By Chris Seiter

Updated on June 9th, 2021

Getting an ex back isn’t easy.

However, when you spend the last half decade dissecting the process you tend to learn a thing or two.

Therefore,  a lot of my clients have gotten their exes back and are considered success stories.

Today I’d like to look at a few of those success stories and determine trends that we are seeing across the board.

Sound like a plan?

Let’s begin!

Success Stories Of People Who Have Gotten Their Exes Back

There’s a lot of ways I could have went with this article.

I could have just listed every single success story I’ve gotten in the history of this website.

The problem with that is that it can be completely overwhelming.

So, I’ve decided to break this article up into two distinct parts,

  1. Part one is going to introduce you to success stories that I’ve actually interviewed
  2. Part two is going to look for common trends or themes I’m seeing across the board based on those success stories

In other words, part two is probably going to be a bit more insightful than me simply telling you,

Hey here’s a success story!

Nevertheless, I do want you to see that getting your ex back is possible from real people.

Let’s begin!

What Are Your Chances of Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back?

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Part One: The Success Stories

In all, there are nine success stories that I’m going to be covering today.

Each of these success stories have conducted an hour long interview with me personally which I’ve recorded and posted to my YouTube channel.

Today you are going to hear from,

  1. Jessy
  2. Kelly
  3. Mary
  4. Sarah Michelle
  5. Sarah Michelle Again
  6. Sophia
  7. Jean
  8. Aaron
  9. Kris

I’m going to do a quick introduction on who the person is, provide a little background information on the situation they found themselves in and produce my YouTube interview with them for you to watch in its entirety.

Let’s get going!

Jessy’s Success Story

Jessy was the first interview success story I ever did.

What Are Your Chances of Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back?

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I’d also go out on a limb and say that she might have the very best story.

You see, not only did she get her ex back but she is currently married to him.

You see that rock on her finger,

I’d classify her as being in a pretty general breakup situation.

Kelly’s Success Story

Kelly was a blast.

Such an incredible personality and probably the most comprehensive interview I ever did.

What makes me say that?

Well, she was so candid about what worked and didn’t work in her situation.

There’s a lot to learn here.

Again, I’d say that Kelly’s situation is more general in nature.

Mary’s Success Story

Mary’s situation was kind of interesting.

She was actually blocked by her ex and used some of the resources I provided to help her get unblocked.

This was without a doubt the shortest interview I did out of the nine but there is a lot to learn from Mary.

Specifically how she got unblocked which is an interesting trend I see happen a lot.

Sarah Michelle’s Success Story

Sarah Michelle has been through an odyssey.

She was actually engaged to her ex only to have him come home one night and break things off.

He then proceeded to say all kinds of really mean things to her like,

A few months later they got back together.

What Are Your Chances of Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back?

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The video explains it better than I ever could.

Sarah Michelle’s Success Story Again

Remember when I said that Sarah Michelle has been through an odyssey?

Well, here’s what I was referring to.

After coming on for an interview with me originally her ex broke up with her again.

She proceeded to do everything right again and actually re-attracted a different ex which of course made the original ex jealous and now he wants her back again.

This girl is a goddess!

Sophia’s Success Story

Sophia has a funny story.

Before I started the interview with her I asked her,

Hey, what do you think the biggest reason the two of you got back together is?

She didn’t know.

She literally said she has no idea.

That’s when something interesting happened.

As we began talking throughout the interview you can see me slowly start to pinpoint the exact reason he came back.

It was awesome.

Jean’s Success Story

Jean was in arguably one of the most difficult situations you can be in.

The Dreaded Long Distance Relationship

However, with our strategies she persevered and got her ex back.

It’s a really fascinating story.

Watch the video for more details.

Aaron’s Success Story

What Are Your Chances of Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back?

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Most of the people I work with are women.

That’s actually not by design.

I’d love to work with more men but the problem is that my audience is 70% women and 30% men. Therefore, I don’t really get a lot of opportunities with men.

However, with Aaron I did get an opportunity.

I thought it would be interesting to get a man’s perspective on the breakup now that he got his ex back.

It’s a fascinating interview.

Kris’ Success Story

This was the longest interview I ever did with a success story.

It originally was supposed to run around 45 minutes but there were so many fascinating details to unpack about this long distance relationship that the interview ran well over an hour.

