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779 thoughts on “Using Facebook To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back”

  1. Monica

    December 31, 2014 at 6:23 am

    I posted in another one of your articles, the one if you have a child together (we share a dog) and I was the one asking about whether or not I should text him telling him I’m uncomfortable with his texts about us. I decided not to text him at all then this happens:

    He texted me saying “I just have to say my piece then ill stop texting you. I realize you are putting your guard up around me and I completely understand but I thought we were agreeing to try to be friends through this. I may be overreacting but I feel like this is not going to be upheld by your end. So I just wanted you to know I will not be in contact with you unless it is about the dog. I’m sorry it had to be this way but I sincerely believe it is the best route for both of us. Have a happy new year and take care.”

    then he deleted me off Facebook and unfollowed me on Instagram. Why is he doing this? I’m afraid my chances are dwindling.

  2. Lilly

    December 30, 2014 at 10:30 pm

    So, blocking an ex-boyfriend during NC is bad?

    He wanted to be friends after the breakup and have everything be totally cool between us, but I didn’t want to give in what he craved so badly–my companionship. I explained I needed a break and blocked him and he has texted me once since then. I really think blocking him on FB is the way to go since it is making him miss me. Am I right to think this way or will it hurt my chances in the long run?

    1. admin

      January 5, 2015 at 3:00 pm

      Its ultimately your decision.


  3. Yui

    December 11, 2014 at 1:55 am

    Hi Chris. My boyfriend for 1 year and 5 months just broke up with me last month. He was my best friend and I love him so much. Everything was perfect when we were together. After 10 months, my family moved to anther country. Our only means of communication was facebook and skype. We argued more often and then on our last fight over a small thing he gave up on me and never did not accept my apology. He said that he doesn’t love me anymore and that we are not getting back together again. He blocked me on facebook. I chased him through email where he responded saying that, he doesn’t feel the same way anymore and maybe we could be just friends. I agreed to be friends at first and made him unblock me on facebook. I messaged him every after 5 days and his replies were cold such as “thanks” “okay” “bye” “good night”. I cannot handle it anymore and ask him if we could talk over skype for the last time. I told him that I cannot be friends with him anymore because Its just hurting me and I have to forget about him. The next day, he messaged me that he’s confuse. I didn’t reply on his message thinking that I should apply NC. I never contact him for 15 days now. I can see him online in chat everyday but never message him. I still want him back and I love him very much. Is there still a chance? Help me please.

    1. admin

      December 15, 2014 at 5:17 am

      Good ole long distance…

      I hear you.

      Have you read my latest post about my experience in LDR’s?

  4. S

    November 29, 2014 at 8:50 pm

    Hi Chris

    I have a question for you – I recently added a male friend (day 9 of NC) and it was on that day itself that my ex unfriended me even though we had said we will be friends.

    Was that just a coincidence or do you think he saw?

    I became a text and call gnat after that by the way and he re-added me telling me it was a massively stupid thing to do and he would have re-added me anyway.


    1. admin

      December 1, 2014 at 3:33 pm

      He definitely saw!

  5. jean gray

    October 14, 2014 at 9:30 am

    HI chris, is it okay if I post a pic on facebook that someone gave me flowers? like leave it anonymous on who gave me flowers?

    1. admin

      October 14, 2014 at 4:06 pm


  6. Kalista

    September 9, 2014 at 2:13 am

    Hi Chris,

    My ex has never once attempted to add me on Facebook (though he would often ask me if I saw pictures of his diving trips etc…that he uploaded, and I would mention that we were not Facebook friends).

    From Day 1 since I’ve met him, I’ve noticed that he has girls with whom he’s had sexual relations with (relationships, flings, one night stands) on his list. However, when it came to me, he would neither add me nor did he ever accept my friend request. He left it pending, yet he accepted other people whenever they added him (his friends list visible to all). I cancelled my request as a result.

    In addition to this, at some point, (he didn’t realize we had common frinds) he modified his profile such that only friends of friends could add him (I used a dummy account to keep tabs on his profile; that’s how I realized that). Why would a guy behave in such a manner?

    1. admin

      September 15, 2014 at 3:20 pm

      Did your relationship end on a very bad note?

    2. Kalista

      September 18, 2014 at 1:58 am

      No, it didn’t. We were civil to each other (and he would always keep looking over at me whenever we attended the same events). We stopped being civil to each other about a month ago when I sent him a nasty message in response to him not responding to my text asking him out to dinner. (he asked me to delete his number after that).

