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January 9, 2017 at 12:59 pm
It’s hard to do the no contact rule when he is your classmate in school , and by for ththat is very unavoidable. Although I’m not exactly planning to get back together with him, only time can tell. For now i really wish i could be friends again with him like we were before but it has become a bit awkward between us—I really want to make good memories with him this year, what should I exactly do?
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 9, 2017 at 6:57 pm
Hi Prisringos,
you can apply the advice on this one:
EBR 032: What To Do If You Work With Your Ex Boyfriend
January 9, 2017 at 11:22 am
I met the most amazing guy a few months ago, he wouldn’t stop looking at me. He text me and we became good friends, he asked me to meet up as friends and we had the most amazing time together. He told me he adored me and after asking me out for the third time, I said I would be his girlfriend. We have text, morning day and night, he has met my parents, stayed at my house. He told me I was his everything. We live a couple of hours drive away, which did worry me at first but we see each other on a Saturday, we Skype and we text all the time. If I had a boyfriend that lived next door I wouldn’t have time to see him anymore than that. A few days ago he messaged and asked if we could go back to how we were at the beginning, get to know each other all over again. He likes me and needs me so much that it worries him, he can’t trust himself with me and he’s scared of hurting me, also the distance worries him. He needs me in his life but he’s confused. He goes on to say he’s not well and he’s not happy, he doesn’t know why. Everything isn’t right in his life. He wants us to see how things go. His brother broke up with his long time girlfriend over Christmas, that seems to be when he changed. I love him dearly, we had no contact for a few days although he did message me but there were no kisses so I ignored him. Last night I just text to see if he was ok, he says he’s not well, hadn’t met anyone else, just not happy with life. What do I do?
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 9, 2017 at 6:55 pm
Hi lynn,
follow the advice in this one:
How To Prevent A Breakup With Your Boyfriend When You Know It’s Coming
January 9, 2017 at 7:40 am
hii..mam as i told you my bf had broke relation before 3 month..i did not met him till now.i mean face to face he did not say that he dont want to stay in a relationship..can you tell me that i ask to his friend that i want to met and clear all the issues.
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 9, 2017 at 5:29 pm
Hi Radhika,
I dont suggest breaking nc to talk to him but if that’s what’s going to help you realize what your next step is, then go ahead and talk
January 6, 2017 at 2:47 pm
hi.mam..i started the NC rule before four days.my boyfriend broken the relationship before 2 and half month.but in the mean time i begged him for relation and love but he ignores me.he get a high level job and he made his mind with full of ego attitude.should i carry this rule or met him to solve the situation.i want to get back respect and love.he had family responsibilty , i know he love me but he did not want to talk with me.please give me suggestion mam.
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 7, 2017 at 4:18 am
There’s no guarantee that the no contact rule will work. It means it’s not sure if it will work but it doesn’t mean it will not work. So, it’s still better to do it than chase your ex or not do anything. Start it. Do at least 45 days and improve yourself. Do new things and grow. Check the links below:
The Ungettable Girl
Here’s How To Deal With Anxiety In Your Breakup
January 5, 2017 at 6:26 am
mam you told me that NC rule will not work. chasing him is not good.but when he broke the relation i begged him for relationship in august he said yes we will continue.but in september he said i have no time from office after september in october he said we remain with good friends but now in january he don’t call me and message me.even he blocked my number frome everywhere.my fault is that i had not met him since 3 months.but now i start NC rule .please tell me will this rule be right to get back him in my life or i should met him.
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 7, 2017 at 4:18 am
There’s no guarantee that the no contact rule will work. It means it’s not sure if it will work but it doesn’t mean it will not work. So, it’s still better to do it than chase your ex or not do anything. Start it. Do at least 45 days and improve yourself. Do new things and grow. Check the links below:
The Ungettable Girl
Here’s How To Deal With Anxiety In Your Breakup
January 4, 2017 at 10:30 pm
Me an my ex been broke up for 7 months now an he has a girlfriend who he got with a week after we broke up. He rides past my house when he’s not with her he wants to stop an talk. He calls me some time. He acts like he still interested we was together for 5 1/2 years. What should I think about this. Is it a chance?
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 6, 2017 at 8:27 pm
Hi Mekah,
he probably misses you but do you to want try the no contact rule?
Mary john
January 3, 2017 at 5:37 pm
I breakup with my bf few days ago, the reason is i do wrong by testin him if he loves me or not. I use another number that he doesnt have, i chart with him for almost two days and at th end he told me to come at his city so that we can knw each other well all those time he ddnt knw that he was chatin with me so i get angry after that i decide to tell me the truth that he was chatin with me, because i was angry i end up told him that we need to breakup and the only thing he say is ok that hurt me a lot..
