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458 thoughts on “How To Make Your Ex Jealous (Based On Real Life Experiences)”

  1. Kayla g

    January 29, 2014 at 4:11 pm

    me and my ex broke up a month ago and he is still no talking to me and i want to get back with him and he told my friends he stilled cared about me how do i get him so jealous that he will text me or call me???

  2. Sarah

    January 28, 2014 at 6:21 pm


    Need some help big time my and my ex were dating on and off for over a year, and we work together so we see each other every day, now he has been flirting and texting a girl I work with who I see every day and is my mate, she doesn’t know about us, but it’s killing me help as I want him back and there is only so much off a front I can put on at work before I explode please help xxx

    1. admin

      January 29, 2014 at 6:39 pm

      Are you going to do NC?

    2. Sarah

      January 29, 2014 at 6:53 pm

      Yes am not my second day, and it’s killing me, as I see him everyday at work and she is there to flirting with each other right in my face, should I continue with the NC Rule xx

  3. Sara

    January 25, 2014 at 12:17 am

    My bf and I have been together for 3.5 years. He’s very sweet and never had to worry about another girl. I got pregnant, he lost his job and was depressed so he didn’t even apply for a new one. I would come home and he would play video games. I would nag him. He also started his first semester of school and wasn’t studying. I would come home from work and do his school work. I began to resent him and I got very mean. I would say he’s lazy, a loser, started complaining if he spent money on fast food or even a beer. Now that I had my baby he says that he lost feelings for me from me being so mean. He was aka way the one saying he was lucky to have me. Now that my hormones are gone I realize I should have supported him with love. But he says it’s too late he lost those feelings. I want a family for my son and I’m still In love. Any chance this will work. He comes over to visit to see our son. Even worse the first few weeks I begged him to make it work 🙁

    1. admin

      January 27, 2014 at 6:40 pm

      There is a chance… but it is not going to be easy obviously.

  4. Michelle

    January 22, 2014 at 2:02 am


    My ex and I broke it off before the New Year over the issue with communication. I’m starting to think he had someone on the side because I’m approaching 30-days in a week and my ex has not reached out. Usually I’m the one breaking the ice, so this is unusual behavior on my part. You’d think he would be going crazy. I know if he were to see me with another man, or get ignored he would go balistic. What are your suggestions? What text ‘tactic’ can I use on him after the 30days, when he lives out of state?

    1. admin

      January 22, 2014 at 5:57 pm

      You might find it helpful to read the long distance relationship guide.

  5. melissa

    January 20, 2014 at 2:31 pm

    What if your ex owes you a lot of money? How would NC work then.

    1. admin

      January 20, 2014 at 7:47 pm

      Get your money first

  6. Stacie

    January 15, 2014 at 11:51 pm

    this sounds good as but In the NC what about if he doesn’t get jealous at all?

    1. admin

      January 16, 2014 at 5:46 pm

      Good.. you want him to be a little jealous

  7. Jodie Sison

    January 10, 2014 at 12:08 pm

    I really liked reading this article. But my only problem is that I can’t particularly follow the 30 days no contact rule because I have to work with my ex boyfriend. So, what should I do? I suppose this gives me a great opportunity to keep in contact with him and many ways to keep making him jealous. What do you think?

    1. admin

      January 11, 2014 at 1:52 am

      I guess limited contact is the way to go for you then.

  8. Ned

    January 6, 2014 at 9:09 pm

    My ex ignores me most of the time. But when he sees me at the gym he stares. We don’t text or anything. But I see him around pretty often, I just walk by him.
    Yesterday his mom invited me over, he said Watsup & I just said hey & walked away. I didn’t look at him or pay him any mind but he just keeps hanging around trying to get my attention. His mom told me that she knows he feels bad about the breakup. But I want to know if he just feels bad for being a jerk & treating me bad or is it that he misses me?

    1. admin

      January 7, 2014 at 6:39 pm

      I wrote a guide on jerks just a few days ago. You might want to check it out.

  9. Kat

    January 6, 2014 at 11:49 am

    What if during the not speaking period its his birthday? I don’t want to be mean.