  7. Shelby

    September 2, 2014 at 10:31 pm


    First off this was very helpful! I was wondering if you could give me a little bit of advice.

    My ex broke up with me 7 weeks ago, since the break up we have not contacted each other directly. However, we are both on a dating site that allows you to see who has viewed you . And I have viewed him and he has viewed me. We also matched up on tinder. I’m not sure if this counts as part of the NC rule.

    Anyways, I remain good friends with one if his friends named Rachel and she has told me that if I did text him that he wasn’t going to be “a dick about it” and also she told me that they where having a conversation which rachel mentioned that my ex worked a lot and he responded “that’s what Shelby always said too” (which I did).
    And for the past 4 weeks I have lost some weight, bought new clothes and post pictures of me having fun with my girlfriends (tailgating, lake, and at the pool)

    The other day my ex liked my new profile picture, but the profile picture has Rachel in it. And my ex and Rachel have been friends for several years and she has become one of my really good friends but my ex introduced me to her. did he only like my new profile pic because Rachel is in it or cause it’s of me too? Also when should I message him? Should I wait even longer it’s been 7 weeks and he liked my profile pic two days ago.

    1. Shelby

      September 3, 2014 at 6:51 pm

      I also think maybe him liking my profile picture was a way of him saying that he acknowledges that his friend Rachel has become my friend. Maybe he is jealous of this ? Or feels like maybe I have betrayed him by being friends with her ?

      After are break up Rachel told my ex that she was still going to be friends with me still. And my ex said that he understood. All of his friends have the same feelings towards me.

    2. admin

      September 4, 2014 at 12:06 pm

      Maybe… Not sure he is super jealous but who knows, I have seen crazier things.

    3. admin

      September 3, 2014 at 2:46 pm

      Are you worried about him and Rachel?

    4. Shelby

      September 3, 2014 at 6:45 pm

      Not at all. They have been friends for a long time, and she has become good friends with me as well.

      She has even told me that she would tell my ex to get back with me. I did not want her to do this since I value the friendship I have with Rachel and don’t want to put her in the middle of our break up.

      I just am curious why he would like my profile picture. I really hope it’s because he misses me or something . Also my ex has the hugest ego ever! So I know he won’t message me. Do you think if I keep using “jealous heaven” he might message me first ?


    September 1, 2014 at 3:31 pm

    Hi Chris,

    Throughout my breakup, I have been posting pictures of myself with family and friends as my whatsapp profile pics. I have never posted any pictures of me and a guy because I didn’t want to hurt my ex. After 10 months of our breakup, he posted a pic of himself at a party with his friend, all drunk. He usually doesn’t like to post pictures of himself. And for the first time he even put a picture of a girl at this dinosaur exhibition. I have no idea who she is, if she’s his new girl or a friend, but it made me jealous!! And I didn’t give him the satisfaction by showing that jealousy. The next day I spoke to him like the picture didn’t bother me. Then the next day he changed that pic to a better one. Why put these pics all of a sudden when before he posted artistic pictures and nice sayings?

    1. admin

      September 2, 2014 at 1:25 pm

      Is this all through whatsapp or Facebook.

    2. JESSICA

      September 3, 2014 at 12:49 pm

      It’s all through whatsapp….he doesn’t have facebook because he doesn’t like broadcasting about his life and doesn’t like to post pictures of everything he does…he is reserved which is what I like about him. That’s why his behaviour is a bit strange

  9. Rachel

    August 26, 2014 at 9:55 pm


    My boyfriend and I had been together for over two years and then he moved to another country with a different time zone. At first things went smooth and we were handling the LDR pretty good until a few months later when he started getting distant and mysterious. I got suspicious and eventually caught him flirting with other girls via a dating app in his mobile.He was taking more interest in texting those girls and neglected me. A month later I confronted him about it, at first, he denied it and blamed it on his cousin, took a day and next day sent me multiple messages on facebook & whatsApp apologizing for his mistakes and how he was a fool and begged me to give him another chance.We talked it out and got back together but to me nothing really felt different. I was still unhappy since he still wasn’t giving me enough time like he used to before. My trust was already broken so I went on to contact one of the girls’ he was texting earlier and found out he still texted her and denied having a girlfriend (me).She told him about my messages and he came raging at me blaming me and coming up with a lame story that he did that to test if I still trusted him. The conversation got really heated and he broke up with me blocking me from his Whatsapp Messenger ( he informed me before he did it and warned me not to text him).He said I wasn’t good for him and he couldn’t go on with our relationship any further.Its been twelve days since our break up and I haven’t contacted him.

