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2,942 thoughts on “Signs Your Ex Is In A Rebound Relationship (The Definitive Guide)”

  1. Mary

    July 29, 2018 at 2:41 pm

    Hi Chris!
    So I went through a confusing breakup with my ex 3 months ago.. there was no closure and he told me I was the best girlfriend he’s ever had… There were no signs of the relationship struggling at all. We were one day away from moving into a house together and start a new chapter in our lives. He always talked about marriage and kids and brought it up and I always went with it.. So, I followed the no contact rules and didn’t hear from him until 3 weeks later.. he then messages me to ask when I was available to meet him halfway to get my things. When I met him weeks later, I was short and acted like I didn’t care. We hugged and he teared up and said the last thing I ever wanted was to hurt you. The only reason he gave me when he broke up with me is we weren’t compatible and we argued or snapped when we pick on each other. I found that very bizarre. There was no contact initiated after that. Almost a week ago I accidentally sent a snapchat to him and he replied. I said sorry it was an accident and he said no worries. I said hope all is well and he said likewise. Then I asked him about the house. He said it was nice but a lot to keep up with. I told him that I am happy for him and the new house. He said thank you. I said maybe I can see it one day and he replied yea maybe one day. So this was less than a week let me remind you. I wake up this morning to see a picture he posted on social media of him and this girl and he FINALLY removed our photos yesterday of us and posted this new one with this new girl. Not 100% that they are dating, but he doesn’t randomly post pictures of him and girls.. It has been 3 months since he broke up with me… I know this is a lot to take in and consider, but I am so confused as to what this means. Has he moved on or is he trying to rub it in my face.. What am I to think/do??

    1. Chris Seiter

      July 29, 2018 at 3:37 pm

      Hi Mary…I know what you mean. Breakups can be confusing, but when there were no signs of trouble, that makes it really hard to process. Could this new girl be a rebound? Is it serious? Should you give up? I don’t think you give up the hope, but its important to move forward and heal and know that whatever happens, you will be find. So go to my home page and tap into some of the wonderful tools and resources I make available to folks like you. Check out my ebooks that focus on your needs. We are here for you.

  2. Anna

    May 9, 2018 at 7:54 am

    Hey Chris,
    I was just informed from one of my distant friends that my ex boyfriend is in another relationship. I just started slowing getting off of my feet and now my heart is broken again. We broke up in December after being together for 7 months. Our relationship was beyond perfect. Our families and him always said we were made for each other. It was a very mature relationship and we both were head over heels. He’s a hunter and things got messy when we couldn’t see each other because our work schedules didn’t match up and he was gone every weekend. He told me in January that he was never coming back. February came and he was begging for me for an entire week. I replied after a week but he was mad at and told me to move on. March came and he texted me a message about my step dad in which I replied saying he should contact my step dad if he needs to talk to him and how I have no hard feelings against him and that I have forgotten about our situation. I haven’t heard from him since then. I haven’t contacted him either. I am so broken hearing about his new girlfriend. Is she a rebound or is he really over me? What do I do? I am heartbroken.

    1. Chris Seiter

      May 10, 2018 at 1:55 am

      Probably so Anna…his following up with you on those occasions suggest he still has feelings. Just take some time to focus on your own recovery. There are lots of things you can do to help yourself….many of which are covered in my ebook, “The No Contact Rule Book”. With time, you will have a greater perspective about just how important he is to you and your life.

  3. Sam

    May 9, 2018 at 4:48 am

    My ex and I have two kids and were together for 7 years. he was seeing another woman he met at the gym behind my back for over a month. We were still intimate 2 weeks ago when I found out. This isn’t the first time he has done this. So my ex packed all his things and moved out. For a week I cried and was in a depression. But this past week I have really been following the no contact rule. So this “OW” calls me and fills my head with a bunch of things saying that he stays there every night and they have alex everyday. She even stated that my kids are there when he has them on the weekends. Now he won’t claim her to me and I can’t tell what she is lying about because she also stated she wanted to talk to me because she thinks he might be seeing someone else also. I guess I’m having a really hard time wrapping my head around what exactly is going on and the depth of “their” relationship. Is this a rebound or is the real deal. She is my age and also has two kids if her own. They had been talking 1 month before I caught him cheating and that’s when he moved out. I want him back but I don’t know how serious things are between them. Do you have any advice? He acts like everything is wonderful with him when I do have to see him to exchange kids. But during the no contact when I ignore him he will text a few more times then stop again after no response. How do I get him back? Or know if this is a rebound relationship? I need help!

    1. Chris Seiter

      May 9, 2018 at 5:10 am

      Hi Sam…I am very sorry for your pain. Having some space between each other is important right now because you should be focusing on your own self recovery and healing and your children. Who really knows what he is up to and is doing. And you sure don’t need this other women crying on your shoulder about all this. Use this time to learn to live independently from emotionally and every which way. I am not saying this where all this will lead as no one really knows the future. But it serves you to be pragmatic and look out for your own mental healthy. As time goes by, you will likely draw closer to your feelings about what is really in your best interest. Right now, emotions are flying high and that is understandable. I wrote a book called the “No Contact Rule Book” that you might want to pick up (website menu/products section). It covers everything on would want to know about the NC process and has a lot of information about self recovery tactics.

  4. Sara

    May 8, 2018 at 6:11 pm

    Hi, I was in a long distance relationship with a guy I met online for a little over a year. Time really didn’t define our relationship because we had a connection since we started talking, and we spent a lot of time talking on the phone and facetiming. The biggest downfall in our relationship was that we did not know when we could meet each other in person. However, throughout the time we were together, our goal was to do our masters programs together in the same city since we were graduating college during the same semester. Things were going well except that we got into small fights as a result of our circumstances – distance made communication more difficult. I also think it was getting more difficult because we were leaving the honeymoon phase and although we were both emotional invested in each other, we were not able to express through actions and not words what we felt for each other. About a month ago, we had a normal conversation in the morning, but then all of a sudden I began to feel weird, and incapable of talking to him. For the whole day I didn’t text him, and at night we had a phone call with a lot of tension. The next day after some thought, I suggested that we have a break and come back after we had some time to clear our minds and focus on the present, because thinking so far in advance about meeting and having the uncertainity of not knowing when, was beginning to become toxic. He responded that he had been thinking about it too and that it would be best if we had the break. But after some time, he told me he actually wanted us to break up. The break up lasted for about 2-3 weeks because for a while he told me he felt very confused and didn’t know how he felt. Eventually he told me that his feelings for me had started to fade gradually, and that the pain and uncertainity of not being with me was getting to him. Later he told me that we broke up because things got complicated in our relationship. However, 2 weeks after our break up he seemed to be happier and told me he was already talking to someone. He said he didn’t like her when we were together, so I am not sure whether or not it is a rebound relationship. He told me that he still wants to be friends in the future when it is possible, and that he would like to look for masters programs with me in the future. It’s been a month, and I asked him if I could call him recently. He said that he would prefer texting because he doesn’t want to hear me talk about our relationship again. The few times that we have texted on friendlier terms, we have talked about other things besides our friendship. To me it hasn’t been weird, but he says that it’s still weird for him to talk to me, and the way that he communicates with me makes it seem like he doesn’t care about me anymore. I feel more confused than ever because I don’t know what I did to make him feel like he can’t talk to me the same way anymore, and as much as I think it would be healthier to be friends instead of being in a long distance relationship, I feel the need to understand his behavior towards me when it seemed like we ended on good terms.

