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5,888 thoughts on “How To Make Him Miss You After A Breakup”

  1. patricia

    August 29, 2013 at 5:54 pm

    we have been together for 9 months but we get into these petty arguments and he just stops taking my calls and texts and acts like a jerk and we go without talking for a few weeks.. always his idea. the last time was the worst… i had a coldsore and we had plans for him to sleep over… so i met him in the city and i was a little tipsy. he was pissed that i invited him over when i had a coldsore..(what a dick) and he was pissed i was drunk. so of course i started fighting with him cause hes a dick. the next day i texted him.. and hes like “oh do you remember what you said last night?” and of course i did but i said no to see if he would make anything up.. and he did.. he said i played with some guy in the street.. whatever the fuck that means. and i called him a liar and he didnt answer my calls or texts for the rest of the night. i dont know why i care when hes clearly an asshole. 2 days later… i texted him saying “can we please stop fighting?” he didnt answer of course and then said the same thing “do you remember the things you said?” like yea i do.. you deserved it. so i kept texting and hes like “what do you want?” i was shocked. i said fuck you and have a nice life” he didnt respond…. 2 days after that i sent a picture of something that reminds me of him just to see what he would do. and he sent a picture back… then i texted.. “i know we had a lot of problems and we will never be happy together… i just hope one day in the future we can be friends, i really do care about you” he replied with “im glad to hear that, and for sure we can” i said “ok take care” and that was it. today is day 6 NC. hes posting pics of going to the club with girls. it hurts… and then said happy birthday to my sis the other day. does this mean anything? this no contact thing is so hard.. and hes so stubborn. im sure he will never contact me again just to prove himself

    1. admin

      August 31, 2013 at 1:47 am

      If he doesn’t contact you don’t get upset. You are going to knock his socks off when you contact him!

  2. Niki

    August 29, 2013 at 4:21 pm

    My ex says the feelings had changed that he wasn’t in love with me anymore that he just loved me now that we are separated it’s been almost a month now he says it don’t hurt that I’m gone and he don’t miss me but wants to be friends with me I’m loosing my mind any suggestions on how I can get him to miss me or is it really over? And if so how to I keep from crying all the time.

    1. admin

      August 29, 2013 at 6:04 pm

      Try the NC period. That should get him chasing you.

    2. Niki

      September 2, 2013 at 10:35 pm

      My ex told me that he’s no longer attracted to me in anyway he don’t miss me and he don’t hurt and that he is completely over me and wants to move on with someone else and he wants me to do the same, BC he said we will nvr get back together.. I love him so much tho what do I do? Should I just let it go and move on?

    3. admin

      September 3, 2013 at 3:23 am

      I would do a NC rule of 30 days and work on improving your appearance so much that you get him chasing you. Once he begs for you back I would deny him and go out with his friend….

      But hey, that’s just me..

      No, kidding.

      I would do the 30 day NC period though.

  3. Nossa

    August 28, 2013 at 8:12 pm

    Hey admin plz tell me wat should i do
    Well my bf and i broke up since Aug/12/2013 i beged nd pleaded nd texted him all night that i cant live with out him nd i luv him so much he wont reply at alll .. This was the first four days since aug12..then i stopped contacting him
    till Aug 26.when i called him from a private number(so he can answer) because he wont take my calls
    He answered right away! Nd i said hello its me Nosa he hung up right away
    I recalled nd he refused to answer 🙁 i hated my self at that very moment
    Nd i texted him that i luv him nd ill miss him but i promise i wont call u ever again wish u the best.. (He didnt reply) now its been a couple of days with NC.. Would he ever miss me ? If i really stop contacting him
    Would he ever come back to me?? I want him back plllllllllzzzz
    How long would the NC take in order for him to come back to me ?
    Thank you 🙂 plz reply SOS

    1. admin

      August 29, 2013 at 4:12 am

      I would do NC for 30 days. Also, you might want to check out Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO for more comprehensive steps to getting him back.