    But he seems to be acting up in a way very confusing to me. 3 days after our break up he unblocked me from his whatsapp but said nothing.I kept my activities on facebook minimal and kept a low profile while I was grieving over our break-up. A week later I took to facebook and updated statuses of loss, hope and betrayal as well as more positive posts and updates.The next day, I received a friend request from him. Apparently, he had un-friended me and then re-added me again. I got furious but didn’t react to it. A day later he blocks me from whatsApp again! Its been 2-3 days I still haven’t accepted his friend request on facebook because I’m confused by his behavior. I haven’t tried to contact him ever since we broke up and neither has he. I still love him, miss him and hope that we could get back soon but this time for the right reasons. I decided to give us some time to calm down, analyse where we went wrong and realize each other’s worth. And given that he’s the one who messed up and sort of cheated I really want him to be the one to make first contact.

    Since we’re countries and time zones apart right now our main means of communication are facebook, skype , viber and WhatsApp. So you can understand the significance of them in our relationship. I came across your website today and I’m glad to know I’m already doing something right by applying the ‘No Contact Rule’. I too was aiming for a month given our break up ended on bad terms.I was wondering if you could please explain his weird cyber behavior? And if I should accept his friend request on facebook just yet before he cancels his request?

    1. Pratiksha A. Kashyap

      February 25, 2015 at 9:07 pm

      Your are mine story is quite same. I caught him proposing to another girl and he was all like begging me for a last chance and all those kind of shits . Than again I found that he was cheating me with another girl ( just a timepass as I was not able to give him time) But I still don’t wanna let him go. I considered him as my life and we had so many memories. We were together for more than two years but now I’ve lost myself. Anyway keep hope 🙂

    2. admin

      August 28, 2014 at 12:09 pm

      Are you sure you want this guy back?

      He seems completely disrespectful.

    3. Rachel

      August 28, 2014 at 10:56 pm

      Yeah I know, most of my friends say that and they’re actually happy our relationship is over. But the problem is even after all that,I just cant find it in my heart to hate him and move on. We talked about marriage,kids and made so many other plans.We had some really good times together.I had my whole life figured out with him and now it just feels like wasted time.We planned to marry next year,I thought he was the “one” and that my search was over and now its like I have to start all over again.I’m 28 and most of my friends are either married or having babies. I just cant do this all again.This is the guy I actually ever opened up to. You don’t feel that way with everyone at least I was very guarded and he broke that wall.
      Oh by the way, he unblocked me from his WhatsApp today. I don’t know if that’s a good sign.Even if he does contact me, I don’t know how to respond.

    4. admin

      August 29, 2014 at 12:06 pm

      I understand your position. It’s hard when you let someone in to that level to just let them go you know?

      I would say him unblocking you is indicitave of him wanting to spy on you which I suppose in the end means he still has strong feelings for you.

    5. Rachel

      August 29, 2014 at 9:31 pm

      Yeah I suppose your right. We do have a lot of history. Anyway, I guess I’ll just wait it out and see what happens and hit back when I’ve made any progress.

      You know, I really appreciate what you doing here. Its nice to confide in someone un-biased and get a guy’s perspective.

      Thank You!

    6. Katherine

      December 31, 2014 at 3:09 pm

      Rachel, I know this is several months old and I’m also just a complete stranger, but I felt compelled to respond.

      I was engaged to a guy a few years back and I was completely in love. He and I were “the ones” in my opinion. Obviously we talked a lot about marriage and kids. He was completely disrespectful however and was even emotionally abusive, but I felt the good outweighed the bad. My friends were overjoyed though when he broke up with me suddenly and without warning.

      I wanted him back for over a year. He and I had contact for most of that time and it was killing me.

      One morning I allowed myself to think of all the damage he had done to me in the relationship (degrading me, flirting heavily with other girls in front of me, making me feel like everything was my fault…) and I realized that he did me a favor by breaking off the wedding.

      I am still friends with him on Facebook and I honestly cannot stand the fact that I dated the guy, let alone wanted to marry him.

