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458 thoughts on “How To Make Your Ex Jealous (Based On Real Life Experiences)”

  1. Abbie

    June 3, 2014 at 4:03 pm

    Hey Chris,

    My bf and I dated for 8 months and things were going really well. We had promised each other we were right for each other and had completely invested ourselves in staying together for good. I thought things were going great until one night we got into a fight. It wasn’t terrible, we were just talking about how we didn’t treat each other the same anymore (meaning the “butterflies” were gone) we both admitted that that was the case and were able to resolve it. He told me after the argument that he wouldn’t forget this quickly, but he seemed fine afterwards and I thought everything was fine. Well, about 2 weeks later, on Memorial Day evening, we were on the phone messing with each other, and I teasingly said, “Do you wanna break up?” And instead of him laughing like he usually does he said “I don’t know”. I was devastated, he starting saying that ever since the fight he’d been thinking, that he didn’t know if we were right for each other anymore. And that he wanted to be done and be single. He said he still loved me, I didn’t deserve this happening to me, and that he was sorry. He’ll answer his phone if I call him, so I think that’s a good sign. I decided to start NC three days ago, and I was just wondering if you think there’s any chance of him coming back? Thanks

    1. admin

      June 5, 2014 at 5:33 pm

      I think there is yes.

    2. Abbie

      June 6, 2014 at 12:15 pm

      I was on the phone with him last night and he told me he was done for good, so I think that’s my answer ):

  2. Roxy

    May 22, 2014 at 4:48 pm

    So I’ve been in NC for two weeks now, working out & doing great. Today I instagrammed a photo of myself with another guy, which has shown up on my ex boyfriend’s newsfeed for sure (as he’s following me). I noticed my ex boyfriend imitate what I did & uploaded a picture with a girl today right after. This is amusing…my question is:

    Is that a good thing? Did my post work in making him jealous?

    1. admin

      May 23, 2014 at 5:10 pm

      Definitely did and he definitely tried to make you jealous.

  3. Alice

    May 20, 2014 at 3:38 am

    My boyfriend broke up with me 6 weeks ago, I followed NC for 30 days since the beginning. And now I have started the texting, I’ve done the first recommended texts and today I sent the jealousy text about “was that you at (place) if it was you, you looked really good” and he answered 10 minutes after my text saying that of course it wasn’t him that I must have liked someone else and that he didn’t went out in the whole weekend.
    By the response, do you think that the jealousy text worked? I mean, why make the remark that he didn’t went out and that it was another guy that I liked? Is this a good answer? should I keep moving forward to the other recommended texts in your book, how much to wait between the jealousy texts and the other texts? I can’t see this anywhere in your book

    1. admin

      May 20, 2014 at 9:22 pm

      I think it did! Hes just hiding it really well.

    2. Alice

      May 21, 2014 at 12:14 am

      Thank you! I thought that I messed up with the text, it seemed like he was angry… I’ll keep moving forward and let you know how it went

  4. Alyson

    April 11, 2014 at 3:27 pm

    There’s this guy I was with for almost a year. He was kind of dark, he always talked about suicide and things like cutting. It scared me and eventually I broke up with him. And now that he’s got someone else (several someones)I realize how much I love him and want to be with him. I don’t know what to do…please help…

    1. admin

      April 12, 2014 at 3:58 pm

      Dang… are you sure you want him back. He seems a bit negative.

  5. Sydney

    March 30, 2014 at 3:54 pm

    I just got out of a bad toxic dark relationship about 2 month ago and I don’t want him back, but since then I found this amazing boy that pulled me out of my dark state after that breakup that I do want back. He was not a rebound and can out of nowhere because I was ready to not talk to another boy for a long time. He is exactly the perfect person for me. He is a breath of fresh air and makes me the best person I can be. I know I don’t need a boyfriend and that I’m good on my own but I really like him and it’s hard for me to find people I have that connection with. We’ve only been on 7 dates but after the first he was head over heals with me saying he doesn’t remember the last time he was this happy because of me. He is a workaholic and is a fisherman that works at a marina on the off season. This is his first time working at this marina for his internship and he is beyond busy and doesn’t have a lot of time. One thing I really liked about him was that he can be alone and likes to be alone sometimes because I do to. Recently because he’s been so busy I confronted him about it(nicely and appropriately). He said he doesn’t have time and wouldn’t be fair to me to be in a connoted relationship and that he needs to figure things out and work on him self. So we kinda broke up or just not talking right now, but I want him back. I’m fine with him not having a lot of time I just want to see him once or twice a week. Please help.