  4. Emily

    August 28, 2013 at 4:17 am


    Your webpage is really perceptive and it gives awesome advice. My boyfriend and I just broke up after almost a year. We started dating right at the beginning of his freshman year of college (I was a junior and he was an older freshman) and got pretty serious right away. We had some issues this summer, but (supposedly) worked through them and he kept reminding me of how much he loved me, how he wanted me to feel emotionally safe with him, etc. Apparently this didn’t work out as planned. As we were ending things he told me he still loves me and wants me to be a part of his life and may even see a future with me. Right now, though, he isn’t ready to settle down and has quite a bit of growing up to do. He is also very insecure, which caused problems in our relationship. I will also be studying abroad this fall, which plays into it too, I feel. Anyways, after our break up (which was quite recent- about a week and a half ago), he has sent me two different pictures of things that remind him of me, and let me know that the note I included in the package I sent him (with some of his valued possessions) made him cry because of the “love I put into it.” We are now not talking until just before I leave to study abroad. I may realize he isn’t the one for me and I need to be with someone who loves himself enough to love me right, but if I do want to be with him, what are some good ways to deal with this situation while I am abroad in the hopes that he will want to be with me after I return to school?

    1. admin

      August 29, 2013 at 3:31 am

      Hi Emily,

      I am working on a LDR (long distance relationship) article as we speak. It will take maybe a week to finish BUT your questions can be answered there.

      For now, if you are looking for a “plan” I would recommend picking up Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO.

  5. Julie

    August 27, 2013 at 6:40 pm

    I called it a day with my ex today, Pretty much telling him that he’s a controlling guy who won’t open up. Classic story, girl meets guy, guy chases girl, girl succumbs, falls for guy, guy goes cold, girl goes nuts, guy pulls away, girl says screw you it’s over. I’ve broken up with him because I know in my guy it was the right thing to do not because I wanted to. I may have had some power over the break up but this doesn’t feel great. I guess what I’m asking is in this pattern how much of him was controlling me initiating the break up & how do I really make sure he knows what he’s missing.. I have my head screwed on and I’m a proud person. He’s taken some of that away with how I’ve reacted and I’d like to get that back and have him view me as something other than the girl that lost it..? I hate games but they seem to be appearing in all my personal situations and I’m pretty rubbish at them. The damn heart on my sleeve keeps getting in the way! Thanks Muchly!

    1. admin

      August 28, 2013 at 4:03 am

      That is a classic story!

      Hahaha have you tried NC yet?

  6. Meg

    August 27, 2013 at 4:44 pm

    My ex and I have had a rocky relationship and added time pressure of my bio clock as I am in my late 30’s. Also periods of long distance for a month or two at a time due to work. Very complicated but I will try to get to the point. I really love him but think our communication styles are not always compatible and small things escalate due to reactions on both sides. Things had been really rough, and when it was time for me to go back to the west coast to be with him, he was overwhelmed with work and told me not to come home. I knew things might be bad once I got home but didn’t expect him to say, do not come. Very devastating and cold. He said some mean things. Of course he thinks I had it coming. I find him to be so unreasonable when he gets mad, it is very frustrating and cooling off is the only option. Often when we would fight it would take a week for him to cool off. Nothing I say matters until he cools off on his own.

    I tried to persuade him during our one (breakup) conversation to reconsider but have not contacted him since. NC. 28 days.

    My first question is, I have read elsewhere that if you are trying to get someone back you should take the blame for everything. Even if its not all your fault, in their mindset they will never ever listen. So your only hope is to take the blame for it all. In my case I am just not sure it is all my fault and his behavior has been so horrible at times. But he says I drove him to it which I am not sure is fair at all. I am left feeling really confused, am I really that awful… or is he one of those semi narcissists that just twists everything around? What is your take on taking the blame just to get a foot in the door? Is it advisable or just enforces their bad behavior?

    The second is, I am really proud of my no contact. But since we are on opposite coasts, if i am going to get my stuff back (i.e. a car that i don’t actually need where i am now, but still… and almost 90% of my clothes.) there is no way to do it without talking to him. He texted me one week into NC asking if I needed anything sent to me. (since i thought i was going home i had shipped a few boxes after my job ended that arrived after he dropped the bomb). No comment whatsoever about anything that had happened. So I did not reply. I want any contact to come from him contacting me because he wants me back… not being forced to because of practical stuff. If he contacts me about returning my things what do you advise? (this is not a case of me wanting to use the stuff as an excuse to have contact… when the weather turns cold i will have no clothes!!) If the stuff wasn’t there i would wait until he contacted me for missing me. And if he didn’t I would not contact him. I just don’t want to be forced to compromise that to get the stuff. I am trying to be prepared also in case he contacts me saying he wants to get the stuff out of the house. What is the best way to handle myself? Ultimately I would like to maintain NC until he begs for me to come back. I don’t want it ruined by communication about this stuff.

