By Chris Seiter

Updated on June 16th, 2021

I am about to save you from the biggest mistakes that you could make when you run into your ex.

Understanding how you act around your ex is an essential part of getting your ex back and in this post I am going to give you 6 powerful tips that you must read so you are prepared before running into your ex.

I get questions everyday in our private Facebook community about how to act around an ex if you accidentally run into him or her during a no contact period, the first meet up and in the rebuilding attraction phase.

If you are unfamiliar with the value chain or rebuilding attraction after no contact read about it because it’s crucial to understand when getting your ex back.

So, with that in mind let’s begin!

What Are Your Chances of Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back?

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How You Should Act Around Your Ex 

Here is a comprehensive list of the six tips mentioned in the video above,

  1. Act Indifferent
  2. Don’t Talk About The Breakup
  3. Don’t Be Mean
  4. Don’t Be Too Nice
  5. Don’t Ask If They’ve Been Thinking About You
  6. Look Good

Don’t be intimidated if you are looking at this list and have no idea what it means or how you should employ it. I am actually going to give you a detailed explanation of each below,

1. Act Indifferent 

Indifference is the magic key to a successful meet up with your ex.

Acting indifferent will make your ex feel as though they’ve lost you forever which seems counterintuitive but it will spark a curiosity that they won’t be able to let go of.

This works on both men and women because people are hard-wired to be drawn to curiosity.

A perfect example of indifference is if your ex boyfriend plans to meet up with you for coffee and he mentions a girl he’s dated and you act unaffected.

  • You might look at your watch
  • You might act bored.
  • You can change the subject
  • You might respond with a generic statement like “that’s nice” and move on

This will send him the signal that you don’t care that he has been on dates and you’re not jealous.

It may come as a big shock to them if you had established a pattern of being a jealous person during your relationship.

2. Don’t Talk About The Breakup

Talking about the breakup during a meet up is a devastating mistake that will set you back in this process.

Don’t bring up past fights or try to tell your ex how you’ve changed.

It’s more effective if you show your ex that you’ve changed.

Remember, show don’t tell.

The no contact rule is a great way to reset things with your ex but when you bring up the past it reminds them of why they left you in the first place.

So, here’s the fix.

What Are Your Chances of Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back?

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Instead of talking about the past with your ex make sure you come prepared with 3-5 incredible stories.

These stories should show you in a positive light.

For example, you might say something like,

“While I was volunteering last month at the animal shelter, a labrador retriever puppy was dropped off. He was so skinny from not eating. I worked with him for a few weeks and he’s doing great now and someone just adopted him yesterday. I know how much you love dogs especially Labs. Would you like to see the pictures of him?”

Important Tips To Keep In Mind About Your Story

Your story should be centered around your exes interests. A common mistake that I see my clients making is focusing stories around themselves.

Remember, your ex doesn’t care about you so much, they are more self interested by nature.

In the example above, the story is made with the intention that the ex loves dogs. The result is that they would find the story heartwarming and sweet.

Funny stories are also a great way to connect with your ex.

It’s actually been scientifically proven that shared laughter is correlated with relationship satisfaction (Kurtz & Algoe, 2015 and Dianne Grande Ph.D. 2017.)

It’s not imperative that you make your ex laugh but it will help you bond with them more deeply.

Make sure your jokes or stories aren’t sarcastic or hurtful. Good stories will stick with your ex and make them think about you even after you’ve left your meet up.

3. Don’t Be Mean 

This seems like a simple concept.

It’s actually not…

You’re probably thinking “why would I be mean to the person I love?”

Well, what happens when you actually see your ex in person and some of the issues resurface?

You lash out…

Similarly if your ex brings up your flaws you may act unfavorably and try to defend yourself.

If a situation like that arises and your ex says something like,

“You still seem like the same old person you were before,” you need to respond in a clear calm way.

At this point you can show your ex that you’ve changed.

Simply say, “I’m sorry you feel that way” and move on to another topic.

The stories you prepared above are perfect to use here as your new topic.

4. Don’t Be Too Nice 

What Are Your Chances of Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back?

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Being too nice is a very common mistake that I see with the members of our support group.

They think if they go out of their way for their ex or are overly nice the ex will fall in love all over again.

This is a huge mistake.

So, here are a few “off limits” behaviors I’ve surfaced a lot in our private support group,

  • Don’t buy your ex gifts
  • Don’t stroke your exes ego too much
  • Do not sleep with your ex

Subtle jealously is important but if you come on too strong you are going to scare your ex and they will run for the door.

You’re also risking the possibility that your ex will mistake your kindness for a weakness.

This will create an unbalanced friendship where you are constantly going out of your way for your ex and they are using you emotionally or sometimes even physically.

I’ve often written about a concept called called the benjamin franklin effect,

Benjamin Franklin Effect: if you ask someone to do a favor for you they are likely to do more favors.

