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458 thoughts on “How To Make Your Ex Jealous (Based On Real Life Experiences)”

  1. JT

    February 14, 2015 at 12:31 pm

    Ok so I was going out with this guy for just over a year and he dumped me now he’s going out with this girl that I absolutely hate and of all the things they got assigned my table at the school ball. I’m going by myself without a date I want advice on how to make him want me back and be jealous but I don’t actually want to date him again I just want to have the satisfaction of one upping his girlfriend :’)

  2. Andrea

    February 11, 2015 at 11:57 pm

    Just recently, my boyfriend of four years broke up with me. I was devastated… Still am. Here’s the thing, I live with his parents!!! This is because 3 years ago I moved away from my family because it was toxic and even now I don’t speak to my family. I have no one except his family. His mother became the mother I never had and his dad likes me more than he likes my ex. So my ex is living with his grandmother. When he broke it off I wanted to know why and he said that he doesn’t love me like he used to. Which irks me because I was very good to him our relationship was 90-10 me being the one who put my all into it. He is an introvert and he loved computer games so much that it got in the way of him taking care of his responsibilities and became a problem not
    Only with us but his parents too. About three weeks ago he got in a fight with his parents about him not taking care of business and the wanted to go into the police academy and stop going to school hen I got in a fight with him about it. So he came to me and said he wanted to break it off. The thing is I have to see him more than I want, family functions we work together and I don’t have a car anymore and his mother asks him to give me rides when she can’t. So the NC thing is difficult. His mother has talked to him about us and wanted to know why he broke it off and he said he did it mainly because I get so emotional. I wouldn’t be so emotional if he would take time from his video games and hang out with me. He said the usual “I still love her as a person, I want to help her buy a car, I don’t want her to hurt for a long time, in time maybe we can try again.” Meanwhile, I’m lost. Advice please.

    1. admin

      February 16, 2015 at 10:00 pm

      How much is the video games a problem?

      Also, do your best to try NC.

    2. Andrea

      February 17, 2015 at 3:44 am

      A big problem. He spent all of his time on them. He may not so much now because he is in orders for the next three months (Marine Corps reserves) and that takes up most of his day. But his video games got in the way of us really hanging out especially a year after I started living with him.

    3. admin

      February 17, 2015 at 12:51 pm

      Ya… he should really focus in on YOU and not the games.

    4. Andrea

      February 17, 2015 at 3:09 pm

      Ya…So he came over last night cause it IS his mother’s house. And we talked alone. I got something off my chest, it was about me being emotional and how’d I be over the top and I said maybe this space is good because I do need to work on myself a bit. And HE said that he has no intention on seeing anyone else and that we just need space to grow. I’m 22 and he’s 21. Which I agree with because i would not spend the rest of my life with him when he is at where he’s at. And HE proceeded to let me know that he is going to San Diego for four days to hang with his friends. ( I didn’t know he had friends, like really did he pull them out of his ass?) but HE invited me to go shooting with him sometime next week because he wants to test the rifle we bought before he brings it with him on his trip. I didn’t know what to say and just asked him how much do I need for the shooting range and he said he’d cover it.
      What should I do?