      My point is, don’t settle. I don’t know you, but I can tell you straight out, no one deserves to be treated like your ex was treating you. “Testing” is a lack of trust on his part and a lame excuse. Don’t make excuses for him. If you do (or did) get back together with him, I hope that you have noticed a very large change in his life and actions. Remember, marriage only amplifies problems, never erases them.

      Hope the best for you.

  10. Ella

    August 26, 2014 at 4:46 am

    I had Jen’s EXACT situation happen to me 3 weeks ago, only the guy had the decency to say it to my face the night before I was leaving town, rather than via text.

    It had been 3 months of long distance, followed by 2 weeks of absolute bliss in person (I’m talking, “bought me a toothbrush for his place and introduced me to his dad” type bliss) and then the night before I flew out, he told me he felt we got along really well and he enjoyed spending time with me but that we were incompatible. He texted me the following day saying he wasn’t sure whether or not I wanted to hear from him but basically re-affirming his words from the night before and I responded several hours later and rather tersely saying I was boarding the plane and speak soon. I haven’t contacted him since, though I did tag him in a couple of pictures on Facebook (group pictures, nothing intimate, and it was only 2 out of an album of about 30 pictures with my friends from my trip).

    I don’t want to romanticize it and excuse his actions by saying he got scared by his feelings for me and intimidated by the distance (he never was a fan of long distance relationships) but frankly, his actions over the 2 weeks don’t match his words and I am angry, confused and devastated. Thoughts?

    1. Ella

      August 29, 2014 at 2:57 am

      Hi Chris – no advice? 🙁

  11. Gerry

    August 6, 2014 at 5:11 pm

    Chris, we broke up. Now he ignore me from Facebook chat. He always stay offline only for me. What sign is that?

    1. admin

      August 11, 2014 at 10:58 am

      It means he doesn’t want you to see what he is up to.

  12. ileana

    July 14, 2014 at 9:31 am

     iwas in 21 day of nc and was thinking he wants me back…as he started messaging me and calling but what he said ruined everything. he said i want you to be happy that’s why have taken this decision. this is for our better future and our families. He deactivated his facebook(dont know any reason). No Whatsapp profile pic. He said he is calling me and messaging me just to find I am Fine or not.
    What is in his mind right now?
    i know i have done some mistakes..he wants my support and i acted childishly at that time.
    but i can improve myself. but its been 3 months we have not met each other.
    Is there any chance of getting him back or should I need to start nc again
    Please Help Chris 

  13. Marlo

    July 2, 2014 at 8:05 am

    Hi there,

    My boyfriend and I have been dating for four years. We have had ups and downs. Two years ago he broke up with me and went and had a 3rd base fling with 3 diff girls in two weeks then texted me missing me. We got back together and all was fine- it wasn’t easy but we made it. So earlier this year in January, I left him before he left for army training, due to another male treating me with attention like I thought I deserved, because I felt I deserved better than how he was treating me (he wasn’t being very good of a bf). I made it clear I wanted to be friends but did not want to date anymore. I went and had a fling with two guys and slept with one to get over the situation because I still loved my ex but thought I was better off without. I made a mistake and when we got in contact with him again in February, I told him the truth a few weeks after, when I indicated that I wanted I date again. I was honest and he was mad but said we would get through it. (I’m his first everything, and only one he’s slept with, he’s my fourth.)

    It’s been hard but we’ve been getting through it up and down, but I went to see him at the beginning of June at his army training and we were perfectly fine, great happy couple just as normal. I left for a 30 day trip over seas the next day, and at first he was sad and worried I was gonna find someone else. Then he wanted me to come home. Then out of the blue he just said “I love you, I’m in love with you, you’re the sweetest girl, and you’ve forgiven me for so much but I’m sorry I can’t hurt anymore.” But he was also pissed off in the middle, hiding behind his text messages, saying hateful things he wouldn’t dare say to my face. He was pissed at me and when I face timed him he softened up and got sweet.

    So I told him I wasn’t going to talk to him and I was done trying to be his best friend or friend- I chewed him out and I was livid. I had told him I would give him a week to think and that I would text him the first of July, but two days after he broke up with me, he was like calling me out for logging onto his twitter, which I hadn’t at all. That was the last time I spoke to him. I haven’t texted him, and I won’t until he texts me. But at this point I feel he doesn’t love me at all, and that he just never wants me again and it kills me. He’s all over dating sites, and plenty of fish, hot or not, and tinder, trying to talk to every girl he can. I miss him like crazy but at this point I don’t know what to do anymore other than doing the above. I haven’t updated social media in a week because I didn’t want him to see what I was up to. Wanted him to wonder. I return to the country in four days, but he won’t be home until a few weeks so I would have to physically travel to talk to him face to face but like I said I don’t even think I should reach out. Just wondering what the hell is going on in his mind.