I still lov him i dont knw what to do, he ddnt text or call since we breakup, i cant stop thinking about him..plz give me an advice.what am supporse to do cz am real in pain.
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 5, 2017 at 6:10 pm
Hi Mary
it might have been wrong to test him that way but he failed. How do you trust him after that? The thing is, he’s beating you in your own game. Isn’t he supposed to be the one who’s worried that he got busted that he’s about to date somebody else?
January 3, 2017 at 6:23 am
hi..mam my boyfriend manish sharma.hr broke the relation before two months.when our relationship began he was on small post in a company .after passing time he left his job and get permotion in another job.all the time was good.but suddenly he lost his job and than he get well setteled job in a good company.but now he has lots of attitude ego and he said that he don’t want to remain in a relationship.what should i do mam to get back in my life with love and respect.
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 4, 2017 at 5:06 pm
there’s no guarantee that the no contact rule will work but it’s better than chasing him.. do you want to do it?
January 1, 2017 at 1:38 pm
My boyfriend and I broke up a little over a week ago. He’s from Puerto Rico and he went home for the holiday on our college break. We both go to school in the same city. He and I fought a lot about the fact that when he was home I didn’t hear from him as much as I wouldve liked to. I would go hours without hearing from him. Recently we got into a big fight about it when we typically don’t fight at all. This is the only thing we fight about. He broke up with me and gave me these excuses, that I can’t handle him being gone, he thinks my parents are difficult and doesn’t like him, he needed to focus on school, and he wants to be alone right now. He is the type of person that shuts down and retreats when he gets overwhelmed so I gave it a few days to let him cool off. I asked him to contact me so we could talk it out and because he’s in PR It had to be on the phone and he did. But his mind did not change. Our relationship was great minimal fighting, super happy, great sex, a happy 19 months together. We have a ton in common when it comes to interests and really know how to handle one another. He feels really bad about the breakup. He is now on a cruise with his family and we talked again right before about how he’s going to take time to reflect while he’s gone for these 11 days with no contact with me. That is how things were left. Please help me. I know he still cares and loves me. The only thing that worries me is that he said he didn’t feel the same. But that could very well be due to the fact that he doesn’t understand that eventually the infatuation goes away and is replaced with a more mature and functional love. He still did things to show he loved me and cared about me everyday and might be just saying that because he’s mad. He blindsided me and never let on that he wasn’t feeling the same. Right before he left for PR everything was great although I was anxious about him leaving. Oh and last thing. I was supposed to go on this cruise with him but my parents put up such a fight it was miserable. I’m not sure what to think. He promised to meet up and let me know when he’s coming back from college break but I’m anxious about what he’s going to say. What do you think is going to happen given the info I gave you? That’s all that I can think of. Thank you for whatever you can help me with.
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 1, 2017 at 7:58 pm
Hi Liz,
how old are you both? did he break up because of your parents or because you’re clingy?
Grace Delos Reyes
December 30, 2016 at 9:37 pm
My ex-boyfriend and I were together for 2 Years and a half. Our relationship was official to us, but not to anyone else. We never announced we were together or anything. My parents just ended up treating him like he was actually my boyfriend. But when I asked for him to introduce me to his family, he would have such a hard time to. He’d do his best to brush it off or tell me to take it slow. By the way we have a 5 years age gap, he’s 24 and I’m 19. We got along so well, we had so much chemistry and our relationship had so much potential. I got a bit to overboard with jealousy which caused him to feel pressured. It wasn’t because I didn’t trust him, but much rather the fact that sometimes when his family meets a girl they’d try to get him with her and it makes me really jealous because I want to be treated like that. Its been 5 days since the break-up. He told me I was perfect, he didn’t want to let me go, he has to fix his life first before he gets into a relationship and he doesn’t thin he can handle commitment right now. He told me I deserved better because he couldn’t give me what I wanted, which was to introduce me to his family. He said that he’s at that age where he would much rather focus on his family and career for now. The thing is while we were together, I hardly saw him, it was only recently where we hung out often. I let him do his activities, basketball, dota anything. I’d be the one he runs to when he’s pissed off at his workmates. Just him being there was enough for me. but he didn’t think it was enough. I told him the day after if I could just give him space and let him rethink, I told him I’d change, anything just to have him back, but he told me he just wants to be alone for now and nothing is going to change his mind. He told me what’s done is done. I still have so much strength and willpower to fix this. To fix me. I’d do whatever it takes. I really want to give our relationship another chance. No matter how long it takes. Because it just annoys me how our relationship had so much potential and it never got given a chance to be real. To be official. What do I do?
