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2,942 thoughts on “Signs Your Ex Is In A Rebound Relationship (The Definitive Guide)”

  1. Emma

    January 4, 2020 at 9:47 pm


    I am a lesbian an my girlfriend of 5 years left me for a female coworker of hers. A few weeks ago she cheated on me with this said coworker.
    She said, she likes her a lot and that there might evolve a relationship between the two or maybe not, she does not know yet. But it would be unfair to me to keep our relationship going with so many feelings going on for another person. So she broke up with me and I do not know what to do? Might this be one of those rebound cases or should I give up hope. If I should not give up hope: how long should I wait until pursuing her? Mind you, we ended it on rather good and friendly terms. We cried a lot in the last weeks and alone from that (and she told me, too) that she still loves me a lot.
    What is your advice on this? Should I just wait?

    Thanks a lot and have a great year! 🙂


    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      January 5, 2020 at 12:18 am

      Hey Emma, you need to start with a no contact and then go on to show you are the better woman, the better choice. This is where you need to do work on becoming the Ungettable girl, following a No Contact where you do not speak with your ex for at least 30 days

  2. Lynn

    January 4, 2020 at 9:42 pm

    Hi, my ex and I were in an on/off relationship for a few months (and had been a relationship for a year before that) till November when he announced that he wants to break up for good because the relationship was affecting him too much. We agreed to be friends. But then he started acting really rude and when I asked him what’s wrong, he insisted it was all in my head. A few days later, I heard rumours of him being seen with another woman. I didn’t know how to process it so I finally decided to go into no contact. We work in the same building so it was impossible to completely avoid him but I managed since he was anyway not being friendly. I did no contact for 30 days. He didn’t text or call me even once during no contact. Right after I finished, I had posted a story on Instagram about a show we used to watch together. He doesn’t follow me but his best friend does, and he randomly threw shade at me through his friend’s story. It was all very obvious and petty. This was 3 days ago. Should I try to contact him or should I just give up?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      January 7, 2020 at 10:06 pm

      Hey Lynn no I would not react to his comments just raise above it! And make sure you are sticking to your no contact. If he has someone else then you need to read about the being there method. However, no contact is essential for this process

  3. JoAnn Turnmeyer

    December 8, 2019 at 2:21 am

    I was in a 5 year relationship with a guy that I thought was my world. I already had 2 kids when we got together and he only had one. We split for a little while after 2 years when I got pregnant. Alot of mistakes were made but we ended up coming back together shortly after our son was born. I moved in with him and stayed for the last 3 years of our relationship.
    The last year was when we started to have problems. I would talk with him and thought the problems were solved. But after a week or 2 it would go right back to the same old thing. It pushed a wall up inside of me. To where I stopped caring, got a house, and left.
    He tried to get me to stay for the last 2 months before I left, even proposed to me to get me to stay but I didnt want to hear any of it. I was still angry. And the couple months following….he asked me twice if I was still sure of my decision. I told him I needed to find myself again. Figure out what I wanted and who I was. We had lost ourselves. Became people we didnt recognize. So much anger and hurt in the last little under a year.
    It has only been a little over 2 months since I have moved out and he already has a new girlfriend. I tried to tell him how I felt last week and I ended up leaving very confused. It started with how he was really happy with her, and that he realized that we were probably never going to get back together. But then we talked more and he said he had to think this way, had to put a mental wall up so he wouldnt hurt anymore. Next thing I know we are holding each other facing each other, then kissing. But as I left I told him to put his mental wall back up. I want him back but I felt like it was wrong to be doing all that. So I’m not sure where I stand. I never really did the whole no contact thing. Lately every time I try to not talk to him, he sends me a message and we end up texting a lot. He even recently told me he missed me. But also tells me he likes her. We even talked for quite awhile the other night on the phone. It will go back and forth with him. Between how he likes that they never argue or fight (I was told she is very laid back and agreeable) but how he thinks of me when he is with her (even during sex!). I dont know what to do or what I’m doing. I just dont want it to be too late. But I also dont want to just be jealous of her. Which I am but I think its more….

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      December 9, 2019 at 5:18 pm

      Hi JoAnn so I think you need to make a decision on if you want him back, or are you worried that hes moving on. Once you decide what you want you can then decide what route to take if you want him back you need to do the being there method but I do think you could get him back if you wanted to. If you were to get back together then you should look into couple therapy to help you communicate better in a relationship so that the old issues dont rise and break up again.

