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779 thoughts on “Using Facebook To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back”

  1. lisa martin

    December 29, 2013 at 2:36 am

    What happens if he unfriendly you the day of the breakup?

    1. admin

      December 29, 2013 at 6:57 pm

      No big deal. I talk about that in this guide.

  2. Ruby

    December 29, 2013 at 12:41 am

    My husband and I broke up I overheard him saying he wanted to move so I told him when are you going , I need to rent out your room. He left 2 weeks ago but FB married status and profile pic of him kissing me still up . He hasn’t contacted me at all . I know he checks my FB I posted I had a happy Christmas with family and friends. He didn’t call or message . I did get a post from an ex bf asking if he could call I know my husband saw this . What should I do ?

    1. admin

      December 29, 2013 at 6:49 pm

      Have you read my guide on getting a husband back?

  3. Cat

    December 27, 2013 at 7:56 am

    If your ex defriended you after 30 days of NC, what should you do?

    1. admin

      December 27, 2013 at 7:37 pm

      No big deal. Pretty common actually. Just keep the plan going on.

    2. Cat

      December 27, 2013 at 8:54 pm

      Should I acknowledge it? A friendly text seems strange straight after that.

    3. admin

      December 28, 2013 at 7:12 pm

      Mmm… I wouldn’t.

  4. Sarah W

    December 26, 2013 at 7:16 pm

    Funny this does seem to be working :). Its working on a lot of other guys apart from on my ex -_- ( so it seems).

  5. sugar

    December 26, 2013 at 2:29 pm

    It’s been about a month of NC.. but i still contact his mom (he lives with her). My question is.. does this break the NC rule, does it make me look needy?

    Also, would adding a picture of a present a guy got me on facebook make him good jealous or bad jealous?

  6. Lana

    December 26, 2013 at 10:38 am

    My boyfriend decided to call it off after a little misunderstanding, 4 days ago. we’ve never been happier with anyone else prior to the breakup, and everyone thought we were really close to getting married (we’re that happy!). after the break up, we we’re still talking and he’s always the one to initiate the convo. he acted so casual, cracked jokes and got a lil flirty-naughty too, the way we always did. it seems like he misses me, but when i wanted to talk him into getting back together, he flipped, and suggested we cease all contact. few hours later he looked for me again. the cycle repeats since the second day we broke up (first day i lost my mind, begging, crying on him etc.) last night we chatted again, we laughed, joked and everything and then he said he finally wanted to tell me the real reason he wanted to breakup. it’s because of my sexual past. i wasnt promiscuous (i had 3 partners before him but i didnt sleep with anyone for 2 years before we hooked up) but he couldnt get over the fact that he wasnt my first (when i’m probably like his #12?) and that it’s been bugging him for quite some time. after trying to talk him out of his decision to breakup, i got frustrated and left the convo hanging. he called me twice and i didnt pickup. when i logged into facebook, he has already removed me. his best friends told me that they had never seen him so in love the way he was with me and that there’s a huge possibility that he’ll change his mind. but he is very stubborn and has a real big ego. im planning on doing the NC. i decided to deactivate my facebook acc, he couldnt see my posts now anyway, and disappear completely on him. but in a way, im scared he might run off to another girl for rebound or he’ll think that the breakup is the right thing. what am i supposed to do? should i go completely awol on him or give him a lil access to my life during the NC, to let him know im still around? and how am i supposed to get him to see pass my past?

    1. admin

      December 26, 2013 at 6:32 pm

      A little access can’t hurt as long as you don’t engage him.

  7. Leigh

    December 26, 2013 at 3:29 am

    Hi, so my ex and I broke up around 3 months ago, and he broke up with me the day before classes started, we were together for 4 years on and off in high school and we are freshmen in college now. Not even a month of our break up, he got a new girlfriend and he never told me and was still talking to me. Well they are still together, but this weekend will be one month of NC and he hasn’t tried to contact me at all, we kind of ended a convo on a bad note, and we are both back home so I’m shocked he hasn’t tried to contact me. I posted a picture of me before and he contacted me 2 hrs later, but idk, I’m so confused by his actions, I don’t go on fb much bc of his new gf and him being together but I was told that what he says isnt what he really would say. Do I contact him this weekend after the month is up or not?

    1. admin

      December 26, 2013 at 6:21 pm

      Yes contact him after the month is up.