  10. Paige

    January 5, 2014 at 8:22 pm

    What do you do if your ex has told you never to contact him again??? I’m really scared. It’s been a month since we broke up and it’s been a week since I contacted him

    1. admin

      January 6, 2014 at 6:16 pm

      Do NC still and I think after that it should be ok to contact him again.

  11. chrissie

    January 5, 2014 at 3:50 pm

    Ohwell.. jealousy has brought me to a point where I’m pretty confused right now.. i posted (was actually tagged) in a picture with a guy on fb.. and I wrote something like “haaahha” on the picture.. maybe a second later I got a message on my phone saying “well i hope you’re having fun on fb!! Well done!!” from my ex..
    Don’t know what to do right now actually.. xs

  12. SheilaE

    January 4, 2014 at 4:59 am

    Guys listen up, Chris is like the love guru! Follow his advice! At first it was rocky but once I followed his steps, my ex came crawling back! Now they’re taking me on tons of dates, being romantic, and even bought me a car O_o! I’m not saying that Chris can get your ex to buy you a car or other expensive gifts. What I am saying is that he’s giving you a solid plan that has worked like a charm for me. That no contact rule is IMPERATIVE! Not being in contact with your ex may seem impossible at the beginning but you have to force yourself to not reach out to them or respond to their advances unless it’s absolutely necessary like if you two have children or say a lease. In that case ONLY respond to them if it’s regarding those instances. Otherwise, no words for them. I tried it and my ex couldn’t stop blowing my phone up! They caught wind that I was dating other people and couldn’t take it. They were completely jealous. I’m absolutely being swept off my feet and my ex who’s now my partner is asking that we make plans to seriously commit. Do not try to find loopholes in this guide. Follow them. The only difference for me is that it wasn’t necessary for the NC rule to last 30days considering my circumstances. But Just let Chris know, he won’t steer you wrong. Now my only advice is that you make sure you want your ex back because once you execute this plan, they will be on you like white on rice! Thank you Chris!!!

    1. admin

      January 4, 2014 at 6:58 pm


      This is awesome! I have to say I am really happy things worked out for you and you got your ex to buy you a car!

  13. leah

    January 1, 2014 at 7:29 pm

    Im gonna try to get to that persona but I do have a question…what if he only responds to anything out of jealousy, my ex is cold and ignores me exsept for when im wth other guys and then hes flirting wth me and moving across the room and listening to our conversations. Is there anything else I can do?

  14. Adina

    December 28, 2013 at 5:06 pm

    Well , in my situation , I was with someone younger . He was 14-15 and I’m 17. We were together for 9-10 months and everything was fine. We broke up over a picture and two weeks before we had broken up but I took him back because i loved him a lot. Then he dumped me because he wasn’t feeling us anymore. We argued and fought a lot but we always made up and we had a pretty good sex life. I don’t know why things went bad but they did and he didn’t want to be part of me . I blocked him from really everything. Is that bad? I spoke to him -.- and I got so upset I told him off. Was that too much? I probably have no chance on getting him back now . Right ?

  15. Ruby

    December 26, 2013 at 1:20 pm

    Me and my boyfriend of a year and a half broke up (best friends before that for 3 years), I had a nervous breakdown and really pushed him away (on a day of a funereal for his great great nan). I apologised the next day and he said he was done with us. We hooked up at least once a week for another month and a bit but he kept saying he wanted to be friends. It got to the point where we had a huge fight in front of our group of friends about a week ago, because I said he was treating me more than friends, but he just wanted to be friends. It has now been 8 weeks since we broke up, is it too late for me to do the no contact rule? And how do I try and get him back when he just wants to be friends, but it’s clear he is just putting on a very stubborn and brave face to get over me? And if none of that is possible how on earth do I get over him and stop him consuming my thoughts.

  16. SamT

    December 25, 2013 at 12:20 pm

    My ex and I just broke up. We’ve been together over a year and on n off since we were kids. We work together and he’s starting to date one of the girls we work with. It’s really hard to see them together. And I basically do the NCR but twice he’s talked to me after work about everything that’s happened but doesn’t want me back. What do I do?

    1. admin

      December 26, 2013 at 6:01 pm

      How long have you lasted in the NC?