    1. Chris Seiter

      May 9, 2018 at 3:23 am

      Hi Sara…thanks for visiting. I know LDR can be hard on a couple in so many ways. I think it would serve you to just take some time away from him, a form of No Contact. You should do this as much for yourself as one would do in their effort to get an ex back. At the the end of your no contact period, your feelings and thoughts about what you want going forward will likely crystallize. During this time you can focus on your healing and recovery. I have written an ebook, “The No Contact Rule Book”, that might be of interest to you as it is full of recovery tactics when dealing with what you are going through (learn more at my website Menu/products section). Neither of us know the future as to how things might transpire with this person. Maybe he is wanting to move on. Its unclear to me, but what you describe sounds like a guy who is not as invested in you as you are in him. So give yourself some time to reassess, likewise he too will have time to reassess.

  5. Gracie

    May 8, 2018 at 11:05 am

    My ex broke up with me at the start of January this year out of the blue. He been under a lot of stress at work before the holidays. When we broke up he didn’t really give me an explanation other than he was too stressed at work to put focus on a relationship and said a relationship wasn’t the right thing for him. We tried no contact for a while but it didn’t work for us. I found out he had gone on a few dates but nothing serious. We stopped speaking after that to give me some space. About 2 months ago, a woman who I don’t know shared a photo of me and him from his Facebook profile to hers. I’ve no idea why she did this! We had mutual friends who informed me what happened. I contacted my ex to see why this happened and he admitted he was seeing this person and she did it by mistake but i think she did this to get a reaction from me. She’s the complete opposite of me in every way. About 5 weeks ago they put it on Facebook that they are in a relationship, he admitted they’d been together since mid February so they got together 6wks after we broke up. There’s been no contact at all between me him for the last 5wks until this weekend. I went back to the gym after being out for 7wks due to an illness. And he was there with her. This was a big aspect of our relationship working out together on Sunday mornings. It did hurt a bit but I’m ok with it, I’ve definitely grown during NC. It was very awkward he kept looking at me and even left the main gym area for a period of time when I started my workout. They came back out again and she wasnt pleased to see me at all. It seems he has adopted the same routines we had with her. I’ve used the NC contact rule to improve myself. I’ve got a new haircut, lost some weight etc. Does this girl sound like a rebound?

    1. Chris Seiter

      May 8, 2018 at 2:53 pm

      Hi Gracie…it could be a classic rebound relationship. Time will reveal the truth and meanwhile, you can keep doing things to enhance your value. You have picked up a copy of my ebook, “Ex Boyfriend Recovery Pro” right? If not, go take look because it is intended to help you through this whole process. Also, the “No Contact Rule Book” might be a good match for you because it goes into so much detail about how you can optimize your chances and also all the things you can do on the self recovery side of the equation (available at my website Menu/Products link). The idea is to keep building value and leaving him little breadcrumbs to remember you by. Let me know how it goes for you Gracie!

    2. Gracie

      May 8, 2018 at 4:50 pm

      Thanks Chris I’ll check that out! I just noticed today that he has blocked me both Facebook and Instagram which he has never done before.

    3. Chris Seiter

      May 9, 2018 at 3:39 am

      Hi Gracie…well…this is not unusual. Its just a passive aggressive thing guys do sometimes. He is just a bit fussy right now

    4. Gracie

      May 9, 2018 at 8:08 am

      Yeah that’s what I thought too. His new girlfriend has also blocked me since I seen them together at the weekend. Thanks again Chris

  6. Erica

    May 4, 2018 at 10:51 pm

    My ex left me at 7 months pregnant out of the blue. I was supposed to move out to Texas with him from Alabama, we were weeks away from getting married and he up and just left. He said “he needed time” I was heart broken because he’s in the army and we’d been part for 3 months, should have been plenty of time. I went through January crying and wanting him back, February came and I did no contact. He was in training anyways so he didn’t have a phone. He started talking to a new girl at the beginning of March and came home for our daughters birth and spent the whole 2 weeks time with this girl. He acts like he’s obsessed with her, he tells me that I need to get over the fact that our baby will be around this new girl. I’m just wondering if this is a rebound. I’m so lost, we were together for almost 2 years. Him and her have been together for a month and a half. I have read the articles about getting an ex back while pregnant and the one about the military! What are your thoughts???

    1. Chris Seiter

      May 5, 2018 at 4:19 am

      HI Erica. I am so sorry for you pain. But the bright side of this story is you have a beautiful baby. Your focus should be about your own healing and the beautiful relationship with your child. Be sure to draw upon your support system (family and friends) to help you. You cannot count on him or trust that he will return to you. Maybe it is a rebound, but trust has been damaged and you should take this time to not only heal but reflect on what is important to you. Right now, your feelings are probably justifiably all over the place. As time goes by, you will gain greater perspective. One way or another, he will likely always be part of your life given your child. But remember,while you may not see this now or agree, you really don’t need him to be happy. Our happiness should never be dependent on any single person.

  7. chana

    May 1, 2018 at 8:20 pm

    There are a few problems here. We have established that the relationship is a rebound. My ex and I shared an impeccable bond but over time our relationship and individual lives lost stability. He found comfort in one of his friends and they have been seeing each other for months. We broke up in November. He has been back and forth with deciding if he should stay with her or come back to me. He cheated with that same girl. Earlier this month he came over, we slept together and then he proceeded to tell me he’s in a relationship with the other girl. Now even though she is a rebound she offers more stability than I do because of the way in which we broke up, everyone of his family members knew and were involved. Therefore, why would he choose me? It was messy wasn’t it? So ideally, I should not chase him by messaging him after NC of which I am at 8 days because he has made his decision. I want him to rethink that decision, miss me alot, break up with her and try to win me back. These are merely fantasies and i’m certain none of those expectations will materialise. What is my gameplan? I do not want to chase, as I am the one that was dumped and he chose to be with someone else. Playing nice is not exactly the culture over here. Will their relationship progress into something maintainable? And what do I do to increase the chances of him chasing me?