    I did purchase your e-book but in this case not all of your (great) texting advice works for my specific case so thought I would see what you could recommend for me specifically.

    Of all of your articles, the ones i found most helpful were the ones detailing male anger, the way they perceive females not respecting their requests for space, and saying they don’t love you. it did give me a little insight into some of the things that he has done. But he is a pretty extreme case all around.

    Thank you for this wonderful site.

    1. admin

      August 28, 2013 at 3:59 am

      You know what I love?

      I love talking to smart women in the comments. Nothing makes me prouder than hearing someone like you talk about how you are approaching things. Sometimes I just read comments like yours and am in awe of how women approach things.

      So, my thoughts on taking the blame for everything. I have actually never heard that before but I am kind of not a fan of that. Sure, it may get you in the door and maybe doing something like that would get him back (though I think that is a longshot.) The main problem I have with it is the fact that you would be rebuilding your relationship on a lie. Deep down you are going to be thinking “does he really believe that it is all my fault? But that’s not true.”

      I am proud of your NC btw too! I think you should get your things back. When you do talk just be respectful and very pleasant. Be very calm. Just say zen, zen, zen, zen, zen as many times as possible ;).

      I would be happy to help you with the texting scenarios. Lets go one by one. Give me the scenario and I will see what I can do.

      Also, I will do my best to write more posts on male anger. Hahaha and I do know a thing or too about that. I have seen so many men go beserk.

    2. Meg

      August 29, 2013 at 11:14 pm

      Thank you for your reply. I can’t take too much credit for being smart now… I have made my share of mistakes that have led me to this point! 😉

      I will message you directly when a specific texting scenario applies.

      As for getting my stuff back… does this sort of interrupt the impact of No Contact? Even if i do it in a very polite way and dontt get emotional? I thought the point of no contact was to increase curiosity etc. It seems the back and forth about logistics gives them at least a small glimpse into your life and satisfies them to a small degree?

      No Contact has been so hard, I don’t want anything taking the edge off of it!! haha.

    3. admin

      August 31, 2013 at 2:00 am

      I do think it will upset the NC a little bit but if you have a lot of stuff to get back you are entitled to get it.

  7. craig

    August 26, 2013 at 5:39 pm

    So i just broke up with my ex two weeks ago. But i found out that he miss me alot. But he has said something bad to me in words in al. but found out when i left two weeks he went to our friend and told them that he miss me and loves me still i wish everything would be different between us. Then i found out he was going to stay out in utah and has another job, but then found out he was coming home and he wants to see me when he gets back in town and then he will be here for two months, but if he had a job out there he would not leave it he would stay there. but then told every one he was moving back home and then told everyone he had job and all. which i dont get. he told me that i need to change my self i know i am doing that all, but i am doing that for my self and not him. but if he wants to change he will do it for him. i dont get anything please help me out okay

    1. admin

      August 27, 2013 at 4:06 am

      Hahaha I didn’t hear a question in there. Is there something I can help you with?

  8. sarah

    August 26, 2013 at 3:04 pm

    i have a weblog and my x frequently leaves comments there but never introduces himself, it’s tow month after our break up, is it ok to call him?

    1. admin

      August 27, 2013 at 3:54 am

      I think so!

      Cool about your webblog. What is it about?

  9. Karen

    August 25, 2013 at 6:27 pm

    Hey admin.

    Ill try and keep it short 🙂 but is really love some advice and if you think I’m on the right path with what I’m doing.
    So our break up was almost 10 month ago but after 2 an Hal months of no contact ( we work together), and me getting on with my life, we did get back in touch and I kept it friendly ( he did say he wanted to be friends so that what he got) well it wasn’t long before he started chasing me and being all over me, and well wouldn’t be bothered about people seeing us around, started kissing me and touching me in public and after a long conversation ( lead by him) to be exclusive and stop seein other people ( he hasn’t seem anybody since we started dating again), we had an argument a few weeks later then it became very push/ pull back and forth and after a coupe of months of this I decided enough was enough, that I was not going to an option or take a back seat anymore while he sorts himself out.
    So I cut contact about 3 weeks ago now, of course he’s stubborn so I haven’t heard from him, but I know his friends would be happier without me around.
    Do you think me cutting contact suddenly, and generally just disappearing, getting on with my life again, showing him that I will not put up with his bull any longer, make him miss having me around?
    Ps, Just after I cut contact I seem him a few times I. Work an he was starring at me waiting to say something I just nodded as I would with anybody else to acknowledge him and went about my day and also he put his name on a charity car I have for a marathon I’m doing…. Good signs?