  3. Cindypaz

    January 30, 2015 at 6:32 pm

    Hiii well I’m depressed and I need help well my ex boyfriend and I have been dating for 10 months and we recently broke up because I got jelous and I snapped on him now the story begins like this I left on a Thursday to Tampa for a wedding I stayed there all weekend my boyfriend instead didn’t come with me and he stayed working and he went Clubbing with he’s mom and friend and I was perfectly fine with it but during that time I looked into he’s snapchat and reliazed he had two girl as he’s bestbfriends and I screenshot it and sent it to him asking him wtf who are these girls he responded and said in not going to explain , believe what you want and you know that whenever you have a reason I’ll give it to you , so i responded perfect don’t come crying later saying sorry and everything , then that Sunday morning he posted a picture of him on insta saying he was drunk . Now that pissed me off because he promised he would drink and blow he’s money , now it’s Sunday the 25 and it’s our anniversary I had forgotten but I was giving him the silence treatments since Saturday night , now he texts me at 10 on Sunday saying happy aiversary at least one of us remembered , and I simply replied thanks you too , that’s it and I had posted on ig a pic with my gay friend and said I was in Miami then I got on fb and say I was sick to see if he would at least cares to call me or anything but he didn’t .. But later on he posted a pic on ig saying he’s with he’s friends having fun now. Now what really pissed me off it’s the friend he was with because I hate him because he’s a bad influence on my boyfriend , now I completely snapped and went on a rampage and texted him Monday night telling him I’m done with you come get your shit all you car about is you blah blah blah shove your money up your ass your immature your almost 20 and all this mean name calling stuff you could imagine and I started deleating all our pics from ig and fb and so did he he blocked me but he didn’t unfriend me on fb and he just started posting pics of himself and smoking and started following he’s ex on ig ! Wth! now I got really upset because he quit smoking after we started dating me now he’s doing it to hurt me I guess I don’t know , anyways Tuesday comes and were at school we have 3 classes together imagine how awkward .. He completely ignored me I had sent him a long txt message explaining what happen to me Monday night why I did it and everything & he didn’t reply now I feel like shot because I see him , All day Tuesday I cried and didn’t eat didn’t talk to him after the text and I said to myself wedsday I have to go and applogoze for being so mean , now it’s wedsday were at school I text him and tell him we need to talk it’s inportant , he dosnt reply therefor I’m mad because she’s ignoring me then I got the class we have together he isn’t there but he’s friends told me they saw him.. I get called for lunch detention and he’s there I grabbed him and pull him aside and said why are you ignoring me and I stayed crying infront of everyone in lunch I didn’t care and I told him how sorry I was how I regret doing it how he doesn’t think that I want him , I told him to tell me , say you don’t love me and I’ll leave you alone say go away and I’ll go and he said I can’t because I love you but I need my time and I said look at me I’m serious im sealing my pride and I’m humalityed myself infront of you what do you want he’ said I can’t talk to you about this in school we can’t do this here and I said you walk away and forget bout me so he walked away because he got called and I left school crying and everything then later on I felt better because I had apologized and that what I wanted now he didn’t gonafter me or nothing didn’t call me later nothing so now I’m sad and shit for doing what I did because that what he wanted to see me cry and everything now I don’t know what to do I need help I don’t know if I should pay the same game he’s doing in going out posting pictures because I feel like that would never make him come back you know so please respond to me and tell me what you think

    1. admin

      January 31, 2015 at 3:39 pm

      Wow, you guys are just trying one up each other with the jealousy huh?

    2. Cindypaz

      January 31, 2015 at 8:16 pm

      Not really I’m not trying to so that maybe he is but instead of his actions making me jealous it hurts me and it sucks now he’s mom knows and she loves me and she said she’s willing to talk to me maybe I don’t know if that’s right or wrong but I can’t move I don’t know what to do as in these 30 nc because is hard I wish I could talk to him and make him realize he’s wrong and that he needs me maybe I won’t accept that fact that we aren’t together because if I do when he comes back i won’t want to

  4. Chhunna

    January 27, 2015 at 1:28 pm

    My boyfriend broke up with me on Sunday.. We dated for about 1 month and 2 days. He was my first boyfriend and kiss. He’s a sophomore but really mature and smart for his age LOL. He’s athletic (does gymnastics) but he’s very cocky . Im a junior, a year older than him. He probably only liked me because I was “easy” and that I was pretty. I really liked him a lot, but he wanted to break our relationship off and just become “friends” but he doesn’t reply to my facebook messages after our breakup
    I really liked this guy a lot, and when we broke up it kind of stressed me out |:
    There were problems in our relationship, and I warned him way before we were official. My parents didn’t let me have a boyfriend, I didn’t have a phone, and I wasn’t allowed to go out. I told him before he asked me out, and after we were together , I thought he would understand and would be patient with me . I really liked him a lot because we had a lot of things in common and we’ve dealt with the same issues in our life. He’s sweet 😀 but now he avoids me and act like I don’t exist… I want to make him jealous, but I don’t know how ? I want him to want me back (I know I know I’m too young for this) . He left a girl who can be a wifey type but can also be fun and loves to travel like he does xD also, his gymnastics friends told me that he gets a new girlfriend every month and me and him dated got about 1 month and 2 days . Please help my situation, THANKS !!