    1. Chris Seiter

      May 1, 2018 at 9:48 pm

      My best advice given the limitations of this comment forum is to consider the ebooks, resources, and services I offer on this site that will help you dig into this whole topic. Sometimes after an extended NC period, people realize they don’t want their ex back. Some people conclude the relationship was toxic and they gave their guy enough chances. I can’t say that will be the outcome here, but the NC period is mostly for you to heal. It’s suppose to be forward looking, without having to rely on the ex. And any game plan you execute should be the product of what you learn and think will be the best tactics for your situation.

    2. chana

      May 2, 2018 at 11:25 am

      After an extended no contact period i suppose he’ll also realise that he does not want me back?

    3. Chris Seiter

      May 3, 2018 at 1:29 am

      The future is always moving, Chana. You can’t control his choices, but you can largely control the things you do to recover

    4. chana

      May 3, 2018 at 2:11 am

      thank you

    5. Chris Seiter

      May 3, 2018 at 2:13 am

      Your welcome Chana

  8. Nadia

    April 29, 2018 at 12:36 am

    Hi Chris it’s Nadia again from the preview message, I recently hit up my ex I told him I want to work things out and he pretty much told me that he lost feelings for me but still cares about me and still wants to remain as friends I agreed we should be friends .we were talking on the phone for almost 2 hours just talking about what went wrong and told me he was just done with the arguments and there was just no trust. What confuses me is that he told me he lost feelings but still flirts with me told “who knows we might get back together “ i finally have him all over my social media and I still don’t know how to get my ex back or make him feel attracted to me again.. what should I do?

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 29, 2018 at 5:09 am

      Hi Nadia…I remember! There are many tactics you can employ…space…jealousy…Ungettable Girl. But the main thing is to realize that if the two of you do get back together, its going to take some time and following a well conceived game plan helps.

  9. keshah

    April 23, 2018 at 6:58 am

    hi Chris, im not sure if my ex is in a rebound because the girl he is interested (who is the complete opposite of me in EVERY way and it was a LRD) in now has a date on her Instagram bio which is 22days after we broke up. im suppose to finish my NC in 4 days and I read the EBR book and im finding it hard constructing the first text for some reason and on top of that this date has me all frack up again. Help please, I dont know what to do now

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 23, 2018 at 9:50 pm

      I think you need to focus on more on your own self healing. One’s emotions can take a hold of them and create a misbalance and loss of perspective and anxiety. My ebook serves as an excellent blueprint on how to proceed, so lean on it.

    2. keshah

      April 23, 2018 at 11:28 pm

      I’ve read the book twice now and for some reason after I saw the date , my brain is being so strange and I feel a little powerless right now. I have achieved a lot in these 27 days like I’ve become morw confident and im back to being the girl he fell in love with but with way more confidant in my looks. I’ve also managed to control my depression and negative thoughts more than ever and I know that was a little burden on the relationship. I am a little quiet around people , not touchy with guys and the girl is the opposite of me which was a little bit of a shock. most of the time I’ve the confidence that I will get him back because im pretty charming and I’ve done it on him the first time , which he believed was his doing but I had a crush on him before he liked me and made it look like in not all that into it. but then sometimes the negative thoughts take over for a bit and a crumble but that doesnt last for more than 30min.
      Is it ok if i take more than 30 days NC but not 45days?? and Could you be able to just check the text if it sounds ok once I’ve written it? I just need a little bit of a confidence boost by someone who is an expert rather than my friends who have said “he obviously didn’t love you if he jumped into a relationship so quickly””he didn’t have the respect or love for you to wait until you’re ok” as asking them for help is useless. And could you tell me the specific pages I should read again and again so I can help my situation. I know im asking for a lot again and im sorry but I feel like you are the only one who understands and can help

    3. Chris Seiter

      April 23, 2018 at 11:38 pm

      Hi again! Sure…up to 45 days could work. It seems you could use the time to get calibrated. You are always welcomed to stop by here and leave any questions. Maybe your friends are wrong. Maybe they are right. The only way to know is to give this your best shot and complete the process. You should re-read the section on initial Texts to send…and the section that talks about the Holy Trinity because your own healing is so important. Whatever happens, you will need to move forward with a healthy and happy mental outlook!

    4. keshah

      April 24, 2018 at 9:18 pm

      oh and he also still sends me goodmorning and goodnight snapchats, should i reply to the goodnight one, which he sends to me before I wake up , on the day I start contact ?

    5. Chris Seiter

      April 25, 2018 at 3:20 am


    6. keshah

      April 25, 2018 at 9:49 am

      thank you so much Chris.
      this is the text im going to send him
      “hay, do you remember the name of that funny horror movie we watched about the possessed women and the strange priest, the one wouldn’t stop laughing at? i wonna watch it with a friend ” what do you think???

    7. Chris Seiter

      April 26, 2018 at 12:12 am

      Try to shorten it up and don’t ask him what he thinks. Let him reply if he wishes. You are just laying out there a little breadcrumb to see if he takes a bite.

    8. keshah

      April 26, 2018 at 12:35 am

      oh ok so something like “hi , what was the name of the funny horror movie we watched about the priest and the possessed women ?? “

    9. Chris Seiter

      April 26, 2018 at 2:39 am

      Yes…much better.

    10. keshah

      April 26, 2018 at 6:04 pm

      thanks Chris, I have replied to his goodmorning nd goodnight text today and im not sure when i wonna ask him this question bug im waiting to be accepted in the fb group as I purchased it and ask for proper opinions and help.
      do you think the reply was a good move?

    11. Chris Seiter

      April 26, 2018 at 8:57 pm

      Hi Keshah….I do think it was wise to his messages. He is making a positive effort to connect, so you positively acknowledging his effort and I think that sets the right tone in a small way.

    12. keshah

      April 27, 2018 at 5:20 pm

      hai Chris!thank you for the help, I got a positive reply to my text and I thanked him for the name of the movie name just now. I should end the convo with that and contact him in 2 days right ? how should i contact him again ?? like with a hello or something simple?

    13. Chris Seiter

      April 28, 2018 at 4:56 am

      The Texting Bible ebooks provides lots and lots of examples of the second kind of text and you will find some ideas on my site as well. It shouldn’t be something plain, like “hello”.

    14. keshah

      April 24, 2018 at 9:15 pm

      hi Chris! ok i read them and they make sense again . I wonna ask about if everything goes to plan but as we are LDR and we won’t be able to see eachother until sep , how would we do the date part? would be like skyping rather than going on dates but watching movies and doing things together? and would it be a good idea getting back before seeing eachother in real life ??