    1. admin

      August 27, 2013 at 4:34 am

      I think you are on the right course.

      Good signs but I wouldn’t let them get to your head.

    2. Karen

      August 26, 2013 at 7:04 am

      Please help me ….. I know no contact is essential but I’m. Not sure if. It should be for another month or just get in with my life till he comes around

    3. admin

      August 27, 2013 at 3:39 am

      Lets do what you think is best. If you feel comfortable extending it another month then I say do that.

  10. Carrie

    August 25, 2013 at 2:30 pm

    I’ve been with my boyfriend 2&1/2 years. Happy and never fought, except the occasional stupid disagreements that last a second. In the past year we have rescued 2 dogs and bought a house together. 3 weeks ago I saw a conversation between him and a customer of his flirting in Facebook. I immediately got upset and ignored him the entire day. The next day I told him we need to talk and I wanted him to think about our life together; the house, dogs, hobbies, us. When I got home from work we sat down and talked and cried he told me all the good stuff and bad stuff of our relationship. He told me he hasn’t been happy in a long time and doesn’t think he can be. It really hurt me to hear this because he had never opened up to me before. I then told him how I feel about everything and then I mentioned the Facebook conversation. He didn’t seem mad. But he said he needed to take a ride and left for a few hours. The next few days I thought we were going to be ok and work on us but he got really sad and anxious. He disappeared one night and the next day we talked again. It seemed pretty apparent that he had made his discussion to give up on our great life together. So I left and stayed with my sister for a week and a half. I still communicated with him because we have the dogs and we need to do something about the house we own together. I eneded up moving back in the guest room of my house because it was a little crowded at my sister’s. he left on our vacation a couple days later and will be gone almost 2 weeks. I said goodbye to him and left him a note that I hope he enjoys his time with his family and friends and takes some time for himself. I didn’t hear from him the entire time he travelled. Then all of a sudden I get texts asking how I made out with taking our jetskis out and when I plan to leave town and did I drop off paperwork for the house. He texted me every hour and was calling. I ignored him. I feel that he put me so much crap and I don’t owe him a response. I want him to miss me while he’s away. But I also feel as if he won’t if he has been talking to that girl. She’s a distraction to his true feelings for me. I have a feeling they hung out a few times when I was staying with my sister. So what do I do when he comes back next week? It’s hard to have no contact when you own a home together and neither of you really have a place to go.

    1. admin

      August 27, 2013 at 3:16 am

      Yea, I think in your case you have to go into minimal contact.

  11. Frankie Girlie

    August 25, 2013 at 8:38 am

    What if he tries to avoid looking at me? Or looks like seen a ghost?

    1. admin

      August 25, 2013 at 11:47 pm

      I lost the context of our conversation I am so sorry. What were we talking about again?

  12. Robin

    August 25, 2013 at 12:16 am

    I was dating this guy for 2 months. We got along great. He did try and pull away from me a few times within these 2 months. And it only lasted a day on his part. His divorce was final October of 2012 and not ready to get into much of anything. He ended it this past week. I told him I thought it was for the best. Then he proceeded to text me and I stopped responding. He is a good guy I just don’t think the timing is right for him. I think he needs time to himself. What do you think from a man’s perspective? Thank you for the great article!

    1. admin

      August 27, 2013 at 2:59 am

      Sounds like you are approaching this correctly. You are going into NC?

    2. Robin

      August 27, 2013 at 4:00 am

      Yes. When he ended the relationship and text me, I did respond a few times and then I stopped. He has not contacted me and I haven’t contacted him either. Thank you for your response!

    3. admin

      August 28, 2013 at 3:13 am

      One thing I dislike about this site is I can sometimes lose the context of the conversation I am having with someone. That just happened and I can’t find our previous conversation anywhere so I have nothing to go on. Mind helping me out?