EBR Team Member: Amor
December 31, 2016 at 10:34 am
Hi Grace,
Have standards.. If he doesn’t want to be make it official, walk away. I think you should check this:
Do You Have The Same Values As Your Ex? (With Chase Kosterlitz)
December 30, 2016 at 5:58 pm
Hi there
My boyfriend of close to three years just sort of broke up with me. It was simply a discussion over some issues we were having, which turned into a huge fight. The thing that is most confusing is obviously we both were very angry , but he kept saying that he loves only me & doesn’t want to be with anyone else yet he literally stormed away without saying “we are over ” or anything. He does have anger issues and unfortunately this isn’t the first time he has “turned off” to deal with fights. I just want to know if it’s worth me holding out hope that he still loves me? Or am I being silly?
EBR Team Member: Amor
December 31, 2016 at 9:50 am
Hi Lilly,
just let him cool down and talk again
December 29, 2016 at 8:17 pm
my ex boyfriend and i were together for 6 years, we loved eachother, he really wanted me even he woo me but my family was disagree , but we decided to wait till my familly accept our mariage,we wait 2 years more but nothing happen but still keep loving , becouse of long waiting we both become sad and i nag at him every time so he become tired and he decided to cut our relationshiop but i begged him so he didn’t want to wait anymore and told me he still love me but he doesn’t want any relationship with anybody and he told me he is tired cous of his job but i knew it was cous our long relation and may bad behavior, so he leave me and i decided to do NC , maybe he miss me and come back to me, i’m in NC for 43 days but he didn’t contact me and i afraid i loose him forever, what should i do please help me.
EBR Team Member: Amor
December 30, 2016 at 1:14 pm
HI Blue girk,
how much did you improve during nc? And what about your parents, does their opinion still matter now?
December 28, 2016 at 10:29 am
hi..mam i tried to do NC rule but i failed .four months had gone.i beg him for relationship or stay in my life.but he thinks negative that his job left by me.he becomes narrow minded.yesterday i called him he said i can be your friend nothing else.what should i do mam.please help and reply as soon as possible.
EBR Team Member: Amor
December 29, 2016 at 11:00 am
Hi Radhika,
just amor 🙂 you mean your no contact period is the three month period he did not contact you? that’s not your no contact if you didnt improve yourself and if you begged him again after it
December 27, 2016 at 8:30 am
yes mam, i tried no contact rule but i was failed.my bf said that he does not want to stay with me because of his family problem.but i know its not true.he said that he want to stay with me just as friend. what should i do for coming back in my life.i know he loves me. but he ignores me fully.what should i do mam
EBR Team Member: Amor
December 29, 2016 at 11:00 am
Hi Radhika,
just amor 🙂 you mean your no contact period is the three month period he did not contact you? that’s not your no contact if you didnt improve yourself and if you begged him again after it
December 22, 2016 at 5:53 am
Hi. I am Mina. First of all, i am very thankful for this website. It is giving me some courage to get my ex back. So, I broke up with my boy friend in this August. We had been dating for a year and half, but after the 3 months of the beginning of our relationship,I left for a graduate school, so did a long distance relationship with him. I came back home earlier in July to be with him even though my programm was 1 year long. But, within a month, I knew he cheated on me,(i found texts) so that’s why I broke up with me. After days later, He sent me a long text message saying that he apologized and agreeed with my decision to break up our relationship. At fisty, I was so panicked due to somekind of post-breakup syndrome, but in the following day I texted him back saying that I was willing to forgive and begge him to come back but he said no. Since then, it has been already 5 months passed.
I texts him always. He replies, but he does not respond when the conversation gets longer. We had meet up third times afte break up. He holded my hand and kissed me as if we were still in a relationship. But, once I confessed him that I missed him a lot and wanted him to come back, he said he was not capable of seeing anybody.
I really don’t understand his behavior.
Now I assumed that he just made excuses to hide the fact that he does not love me anymore. So, I ended up coming to this website to get some sincere advice to my situation.
He was alway supportive and understood my ego and career more than anyone. So I really want him back in my life.
Do u think he likes me or I had a chance to get him back based on his behavior?
EBR Team Member: Amor
December 27, 2016 at 9:40 am
Hi Mina,
when you got back in July, the relationship was a year and a half by then? I think there’s a chance, but if you keep looking like you’re the only one chasing, its probably going to continue how it is like now..do you want to try the no contact rule?
December 21, 2016 at 4:39 am
hi…i had a relationship with my bf from last three years..he loved me lot .all the three years had gone nicely..when he was with me he was on small post after one year he got per-motion.After that he lost his job and get a good chance to join a high level post.but he thought his job was gone by me. he think that i am bad luck for him.infect all the three years he got per-motion.he is not looking that step by step he get success. almost three months had gone he did not do any msg. but i mistaken i beg for relationship and now he have lots of attitude he ignore me all the time.all my contacts he block from his phone.what should i do for get back him in my life again.i know it was my mistake that i did lots of messages to him and he got irritated by me.but i love him lot and want to get back. i am in a big problem please tell me what should i do.