    15. Chris Seiter

      April 25, 2018 at 3:19 am

      Occasional meetups would work. People do it all the time. Yes to Skyping also!

  10. Nadia

    April 20, 2018 at 12:48 am

    Hi Chris.. my Ex and I recently broke up a month ago we’ve been together for 8 months and we stopped talking because he didnt return my phone call and 2 weeks after the break up he blocked me on Instagram and started talking to someone else and it’s really hard because he doesn’t look at me at all at school and I’m still blocked til this day and he has told his friends he’s moved on and lost feelings for me he seems so happy and I just want to know how to get my ex back ,I feel like my ex really hates me.. what do I do ?

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 20, 2018 at 4:08 am

      Hi ya Nadia. One thing I know is even in 8 months, people lay down emotional roots and they aren’t pulled up and out so easily. So all this bravado from your ex could be short lived. I am sure he doesn’t hate you. You are a great candidate for picking up one of my ebooks that walks you through the whole breakup and re-attraction piece. Its like having a Companion Guide. I think Ex Boyfriend Recovery Pro would be the best match for you because it covers the whole process and is quite comprehensive. So go take a look at it on my website (website Menu/Products) as I think it will optimize your chances. Be strong Nadia! I know its in you and be smart and come up with a plan based on my system.

  11. Milly

    April 19, 2018 at 3:01 pm

    I had a relationship for approx 2 yrs but we were still crazy in love when it ended. He ended because I had been talking with my ex (as friends only) too much in his opinion. He has been cheated on before and couldn’t take the insecurity and said he didnt trust me. So he ended it but said he still loved me. We didnt talk for 4 months, then he contacted me and asked to be friends. I said I had still feelings and needed no contact. Then we didnt talk for 7 more months. I tried to avoid seeing him out in the street. Then we ended up at the same party and talked a lot. I was drunk so acted pretty happy and uncaring but kind, asked him about work etc. When I was leaving, he followed me to the door and gave me a long hug and asked to talk to me the day after.

    We met the next day and he said he missed me and kept talking about nice situations from our past and I (I know it was stupid after studying your site) said I still had feeling for him and he said he felt something for me but wasnt sure what it was, but that it was a warm feeling. When I was leaving, he kissed me briefly. Then I talked to a friend who said he had a new girlfriend and they had been going out for 6 months but that he had talked about breaking up with her and not having enough feelings for her.

    I asked him about it the next day through text and he said that it was true but he hadnt wanted me to know about it. He said it was just casual dating with her and nothing serious and didnt want to say anything more, said he didnt want to talk to me about her. But he also said that he was not in love with me but loved me as a person and he did not want to get back together. He said hestill didnt trust me and thus could not love me. I sent some upset texts about how much I loved him and he responded kindly but dismissively. Then I happened upon your site.

    I waited a week and then wrote to him and said that I accepted that we should just be friends and that I was fine with it and would find love somewhere else when it was time for me, it was probably better that way that we were not together. He reponded kindly and then we texted for a few days. I tried to end the texting because I wanted to start the non contact but he kept asking questions about me and my life (still would ignore when I asked him things about his gf). Everything I wrote was kind and nice and short and not very personal. Very different from the overly obsessive and loving girl I used to be. After a couple of days of this, he started writing he wasnt feeling good about things in his life, but wouldnt tell me what. Then he suddenly wrote that he needed non contact for a while! I answered that it was fine and I hope he felt better soon and he responded heartfully that I was such a lovely person to care about him and he wished he could hug me. And then we havent spoken or written for around two weeks.

    Where do I go from here and what should I do to increase my chances? What are my chances? Sorry this was such a long post.

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 19, 2018 at 11:20 pm

      Hi Milly…thanks for stopping by. And no, there is no such thing as a long post. If you need to share, always feel free to drop by. Indeed, you also might consider doing some journaling as writing things down and getting your thoughts to flow can help in so many ways as research reveals.

      It appears you guys have a good amount of history over time and he is still trying to lock in on his feelings and feeling you out at the same time. What happens next depends on you. A lot depends on what you want. I think the space that you both agree to will help you and he to gain a bit more perspective. If you indeed still want him back, then you can follow the plan I lay out in my ebook, Ex Boyfriend Recovery Pro (one of several ebooks I have). It is a Companion Guide and is intended to help folk optimize their chances recovering their ex. You can learn more about it at my website Menu/Products link. I think the conditions of you reaching out to him in a week or two are good given the kinds of communications you both have had as of late. So go take a look at EBR Pro and keep me in the loop as to how things proceed for you!

  12. linda

    April 17, 2018 at 5:57 pm

    Hi Chris,
    This is long……
    Me and my boyfriend were together for over 3 years. a lot of break ups and make ups and fights. I’m 20 and he’s 21. About 2 weeks ago he broke up with me and his excuse was that we fight too much. We stayed in contact but then stopped talking to each other completely. about three days after we stopped talking he started calling me and asking me to add him as a friend on instagram. The next day he called me asking me tp buy a ticket to fly out to las Vegas.. I said no and he kept insisting, telling me he missed me, loved me, cared about me still.. Then he asked me if i had already found someone else and i told him i had not… So that same day a 17 year old girl he had talked top me about added me on snap chat and on facebook… Found it suspicious and i told him about it… He freaked out so right away i had a gut feeling he was talking to her. So i immediately sent her a message on facebook and asked her how long she had been talking to him and she told me five months and officially dating three weeks ago. So i sent her screen shots of the texts he was sending me that day and she sent me screen shots of their texts. They had hung out many times. One time even at a club where i picked him up from.. Anyway i told her she could keep him and i called him and confronted him. He was very mad at me for doing that and told me to leave him alone that he wanted something serious with her and i needed to move on. So i left it like that, i was obviously broken and i had no idea what to do.The next day i called him and he told me he wasn’t with her and that he just wanted time to think.He told me he wanted us too be friends… But then later that day the girl posted a picture on snap chat having dinner with him.( by the way she is very attractive) My mom was so upset, she got involved and sent him message. He ignored it completely. The next day he left to Vegas and I didn’t talk to him at all. I posted that night picture and videos of me having fun and he saw them. Then next day i called him desperately. He told me he would always be there for me as a friend and that was all… Later on that girl posted a video of them together from a while back so i confronted him and he said that video was from a while back when we had broken up.. So he then told her to delete it and she did…He also sent me a text saying she wasn’t his girlfriend… and out of anger i took a screenshot and sent it to the girl. Then he got more mad at me and told me to stop doing that. So i kept asking him if he was with her and would tell me not to worry about it..He would say that and him and I are just friends and that its none my business. So its obvious she’s with her. I called him the next morning(yesterday) he was till in Vegas and i cried, told him i loved and missed him and That i was so hurt.. and his response was just “mhmmm” and he said we were just friends and then he told me to fall asleep on the phone with him and after an hour i told him i had to go and asked him to call me back later.. and i haven’t talked to him since.. I deleted the girl from snap chat(she can see my post but i can’t see hers) but kept her on facebook. I have him on snap chat and facebook and he’s been posting snap chats of him in Vegas….. I need help!!!!!!!! What do i do… I love him and i never thought this was going to happen. When he called me to invite me to Las Vegas, it really seemed like we were going to get back together………. I NEEDD AdVICE please help. Do you think he wants to take her seriously??? Did he ever love me?? do you think he will regret his decision? He told me the day i founf out that he would never find a girl like me where he can be himself but that he wanted time.. I still love him and I’m so hurt… I don’t know what to do…………. Is she temporary or does he really want her? Why would he still try to fix things with me if he was with her and event invite me on a trip?????