    4. Robin

      August 28, 2013 at 3:29 am

      Yep! Dated a guy for 2 months. He ended the relationship last week. We got along great. His divorce was final Oct. 2012 and isn’t ready for much of anything. During our 2 months together he did pull away from me a few times and I gave him his space. It only lasted about a day on his part. He needs time. When he ended the relationship he continued to text me and I stopped responding. He hasn’t contacted me and I haven’t contacted him.

  13. Terri

    August 24, 2013 at 11:15 pm

    For a year my bf kept saying he couldn’t commit because an ex-wife hurt him so badly he didn’t think he could ever go there again. Even so, we have had a great dating relationship for a year. Then out of the blue, he said he was thinking about us moving into together. I was initially shocked but it made me love him even more. Of course, then I made the mistake of trying to push him into a committed relationship for oh about the last month. At first he tried to make me happy and tried to give me what I asked for… he also said give him time to work through his emotions. But I was impatient and now he wants out. I love him. I believe he loves me. I believe we can have a great relationship together. But how do I fix what I have broken? Is it even fixable?

    1. admin

      August 27, 2013 at 2:58 am

      The more you pressure him the worse it will get. My advice is to lay off a little bit. If the two of you are broken up then just go into NC for 30 days.

  14. maureen

    August 24, 2013 at 5:47 pm

    I am in a process of divorce, and my ex husban had moved ot of the house since three months ago he came back as a result of striggling to make ends meet with the new place etc… But still as NO COUPlE- just sharing a roof.In the mist of all this I had a wonderful man who loves me with all he has and he loves my children too.. He and the kids met several weeks ago since we were planning to get married once the divorce is officialized. But now, wosrt case scenario, he found out from one of the kids that the ex is back at the house.. Of which I never told him, cus he had mentioned before that should he come back to the house for any reason, he wud leave me. So, I guess I was scared to lose him.. And thought I will keep this under the carpet and focus on the divorce to be final and we can be together as we wish…

    Now, after he found out, he broke up with me and told me he wants nothing to do with me anymore… But he still calls the kids and make plans with him, but he is not taking my calls or responding to my smss. Now the kids asked him to help with ideas to get me something nic for I have been through a lot lately.. And he agreed and is helping them with ideas…

    I am a bit confused!

    Please help!

    Pls help.

    1. admin

      August 27, 2013 at 2:56 am

      Tough situation :/

      Obviously, I think the best thing to do is get the divorced finalized. Stay in NC with your ex for a month. As for your husband… hmm… I would say it’s best that you help him find his own place.

      Oh, I also want to mention that I came out with an ebook that I think can be helpful for you. Yes, you will have to pay for it but I want to make it affordable for you. So, if you determine it is too pricey then you can just email me via the contact form and we can work out a price that is in your budget!

  15. HelloBella

    August 24, 2013 at 3:12 am

    I was with my boyfriend for a little over a year and had the absolute best relationship I could have possibly dreamed of. We had never dated before and were each other’s “first loves” which is why it was so hard to break up a week before we left for college. The breakup was mutual on the surface but deep down I didn’t want to break up. We loved each other so much and I wasn’t expecting to fall so hard for him… We broke up on Tuesday and I am still completely heartbroken. We both leave for college next Monday and decided to break up a week ahead of move-in so that we could have some time to be sad and cry. 🙁 I cry every day for hours on end and I know that he is taking it really hard too. We both are even feeling sick and getting ill from the amount of stress associated with the breakup.

    All i want is for him to text me some message saying “i miss you” or “i can’t do this without you” but i don’t know if he will. We both are going to schools in 2 separate states and know that long distance is nearly impossible…but i don’t care. I love him so much and don’t even remember what life was like before i met him. I don’t want to think about finding someone else and starting all over with them, I want my boyfriend back more than anything.

    Do you think i will get a text like that? Will he miss me or want to get back together (even though that is impossible)? I’m totally heartbroken and want to text him so bad but I want to give us some space at the same time. The NC rule is so difficult that there is no way i could ever not talk to him for a month. HELP!

    1. admin

      August 25, 2013 at 7:18 pm

      I think the NC rule is essential for you and you harm your chance by possibly texting him every day.