    1. Artemis

      April 14, 2014 at 8:48 pm

      I was in a similar situation. Its hard when you are getting out of a toxic relationship and actually find someone who isn’t just a rebound. I found who I want to spend my life with, but I just wasn’t healed from the toxic relationship I had before. We’ve been broken up a month and I feel so much better about myself and have a feeling deep down that once I heal he will find me again. Even if you don’t think you need the space and time, sometimes you do.

    2. admin

      April 15, 2014 at 4:14 pm


    3. millie

      April 3, 2014 at 9:50 pm

      You need to show him subtly that you have a life without him and that you are desirable to other males. Men are competitive and this will elicit his jelousy and his lust he had for you at the beginning. Worth a try.

  6. Tiffany Carter

    March 30, 2014 at 12:43 am

    yes I have an ex boyfriend who has another girlfriend but I don’t know if he really has a girlfriend the thing is he could be putting me through a test to see if I would go out and find another guy cause last summer i had another boyfriend and he was mad about that and he didn’t like my ex boyfriend Jonathan and now he went out found him self a girlfriend is he trying to pay me back ?

  7. sw

    March 22, 2014 at 7:57 pm

    I and my boyfriend brokeup fews days back..we were together for last two years ..he proposed to me.. we were in a distance relationahip but we used to meet aftr evry two month.he proposed to me..i ws elder to him..we were so close but after an year he started ignoring me n lying to me as well..he stopped calling me that time ..i askd for the breakup but he dint let me go that time.after sometime he again started putting his efforts to make this relationship work..i tried to make him jealous so many times but he never got jealous..and now he said that he cant appease his parents for the age issue so its better to finish it here ..i wasnt able to leave him so i forced him to continue this relationship..at the end he said he wants to quit as he doesnt love me anymore..pls help me out what to do now…

    1. admin

      March 23, 2014 at 4:51 pm

      How bad were his lies when he started lying to you?

    2. sw

      March 24, 2014 at 5:49 pm

      We used to talk on regular basis but that is hardly for 15 mins in a day..he used to say that i am busy…he had been with another girl for a month which i came to know later but at that time he said he wanted to be with me..

  8. Jamie B

    March 16, 2014 at 12:43 pm

    Hi Chris,

    My boyfriend and I were together for 4 years (we even lived together) and we broke up 3 months ago (his doing). I have since done everything you have outlined here, gone no contact for 6 weeks, and dated other people. I even started to move on! He initiated contact due to a picture he saw of me and another guy last week…and was clearly annoyed by it. Since then we have talked via text on and off…I have initiated conversation on two separate occasions and he has once. All of the conversations are relatively flirty and seem to just “flow.” Unfortunately, our most recent conversation made me wonder why we were talking again. He is not coming out and saying he misses me or is even considering “us” again…Where do I go from here?

    1. admin

      March 18, 2014 at 5:03 pm

      What are his actions saying? Forget words for a moment. Are his actions good?