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 17, 2018 at 10:59 pm

      HI Linda…being together for 3 years is some traction you can build on. Relationships of that length just don’t slip away easily. So there is a lot going on here. I think you would benefit from coming up to speed on how to deal with a breakup and manage situations involving rebound relationships and much more. Go click on my website Menu and check out the Products link. I have a lot of resources that may very well meet you needs. I think you need a comprehensive plan and that is something you can get from my ebooks. Let me know how things develop for you Linda!

  13. Emily

    April 15, 2018 at 11:33 pm

    I have been reading up alot on this site and have been following through with steps to get my ex boyfriend’s attention. When we broke up about two months ago, I have course did the wrong thing and started texting him to try to get him back. I finally stopped once I started reading that that was the wrong thing to do, and started the 30 day no contact rule. I counted out the days and made absolutely no contact with him. He did not text me until day 27, of which he told me that he missed me. I disregarded that comment and replied to his other comment asking how I was doing. We had a small conversation and then it ended. Long story short there have been other encounters and situations where I texted him but it was all light conversation. For instance, when he saw me at the gym, he texted me telling me it was great seeing me and that I looked good. Some of these conversations he was telling me that he was thinking about me a lot lately and listing many things that he missed about me. He even asked me if I was dating anyone. Once I finally got the courage to ask him if he wanted to hang out, because he never asked me, he proceeded to tell me that he was dating somebody.. this was three days later. I asked a couple of questions but then I told him I am glad you are happy. A couple of days later at night, he texted me asking if we could just talk on the phone. I ignored him and texted him the next morning telling him I was asleep. He told me it was nothing he just wanted to talk. He never really reached out since, but I had texted him saying that I had some clothes over here that was his and he said not to worry about it. He seemed very short. Well then I thought about it and I realized that he has been telling me how he feels, but I haven’t, I have just been playing a game with him to test him. So I’ve been acting like I really haven’t cared. So I texted him a short paragraph just telling him that I never stop missing him I was just too scared to tell him but if he is happy then I am glad. I was tired of not being honest. Well he never responded that night, but the next day he asked me what I was doing and that he missed me. Well I didn’t see the text for about a half an hour later so I responded casually that I’ve been working. Well I got no response from him whatsoever. Two days later I see a picture of him with a girl. This girl that he mentioned to me after I had asked him a couple of questions when he told me he was dating someone, apparently he has been dating her two weeks after we broke up. I understand that this is textbook rebound relationship since at that point we were only broken up a little over month, but it upsets me that he has known this girl through a friend for a while. I just don’t understand why he would tell me he missed me, but then ignore me and post this picture for me to see. He never post pictures. I know I should just let him go, but I am just confused. Please give me advice.

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 18, 2018 at 3:50 am

      Hi Emily…I think there is upside here. You guys are just not quite connecting in your efforts to find a consistent communication channel. It is possible for a person to have two conflicting thoughts at the same time. He may genuinely miss you, but also be curious about this other girl he is dating. Our minds work this way…sort of a cognitive dissonance….holding two conflicting thoughts. So it can be confusing. You might consider checking our our Coaching Services or one of my ebooks which provides a comprehensive game plan (found at website menu/Products). Relationships can get confusing and he can be searching through his feelings still, just as you are.

  14. Karen

    April 14, 2018 at 4:16 pm

    Sorry for the typos in my last comment. I meant to type that I did my best to remain calm and collected. Why would I try not to remain calm? lol!

    And to be clear, he’s the one that pursed me to be in a relationship with him in the first place. I originally said no because I wanted to focus on going back to school. He practically begged me to be with him in the first place.

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 18, 2018 at 4:59 am

      Hi Karen…you have a wonderful sense of humor! He was lucky to have found you.

  15. Karen

    April 14, 2018 at 4:02 pm

    Hey Chris, I know you get a ton of messages, but I really need some type of feedback right now.

    My ex broke up with me two weeks ago on Easter. We had a bad arugment over a girl commenting on his IG. He refused to tell me who she waw and why she comments so much on his photos. He couldn’t even lie and say she was just a friend. It really made me upset and I yelled at him via text. He dumped me and blocked me on all social media for disrespecting him. Being the emotional idiot that I am, i call him a ton and beg him to please talk to me. When he finally told me to leave him alone, I did.

    The next day, I notice that he unblocked me. I realized I left my camera at his place and needed it back. I didn’t talk to him for a week, but then sucked it up and asked for my camera back. We argued a bit over text but nothing crazy. I had to take a 2 hr train ride down to his place to pick it up. While I was there, I did my best to not be calm and collected. We talked for a bit because we didn’t want to end things on bad terms. Even though we only dated for 3 months, we’ve been friends for over 12 years. The talk left me feeling good and I thought this was a good time to start NC.

    The next day he texts me that he can’t stop thinking about me and how he wants us to be friends. I continue NC despite of this. I had a rough week, but was really making an effort to focus on myself. I decluttered, practice mindfulness, etc. I was feeling good. Yesterday I noticed on IG that the girl blocked me. I never met this girl before. It gave me a really bad sinking feeling like I did something bad. It made me really anxious and my aniexty made me break NC to ask him what is going on. He said he had no idea and that I shouldn’t worry about it because IG “isn’t real life”. He was kind of busy when I called him, so we agreed to talk later. I added him on IG because I was willing to be friends with him.