    2. SamT

      December 27, 2013 at 7:10 pm

      It’s been three days since he’s tried I talk to me but I haven’t made any attempt to talk to him but I have run into him while he was on a date wih my date and I run into him around town but we don’t talk

    3. admin

      December 28, 2013 at 7:04 pm

      Huh? your comment confused me.

  17. sara

    December 12, 2013 at 6:57 pm

    Hi. I love your posts very much.actually we were friends for 2years i live in MD and he left to US three months ago.(very far fron each other) We were in contact all days although we had 11:30hours time difference. But now i think he is trying to make me jeallous
    He several time told me that he is dating a charmibg girl and sent me some pics of university and he was with girls (formally not friendly)he tells that i want you to be dead from jeallousy cause you were very bad. I did not talk to him for sincefour days. I do not know why he is doing so. And what shall i do.

    1. admin

      December 13, 2013 at 7:03 pm

      Keep up with the NC at this point.

  18. Jennie

    December 12, 2013 at 5:24 am

    I have a friend overseas that I don’t see very often. Last time we saw each other we admitted we had feelings for each other and acted on them. We messaged every day for the next few months, he would initiate. Now, that has stopped and I’m not sure what to do! How can I use FB to get him interested again? Is there something I can send him to initiate the messaging again?

    1. admin

      December 12, 2013 at 7:16 pm

      Do you have Facetime or Skype?

  19. Anonymous

    December 6, 2013 at 3:38 am

    Your information has been very helpful. But my situation is sort of complicated. The guy I was with and I rarely had problems. We were pretty happy together and only fought when one felt jealousy. But, I have clinical depression. He did not know how to handle this anymore, he helped the best he could by getting me flowers and being there for me, but I assured him his company alone was helpful. He felt that he always had to be there so I would not hurt myself and it was affecting him with his schoolwork and his family. He went to a mutual friend of mine’s house, crying, to talk about it two days after we broke up. He broke up with me saying that he loves me and nothing would change but he thinks that I needed this. I cried my eyes out and thought I could accept it. We continued texting over break as friends, and it felt really wrong and it hurt a lot. Soon, I found out from a former ex that he had cheated me two months before. Hurt, I sent him an angry text after we said goodnight. Then he told me everything, and that it was one time and it was a kiss and how guilty he has felt ever since. He said the reason he hadn’t told me was because of my depression and I couldn’t handle it. He said he didn’t deserve me and I said I would give him another chance after giving him a hard time. Even after that he could not forgive himself and we got in a huge discussion about how he does not want to get back together, and be good friends. I told him that wasn’t a good idea for me right now. He told me he wanted to come over the next day to see “my beautiful face, and how my family and everything in my life is going.” After that, I just told him how I wanted him to be happy. Because I do. And he asked if he should continue texting me and I replied no. He replied “…Ok </3" and I told him I needed to be alone right now and I'd talk to him when I'm ready. But I see him daily now and it hurts. But my phrase of depression has ended. So, I have spent a lot of time enjoying life again with friends. I want him to be jealous and eventually want to get together again because he really means the world to me. How long should I be strong enough to not talk to him, and he gets jealous very easily to the point he gets angry, so should I hang out with other guys or no?

    1. admin

      December 6, 2013 at 7:56 pm

      You might find it helpful to read some of the other guides throughout this site.

  20. SheilaE

    November 30, 2013 at 4:50 am

    I think my ex is trying to court me again. Should I still employ the NC rule if they’ve already made attempts to somewhat get back with me? Also, I didn’t follow the steps in order. I’ve already made my ex jealous but it wasn’t intentional. What should I do?

    1. admin

      November 30, 2013 at 6:55 pm

      I think if it is true you should still do it BUT you should shorten the NC rule..

    2. SheilaE

      November 30, 2013 at 11:01 pm

      Now the thing is, I’m not sure if it’s true or if my ex is trying to string me along as plan b just in case what she’s doing right now doesn’t work out. With this in mind should I still follow the chart above or shorten the NC rule? If you still recommend that I shorten the NC rule, how many days should I cease contact?

    3. admin

      December 1, 2013 at 6:27 pm

      It all really depends on YOU and what YOU think is best… But if you are going to shorten it I would say from 4 weeks to maybe 2..

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