    1. admin

      July 3, 2014 at 1:01 am

      What specifically are you wondering about whats going on in his mind?

    2. Marlo

      July 3, 2014 at 4:51 am

      Whether or not he still wants to be with me and is just needing time to get over what I’ve done or if he hates me completely. He did the same thing to be two years before like I had said so I don’t understand why he won’t forgive me.

  14. Viktoria

    June 22, 2014 at 7:32 pm

    I’m 3 months no contact with my ex boyfriend. I miss him terribly and i did almost everything from this article. He still didn’t send any message so i’m losing my hope. I’m sad and angry that he constantly is adding new girls. Of course he don’t know nothing about my true feelings. So… to delete or not delete him? that is the question… I can’t decide it alone, really need your opinion Chris, you’re my last chance.

    1. admin

      June 23, 2014 at 2:17 pm

      Do not delete…

  15. Sara

    June 22, 2014 at 6:19 pm

    Can you make a man who wasn’t you’re boyfriend regret not talking to you anymore? I was dating this man for a couple of months but never made anything official. We had a conversation on the phone in which he got upset at me and said I was sending him subliminal shots. I tried to talk to him about it but he just ignored me. I made myself look a little needy after that. I tried to text him one last time. And he replied with. I’m at work talk to you later. I haven’t heard from him since. We are friends on Facebook and I wonder if he doesn’t want to talk to me or never again why not unfriend me. Is there anything I can do on Facebook to make him regret it and try to talk to me again?

    1. admin

      June 23, 2014 at 2:10 pm

      You can… but its a lot easier if you were dating them.

    2. Sara

      June 22, 2014 at 6:21 pm

      To add it has also been over a week since I last tried to contact him.

  16. Lindsey

    June 12, 2014 at 12:34 am

    Hey, I’m a little confused about my ex. He broke up with me last year because of his personal issues to hard to explain and his parents getting a divorce which changed his whole personality. Well he would call me once a week every week to check up on me after we broke up because I was depressed. Then the calls stopped all together. A couple months later he facetimes me drunk confessing his feelings about how he misses me. He fell asleep while we were talking and then the next morning he wouldn’t answer me. After that.. We had no contact for 6 months and I never tried to contact him. Then, 2 weeks ago he messages me on Facebook saying “hey how are you?” I waited about 5 hours then answered him saying “I’m sorry I was busy, I’ve been doing awesome, how have you been?” I saw he read it but never answered. Which I don’t understand because he contacted me. Then just recently in the past 2 days.. I get 10 notifications, all from him, going through and liking all my photos from the past months. I message him asking if he’s picture liking happy and all I get is a “yes” then is ask him how he is and he says “great.” I’m just getting one word responses snd he won’t talk to me so I ended there. Yesterday I get 10 more notifications of him liking photos of me. But I didn’t contact him this time. What the heck is he doing? Is he trying to get my attention? If so, why won’t he talk to me? Or does he just like my photos and that’s it.

    1. admin

      June 15, 2014 at 3:18 pm

      Definitely trying to get your attention.

  17. Sarah

    June 10, 2014 at 11:48 am

    My ex and I broke up a month ago and we broke up on amazing terms. He did say he couldn’t be my friend because it would be too hard as he could never just see me as a friend and our connection is too strong. He also said “if we are meant to be together then we will be together again after we both figure ourselves out.”

    Well, my friend Nick asked me to go to this wedding over the weekend and it was up north (michigan) so I kinda saw it as an opportunity for a vacation and nick needed a ride as he doesn’t have a car and I do. So, we went and hardly spent any time together. At dinner, this girl took a picture of me and nick at the dinner table.

    She posted it on Instagram and wrote “adorable” under it.

    This girl is a manager of nick and knows my ex through work (bartender at a sister restaurant in a small town and they follow each other on Instagram)

    Sure enough, the next morning he deleted me from everything and took all the pictures he took of me off his Instagram. He did leave up two black and white photos I took and tagged him in on Facebook though, I’m Kissing his face in them.