    So I actually planned to have a tinder date that evening. We were on our second drink when I received another call from my ex. I was confused and told my date that it may be an emergency. When I answer, my ex is accusing me of harassing the girl over IG. I NEVER talked to her and done anything to her. With the alcohol in my system, it was making me really upset. I was at a bar so there was loud music when I was on the phone, so I kept telling him that I was out and didn’t have time to be harassing anyone. I started crying in public because of how angry I was that this girl was accusing me of things. First she blocks me out of nowhere, now this. Now he’s telling me to stay away from him. I told him that he’s known me for 12 years and I’ve never lied to him or done anything like this in the time that I’ve known him. He finally says that he believes me and maybe a friend of mine was doing it. I doubt it. I don’t know this girl, but she has a lot of IG friends. I don’t know what kind of drama she’s involved in, but I don’t want to be a part of it. My ex mentions that we’re still friends and that we’ll still hang out. Of course I was getting emotional and kept asking why he cared about her more than me and to promise me he wasn’t going to make her his girlfriend. He told me that he wasn’t true that he cared more for her, but he refused to make that promise. So we agreed to talk at a later time.

    Since I was crying, I just texted my date that I had to leave due to a family emergency and left. I felt like absolute CRAP that I was crying while walking home. i tried calling my friends for support but no one was answering. I then call him AGAIN and he asks me if I’m ok. I wasn’t ok, but he couldn’t talk because he sharing a bed with his kids and they were sleeping. I know this is stupid of me, but I was drunk. I’m so embarrassed by my actions from last night.

    Now it’s the next morning and I’m at a lost for words. Can I even start NC now that all this happened? I want to be honest and say that me getting back him isn’t a big deal. Maybe we weren’t good together and it was bad timing. I actually never got the spark that I felt with my last boyfriend, but it still hurt me knowing he was talking to another girl while we were together.

    We were friends for 12 years and I mainly want our friendship back. I just want to pretend that we never dated and go back to being platonic. But how can I do that if he thinks I’m some crazy person that begs and supposedly harasses someone who might be his new gf online? I feel so awkward because I’m still following him on IG, but he hasn’t followed me back. Please help.

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 18, 2018 at 5:08 am

      Hi Karen. It seems everyone needs some space to let these emotions tone down. If you think you want him back, you will want a comprehensive game plan. So take a look at some of the resources and ebooks available on the website menu/Products link. 12 years is a heck of a long time, so I think it is likely you guys will work out something, if not on a love basis…a friend basis. Though I suppose we love our friends…but you know what I mean!

  16. Donna

    April 13, 2018 at 6:46 pm

    Hey Chris, it’s been about a year since I’ve talked to you last on a Facebook private message. I’m still having problems getting through to my ex. He still has me blocked on Twitter (though strangely enough, he still talks to me on his character playing account 2 or 3 times a year), he is not friends with me on Facebook and only I follow him on Instagram.
    I’m still convinced that even though they have been officially together for almost 2 years now, his girlfriend is a rebound. She is 20 years younger than him (10 years younger than me), she has no job (other than her story writing and budding acting career), and she follows him around the world like a lost puppy.

    I tried your advise you gave me, getting a good friend or professional photographer (I choose the former only because money is tight) to take my photos and photoshop them. I ended up not liking the resulting pictures (looking like a whore is not my style).
    I’ve changed my eating habits and exercise routine. Slowly, the results I want are coming through. My career is a different story but my health is looking much better.

    I still message chat with my ex’s younger sister once a month or so. She has been giving me a lot of advise on eating and exercise (her side job is giving advise on weight loss and marathon running), but refrains from her brother as a topic. Heck, I’m not even sure if she has mentioned me to him since my weight loss journey started. She knows that he blocked me on Twitter 4 years ago, but unlike most sisters, she doesn’t want to help me and her brother to mend our relationship. Unlike with his other girlfriends/wife, his sisters and parents actually liked me (we were friends but our parents saw the potential for more).

    Should I unfollow my ex on Instagram to see if he has any reaction? Should I give up trying to be friends with him again? Am I reading too much into his erratic behavior (behavior that resembles a midlife crisis)?

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 14, 2018 at 3:20 am

      Good job Donna…it sounds like you are making really good progress in becoming the Ungettable Girl. I agree your ex’s behavior is somewhat erratic. There could be some rebound action going on here, though two years is not an insignificant period of time. Not sure if the Instagram tactic will trigger anything positive. But I don’t think you have much to lose there either. There are some great guys out there, so keep your eyes open. Obviously, you can’t rely on your ex coming back. It is not entirely out of the question, but it’s not highly likely. You might find the right one for you sooner than you realize.

    2. Donna

      April 17, 2018 at 2:37 pm

      Thanks Chris,
      I’m looking, keeping my eyes open. The guys/men I meet are either too immature or already taken/married. Dating (or the prospect of dating) is becoming more of a challenge since I reached my 30s. But for now, I’m going to continue working on my health since that is my #1 priority (I honestly think health should be the priority for any woman in my situation). Health, confidence, and beauty kind of need to work in tandem in order to make anyone attractive. At least that is what I’ve learned in all of this.

    3. Chris Seiter

      April 17, 2018 at 11:14 pm

      Hi Donna….good to hear that. Stay with your plan and it will make you feel good about lots of things.

  17. Maria

    April 12, 2018 at 12:20 pm

    Chris, I’ve been on and off with my ex for a year. We broke up several times over insecurities we both had due to being in our early 20s. We’ve been broken up for a while now … it’s been about three months. I did NC for a bit more than a month. We recently spoke and he told me that he loves me & that he’s never felt the same for anyone else. However, he’s dating someone new and he doesn’t feel like he could love her and wanted to see me. I was overly confused over this & I told him that it goes against my beliefs, if he’s with someone else, (about a month) it wouldn’t be okay if I saw him knowing how we feel about each other. He also told me that the reason why we can’t be together is because of the time that he’s in right now which is true, he’s close to 2 hours away & when we tried long distance it strained our relationship even more because of insecurities due on my part. I’ve never felt the same way I have with him and I’ve been seeing other people, but when he said the way he felt, I reminded him that things always change. It’s like the heartbreak started all over again after finding out the feelings he has for me & im stuck on either doing NC again until I’m not as emotionally attached or being his friend and talking to him here and there. I hope for a futire and that month I did NC really helped me out and it was such a great thing, we both needed that space, I grew so much and worked on the insecurities I myself put in my mind, it’s incredible how the human mind works. At this point I’m going to be continuing to live my life and continue to grow.

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 12, 2018 at 4:55 pm

      Hi Maria!!! Yes, I would be confused too. He should make up his mind and tell you straight up he wants you. But it sounds like he is hedging a bit. I have seen Long Distance relationships work..yes it can be hard….but I don’t agree with his excuse. I agree. Keep you focus on being the best version of yourself. If he truly thinks you are the “one”, then he will find a way to make it happen. Lose your sadness and embrace all the wonderful things than can come your way. It is clearly evident to me, you are a special person. So good things will happen for you. And if you need some emotional support or wish to share you lessons learned with other people, consider my Private Facebook Group which you can learn more about at my Website Menu/Products link.