  4. Kels

    December 2, 2019 at 8:18 pm

    Hi Chris- Hope you well 🙂
    First thanks for the above. My ex (43 and me lives in same complex and dated 2.6 years) he left me two weeks ago for second time in 4 months. He came back last time. Last Friday I walked over to his place to return stuff and we talked. We made love and spend the day together. He wanted me to go with him to his friends engagement and all seemed ok. However the next day it was over again. I found out that m the same week he had another girl over that stayed over the night. So obviously met her while still dating me. He told me last friday he just needs space and we can reassess in the new year. He told me he loved me and that everything is perfect between us he just cant stand by me through a very bad custody case between my daughters father and me ( child 3 yrs) as its too draining. He suffers from bad depression and usually pulls back and dont open up but this time he has actually started a relationship. Luke she is a silver linning on a grey cloud…Previous breakup he was on tinder within days also. We almost never fought. We had a great sex life, really close bond. Best friends. We even talked about growing old together just a month before he left me. and now he is spending nights away from his home with her. All within 2 weeks. With his bad Depression and our hard situation with my legal battle he just changed bam 2 weeks prior breakup and a week later walked out. Does this girl also ‘classify as a rebound. Do i use NC rule? He is a ‘father’to my little one and we were a family’ how do i handle this? What is your honest advice?
    Thank you again 🙂 Kels

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      December 4, 2019 at 9:55 pm

      Hi Kels, so yes do no contact and make sure you stick to it as he has been selfish here, depression or not he could stand by you without having to take on the burden you have to carry during this time. He is not that much of a father if he can walk away from her that easily either he should be stood tall by your side, this is a poor excuse or makes him appear weak personally. So Yes No Contact him! 30 days minimum. Focus on you and your child for now. The other woman is a rebound maybe even emotionally cheating because of how quickly he got her to come over and stay. I think you need to show him you do not depend on him or need him and he will realise how the “draining” that he felt when you wanted support was not needed as much as he thought. I’m sorry if this seems harsh but he has given you poor excuses and jumped into a rebound very quickly. Keep yourself composed, stay graceful, say hello if you pass each other in the complex but do not entertain him whatsoever, and no sex unless you are back together and official again

  5. Chris

    December 1, 2019 at 11:58 pm


    I am in an extremely weird situation. My ex and I were best friends before we got romantically involved. We had this connection that no one understood. Not even us. We dating for a year and a half. We were talking about a marriage and a life together and then one day she decided that wasn’t what she wanted anymore. She never gave a solid reason. Anyway we remained friends. And now she is with someone new. After only a little over a month of breaking up. However, I’m still the one she calls when she’s sad or having a bad day. We talk regularly. She’s told me she still has feelings for me and there are moments she still wants to kiss me. And sometimes she holds my hand. We still sleep in the same bed a few nights a week. But we aren’t “sleeping” together. She recently told me she is falling for the person she is seeing now. But doesn’t want me to back off. I am very confused by the whole situation. I know I love her and I want her back. But I don’t know what she’s thinking.

    Thank you

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      December 4, 2019 at 10:25 pm

      Hi Chris, so stop sharing a bed with your ex. Just dont. Sleep on the sofa if you must. And they want you to keep trying because they like the thought of you waiting for them if the new person doesnt work out. Start with a limited no contact and also start dating other people, if they get upset or angry it shows exactly what I have said above.

  6. Rob

    December 1, 2019 at 10:23 am

    My Ex decided to split up after 13 years, after going on holiday in Aug. I moved out in September and things were quiet amicable. I still have emails saying she loved me at the start of October. I found out she had been using Tinder in November and there were a few cheap shots fired. She has been seeing the guy for about a month now, we have children, I am in limited no contact (Just talking about the kids) since middle November. I have also just been diagnosed with ADHD. What’s my best move forward, the best way back?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      December 1, 2019 at 11:10 pm

      Hi Rob, so you are doing the right things at the moment and when you feel up to it start dating casually (nothing serious for now) What is the reason for the actual break up do you know? You need to do some work to become the best version of yourself so that when she starts comparing the new guy to you, he doesnt match up. The advantages you have is 13 years of positive memories that the new guy needs to try match up to.