Don’t become the “friend” that your ex uses for favors of any kind. You can start to do favors for your ex when you are back together but until then you do not want to end up in a friend-zone.

5. Don’t Ask If They’ve Been Thinking About You 

Nothing shouts desperation like asking your ex if they’ve been thinking about you.

It will seem like you’ve been worried about the breakup the entire time and it may actually hold you back from your overall goal of getting your ex back.

I’ve often compared going through a breakup to going through a withdrawal period.

In fact, he’s located research stating that the part of the brain that lights up when someone is heartbroken is the same part of the brain that lights up with a drug addict is looking for a fix.

My recommendation is to find a way to occupy yourself so that you aren’t obsessing about your ex so much.

Remember, we don’t want to look desperate.

6. Look Good For Your Ex

You need to look good if you think you may run into your ex.

Have you ever heard that old phrase,

When you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you do good.

It’s true!

Your confidence will be much higher if you feel you look better than ever before.

What Are Your Chances of Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back?

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Attitude is everything when it comes to getting an ex back.

My wife, a long time ago, did an entire video on what to wear when you see your ex,

If you don’t have the time to watch the video here’s a quick crash course.

  • It’s important that women wear the color red and men wear either black or blue.
  • It is scientifically proven that red attracts men more then any other color.
  • Black will help you exude confidence and mystery.
  • If you cheated in either case you will need to wear blue since that will subconsciously make your ex trust you more.

I’ve written about the 11 ways you can scientifically make your ex fall in love with you here and I recommend that you study that before meeting up with your ex as well.

The Importance Of Body Language

One of the things that people rarely take into account is their body language.

Body language sends more signals than words can in many cases.

So, when you approach your ex do the following,

  • Relax your hands
  • Stand up straight
  • Keep an open posture

And make sure you avoid the following,

  • Avoid closing your fists
  • Crossing your arms
  • Slouching

I’ve seen it all with my coaching clients. Just the other day a member of our private Facebook group signed up for coaching because she ran into her ex and the encounter went like this.

“I left the house in a stained t-shirt from painting all day to go to the food store right before closing to grab some milk for my morning coffee. You’ll never guess who I ran into… my EX. He was standing there looking handsome as ever and there I was standing there with a stained shirt, messy bun and sweat pants. As soon as I saw my ex I put my head down, grabbed a random box of Cheerios hoping he wouldn’t see me. Within minutes he’s standing next to me and says “Hey.” With a flushed face I say “Hey” back and he walks away. Is there anything more embarrassing then that? Can you help me fix this? Do you think it’s over for good now? I feel so hopeless and devastated! Should I restart no contact?”

After coaching with her I was able to help her turn that situation around with the tips I just gave you.


I also want you to know that if you make one mistake during the re-attraction phase it’s not something you need to worry about too much.

We are here to guide you in the right direction and have seen pretty much every mistake you can think of when it comes to getting an ex back.

You can always turn your situation around no matter how difficult you think it may be.

And if you are that worried all you have to do is leave a comment and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

What to Read Next

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57 thoughts on “How To Act Around Your Ex”

  1. Leilani

    October 29, 2022 at 7:04 am

    My bf broke up w me after big blowout fight. I think he was shocked I had such a meltdown because I was always the indifferent one and he chased me for two years (and and off again distance and during Covid). I apologized in 3 days and he waited 4 days to text me. I took my time responding. He seemed concerned and he continued to call me almost daily but we discussed things and he got angry and I thought he was done. I was dissapointed as he’s sent me a quote and a couple obvious messages that show he still has feelings for me. I called texted after 1 week and he got back to me in a min asking to talk that night (in an hour). It went okay as we kept it on good topics but now I don’t know whether to text and calk him or how to handle bringing him back in to my life seriously . Help

  2. Daniel

    June 2, 2022 at 4:39 pm

    Hi my girlfriend broke up with me because I am a recovering alcoholic. This is the second time that she left me because of this, this last time I messed up after 5 months sober and she apologized for not being strong enough to stay. It’s been about 4 weeks, and we left on good terms. I saw her last week for ice cream and a catch up, so we still want to stay in contact, however, I don’t want to be just friends I love her too much. I feel like I should have a real talk with her about whether or not we can remain friends or if we should try to get back together.

  3. Felicia

    April 27, 2022 at 2:31 am

    Hy i broke up with my ex the problem is that we work together and I find it difficult to forget about him because I still love him so how do i get back with him?

  4. mistura okebello

    March 13, 2022 at 7:00 pm

    My ex broke up with me becos,he fell out of love which I know he is lying,he said he still like me and dont wanna lose me that was last year but each time I try calling him or chat him up he blocked me.
    We plan on meeting this week and am scared because I don’t know what will happen or to say.