  5. mimi

    January 25, 2015 at 1:46 am

    Hello, i really need your help…

    My boyfriend said he is too tired from fighting a lot, and said he wanted to be friends and develop may be our relationship little by little again… and he said he would asked me to wait but he Can’t do that because he doesn’t want to hurt me more…
    After that I said I could wait and would text him once a while but he ignored me or just pushed me away… IT’s been like that for 2 weeks and after that I started NC, last call I told him that I agree about being friends and we have to take a break and I will try to not talk to him… then cut it off for 5 days now…

    Should I start posting my pics during the NC? Or Untill it ends?
    My ex is the kind who gives up really quickely and who would say what’s done is done and not break his head over anything…

    What should I do please answer me please please please

    1. admin

      January 26, 2015 at 3:34 pm

      During the NC and even after here and there.

  6. melissa

    January 22, 2015 at 6:59 am

    Me an my ex dated for 4 months but then had a bit of a messy break up (I broke up with him bc it was too serious for me). I did no contact and then he hooked up with this new girl (actually was my friend 🙁 ) on new years and they are now dating. They got together just two weeks after we broke up! I texted him basically said no hard feelings from the breakup, hope we can still be friends and he replied agreeing, then he texted me saying happy birthday on my birthday. I’ve come across him twice in public, the first time was at a party and I tried to tease him a little when I overheard him exaggerating a story. He gave me the meanest look, said nothing, and turned away. The second time I ran into him and his friends at the library. His friend was obviously flirting with me and my ex refused to look up for the desk, like not even a glance. So my question is, is he jealous? Does he miss me? Is he in a rebound relationship? Why did he say he wanted to be friends is he wont even look at me? Is he still hurt? I miss him 🙁

    1. admin

      January 22, 2015 at 5:06 pm

      Probably a bit jealous but he is also probably angry too and is not looking on purpose because he knows it will affect you which tells me he still cares about you in some way shape or form.

  7. kayla

    January 6, 2015 at 1:25 am

    My ex was to busy playing his Xbox and it irritated me so I told him it wasn’t worth it. We broke up and he wanted to be freinds of beneifets. He’s a doosh! And I wanna make him want me back, but then me turn the how down.

    1. admin

      January 6, 2015 at 2:02 pm

      All because he was playing video games?

  8. A

    December 26, 2014 at 4:21 am

    When I was texting my ex boyfriend and decided to tell him “Hey I gotta go meet a friend. TTYL. Merry Christmas” He replied “Ahh new bf? haha jk have fun”…I never responded so an hour later he sent another text “Guess so haha.” I felt like I should have said something back so I said ” I have new friends:)” He continued to ask”New friends from school?” I never responded back and the next day he texted me first “Merry Xmas” I guess my question is if he asks me again when I send him that type of text next time, what should I say?

    1. admin

      December 29, 2014 at 2:37 pm


      He clearly is interested to ask that.

      Just stick to the story with the friends.

  9. Sara M.

    December 5, 2014 at 4:21 pm

    Hi Chris!

    My bf just broke up with me a few weeks ago after dating for 6 months. He claimed that distance was “too hard” on him and through friends I heard that he wasn’t “emotionally connected” when in fact he had told me he had been while we were dating. How does your advice work with distance as a factor and is it even possible when guys state a lack of emotional connection?

    1. admin

      December 8, 2014 at 12:36 pm

      How far was the distance?

  10. jst me

    December 2, 2014 at 1:56 am

    hi mi ex jst found out that am cheating on her and she means the world 2me i dnt knw if shes using ur advice 2get back at me or wat so wat do i do 2get her attention back 2bring back new feelings

    1. admin

      December 2, 2014 at 3:00 pm

      I would like to direct you to my other site, Ex Girlfriend Recovery.

  11. Miss Kay

    November 18, 2014 at 3:54 am

    Hey there Chris, I absolutely love your advice and posts!
    I was wondering what to do in my case:
    So me and my boyfriend had been together for almost 2 months, we were always that couple everyone thought was “too cute” and wiuld stay together for ever, an I had been making him “wait”, I had decided to surprise him after our 2 months to you know what. We were gonna hangout that weekend but he broke up with me 2 days before saying we don’t get to see each other enough. Previously he had been saying he loved me but I never said it back (not wanting to lie) and would jus say something cute. It was terrible and I was extremely confused! We didn’t talk for at least 30 days but saw each other at parties because of our mutual friends. We sent a couple messages back and forth about hooking up and fooling around (after the 30 days). We didnt that night, we didn’t talk for another extended amount of time. I miss(ed) him like crazy and couldn’t/can’t get him off my mind. We saw eachother at another party but we had ended up hooking up, after I was bein a tease about it. We haven’t talked since and it’s been an additional 3 weeks. Please help me I don’t know what to do. I hear stuff about the girls he has talked to and I’m the jealous one…