  7. Josie

    November 20, 2019 at 8:22 am

    Hello Chris,
    My ex dumped me about 4 weeks ago, he seem really upset that he made the decision to do so he was crying and saying he missed me. And that he loved me. I did no contact and he would go out of his way to call and message me. Right when I cut him off for about a week he block his Snapchat story but not block me from the platform or Other social media. The girl he is with is a co-worker at school and they have started to show signs of intimacy on his birthday. Like secretly going for dinners and such I found out because my friends were able to see the Snapchat stories. Today I saw a video having a good time with this girl at our college’s homecoming And I confronted him about it in a calm manner I didn’t cuss or show a lot of distress I just basically said I know he’s with her and he lost me. He basically said a response that it wasn’t planned what happened between them and that I should be a mature adult and not make home the bad guy.we’ve been together for 2 years I’m close to his family and he met mine two weeks before the breakup. This was a serious relationship and he wanted a future with me but obviously that gone and dead. My question is what happened? Is this a rebound or now a serious relationship

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      November 23, 2019 at 8:29 pm

      Hi Josie, this is new girl just coming on the scene after a 4 week break up would tell me it is a rebound as its only been 4 weeks since your break up. Read up about rebounds, being there method and how to become Ungettable. Not reacting towards their relationship is important right now

  8. Lynn

    November 16, 2019 at 11:52 pm

    Hi I was with my ex 15 years 2 kids, it was both our first love, I always thought we were solid We always had each other’s back, until he started going out with his mates more regular then I found out he had taken a older woman on a date We argued then eventually put it down to stress and us just been in a routine, but then he went out again and met another girl he told me he needed space then the very next day he was in a relationship with her I’m absolutely broken how can I get him back ?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      November 18, 2019 at 10:44 pm

      Hi Lynn you need to do something called limited NC and read up on the articles that explain how to follow the process when you have children there are articles about this on this website to help you

  9. Kirby

    November 16, 2019 at 1:49 am

    My ex and I were together 2 + years, we’d have been starting year 3 next month. I broke it off 6 weeks ago, wed had several huge fights and my anxiety kicked in and I made an irrational decision. I’ve been working on balancing myself, and I had wanted to talk to him a few times about 3 weeks ago. His job is demanding, and he couldn’t make it over. Last weekend, I got home to two Alexa notifications for him from his new OW. One included an “I love you so much” message. I sent him a text with his notices and added that since he clearly has moved on he now can come get his stuff. This led to him finding out I wasn’t done with our relationship. He set up time to talk to me over the phone. During that conversation I learned he had spent the first 3 weeks crying non-stop about us, he even admitted he still does and that he thinks of me a lot. He started the relationship around that 3-4 week. He stated that despite how he wished he’d confronted me about us and how he wanted to also still be together, that he was incline to go down this path he already started. I told him I could understand that, and stated it just hurt really bad one from the way I found out and that he was already telling another woman he loved her so shortly after. He said he could understand that, and added he hasn’t answered her “I love you” message. This was 3-4 days after she sent it. As the conversation started to end, he had mentioned he was busy with work this week, but that he would try harder to find time to talk to me, and he may come by this weekend (I’m secretly hoping no due to no contact). Also, during the conversation I told him that since he was in his new relationship and heading down that path, that when I renewed the apartment lease this week I’d have him removed. He said he’d be happy to stay on it. I did ask if he thought maybe it was a rebound, and he said maybe. As we started to get off the phone he said “I clearly have a lot of things I need to think through the next several days.” This gave me some extra hope we could fix this. The day after our chat, I went axe throwing, something the two of us wanted to always do. I sent him a picture and said he needed to go. He text me super early the next morning, saying he’ll add it. A few texts later I said that maybe I can be the one to take him, even if it’s just as a friend. He sent me a huge smile emoji and said he liked that. We had a few other words about a cert I need to get, and he was pushing me to stop procrastinating. He’s shown interest in me, which I feel is a good sign, or am I just grasping at straws? I got your book, and since all that was yesterday I started my no contact today. I want to do it the 30 days, but his birthday is 18 days into the no contact as well. I’m confused on which one would be the best date. I actually canceled the gift I had gotten him because of the no contact rule. I’m scared for the phone phase because he truly works so much and I don’t know if I’ll be able to get a hold of him initially, is return calls ok? Aside from that, I don’t know how their relationship is doing. They work together, so I feel it started sometime earlier due to me just being so unhappy lately. He made it seem as if he doesn’t get time to see her, and I found out she knows about me. I just don’t know if she knows I want him back. I’m extremely hopeful I can get him back, but I’m also afraid I screwed up majorly. What’s a way to get support by your team if I don’t have Facebook. And thank you for the help.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      November 18, 2019 at 10:15 pm