  5. Charlotte

    February 7, 2022 at 2:03 am

    I was living with my ex for about 6 mo we were engaged and very in love. During this time I had a sister 55 who lived in PA, she was very ill and dying. She also had surgery for a tumor so we took my mother to PA to visit her. My mother 85 also during her visit had emergency colon surgery and had dementia during this time covid hit, we could not get my mother back to MI during this time as everything shut down. I could not get to my sister to help out due to low immunity couldn’t risk getting covid. I fell into an emotional depression. I don’t know months past and still trying I held everything in. One day I just woke feeling lost. I felt at the time I needed to go be with my sister when time allowed and my emotions were all over the place I was so confused. I was faced with big decisions #1 not leaving my ex. But moved out without him knowing thinking if I left I wouldn’t face any hurt looking in his eyes. It felt right at the time in my thinking but months went by i didnt see him and had time to realize what I did was horrible to do to someone who loved me unconditionally. I only know I wish I would of talk to him but I didn’t know how I was an emotional reck. We talked some I seen him a few times got along great we still loved each other but I know he was still hurting. We reached out a couple more times always good company and conversations but he started being hot and cold. He told I have to fix me ( himself). I hurt him. But now he dont reach out to me only if I text him once in awhile. Since my sister past in Aug 2021 I was able to work on me. But it’s to late he has moved on says it usnt serious just a friend. I love him I should of stood by him think and thin no matter how my life changed I should if leaned on him. I let him and myself down and I lost him. He was the best thing in my life.

  6. Sam

    February 5, 2022 at 9:46 pm

    My ex broke up with me two months ago we was so in love with each other but we ended because of me and my anger issues. I feel like I’ve lost him for good as he’s become distant with me now and he won’t meet up with me but he still messages me occasionally out of pity I feel. Have i lost him for good? He’s a kind, caring person who has forgiven me many times before but I feel it’s really the end this time and I am devastated. Do I go no contact to try bring him back or do I continue to try fight for him?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      March 10, 2022 at 8:24 pm

      Hi Sam, you do need to go into No Contact and spend some time working on yourself learn to understand your anger and how to compose yourself when you are feeling yourself getting upset/ angry and how to calm yourself.

  7. Annie

    January 25, 2022 at 7:51 am

    My ex of 10 years broke up with me because he wanted to revaluate his life. He told our mutual friend that he still has feelings for me but he was hurt, I never cheated but I had a lot of anxiety and didn’t do what I promised to do for a very long time and I get his pain. I ended up doing what I promised in the end. I wanted to give him his space and I’ve had no contact with him for just over 2 weeks now. And I’ve been trying to work on myself. We’re gonna be at the same dinner party at around 3 weeks of no contact. Do I go to that dinner party or not as that will potentially break the no contact?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      January 29, 2022 at 10:23 pm

      Hey Annie, if you choose to go to the dinner party, I would suggest that you go with the intention of looking amazing, avoid spending too much time talking to him or being around him, avoid drinking alcohol if you are likely to get emotional. Use this dinner with mutual friends to show him you are doing great without him and that you have been spending this time working on yourself and your anxieties.

  8. Chanel

    January 23, 2022 at 4:27 am

    Hi. I’ve been posting less often on twitter since my breakup. He’s dating a model! He’s in another country. He’s stopped tweeting, just clicks like or replies to other people’s tweets. I haven’t posted anything negative, anything related to broken hearts etc. But I feel like he’s so very far away from me now. We used to interact on twitter a lot and it’s like he’s removed himself. How do I handle this? I’ve been contemplating radio silence for a bit. I’ve stopped posting IG pics because it hurts that he still sees my life but doesn’t post anything, though I stopped interacting in any way there once we broke up. I feel shut out. How do I really show indifference without being completely obvious

  9. Ana

    January 12, 2022 at 8:43 pm

    I’ve started talking with my ex and we’ve been flirting as well. He recommended we met up to talk although I’m kind of scared of how things will go or how to act.
    It’s not a date date but I guess I have to act like it could turn into one, right?
    He hasn’t shown any signs of disinterest but I just don’t know what to talk about when I see him. Any tips please

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      January 16, 2022 at 10:04 pm

      Hi Ana, so look amazing, keep it short and sweet no more than two hours and be sure that you use that time to just talk about what you both have done positive lately.

  10. Linda

    November 30, 2021 at 4:40 pm

    My boyfriend leave me because he said , he is repentance and born again. He don’t want any relationship or dating again .so I should find my way.

  11. Xbay

    November 30, 2021 at 4:35 pm

    I was dating a guy ,it was getting to two years . He was not picking my calls when I call but I haven’t done anything to him .I started argue with him .He just told me he is now born again so he don’t want to get into a relationship again .so he just leave me I called to apologize but he blocked me .Any number I use to call when he hear my voice he just block me .he will come because I love him.