    2. Leigh

      December 27, 2013 at 4:09 pm

      But what exactly do I say? I mean he has a gf

  8. K

    December 24, 2013 at 3:58 am

    It’s been a couple days since my boyfriend and I broke up. It was mutual at first, but toward the end of the discussion, I definitely implied that I didn’t want it to end. Although he was very upset to lose me, he insisted it was for the best, at least for now. I’ve noticed he has been on Facebook more often since then, but neither of us has made the move to change our relationship status or profile photos. Two questions:

    1. Does this mean he’s unsure about the breakup? We’ve broken up and gotten back together multiple times, but this time, things seem more serious.

    2. Should I go ahead and change it first? Will that give me the upper hand, or will it make him think I have no interest in fixing the relationship?

    1. admin

      December 24, 2013 at 7:16 pm

      1. It could mean that.
      2. Change it… if you are broken up you are broken up.

  9. Heather

    December 22, 2013 at 3:26 pm

    What if I already unfriended him?

    1. admin

      December 22, 2013 at 7:58 pm

      Wait until you are speaking again to refriend.

  10. Mims

    December 22, 2013 at 5:28 am

    Me and this guy started talking on facebook, one thing led to another I told himi was deleting fb and he asked for my number, from there we were texting and we decided to go on a date, it was my fault I made the biggest mistake there has to be on the first date, we hooked up. I know! You don’t have to tell me, I don’t know if it’s any excuse but maybe I just needed to be loved in that way since I had just gotten out of a 3 year sexless relationship because I was t attracted to my bf (long story) but I was so attracted to him I didn’t even think about the dating rules and just went for it. Anyways, we ended up going on a second date, and I was meant to try and fix my mistake and but ended up hooking up again. Silly silly girl I am, anyways on that date he told me he wasn’t sure if he was taking me seriously, just like that to my face, and I was fine with it because I didn’t want a relationship straight away I just wanted to have a lil fun, but because he said it to my face it kind of offended me and I was like ok this isn’t going to work out. So I left, he was obviously expecting sex that day but I didn’t give it so he also wanted me out of there. I didn’t try calling him, I deleted his number, I didn’t put anything desperate on my instagram account which he was following, I actually put something positive. But anyways he hasn’t tryed calling or he hasn’t liked any of my photos, I got facebook back, he hasn’t deleted me so far so I’m kind of surprised. But where do I go from here. Did I stuff up all my chances? I was doing so well, and I made the biggest mistake that turned him off.. It’s been 7 months now n still can’t get over it. Although it burns me inside because he doesn’t et in contact I still won’t try to look desperate n try to make him jealous or make him think he has power over me. Or my life has stopped since we stopped talking. I just want him to know that it was a confusing time for me at that time, just so I don’t look like an idiot.

    1. admin

      December 22, 2013 at 7:47 pm

      Are you planning on trying the NC rule?

  11. Izan

    December 21, 2013 at 8:34 am

    Hi! I had a breakup abt 2 mnths now. We used to be together for almost 3 years n all of a sudden he went home . He called me for few days n suddenly stopped calling. I tried to contact him but his ph was off aLl d time. He called me after 3 months n says he wants to leave. But again he says he loves me a lot n misses me a lot but don wanna be wid me. I love him n I want him back. If I call him then he doesn’t aanswer but txts me in viber. I know he doesn’t want to leave me but not speaking. What to do?please help me

    1. admin

      December 22, 2013 at 2:21 am

      When was the last time you actually talked to him?

  12. Kelly

    December 19, 2013 at 2:24 am

    Hi how can I get my ex boyfriend back who is ignoring me? We were together for two years and in my opinion you should at least try to work things out again and see if it could not work. I put up an amazing close up of myself on Facebook, we are still fb friends, and I’m still close to some of his friends. I have sent him some texts over the past two weeks (that’s how long it’s been) and he reads them but didn’t respond. I was angry at first but this week I’ve been much more mature in my texts of trying to work things out and understand my faults too coz I’m not perfect but if I implement the NC. Now abruptly will it have any effect on him? I really hope so because I miss him a lot. Everyone could see we were a great fit, we supported loved cared for each other and we went through good times and stuck through the bad. Eventually we were getting pretty serious and knew we would marry each other one day , but besides that, do u feel the NC would be effective here? He doesn’t seem to be thinking of me , and some of his friends told me to contact him because they don’t want to be the messenger back and forth. What do u think? People tell me contact him again but he’s being stubborn and not responding. No cheating was involved nor was there any massive argument in the breakup. After two years I would have continued to make an effort for us but he doesn’t seem to want that anymore. What do u think is effective? He was the most respectful guy by far out of anyone else I dated and he is an amazing guy and involved in lots of charities and activities and he knew how to make me smile even in the smallest ways and we were there for each other through thick and thin

    1. admin

      December 19, 2013 at 7:29 pm

      NC I think is the best thing.