      Hi Kirby, so the situation with support you need to pop over to the products section. The Facebook group is an option but you would need to create a profile for that. There is one to one coaching and also buying the ebooks. The benefit of the Facebook group is that there is almost 24/7 support available so no matter what time of the day it is for you someone will be active for you with a strong team of moderators for support too.

      If you are going to try and get your ex back this is giving you, your best chance, starting with the No Contact and completing it for 30 days without reaching out or replying to your ex. No birthday messages either. Then during that time working on yourself and working on becoming Ungettable girl

  10. Bex

    November 8, 2019 at 1:37 am

    We had been together for 11 months but it had been fast moving and intense, he told me I was his soul mate and that he wanted to be with me forever. Then he ended it with me during an argument, he admitted later he hadn’t really thought it through. He proceeded to string me along for a month, we then spent a couple of intense days together where he told me over and over again how much he loved me, we said we would catch up again in a few weeks but needed to go no contact for a while. In that time I found out he was seeing someone else. I bumped into him a couple of weeks after our 2 days together, it was really difficult. I confronted him about this other woman and I know I didn’t act well in this situation as I was caught off guard. He told me he was still in love with me despite being with her… I told him we needed to be 100% done because I was so hurt by this. I told him we shouldn’t speak again (I didn’t actually want that but I felt so out of control of the situation). He then blocked me on Instagram and we haven’t seen or spoken to each other since (it’s been almost 4 months). I was sure this other woman was a rebound however I just saw on his social media (through a friends account) that he is still with this other woman. They have been on holiday together and he’s posting pictures with her, he had never posted picture of me or us like that before and as I’m blocked he will assume I can’t see it (if he’s even thinking of me anymore at all). It’s been around 4 months since they started seeing each other now I think. I’m now guessing this isn’t a rebound and that is something that really stings. How could he move on so quickly and tell me he was still in love with me when he started this new relationship? I know in the past he usually only dates people for a couple of months and then is onto the next one so this does seem to be going on longer than his usual flings.

    I guess it’s time to let go of any hope of rekindling now? But I wanted an experts opinion which is why I’m reaching out here.

    I look forward to your response!

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      November 8, 2019 at 8:32 pm

      Hi Bex, so the fact hes kept you blocked for this long and you haven’t been able to see him yourself (without friends social media) I would say it is going to be a tough one to get him back. Chris says wait for the 6 month mark for a rebound to be serious or more than it is, which also applies being blocked for 6 months it is a sign you may need to move on. So during these next few weeks work on being Ungettable and focus on your life and what you are doing to make positive changes, date casually too.

  11. Laura

    November 5, 2019 at 10:27 pm

    Maybe I missed it, but what is the answer to “what if your ex meets this new person while still with you, is it considered a rebound?”

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      November 9, 2019 at 1:33 am

      If your ex meets someone new, while you’re together its cheating. And if they choose to be together they will not likely last as they are entering the new relationship with negative actions. And usually the cracks will begin to form after a few months.

  12. Abs

    October 22, 2019 at 4:26 pm

    Is it only a rebound if you left (initiating the split) or can you get into a rebound if you were left??

    Me and my now ex husband (my childhood sweetheart) together for 13 years split in June I initiated it but I wonder if he was pushing for me to do it and within a month he was in a new relationship with a work colleague who is the complete opposite to me and anything he ever said was his type. I regret the split and want him back with me and the kids I love him. He was my first and true love despite our silly arguments we had good times and 4 kids together. But I fear that (3 months on) it’s the real deal and I’ll never get him back. We talk and see each other all the time mainly about the kids but I want him back!