  18. Marie

    April 12, 2018 at 3:08 am

    Hey Chris! I posted a comment about 2 days ago but I don’t see it here, I know you guys check for spam it was under the name M.A. would really appreciate your feedback, thanks so so much!

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 12, 2018 at 3:11 am

      Hi Marie! As of this moment I have replied to all comments. So if yours isn’t showing up…Yikes…it may have been accidentally deleted. Drop me a line and I will catch up with it.

    2. Marie

      April 12, 2018 at 3:10 pm

      Hey Chris! I submitted it last night just wanted to make sure you got it 🙂

    3. Marie

      April 12, 2018 at 3:37 am

      No problem, thank so much! I’m going to do my very best to make a long story as short as possible.

      My ex and I were together for almost 3 years and I had broken up with him last fall because we were fighting too much (little did I know that he was still struggling with depression and that was the real root of all of our fights for the last year, he kept talking about marriage and I wasn’t ready, I wanted us to be ready)

      We started talking again a month after we split and it was very intense, very passionate he was so excited to be with me (he was always super emotional) and admitted he still loved me. but I got so nervous that I pushed him away by saying “lets not be exclusive or put a label” (but I never actually saw anyone else and neither did he). We said we loved each other mid December and he asked me what our next steps were but I told him I wouldn’t have said I loved him if I didn’t see us getting back together but I didn’t think we were ready to be in a relationship that day, we still had things to discuss. That went through one ear and out the other because he put up a wall after that. We got into a stupid fight for new years and he decided he was done (without telling me) and just blocked me. this is the second week of January. Apparently during this time he started speaking to someone else but I didn’t know that.

      Come february, he still hadn’t talked to me so I told him I needed him to bring my things to me. when he did, I explained myself, said that I pushed him away out of fear. We both acknowledged it was never lack of love just fear on both our parts. He cried saying it was shame, told me he would miss me but then would say “there’s a difference between loving someone and caring about them but wanting to remove yourself from the cycle” but then there were moments where we were us again and then he just went back to the whole “but its over, and I want you to be happy” thing. When I asked if we had a connection he said “of course, that’s why we were together for so long but sometimes it doesn’t work out.” I asked not ever, and he said “I don’t know, not now” and he said it almost angrily. But he opened communication with me and said he unblocked me. He told me it wasn’t the last time we’d speak and that we could hang out one day.

      3 weeks later, he had a new girlfriend, making it social media official saying he couldn’t wait to see her. she was the complete opposite of me. He put up a picture for his bday of a gift she gave him in her apartment with the wallet I bought him in the background thanking her for making his day special, then a picture on instagram of them introducing her wearing the jacket I bought him and finally when it came to be what would have been our 3rd year anniversary, put up a picture of them together saying “our first game!” at a sports game (which he never showed interest in going to with me).

      they’ve now been together 1.5 months and I don’t know if its a rebound. He’s a relationship person. He’s 30 and I was his third girlfriend and he’s only intimate with girls he’s in a relationship with so he takes them very seriously. He bought me a ring and was so deadset on marrying me to the point we would get into an argument if he thought I was having second thoughts. His family and I were talking to each other through to january, they bought me christmas gifts, and all of a sudden he has a new girl? I don’t know what to think. I haven’t spoken to him since his birthday which was Valentines day. I’m trying to figure out if he just felt guilty. Is it possible to just fall out of love like that? I can’t help but think he gave himself no time to grieve, just jumped into something with someone who was there.

      I can’t help but feel like he’s not coming back, but I also still have a small shred of hope. What do you think I should do?

    4. Chris Seiter

      April 12, 2018 at 5:18 pm

      Hi Maria. Thanks for leaving me your message! Clearly there is a lot going on here. It seems that you have a lot of history together. Some of it good…some of not so great. Yes, this new relationship could be a rebound. My sense is he is trying to find himself and still has unresolved feelings for you. No, people just don’t fall out of love. They might talk themselves out it for a spell, but it really doesn’t happen in short order, if ever. We all carry feelings for others we no longer are around.

      I think having a concerted, comprehensive plan helps. That is why I wrote my ebook, “Ex Boyfriend Recovery Pro”. It covers lots of situations and offers lots of tactics. You also might want to check out my Private Facebook Group. The women there are amazing in their support and help for each other. I do weekly webcasts there also. You can learn more about these on my website Menu/Products link.

      Remember, part of Ex Boyfriend Recovery, is your “recovery”…getting better…healing….becoming the best version of yourself…that is the most important purpose.

    5. Marie

      April 13, 2018 at 1:12 am

      Thank you so much for responding! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. My fear is that because he is a relationship person, he may never come back and may make it work for them. And I have nothing against the girl but its just weird to think 3 or 4 weeks after we said we loved each other and he kept asking me what our next steps were, he could be talking to someone else. It took us 5 months of knowing each other to get together, and we were best friend first and yet maybe 5 weeks of knowing her to making her his girlfriend without even taking a second to breathe and work through the actual end of it all, meanwhile it was so clear that he had unresolved feelings for me 3 weeks before making this new girl his girlfriend. I asked him if he was so done, why hold on to my things for a month why not just deliver them, why let me reach out and keep saying “I love you, please just talk to me” instead of just saying he didn’t love me anymore but all he said was he didn’t know.

      Do you think the social media posts were done on purpose? or just maybe a coincidence? we don’t follow each other but both of our accounts are public. I just can’t help but think he won’t come back since he’s never entered a relationship that lasted less than 2-3 years. But i also know that he’s never had a connection with anyone the way he had one with me. (his own family wanted us to get married and who gets someone a ring if they aren’t serious?) She’s so completely different from me. Even his pictures with her don’t look as happy as the ones he took with me in the beginning.

      He told my friend that he feels like a whole new person, but he also has a record of dealing with depression, he was still seeing a therapist when we were trying to work things out in December. Do you think maybe he’s just suppressing his emotions? And if so, will they resurface or just go away? When you say he has unresolved emotions, do you think he still feels these things or he’s truly moved on?

    6. Chris Seiter

      April 13, 2018 at 3:49 am

      I suspect that were done with purpose. That would be the simplest explanation. I believe in Ockham’s Razor (i.e. the simplest explanations are almost always the accurate one). From what you say, it seems he is an up/down guy when it comes to his moods. You are probably right, he is suppressing some of his feelings. Time has a way of flushing out the truth about our relationships and what is best for us. Invariably, he will have to chose what he thinks is right for him. And you should do the same. In time, that should be clearer. If we walk through life with our eyes wide open (not wide shut) then we can accept what we learn along the way and make decisions that are best for ourselves. Don’t forget, the most important part of the ex recovery process….is your recovery….your healing…doing what is right by you. So look out for yourself. If this pattern with him being uncommittal and unreliable continues to be the case, that informs you.

