortable with me in his house and feared for his safety. He dropped off a ton of my things that night but he wasn’t in the mood to talk. He said he was empty and after reflecting he just thinks our fighting is cyclical and won’t change. He hugged me but we didn’t kiss. He said that maybe in 1-3 months he would be open to talking about out history but just needed space. He said we were done though. My mom reached out to him to see if he was ok and he gave her quick and pleasant responses (nothing about me) and his parents have texted me saying it’s best we spend some time apart. I want him back. He is in a low point in life but our relationship struggles through his short temper and depression (he has had his whole life). Finally he is taking care of his mental health which I believe we will be back on track from it. At first I think I was too much for him, in that I didn’t recognize the mental issues at first and kept asking what was wrong, pushed intimacy and was too hands on. How do I go about getting him back?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
March 6, 2020 at 10:42 pm
Hi Madison, so I would say that the first thing you need to do if you want this person back is understand what the condition is and how it works, and also research how it is to be in a relationship with a person who has bipolar and is still in the stages of learning how to medicate themselves. It is difficult position to be in for someone who is not sure of what their partner goes through on a daily basis.
Then you also need to apply the ERP process to yourself, starting with a No Contact and Ungettable girl work so that you are the best version of yourself at the same time to make sure that none of your issues form the previous relationship you had with your ex are still there when you start talking again
February 26, 2020 at 9:25 pm
Hi, so me and my ex broke up a week ago and was on a break for about 2 weeks before we did end it. We were together for around 5 months and we just got together when I moved away, which is about an hour and a half away from him. At first even though I had moved away things were really good, but after a few months I noticed he slowly became less interested and just made less of an effort. Around a month ago we both realised things were pretty bad but didn’t want to give up/let go, but it just got worse. He eventually told me on the break that he just doesn’t love me anymore and he had never loved anyone before but fell in love with me but now just fell out of love and doesn’t want a relationship with me or anyone at the moment because the distance is too hard and he wants to ‘enjoy’ his life before any relationships but he says he knows he’s lost something really good and major. He told me when we broke up he wants to stay friends and we’ve spoke every now and then since we broke up, and we considered being friends with benefits but he told me he didn’t want to give me false hope if that ever happened, and that we could try again over the summer when I’m back from university but is now saying that it’s done. but over the weekend we was out at the same place and he got with another girl and I got really angry at him for which he is still annoyed at. He also told me he misses me but not the way I want him to and told me a few days ago he isn’t hurt by the break up and is now saying he is but it’s done but he keeps telling me he’s bored of getting asked questions that he doesn’t have the answer for. I just want to try and make him love me again and miss me and want to try again but I don’t know what to do.
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
March 4, 2020 at 10:25 pm
Hi Kaite, so working on yourself and focusing on sticking to a complete 30 NC and making sure that you read the information about being Ungettable. Applying this to your life and letting mutual friends and social media show your ex what he is missing out on by not being with you anymore.
Amy Krystel
February 20, 2020 at 5:21 am
He broke up with me recently after almost two years of living together. He doesn’t have any social media and we now live 2hrs awa. I don’t understand how does he get to miss me if he just gets to never see me again.
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
February 20, 2020 at 10:50 pm
Hi Amy, he is going to miss you because of the break up and often exes find ways to check your social media even if he does not use it make sure your social media is looking good. Mutual friends / family members is usually how they check in
February 13, 2020 at 3:31 am
Hi Chris
What if your ex doesnt really use or look on social media and blocked me again in whattsapp (right now just trying to eventually get a friendship back at least but even that is now difficult he decided)
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
February 15, 2020 at 5:25 pm
Hey Gazelle so if they do not use social media, do they have any mutual friends who do use social media and have you on there> If so make sure they can see the amazing things you are doing there. And eventually your ex will unblock you on whatsapp, just make sure when they do that your DP is looking amazing, post stories to the whatsapp and show how great you are doing. Read about being Ungettable and make sure that anyone who you mutually have in your life can see that. This information will get back to them