  16. Jessie

    August 24, 2013 at 2:32 am

    So my boyfriend and i of almost 8 moths just recently took a “break” 4 days ago. This was because i was very stressed out and bringing that stress into our relationship. Basically we have had a rocky relationship from the start. The first couple months we weren’t quite adjusted yet, and then i didn’t do much physical or really act like a girlfriend. After a couple months things started to get a bit better. but the problem was off to the side was another guy. At the time i didn’t see this as cheating or really put deep enough thought into it to realize how wrong it was. I wasn’t doing anything physical with the guy it was all just talk. 5 months into my relationship he finds out about this other guy. he lost a lot of trust in me and he really wanted to break up with me but i convinced him to stay. he realized how sorry i was and how much he still liked me. over the next month things got much better because i was putting a lot of effort in and didn’t even talk to other boys. i avoided all other responsibilities though which was a big mistake. Things with my parents got really bad and i started slipping in soccer, stopped focusing on school, and my friends. So i started becoming really unhappy because i avoided all my problems and just focused on my boyfriend as a distraction. but the problem is my boyfriend doesnt always show how much he cares so i started freaking out on him and being really clingy. finally enough became enough i was so unhappy and not even myself anymore and he suggested “a break”. at first he said the break was for me to figure my life. i didnt text him the rest of the day and the next day he texted me saying it was weird not being with me anymore and he missed me but thought it was important to try being single. and then as the days went on i started to get annoyed. he was now saying how he wanted to give the single life an honest attempt and how he didnt even know if he wanted a relationship his senior year. I told my team mates about this and i was going to just try the “3 week no contact rule” originally but then they convinced me that it wasnt fair to me for him to be treating me like this acting like i was his 2nd pick and never calling me or texting me often while we were dating. they convinced me and i called him like 4 times and he finally answered saying he was with his friends and couldnt talk. i said i dont care and just laid everything on him. How it needs to be black or white either we are together or not. And boy was this a mistake… he hung up on me after i said “fine i’ll make the decision for you we are over”. my friends said i was in the right and they were proud but deep down i knew this really did just end therelationship… he texted me later saying “how fucked up it was i called him and bitched him out and that he lost a lot of respect for me and just as a friend also and how after everything i put him through with the whole guy on the side thing and that he ended things with me because i was just being negative and he didn’t see any point in letting me bring him down and he said i didn’t handle it maturely and that he didn’t wanna talk to me for a while so if i had some final things to say to call him. so i texted him in the morning asking him to come over and talk because i don’t believe in breaking up over text. when he came over i basically just apologized for handling things they way i did but told him it wasn’t right having him string me on the way he was. he talked for a bit and was like “yea i have to go but yes you made my decision easy.” he was leaving and i went to the kitchen and said “i want a hug before you leave” we hugged and he left with that. he didn’t text me and i gave in. i texted him saying that i felt we were now on the same page and that no matter what i didn’t regret dating him. he agreed. and i said id stop texting him because he didn’t want to talk and he said “i don’t mind talking like as friends. its all good” i didn’t like that… he is already trying to friend zone me. and i had to ask if we were done relationship wise then and if he had no more thoughts about it and if he had decided. and he said “yeah i have. i’m not gonna leave you hanging. i could want you back in the future but i’m done right now”. i haven’t replied to that. this all went down today. PLEASE HELP. i love him so much. SO MUCH. but he got too comfortable the past month and gave up on me. i’m changing and i know our relationship will be so good if i could just get him to realize how much he loves me again and how much he wanted to be with me at one point and how much he wants to be with me now. PLEASE HELP.

    1. admin

      August 25, 2013 at 7:11 pm

      Have you started NC?

    2. Jessie

      August 24, 2013 at 2:35 am

      i really need so much help. i’ve never loved someone so much and it kills me that this is happening. should i give up? or what? or what should i do? because im afraid the no contact rule wont work.