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      October 22, 2019 at 6:11 pm

      Hi Abs so yes it can still be a rebound as hes hurting from you leaving him stick to the plan and you will be giving yourself the best chance of getting him back

  13. Dorsalyn

    September 24, 2019 at 1:25 pm

    Hey me and my ex were friends for like 8 years he would jump in a relationship and I would as well but if it fails we would always come back to each other and get each other through it..but this time it was something different he was wondering why we wasn’t together so we ended up in a relationship this year in April. We stay 30 minute away from me. Around the end of June we started having lack of communication and I was wondering why. The whole time he had been living with this other chick because he got put out of his mama house. We was suppose to be working on moving in with each other but when his mama put him out he claim he had no where to go so he ended up staying with that girl and now she’s pregnant with his baby and he’s stuck with her and he acts like he happy about the baby then he put me back in the friend zone and I just feel very hurt and shocked

  14. Anne

    August 15, 2019 at 10:10 pm

    My ex is in a “rebound” relationship with a woman who lives 3 hours away so they only see each other on weekends. Would the “6 month rule” still be applicable since they hardly ever see each other; obviously they can communicate via phone, texting and internet but as I said only spend WE’s together. We were married for 7 years and on/off for the last 2 years after our divorce. He jumped right into a relationship with her while we were still communicating but we hadn’t had a physical relationship for a month at that time. We communicated during their relationship until a month ago when she probably found out we were still communicating. We always considered each other “soulmates” but now I’m the “crazy” ex bc I did all the things you say not to do this last month unfortunately. Now, I have stopped contact but may be too late. Thanks

  15. AT

    July 30, 2019 at 3:02 am

    Do men rebound with an ex?

    I dated my ex for 4 years, we lived together for 2. We broke up bc of work causing depression and our living situation suffered bc of it and saw a lot of misplaced emotions (messy apartment, communication faltering, etc, all stemming from a very toxic work situation).

    Immediately after breaking up, i learned he was in contact with an ex he dated before me (he dated her for a little under 2 years). I k we they had been somewhat friendly since breaking up, but there was never any cheating
    … just an occasional message here or there.

    I know it is easy to go back to something comfortable after a long relationship… but is that what this is? Or should I be worried it’s more serious? We’ve had conversations about getting back together later down the line, but I’m worried hes just saying things to appease me at this point.

  16. Jaimee

    June 10, 2019 at 6:38 am

    Hi Chris, so I dated a guy in August for 9months (talked for three months before started dating) and things were going great between us and I got along with his whole family and he with my kids etc, he had a great bond with my kids and said the more time he spent with them the more he grew attached to them, we even spent Xmas with his family and his mother said he never brought girls home till now…..until his “ex” (I use the term lightly as they only dated for a month well over a year ago) started texting him about four months ago causing my anxiety to rear its ugly head when I found out. He assured me they were just friends and he had to be cool with her as she was part of our mutual friend circle and that he loved me and wanted to be with me. I accepted it at first until she messaged him at 1am while he was in bed asleep next to me. Fast forward to April and she came to a friends bbq and it was the first time we had seen her in over a year. Things seemed a little awkward but I just put it down to my anxiety. However two weeks later he breaks up with me saying he can’t handle my mood swing and anxiety and think we should take a step back and just be friends for a while and he wants to just be single for a while and catch up on things he felt he didn’t have time to do as he spent most of his time with me. He said my kids made it harder for him to split up with me as he didn’t want to hurt them. He insists on being friends. It hurt and I was silly enough to beg and plead and asked if there was a chance that we could try again in the future he said possibly and when I asked if he still loved me he said yes. A few weeks after we broke up I hadn’t start no contact (didn’t know about it till now) and he came around and told me we were definitely over, “we don’t fit that way” and “you are trying to change me and control me” and “I only see you as a friend” were some of the things he said and then he said he had started seeing his “ex” within the week after we broke up!!! According to mutual friends they are “in love”. He says he still wants to be friends but I’ve told him it’s all or nothing and have started no contact but it’s hard and I am devastated. She is older and skinnier and more out going than me and her child doesn’t live with her so she can go out and party whenever she likes. My ex is a bit of a party animal and I can’t always go out as I have my kids to think of. Seems I am so close with his family I talked to his mother who was so shocked we had split she said she thought he really loved me and she had never seen him so happy and when she asked him he said he just wanted to be single and when he was ready to date again it would be with me. But yet he is with his ex!! What can I do is it totally hopeless or do I have a chance to get him back?