  12. Zouh

    October 16, 2021 at 8:00 pm

    My Ex and I broke two months ago,the reason is he cheated on me with two girls,I found their phone numbers, chattings and I heard their call with him,when I asked him about them he use to say oneof them was his Ex and another is his sister’s friend,they were at the Same school in o level…and nothing is between them.After discovered that I decide to took their numbers and calling them and asking about the man.They all admit that they are dating with him,for sure I love the man thus I made a call with him and connected those gals in that call.The man replied shit and said he doesn’t know anything about me may be am doing that so as destroy their bond and relationship by fogging (faking) things..we went in fight and at the end we broke
    Two weeks ago he start calling me,and asking how do I do,calling again and again by saying he is just sending hi to me and nothing else.I sometimes ignoring his texts and calls.Now we almost have 5 days without checking each other,I really want him back.So should I check him first,or keep on waiting until he checks me???? Advice please

  13. Mpumelelo Papa

    June 23, 2021 at 12:44 pm

    I’m meeting my ex for a coffee

  14. Moneque Lipscomb

    February 20, 2021 at 10:09 pm

    I made a mistake telling my ex I missed much he didnt say it back I felt real stupid and mad at myself for saying it we’ve been having sex and he is seeing someoneelse we still talk every day

  15. Jose

    January 7, 2021 at 12:23 pm

    I went to meet my ex after some months of no speaking at all. The meet up went great! From my view at least. We talked, we shared, we joked laughed etc… I kept it cool and avoided all complicated topics, I was just trying to have a good night with her, but there were moments of little awkward silence… but over all I think it went pretty well. But I’m a lil nervous she doesn’t think the same

  16. Lucie

    January 5, 2021 at 4:45 pm

    My ex and I broke up over the phone when I was visiting my parents. Due to Corona, I won’t be back in the country until the end of the month. During the breakup, we agreed to see each other to give our stuff back and talk about it again (he said he’ll reply to all my questions but I don’t have any). Should I restart the NC rule after that? Or will the month of NC be sufficient?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      January 6, 2021 at 8:48 pm

      Hi Lucie, so you do not break NC if you are only collecting your things. You can continue with your NC and avoid replying if he reaches out to you. When you collect your things look good and be happy. Avoid speaking to him about any emotional topics or the break up etc

  17. Aaminah patel

    December 30, 2020 at 10:30 pm

    I want to show my ex boyfriend that i have really changed.

  18. Kevin

    December 10, 2020 at 9:37 pm

    My girlfriend broke up with me few months ago because of religious reasons but we have been communicating all along . I really want her back so much but I think I have been too nice to her . I bought her expensive gifts , send money to her account almost every month but nothing seems to work . We meeting up in few days time and I really don’t know what to do or talk about anymore. Please help!!!

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      December 12, 2020 at 8:47 pm

      Hi Kevin, so her religious reasons for ending things – can those be changed? If not then I would suggest you think about moving on because asking someone to change their religious beliefs are very different to changing someone’s “impression” of you. 100% stop sending her money and gifts… this does not work if anything you just make yourself look needy and desperate, which isn’t the idea here. We need her to think that you are done and walking away. I would suggest that you cancel your meet up and go into a No Contact for 30 days minimum.

  19. Em

    November 28, 2020 at 3:20 am

    So I work with and rent a house from Mark, we split up 3 months ago after a serious 4 year relationship (longest for both of us) we have a 15 year age difference which honestly never caused issues. My question is, now that I have done modified no contact to the best of my ability how do I use our work interactions for the best?? And he comes over to my house to work on it like cleaning the gutters or working on the air conditioner/heating. He’s an electrician. When he comes to the house how can I use that to my advantage??

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      December 4, 2020 at 9:48 pm

      Hi Em, so you need to be professional in your place of work, but look your best. Be happy and easy going. When he comes to the house – sometimes be in looking amazing, other times don’t be home when you know he is coming around let him wonder where you may have gone. You also need to start the texting phase so make sure you read some of Chris’ articles to help you understand the types of texts you need to be sending.

  20. Anna

    November 17, 2020 at 5:59 pm

    Hi l really need your help
    We’ve been togeather for three years and we brok up three months ago he thougth our relationship wont work and l know part of it is because of my wrong behavier and l know l can fix it
    I did whatever you said and we start texting after no connect period and we get better after a while and now he texts me some times and somehow he made a plan to see me but when l ask him out he said ok lets go out with our friends group because all of our close friends are mutual and he have’nt seen them for a while
    I dont know what to do is it a bad thing? What should l do ? Should l go out with him with our friends for the first time or not?l really dont no what to
    Does he want to see me just in group or what?what can l do to make situation better ?
    Please answer me

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      December 4, 2020 at 9:31 pm

      Yes go with your mutual friends, make sure you look good and happy. Make an effort to speak with all your friends not just your ex.

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