Kris was in a long distance relationship and it literally took a near death experience for her ex to wake up and realize what he was missing out on.

Part Two: Common Trends And Themes

In this section we are going to be focusing on the common trends and themes learned throughout these success stories.

In all, I’ve been able to pinpoint seven,

  1. All Success Stories Utilized A No Contact Rule
  2. All Success Stories Cited The Facebook Group As Essential
  3. Emotional Control Seemed To Be Essential
  4. Making Use Of Social Media Helped
  5. Indifference Won Out
  6. Most Had To Reach Out First
  7. All Success Stories Read My Book

Let’s take a moment and quickly define what each of these trends mean.

1. All Success Stories Utilized The No Contact Rule

In each of the nine success stories I have cited above each person cited that they used a no contact rule.

Their time frames differed depending on their own unique situation but it’s pretty clear that the no contact rule is a trend that we can’t ignore.

To learn more about what the no contact rule can do for you check out my book on it.

2. Every Success Story Cited The Facebook Group As Being Essential For Their Success

My private support group is a really underrated resource.

In fact, I’d go as far as saying that it’s actually a more valuable thing to have than my entire book Ex Boyfriend Recovery Program.


Because not only does it give you direct access to me and my team but it gives you direct access to thousands of people going through your exact circumstances.

3. Emotional Control Seemed To Be Essential

A common theme I picked up just by interviewing all of these people is that they seemed to have excellent emotional control.

In other words, they didn’t let their emotions dictate all of their actions.

It doesn’t matter if you are armed with the best tactics or strategies if you don’t have the emotional control to implement them properly.

This is actually a theme I see consistently among our failures.

People who let their emotions dictate their actions seem to do poorly at this.

On the flip side, people who have great emotional control seem to be great at this.

4. Making Use Of Social Media Helped

This wasn’t present in every success story but it was in about half of them.

Learning how to use social media properly is important.

It’s often overlooked because there aren’t instant results with it.

But just because there aren’t instant results doesn’t mean you should forget about it completely.

5. Indifference Won Out

It seemed to me that indifference towards exes seems to work to attract them.

Now, I will hesitate to say that it is a universal rule because some people can use indifference wrong.

But more often than not, the person who was willing to be indifferent put their ex in a “chasing mode.”

6. Most Success Stories Had To Reach Out First

I literally just wrote an article about this yesterday.

Reaching out first isn’t the bad thing we all think it is.

In fact, if you look at almost all of the success stories above.

They had to be the ones to extend the olive branch to their exes.

It didn’t seem to impact their chances, did it?

7. All Success Stories Read My Book

Is this a shameless plug?


Is it true?

It actually is.

Every success story you see above purchased and read my book.

Make of that what you will!

What to Read Next

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3 thoughts on “Getting Your Ex Back Success Stories”

  1. Chel

    July 2, 2019 at 1:21 pm

    Hi Chris….

    So this is kind of a success story and kind of a worry. My now-boyfriend-again and I broke up last spring after 2 years of dating. I did the whole thing. The bettering myself, no contact rule, etc. We got back together in October! He said he would work on his faults and I said I would work on mine. It has been great! There’s one snag, though. Over the summer he had a “friend with benefits.” It crushed me, I knew about it all last summer through mutual friends. (Very small towns.) But I knew I had no place to be “mad” because we were broken up. Fast forward to now, she is still around all the time. His mom owns a bar/restaurant in a small town and she’s always talking to his mom, his dad, his friends who are basically my friends, and it makes me extremely uncomfortable. I guess the family and her have known each other for a while but got closer when my then ex-boyfriend started hanging around her. Saying “hi how are you” is one thing but she sits right next to his dad at the bar and eats dinner with them! I’ve also seen her go behind the bar and act like she’s part of the family basically. I just don’t know how to deal with this situation. It just constantly reminds me of the heartbreak I went through last summer. I’ve told my boyfriend how uncomfortable it makes me but he doesn’t really see a solution, he can’t control what she does or who she talks to, nor can he control his family’s actions. I guess I’m just looking for an outside perspective? Could you give me some advice how to deal with this issue?

  2. Beth

    January 6, 2019 at 7:13 pm

    Hi Chris
    Can you pls do more article with new success stories ?

    1. Chris Seiter

      January 6, 2019 at 7:24 pm

      Hi Beth…have you seen my success story page on the website?