    7. Marie

      April 13, 2018 at 4:16 am

      Wow thank you that means a lot.
      Last two questions haha
      Do you think he still has feelings or by now has totally moved on based on what I’ve told you? He still has my shoes and for some reason hasn’t even sent them to me (could be reading too much into it but I don’t understand why not give them to me with the rest of my things)

      And lastly do you think a rebound relationship can work even if it’s foundation (or at least it started out with) his not even resolving his emotions or taking the time time to process? I can’t help but feel like he gave up and ran to what was available and possibly even easier in a sense. He changed everything about himself and now claims he’s a new person but i don’t believe that. I think he’s running and his feelings may catch up to him

    8. Chris Seiter

      April 13, 2018 at 4:27 am

      Hello Miss Marie…yes that is a good line…”he’s running and his feelings have not yet caught up with him”. We all do this to some degree. I think there are lots of little signs that suggest this story is not completely written. Time is always the arbitrator of such things, so play to time and use it to love yourself as much as you possibly can and raise yourself up. Whatever happens, just know that you will be just fine. This is believe.

    9. Marie

      April 13, 2018 at 4:45 am

      Thank you Chris 🙂 I really appreciate everything you’ve said

    10. Chris Seiter

      April 13, 2018 at 2:13 pm

      Your welcome Marie…best of luck to you.

    11. Marie

      April 16, 2018 at 7:42 pm

      Hey Chris! Sorry to be a nuisance lol But just wanted to ask you: I have a feeling the new girl was introduced to the family (there’s a pic of them in his hometown where he addresses her affectionately but she seems a little behind him, our old pics when we first got together we were all over each other but he addresses her affectionately as he has in every pic he’s put up) I kind of wonder if he’s overcompensating? He never really did that sort of thing with me it was just clear how happy we were together in the pictures you could see it in our faces. it seems a little fast to me since they haven’t even been a couple 2 months but since he’s a relationship guy maybe its just how he is? Do you think these are like subliminal messages in a sense and he still cares? or he’s really just moved on for good. I guess I just kind of wonder if he’s really as happy as it seems he is. Lost cause?

    12. Chris Seiter

      April 17, 2018 at 11:37 pm

      HI Maria….I have been away and just catching up with messages! It seems a little fast to me also. Only time will tell just how happy and content he truly is. Rebound could still in the equation. But don’t wait on him. Focus on your needs and goals.

  19. Vera

    April 11, 2018 at 8:57 pm

    Hi Chris,

    I think I was the rebound for my boyfriend at one point and now he’s dating someone else, could she be a rebound too?

    So my boyfriend and I dated around this time last year and at the time, he was 3 months out of a 4 year relationship and I was a year out of a 3 year relationship. We met in college and at the time, he started hitting on me. I didn’t wanna rush into anything because I knew he just got out of a long term relationship and I knew he kinda had baggage. So, I took my time but within two weeks of talking to each other, he asked me to be his girlfriend and I thought he was rushing into things (sign that it could be a rebound relationship i guess) but I still went for it and we had a really good time. We enjoyed each other’s companies and to my surprise, I fell in love with him within a month of dating. We made each other happy. We weren’t active on social media so he didn’t really parade me on social media. We were too busy being in the moment and focusing on each other that we didn’t even go on social media to publicize our relationship at all. Until, two months after that, his ex came back into the picture after finding out about us (she goes to the same college, so she saw us one day) and started messing with his head and that made him realize that he was never really over her and broke up with me. I was devastated and I thought great, i was a rebound and he went back to her. I went NC eventhough we saw each other almost everyday in class and he would still try to talk to me everyday, but i tried my best to avoid contact. Then a month later, he told me that he didnt go back to his ex and that he still has feelings for me but he wasn’t ready to be in a romantic relationship , but he wants to be friends or do FWB. And so i agreed to do FWB thinking it’d lead to something more. so we did FWB for months (eventho we would act like we’re a couple). Then we became official again but it lasted only for a month because we had arguments a lot and he ended dumping me. He then ghosted me for 3 months eventho i’ve tried reaching out to him and he would tweet about how sad he was (clearly he wasnt over me). Then recently, he met this girl who is completely different than me, and within a week of knowing her, he got into a relationship with her. He immediately publicized their relationship on facebook (changed the status to in a relationship) and posted pictures of them together on instagram. He even met her family and she met his, within that very week. Things are moving so fast with them, it’s beyond me. I can’t believe this. I don’t know if he is trying to rub it in my face but I deleted social media so that I wouldnt have to see their pictures. And when we were together, he didn’t parade me on his social media but now he is parading his new girlfriend all over social media. Are they serious or could this be another classic case of a rebound relationship that is just waiting to fizzle out? What should I do? My heart aches at how fast their relationship is progressing. :/

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 11, 2018 at 10:44 pm

      It very well could be a rebound. I know it hurts, but you will come out the other side in fine shape, no matter what happens. If you need a comprehensive blueprint to help through all this, check out my ebooks (see website Menu/Products section). IF you feel you need some support, take a look at my Private Facebook Group which you will find there as well. I know you feel awful about what is going down Vera, but you are stronger than you realize.

    2. Vera

      April 11, 2018 at 11:22 pm

      Thank you for replying Chris ! You’re right… Should I just move on or is there any hope left or anything that I could do to get him back? Or just let the rebound relationship run its course?

    3. Chris Seiter

      April 12, 2018 at 3:02 am

      Hey Vera…just give it some time. But put it way in he back of your mind and live your life and focus on YOU.

    4. Vera

      April 11, 2018 at 11:01 pm

      Thanks for replying Chris ! Should I just move on or is there any hope left to get him back?

    5. Chris Seiter

      April 11, 2018 at 11:27 pm

      Always hope so long as there is a plan to execute.

  20. Cynthia

    April 11, 2018 at 3:03 pm

    Ex of almost 9 yrs off n on is with ow keeps going back n fourth between us. Ignores when with her or ignores her when with me. Has blocked and unblocked communication. Tells me I’m what he wants n then goes back to her the next day… any advice?

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 11, 2018 at 11:13 pm

      Hi Cynthia. 9 years is a good amount of time. Obviously, this kind of relationship is not sustainable. He is stuck in a routine which he has chosen not to break, but you are the one getting hurt over and over again. There comes a point where no more, is no more. If you need some comprehensive advice, consider some of my ebooks (website menu/Products) and you will find some other support resources there as well.

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