    1. Chhunna

      January 28, 2015 at 4:27 pm

      Just ignore it. Try to make him jealous back. I’ve been dating a guy for about a month( he gets a new gf every month as I’ve heard) and he knew that I really liked him. He broke it off saying we don’t get to hang out. First of all, he knew that I couldn’t go out or even have a boyfriend. But I thought he would be patient if he was dating me. He broke up with me a month after and I’m getting revenge. I’m going to make him jealous. Try the NC longer and just act happier (especially when he’s around) and act like you’ve moved on and flirt with other guys. After the NC is over, casually message/text him, but sound like you’re not interested. It’ll make him want to get back with you 🙂

  12. Erin

    October 15, 2014 at 12:44 am

    What should I do if my ex texts, calls, or attempts to contact me in any way during the NC period? Should I just completely ignore him for 30 days when he attempts to contact me?

    1. admin

      October 27, 2014 at 2:35 pm

      Yep, just ignore him.

  13. anabelle

    October 14, 2014 at 12:08 am

    I just recent implemented the NC rule; long story short said he needed time, I said okay take it (while canceling the date we had this Week as to me if you want space you get it all) been 3 days no contact until today posted a picture and got the text “you look really pretty” said thank you and that was that, what that meant I don’t know but rest assured I won’t rest until the power lies with me and I am never taken for granted like this again.

    1. admin

      October 14, 2014 at 3:56 pm

      Well, you kind of broke NC by saying thank you.

  14. Shruthi

    September 3, 2014 at 3:14 am

    HI, A mutual friend of us tagged our LKG photo on facebook,he instantly sent a friend request and we started pinging on facebook, he was very kiddo innocent sweet and used to update each and everything to me, I fell for these nature of his, loved him very very much proposed to him, he took 4months to accept me, because he is a guy loafs around goes for long trips, never believes in love, after accepting we had a good time with eachother, i introduced him to my relatives and family all are okay with us getting married but the problem started when his parents where against us because i was not of his caste. we tried our best nothing worked out. he later met me and said he wants to breakup with me in a very rude manner, i still tried to convince him begged him fell on feet totally lost my selfrespect, i asked him to just support me stand by my side, il take care of the rest, il somehow convince your parents il ask my parents to talk to them and all that, still he was not ready. he left me without a proper reason, i love him madly, truely very very deep. i fell sick completely was hospitalised too. if u answer this you will be saving me. please kindly give me a solution as to what can i do to get him back? please help me.

  15. Talls

    August 26, 2014 at 10:51 pm

    Hi Chris! Bought your book and it is extremely helpful. I just have a really quick question.

    It has been 3 months since NC ended. My ex (lets call him J for simplicity sake) has had this girl who he has been with (kinda a sex buddy) and she has gone off to college. I recently have gotten really close to a friend, who is also one of my ex’s exs (lets call him H). Nothing has really happened but when J found out, apparently he was really angry about a possible relationship between us. H asked him about it, and apparently they worked it out. But he also called me, saying he needed someone to talk to (apparently the girl he was with was in class).

    I went to his house after work, and we talked for a bit. It was very friendly conversation but he kept bringing up the girl he is with along with girls he has a crush on/crushing on him. I didn’t really say anything, and then went back to work. Before I left, he asked for a hug. Later, he tagged me in a message on facebook just saying I visited him to help him feel better and was now getting on xbox.

    Do you think he is trying to make me jealous?

    1. admin

      August 28, 2014 at 12:15 pm


  16. Jessica

    August 25, 2014 at 6:09 pm

    If my ex texts me first during the no contact period, am I supposed to keep ignoring him because the 30 days aren’t up yet? Or do I move on to controlling the conversation?

  17. Jessica

    August 25, 2014 at 6:07 pm

    During the no contact period, if my ex texts me first, do I still ignore him if the 30 days aren’t up yet? Or am I supposed to move on to controlling the conversation?