  9. Maggie

    March 14, 2014 at 5:09 pm

    Hey Chris,
    I need some advice. I dated this guy for a short period of time, a little over two months. We hit it off really well and I ended up letting myself fall for him pretty hard. I went out of town for a weekend and when I come back one of his friends meets up with me to tell me that my boyfriend said he wanted to hook up with this chick at her place, he apparently never did which I believe. But when I heard this I got so infuriated and felt so hurt and emoional I decided to go and break up with my boyfriend over the phone and not let him say a word. I told him he wasn’t worth my time and that everyone was right when they told me I was out of his league (ouch). He was pissed… And when we talked over the phone about it a few days later just to clarify everything, I asked for a second chance and he denied me. He said we weren’t compatible and my outburst was unnecessary and he doesn’t have time to deal with my bullshit as well as fixing a broken relationship. Im on day 5 of the NC period, and I’m just wondering if me trying this is even worth it? This guy has a god complex and I’ don’t want to make myself look like a bigger fool than I already did. I see snapchats of him partying that his friends send me and ugh it’s getting to me.

  10. Curious

    March 12, 2014 at 3:18 am

    So we’ve been broken up for about 3 months, were together for almost 8 years. I’ve given him space and I want him back, obviously, but I’m being stubborn about contacting him. Sometimes it’s out of fear, sometimes I feel like he should be contacting me (I know, bad), sometimes I feel like I might come off as too needy if I tried. But in the end, I think that we’re BOTH being really stubborn about contacting each other. And yes, he is definitely one of those really stubborn guys. Sometimes I feel like he doesn’t really care anymore but then there’s other things that he continues to do for me regardless. IE – not kicking me off the cellphone plan we shared even though the contract ended months ago. He also paid for my game subscription, which automatically renews, and probably would have continued without saying anything but I put a stop to that because I didn’t feel it would be right.

    Now I feel like he might possibly be trying to make me jealous on Facebook. We have the same circle of friends and I’ve noticed he keeps name dropping some other woman on mutual friends’ statuses. I know who she is but I’ve never actually met her. Knowing how he, I had a feeling he would be hanging out with her after the breakup. I don’t know if they’re just friends, dating, or what, but I guess he’s also introduced her to our circle of friends. I’ve also noticed that she’s been invited into the same FB groups we both are in and pretty sure into our MMO’s guild.

    I guess the questions are pretty obvious: if he doesn’t want to be with me, then why is he doing things for me? And is he trying to make me jealous or am I reading too much into it?

  11. beti

    March 10, 2014 at 7:14 pm

    hey chris i broke up wiz my bf and i really want him back he told me that he broke up wiz his girlfriend and i know that he told me the truth but he make up wiz her and dumped me he always told me that he love me i really need ur help chris i don’t know what to do

  12. Jay

    March 9, 2014 at 11:01 am

    hey, my partner of 6 years split up with me a week ago. She said she’s been unhappy for some time and I’ve chosen to ignore it. She tells me she doesn’t love me anymore and wants to see other people. I’m obviously hurt and upset over our breakup and want her back but I’m really confused. I’m trying to move on with my life and take my mind off things but on a night out with friends I made a mistake and text her while I was out which she came across jealous in them. Her best friend also said she doesn’t know if breaking up with me is the right move either. And on my birthday a month ago she put a huge effort into it and we are supposed to be doing an activity day at the end of March which I’m reluctant to go to because I’d feel awkward. Have you got any good advice on winning her back?

  13. Deb Al-Hamza

    March 8, 2014 at 1:12 am

    My ex broke up with me a a month ago. We were living together for 10 months. He said he did not love me. We slept with each other 3 times but not the last week. I moved into my own apartment in the same building. I am trying to do the no thing. When I am not contacting him he starts texting me to see how I am. I am very confused. He said he does of love me and does of want to have a relationship with me. Why does he keep contacting me?

  14. Brad

    March 7, 2014 at 2:53 am

    I need more conversation starters in texts im running out and i am to afraid to say hi to her in person because im so embarrassed about what happened in the the past. Any advice?