  17. Shannon

    August 23, 2013 at 6:06 am

    My ex and I broke up about four months ago. We had to stay in contact with each other at the time, because we were volunteering for the same organization and had to work together as a team in order to help out with an event that was taking place. At the beginning of the event we were some what distant from each other and didn’t talk much. Later on we were goofing off and having a good time like we used to have when we were together. He even said “it’s just like old times.” I didn’t think much of it because he was the one who broke up with me. At times he would still touch me in ways that he used to when we were together (nothing sexual). I just brushed it off not wanting to start an argument. When the event finished I tried to give him his books back which he had leant me before the break up. He said that I could give them back to him once I finished reading all of them. I told him that I didn’t know when I would see him again (meaning that it wasn’t likely that we would see each other). He just smiled and said that that’s when we pick up our phones, and text each other to see if we want to hang out. There finally came a time when we met up and I gave the books back, wanting to move forward. At this time he was acting sexual and rude towards me, until I finally told him off. He didn’t say much after that. He walked me over to my car, and we both said farewell. There was no contact for a month. I would post stuff on Facebook (nothing that he was involved with, or anything to indicate that I was upset about the break up), and he would leave the strangest comments on my posts. But he never contacted me himself (although he stated he still wanted to be friends). Then there came a time I left an open invitation to my friends to come see a movie with me. He responded to it and showed up. He was not rude and he did not talk about anything sexual. We both had a really good time, just as friends, and there were no real awkward moments. He walked me to my car and said “see you next time”, smiled and waved. I contacted him about a week later because I was in a situation where I felt that I needed guidance (whenever we needed someone to talk to we would talk to one another) He never responded. I figured he no longer wants anything to do with me so I accepted it and never tried contacting him again.About a month later I put a post on Facebook about moving away to a different province, and he commented on it saying “WHHHAAATTT?!” I was a little surprised that he posted that. He has not contacted me about it, so I feel a bit confused about how he’s feeling. Im not really sure how to go about the situation. Should I completely ignore him with NC or should I contact him and talk about the ordeal?

    1. admin

      August 23, 2013 at 7:26 pm

      For now, I say go into NC.

  18. Elizabeth

    August 23, 2013 at 2:34 am

    Hey guys okay so me and my ex were together for 5months almost 6months I broke down like so much happen between us I know I love him and he loves me back but the thing is he’s telling me he found someone new already and it’s been the second time he said that but the first time he came back to me well I begged him back sadly. Then this time I begged him again and he told me I pushed it to the limit and doesn’t wanna do anything with me.

    1. admin

      August 23, 2013 at 7:20 pm

      NC is your best bet immediately. Stay in NC you need to get rid of that desperate persona.

      Also, if you want a more in-depth plan on getting him back I recommend checking out my E-Book. You will have to pay but if the price is a huge problem just contact me and we can work something out to make it more affordable for you.

  19. Alyah

    August 23, 2013 at 1:47 am

    Hi Admin,

    I had been going out with my ex boyfriend for about 3 months and everything was going wonderful and I mean great until about a couple days before he dumped me. He had become very distant and said he lost interest in me. This broke my heart because I didn’t see it coming. I asked if we could work things out and he said he didn’t want to. About a few weeks later he texted me saying he missed me and of course I responded with I miss you too. After that day he never texted me. And about after a month of waiting for him to text I decided to tell him I no longer wanted him he said uhm haha good for you? This completely upset me. Then about a month and a half later he was in the hospital and I told I went to go visit him.We talked souly about his and my family nothing having to do with our relationship. It’s been about 5 weeks since then and he texted me and we talked about different things but he would take up to 30-50 min to reply and then he didn’t reply to my last text. What does this mean? I still want him but then again I don’t. I’m going to see him in a couple of days and I don’t know how to react?

    1. admin

      August 23, 2013 at 7:19 pm

      Where are you going to see him?

    2. Alyah

      August 23, 2013 at 10:39 pm

      Well I’m certain he’s going to be at a birthday party because we both are friends with her so that’s where I’d be seeing him

    3. Alyah

      August 23, 2013 at 1:50 am

      And I like to add that when he broke up with me I asked him if he could better explain his feelings to me and all he would reply was with “idk” “idk how””Im sorry” .

  20. Jesse

    August 23, 2013 at 12:26 am

    My boyfriend and I broke up because he lost interest with me and I can’t really make him happy enough to change his mind about that. And he thought he’s not good enough for me. But he admit that we are still in love with each other. I let him go because I wanted him to find his happiness without me, but that idea doesn’t sound as good now lol.

    I am in a no contact period for one whole week now, no problem to continue doing it.

    I think if I implement your advices, he will still let me go my own way because he’s just THAT kind and patient.

    What do I have to do to make him desperately wanting me back until he ignored his ‘kind’ thoughts?

    1. admin

      August 23, 2013 at 7:17 pm

      I think jealousy, texting him after NC leaving him wanting more, stuff like that is your best bet!

      I would also like to point you towards Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO because it is a very useful guide to getting him back and reigniting his feelings for you. Yes, you will have to pay for it but if the price is a problem contact me and I can work something out with you (to make it more affordable.)

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