  18. The Awesome Possum

    August 15, 2014 at 8:32 pm

    Me and my ex had been dating for 3 months. He didn’t have a job but he had the most wonderful personality. He was goofy in all the ways I wanted a guy to be, and it didn’t bother me that he wasn’t as intelligent or intellectually aware because he was a good guy. It got rocky in the third month when out of nowhere, after telling me how much I mean to him, he then blurted out, “I know how I feel about you, I just don’t know if you’re the right person I should be feeling this way for.” What the hell does that mean? As a side note, his bedroom skills were almost pathetic compared to mine, and he said, (and I knew) that I had given him the best head of his life and I was the most attractive girl he’d been with thus far. I was a stand up girlfriend, I tried my hardest. Eventually I got fed up with his confusion. I’m awesome, you know I’m awesome, you’ve said it yourself, EVERYONE loves us together but you’re still confused? And broke? There’s nothing you have to offer me. You cant offer me a secure relationship or even take me out on a date.

    Despite all of this, he is a good guy. Confused but a good guy. Unfortunately for him, even though I’m a loving and selfless girlfriend, I don’t respond well when people don’t realize this, or don’t care. I want him to realize what he missed out on, try to pursue me, so I can spit in the face of his feelings and say, “Sorry kid, this luxury cruise has sailed. Have fun on your dinghy.”

    1. Sam

      September 23, 2014 at 3:40 am

      Holy crap! For once I have found a scenario I can relate to. My situation is very similar with some more factors other than being broke and you being very supportive along the way (which was also me). He was also dealing with a very complicated ex relationship and I was also supportive about that. If you want to talk further about it, I’m down. I don’t have very many people at all who understand my scenario. I’m also not sure if I want him back. Something happened recently that really made me consider whether I want to remain in it, so we had a fight about what happened and now I’m implementing the NC rule. He’s already contacted me but I’m not writing back and I’m not even ready to forgive him. Email me if you like. Could probably shoot each other advice.

      Chris, I’ll be using your advice.

    2. admin

      August 18, 2014 at 12:29 pm

      That is weird that out of nowhere he said that.

      I honestly think the tactics on this site can serve you well.

  19. Allie

    August 4, 2014 at 12:07 am

    NC lasted 15 days. I made a judgment call, giving in because of his continued calling sobbing for me back, literally sobbing, fetal position sobbing, said the grass wasn’t greener, he can’t live without me. I was cautious. We went on a date. No sex. Date ended with text from girl he said he broke it off with. Content of text indicated he had not broken it off.
    Almost a week of him vacillating-doesn’t know what he wants. Not sure. Sure. Coming over. Not coming over. Over and over. Never came over.
    Today he was supposed to come over. Called me instead with final good-bye. Said he can’t see me because he can’t resist me. Slight argument and I told him to be sure, he said he’s sure. Told him I won’t be contacting him anymore, but…
    I Couldn’t resist a couple last texts:
    “I have a question.
    Since you have been vacillating so much, I feel it is my duty, and out of respect to ask you this.
    I really want to be sure that you’re sure, and that this is your final decision, because…” (Waited for like 5 minutes for effect)

    “I have been true to you, and have not been with another man for a very long time. I feel as if I belong to you, and I wouldn’t want to hurt your feelings by being with another man, sexually, if you’re not really sure.
    So basically, out of respect, I’m asking your permission to date other people-(another pause)

    So…do I no longer belong to you?”

    He called about 20 minutes later. I didn’t answer. I waited an hour and called back saying I was returning his call.
    He said “I will be over immediately after work tomorrow–are you asking me for permission to date other men?” I ignored his question, and said “uh, okay, well, see how you feel tomorrow, you may change your mind again, in the meantime, about coming over again”. He hung up.

    He was obviously jealous. Don’t know what it means, could mean nothing, not sure if I care so much anymore, even if he doesn’t show, it was just so darn satisfying to elicit that response!

  20. Curious

    July 20, 2014 at 9:50 pm

    Hi there, Chris!
    Can you still make an ex jealous if it’s been 6 months since you broke up and he’s currently with the person he left you for? We have no contact with each other but I want him to regret leaving me…or at least miss me. I have started talking to other people and was thinking of posting pics of a guy friend that I hang out with.

    1. admin

      July 21, 2014 at 4:13 pm

      I suppose its not out of the realm of possibility but its more unlikely to happen in this case I think.

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