    2. Kelly

      December 20, 2013 at 1:08 am

      Thanks! But I mean, you’ve dealt with so many cases…. My ex boyfriend is SO stubborn and is not responding to me. Thanks for the advice I will try to stick to NC, do you think there’s any hope for me trying to get back a stubborn ex boyfriend who’s kinda ignoring me?? Lol

    3. admin

      December 21, 2013 at 3:27 am

      I do but only until you want to give up. I feel once you throw in the towel the focus shouldn’t be on him anymore… it should be all about you.

    4. Kelly

      December 21, 2013 at 6:45 pm

      True. The NC is an amazing idea, I know how tough it is coz I’ve started over twice earlier this month but right now, today is day two and I’m planning to go out with friends a few times and spending time with family for Christmas & his sister and friends are still in touch with me and I agree that I just need to give things time and let go and let God. With time things will work out. Thanks for the advice& for this great website, it’s helped me a lot with my breakup 3 weeks ago. Btw he’s still friends wit my friends on Facebook and me. Still has up all the pics of us over the last 2 years. I’m thinking he still has feelings for me even though he’s not ready to talk yet, is this right? It’s only been 3 weeks since our 2 year rship ended so I know this isn’t enough time for him to be ready to talk things out with me but I’m just gonna try to focus on making myself happy. Is any of what I said any sign that he still cares but isn’t ready to talk or what are some other not so obvious signs?

    5. Kelly

      December 21, 2013 at 7:00 pm

      Btw Monday would have been our 2 year anni so I’m pretty sure I’m gonna be on his mind all day? Hopefully. Maybe he would contact me but I’m gonna stick to the NC even if he contacts me for Christmas I’m gonna listen to your advice and follow NC to see his reaction. Am I going good or what are some signs he might still think of getting back together?

  13. Julia

    December 18, 2013 at 9:48 pm


    I wrote to you before about my break up 2 weeks ago. I mentioned this was our second time together, and during the last breakup, I handled myself poorly. This time around, I’ve been sticking to the no contact rule…I haven’t spoken to him in 14 days (which is out of character for me). I mentioned that he had blocked me on all social media (twitter, Facebook, instagram, snap chat etc.), I noticed that he had unblocked me today, but didn’t send me a friend request.

    I’m confused by this, as he went through a lot of effort to block me, and it takes a bit of effort to unblock someone. Why would he do this? What might this mean?

    I still haven’t broken contact, nor have I heard anything from him. He did this 2 weeks to the day that we broke up…

    It should be noted that since we have broken up, he’s been adding all these girls on Facebook, and following random girls on instagram. He knew this bugged me when we were together, and he’s still following my friends on instagram, and a few on Facebook, which leads me to believe that he may want them to tell me about his actions to get a reaction out of me.

    Am I wrong in thinking this?



    1. admin

      December 19, 2013 at 7:11 pm

      I think you are spot on!

    2. Julia

      December 19, 2013 at 10:04 pm

      How do I react going forward to get him back, or at least spark interest? It seems like he went to great lengths to delete me from his life. He deleted all profile pictures of me and him, and seems to be partying, and talking to other girls. Do I not have a chance?

      Am I holding my breath waiting for a friend request?

    3. admin

      December 21, 2013 at 3:19 am

      It is a normal guy thing to do. If anything it says more that you really meant a lot to him that he feels the need to do all this stuff.

    4. Julia

      December 21, 2013 at 2:30 pm

      That makes sense, thank you. Do you think there might be a chance for us then? he was really adamant in making it known that he thinks about me, saying things like: “So you know, I do think about you.”, “I said it because it’s true”, “I think about you sometimes”…this all was said two weeks after we broke up.

    5. Julia

      December 20, 2013 at 12:41 am

      I wanted to give you an update. He texted me tonight, wishing me a Merry Christmas, wishing me well, and hoping I did well on my finals. It’s been 2 weeks of no contact, and he cracked first.

    6. admin

      December 21, 2013 at 3:23 am

      Woo HOO!