  17. Katie

    June 6, 2019 at 6:24 pm

    I was with a man for 3.5 years. The complicated factors of our relationship were that we met when we worked together (he was my boss), I am not Catholic (His family is) and i have been divorced. Other the 3.5 years, i was never introduced to his family or friends. The reasons changed over and over throughout the years, “it’s too soon – you just left the company”, “My Family wont approve and i am not ready to fight with them” , “i’m not ready to get married” etc. Other than those issues, we had a wonderful happy relationship – he has even said i am his best friend and i made him very happy. We had great sexual chemistry as well. Towards the end, i would say things did get a little boring, but it was because we were on an island – so to speak. We couldn’t go out with his friends or to family events or anything. It was always just the two of us..

    We broke up in January because he said he needed space and was unable to take our relationship further (for the above reasons). He assured me he loved me and needed time to figure things out. He did say he was going to date other people – but NEVER did i think this would happen.

    By February he had started dating another girl, and i just found out last week that she has met his family (they dont like her, at least that is what he told me). I asked him if he loved her and he kinda hemmed and hawed and then said “it’s come up” but we dont say it often. How can he move on so fast in 3 months? Is this a rebound relationship? When we talk he still says he is confused and may be making a mistake but doesnt know what to do because he strongly believes his family would never have accepted me and with this other girl at least there is a chance. He said he is starting to realize that no matter who he brings home they are not going to be good enough for his family – and i get lost in that because he wouldn’t make a stand for me AFTER three years and it seems he is going to just give it more time for them to let this new girl in. He said that he was trying to bring home someone his mom would approve of and it was a test and it failed.

    What should i do? stay away and let the relationship run it’s course? move on?

    I waited three years to meet his family, and this girl got to meet them after a month. Shot to the heart.

  18. Brittney M Cortez

    June 3, 2019 at 9:01 pm

    ok so my fiancee broke up with me and a couple weeks later she was with another woman this woman asked her out and she said yes is that still considered a rebound relationship or does that mean its going to turn out perfectly i still have feelings for her and i have a feeling she still has feelings for me too and she is using this other woman to help cope with breakup she broke up with me the question is is there still a strong possibility that we will get back together or should i just move on

    1. Chris Seiter

      June 3, 2019 at 11:29 pm

      Hard to be sure Brittney. I wouldn’t move on unless you have exhausted all reasonable efforts to bring things to a better place. Starts with having a sensible ex recovery plan and that is what my Program (EBR Pro) is about!

  19. Gem

    May 26, 2019 at 12:33 pm

    I was with my ex finance for 7 years I had a daughter previously and he took her on as his. We broke up end of September after I found out he had a thing with another woman, we tried to work things out for a month but I was to clingy (I know wrong) we then stopped talk. After my daughter had health problems in January we started talking about her only in email as he had blocked us on everything. The other woman and him never got together. he In March started dating a girl 12 years younger than him (him 38 me 37 daughter 18) in March when he unblocked us and has been in steady contact with me (text and calls) but has never mentioned his girlfriend and I do not ask. I then found out early May they got engaged to her do you think she could be a rebound as he is pushing there relationship so fast?

  20. Shay

    May 23, 2019 at 12:01 am

    Hi Chris,
    My ex boyfriend of two years is now in a relationship with another girl. I found them in bed together and just two weeks later they started dating. This happened at the end of February. This guy has texted me every now and then but every time it ends up in a fight and he ends up telling me how much better of a girlfriend she is than me. He posts pictures about her on social media about how much he loves her and they even made it Facebook official. Even though, he has texted me telling me he has all these certain feelings for me still. I had no idea they were dating at First so of course I told him I missed him too. Once I found out they were dating and Facebook official I went off on him and told him to either be faithful or be single. He then told me no guy will ever compare to him because I had a miscarriage with his child but still continues to tell me how much better she is than me. I’ve had friends tell me she is a rebound but I don’t know if she is since he posts about her on social media and made it Facebook official. He hasn’t tried contacting me in over a week.

    1. Chris Seiter

      May 23, 2019 at 12:58 am

      Hi Shay….he has done and said some very wrong things. Consider No Contact and tap into my Program to understand how best to implement

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