    1. Annalee

      April 29, 2014 at 2:11 am

      You are making this about conversation starters? I think that you probably hurt her in the past and acted shady and maybe you are afraid she will reject you. If she has a clue she will run. If you are texting her instead of talking she will still think you are a jerk. When you do that crap to someone the only way to make it better is face to face and being real with your feelings. You sound immature, and she is probably great so give up. Actions matter-not texts. She will end with someone who is genuine with feelings and not playing stupid games. You should be crawling through broken glass if you feel for someone you know you messed up with. You go to them, tell them how you feel and make her feel sure about you-idiot! She would need to trust you again and it sounds like you are playing games still. If some ex was texting me-I would think I was one of many. What you present is a little boy who can’t deal with relationships and there will be a million guys ready to express their feelings. I bet you did this and failed. Probably acted shady and withheld and hurt her. Only being real works.

    2. admin

      March 7, 2014 at 7:03 am

      What are you scared will happen if you say hi?

  15. jonet

    March 6, 2014 at 4:17 pm

    I broke upwith my boyfriend of 3 yrs he wrnt and slept with the ex of 9yrs now he tryin to string us along i have the baby and was the love of his life since childhood. She loves him and he loves her but he is playing so many games. And he is telling me she wants him to choose her and but feels she will never feel like she first cause he has a daughter, she cant have children, i love him but not sure if i even want him back 30 day rule i started only talk about daughter help…..akasha


    March 5, 2014 at 3:42 pm

    thank you so much you really helped me

  17. Luna

    March 3, 2014 at 11:20 pm

    Hi Chris. My bf broke it off the night before Valentine’s Day. This is our second break-up; I fixed the problems I had when we first dated, that he said was why we broke up the first time but then he said those weren’t the real reasons and wouldn’t go into it when we got back together. Turns out his big problem was my jealousy problems which I told him I won’t have anymore. There were a couple other issues as well that I feel are fixable and I already apologized for/explained.

    My situation is slightly complicated because we were living together so all of my things except my clothes are still at the apartment we shared. And I broke the NC rule to text a couple times and last we chatted a couple days ago it was casual but I plan to not text him for a while. The tricky thing is our lease is up this month and he is renewing it with our roommate so I don’t know if they plan to contact me to get my stuff or what. Also we made plans to go to an event together so idk if we are going to go but room separately or what.

    I cannot stress in words how badly I want him back and I want to employ the NC & jealousy method, I just hope I didn’t screw things up worse by talking to him, even though like I said, we were friendly to each other. I just want another chance…

    1. admin

      March 4, 2014 at 3:32 am

      Well first things first, just get through NC without any slip ups.


    February 20, 2014 at 4:49 pm

    hey Chris,i broke up with my bf coz he was being offish & later found out he had gotten back with his ex. This guy has been telling me that he wants to be with me & I should give him time to break up with his current gf, I think my biggest mistake was allowing us to date before he did (Break things off) because he turned me into a side chick & I started texting the girl with his phone telling her I’m with her so called man. when he found out he told me that he doesn’t have a problem with me going through his phone but I have no right to start texting people & that he asked me to give him time to’sort things out’.. now we haven’t spoken for over 5 days & I feel like texting him. Should I send him a text to try & make him jealous?

  19. catrina s

    February 17, 2014 at 6:46 am

    i broke up with my boyfriend 2months ago. he has been quiet but he dedicated a song 2 me and has been telling our friends that he misses me.. question is why hasn’t he called

    1. Marchele

      April 1, 2015 at 8:34 pm

      Well he might be to nervous to tell you he wants you back. My ex boyfriend told me that he never talked to me because he thought that I would think he was a baby for talking to me after we broke up. So just try and start a conversation. You don’t HAVE to get back together just try to be friends!

  20. Vikki

    February 16, 2014 at 11:26 am

    Hi me and my ex split up 5 months ago, we tried to stay friends, I tried to restart things but he wouldn’t as he said he was happy on his own and didn’t want a relationship, but last week he told me he misses me and there hasn’t been a day gone by that he doesn’t think about me, he’s scared of going through the issues we went through when breaking up we argued a lot and I cried he was very low etc. So I said to him would he be happy to see me with somebody else he wouldn’t answer this. We have decided to fit contact but I know he still has feeling for me will this work for me if not can you help please
    Thanks xx

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