  14. Vee

    December 15, 2013 at 1:57 am

    Me and Boyfriend of three and a half years broke up for the sixth time in a year about a month ago. Initiated no contact rule until he contacted me saying he wanted me back. He then makes a new Instagram acct and deleted me from Facebook. I’m so confused and not sure if it’s time to move on or if I should even bother stressing over it.

    1. admin

      December 15, 2013 at 7:33 pm

      Do you want to move on?

  15. Rachel

    December 11, 2013 at 11:01 pm

    I’ve suspended my fb personal account just so I wasn’t torturing myself seeing what he was doing. I do have my business page with an aliase account I have.

    He has always supported me with my business. He did ask if I had deleted him off there.. ( this was the day I started nc) I did break the nc and said no that I needed a break… He asked if it was a break from him… I responded no just everything…
    I then wished him all the best and I would be intouch. He didn’t respond to the following day saying ok, cool.

    I never responded… For me I feel that I can project positive messages on my page… Nothing personal… He started liking things on it… But if I’m honest… I’ve already started feeling it was never going to work…..

    I do feel like a b***h for not talking to him… But at the same time how can you just go back to being in the dreded friend zone straight away… You can’t move on unless you have this gap…. I get it now….I’m still going to do the 30 days and hopefully by then my feelings will have started to move on.

    I’ve never done this after a break up but actually I’m already feeling better about myself…I know its a massive learning curve about myself… I’m also grieving the loss of being part of his family… It’s not just him….

    Time will mend everything but this nc is actually for me firstly …..

  16. Carlos

    December 11, 2013 at 3:16 pm

    How about the pics of us two together?

    Should I delete them or leave them? I was the dumped one.

    1. admin

      December 12, 2013 at 1:53 am

      I think you can delete them. You don’t want him to think you are holding on too much.

  17. EMMY

    December 11, 2013 at 4:53 am

    What about posts that give the idea that you’re moving on, such as, “Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us” or “There is no passion to be found in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” Is it better to post about your social life only or does it do any good to have him thinking you’ve moved on in this way?

    1. admin

      December 12, 2013 at 1:42 am

      I would stay away from anything that can make him think that you are still thinking about him.

  18. Patricia

    December 9, 2013 at 3:44 am

    Hi Chris,

    Before I went NC on my ex I was basically doing all the chasing: initiating contact on text, asking him to meet and getting rejected, putting in all the effort in the conversation and although he has never ignored me, I was getting “thin” and uninterested replies. I could feel myself looking desperate. I took your advice on this page, I went NC and started to focus on my own goals and life. After a week into NC, I started posting “new and improved” pictures of myself on facebook and updating my profile pic. To my surprise as I uploaded them, he was “liking” them…something he never did before NC. I decided to break NC in 15 days because our relationship was fairly short and I had a good opportunity to. He had a big exam coming up so I texted him a “goodluck on your exam<3" message and he replied saying "thank you<3." I didn't want to say anymore and mess up so I left the convo there. Does any of this mean anything? Should I wait for him to text me now? PS. He never texted me during the NC period.

    1. admin

      December 9, 2013 at 7:24 pm

      You can text him AFTER the no contact period. I actually recommend this.

  19. JhoEn

    December 8, 2013 at 8:28 am

    Hi chris

    My ex deleted me on facebook an hour after i posted new photo of me.
    What do u think is the reason?
    Has he moved on and has a new one thats why he needs to delete me so i wont know and wont see it?
    Or he deleted me coz its hard for him to see my updates that i was having fun and doesnt looked like affected bout the break up..
    It hurts so bad when i found out that he deleted me.. I feel crAp but am trying to be strong and stop crying.


    1. admin

      December 8, 2013 at 7:07 pm

      Just upset at the whole situation and seeing you reminds him of it. Don’t take it too personally.

    2. JhoEn

      December 9, 2013 at 1:43 pm

      Do u think theres still a chance for us to get back together?? Or should i stop hoping?

    3. admin

      December 9, 2013 at 7:50 pm

      I think there is but I wouldn’t put myself in a position where I am waiting around.

    4. JhoEn

      December 10, 2013 at 12:15 pm

      I was just sad of the thought that now he has deleted me on fb we would lose contacts and wont have the chance to get back together at all…
      For the past month that i initiate no contact he hasnt tried to contact me or even say hello on fb.. I greeted him on his bday and he said thank you and that he appreciates it.. But i didnt reply anymore…
      U reckon he will still try to look at my page?!

  20. Vikki

    December 8, 2013 at 12:05 am

    I already deleted him as a friend a few days ago and it’s been 13 days of NC

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