    What the heck?!!!?!!! He has been very emotional since the breakup (I initiated it and them the next day he cried after he decided to not be with me but saying I was the one and he was confused. Told me he wants to be with me but he needs to work on his career and may move to New York to be in this band. Didn’t want me to wait around or get hurt with his decision. Then calling me a couple weeks later pissed that I told someone that I broke up with him and reinforcing the fact it was his decision to end things) so just a little bit LC with him since the breakup. He picked up his stuff two weekends ago and we chatted pleasantly for an hour and left on awesome terms. He texted me the next day that the stuff I gave him back made his car smell like me. I didn’t know what to say and I didn’t respond.

    Now he saw this pic and deleted me from everything.
    I’m not seeing nick and don’t even have time for dating.
    What the hell do I do now?

    1. admin

      June 10, 2014 at 4:13 pm

      Is that possible?

      To break up on amazing terms?

  18. Rena

    June 2, 2014 at 8:14 pm

    Hi Chris,
    Me and my boyfriend broke up 4 months ago because of long distance. Could this still work? Also, his friends keep adding me on facebook, does this mean anything?
    Many thanks

    1. admin

      June 5, 2014 at 5:03 pm

      You should read the long distance page.

  19. Jen

    May 15, 2014 at 4:44 am

    I was dating this guy for nearly 3 months. He treated me very well. I felt we had a very strong connection. He was actively pursuing me and doing things like sending me flowers, taking me out all the time, offering to wash and fix my car, rushing to be by my side at the ER when I had kidney stones, etc. He also always expressed his feelings for me and how happy I made him. He wanted a relationship with me, but I insisted we take things slow. I felt what we had was becoming stronger than ever. He contacted me everyday. Then, one day he didn’t contact me as he usually does, so I texted him. We had a normal conversation but it just seemed a little shorter than usual. It was something I noticed but did not dwell on. The next day, I was supposed to go over his house, and again, I had not heard from him, so I texted him, “Do you still want to see me today?” To my complete and utter shock, he responded, “Well I wanted to tell you today that I’ve been thinking about things with us for the last few days. It’s not that I’m not happy with you. I think you are an amazing person. I feel the compatibility isn’t there between you and I. Hopefully you aren’t too upset with me. It took me a lot of courage just to type this. The last thing I want to do is hurt your feelings.” I could not believe he ended it with me through a text message. I did not respond. He never became distant and I never saw any red flags. We are still friends on FB and I have done most of the things suggested in this article. Do you think I handled it well by not even responding to the text breakup? There has been no contact for 3 weeks and I haven’t seen him for almost a month. What are the chances you think he will come back, since it was not a long term relationship?

    1. admin

      May 15, 2014 at 2:22 pm

      I think you did… There has to be a reason he broke up with you though. There has to be.

    2. Jen

      May 16, 2014 at 4:01 am

      Do you think it was because he got scared because his feelings were getting stronger for me? Does that really happen with men? Or do you think it must have been something on my part?

    3. admin

      May 20, 2014 at 6:26 pm

      It could be very possible.

    4. Ella

      September 1, 2014 at 11:45 am

      I had Jen’s EXACT situation happen to me 3 weeks ago, only the guy had the decency to say it to my face the night before I was leaving town, rather than via text.

      It had been 3 months of long distance, followed by 2 weeks of absolute bliss in person (I’m talking, “bought me a toothbrush for his place and introduced me to his dad” type bliss) and then the night before I flew out, he told me he felt we got along really well and he enjoyed spending time with me but that we were incompatible. He texted me the following day saying he wasn’t sure whether or not I wanted to hear from him but basically re-affirming his words from the night before and I responded several hours later and rather tersely saying I was boarding the plane and speak soon. I haven’t contacted him since, though I did tag him in a couple of pictures on Facebook (group pictures, nothing intimate, and it was only 2 out of an album of about 30 pictures with my friends from my trip).

      I don’t want to romanticize it and excuse his actions by saying he got scared by his feelings for me and intimidated by the distance (he never was a fan of long distance relationships) but frankly, his actions over the 2 weeks don’t match his words and I am angry, confused and devastated. Why do you think he did this, Chris?

  20. Emma

    May 12, 2014 at 7:21 am

    My boyfriend ended our relationship yesterday. I had deactivated my Facebook account a few days ago. I don’t even know if I’m blocked or unfriended. Should I wait a few days to reactivate my account?

    1. admin

      May 12, 2014 at 6:42 pm

      No do it now. Why did you deactivate it?

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