EBR Team Member: Amor
December 24, 2016 at 7:27 am
Hi Radhika,
do you want to try the no contact rule?
December 16, 2016 at 7:36 pm
Hi, i just broke up with my ex 2weeks ago. He has too many girl friends. Last time we talked was abt 7days ago. I want to try to avoid contacting him for 30days just like what u’ve said. But im afraid of loosing him. Since he really has a lot of girl friends, he could change his feelings towards me, easily. He did try to talk to me 3days ago but i just ignore it. Since that, he never talked to me. What should i do? 🙁
EBR Team Member: Amor
December 19, 2016 at 2:23 pm
Hi Ania,
how old are you both and what do you mean by girl friends? as romantically or friends that are girls?
December 15, 2016 at 10:38 pm
I dated my Ex for 6 years and i felt like we were great together and that we were ment for each other and that he was happy too. We were both our first serious relationships and of course we had some problems but we always managed to leave them behind. During those 6 years we had a 1 month break up on our 3rd year because of one big problem with one of his female best friends (he was in love with her during our high school before starting dating me and even when she had a BF i knew she also liked him. Because of that past i was kind of insecure when anything was related to him). During the break up he said he loved me but he did not deserve me because he was starting to think about other women. But I did not understand that then, we kept talking to each other, I kept visiting him and having sex occasionally until we got back together. We kept dating for other 3 years and I finished my studies and graduated from our university but he kept having some difficulties with his degree. I got a job right after graduation to work in different countries so we were facing a future with Long Distance Relationship. I was pretty confident we were going for that and that we would be together with that inconvenience no matter what, because we had to spend 8 months apart in different countries during our second year of relationship and that was not that bad. Before starting to work i had a 3months waiting for the starting date and I felt the relationship drawning slowly from his side… His degree and the exams were stressing him and I started to feel him a little bit cold, like we were not in the same page anymore, but i choose not to see the problems and said it was because of his exam periods. He failed most of it and he was devasted and we only had 1 month until i left. I planned a goodbye trip (he did not want to plan), 2 weeks before i left and when the time came he did not want to go, but we finally went because i insisted and everthing looked perfect again. I left and 2 weeks after He broke up with me saying he does not deserve me and that he does not love me anymore and that i should start my new life with new things and that we should be friends later in the future when things calm down. I was shocked and did not understand a bit of what was happening and i begged him to give us some time maybe it was his studies and me leaving that were messing up with his head. He refused and started giving me one word answers on texts and then stopped talking to me, not answering my texts or calls. i stopped talking to him too, I was very far in other country and his answers were hurting me too much so i rather did not have any contact. 2 months later i found out he had a new girlfriend, another one of his female best friends that he meet on his first year of university and I called him like a crazy GF and he ignored me. Next day he called me and told me he does not have anything to do with me so I cannot demand anything from him. that is when i decided to finally dissapear from his life for good and start dating that other guy I met in my new job because he became my best friend at the time and because he was also dealing with a break up, so i figure out it was not gonna harm any of us. 3 months later he find out i have a new BF and he ask me about it very ungry, and we end up talking nicely on the phone for 5 hours about everything, showing we missed each other without saying it. but that was it, we did not keep talking. 10 months after the break up we met in the same city finally, and it was like nothing changed for 2 weeks we were there, I told him i loved him on his face and that i missed him and he told me he missed me but never actually told me he still loved me on my face, he acted like that and when i asked him if he still loves me he said yes in a lot of ways like what do you think, i would not be here if i did not…we had sex and we saw each other every day like if we were dating, knowing we had other relationships. Almost close to the end of those 2 weeks he told me he left me because he cheated on me with some girls, including her previous love during High school and he started filling super bad about it and felt like he did not deserve me so it was better to let me go to find somebody else that can give me what i deserve. I was shocked and cried in front of him because that was a huge dissapointment for me. he was my perfect guy and all that i wanted and I would never thought he cheated on me like that without even noticing a bit of it. I was still schoked but i acted proud after the crying and everything and All the time from then i stayed with him and had sex again and acted like i did not feel anything for him, and that was all fun now because i did not trust him anymore. Before I went back to work I asked him what is it that he wanted from me and he said nothing and he told me he was moving with his GF. I asked him not to do it but he said he had to do what he promissed. So i told him not to talk to me again or look for me because he knows i dont want to be anything else but his GF (YEs, after the cheating and everything LOL). We did not talk again until 2 months ago he send me pictures of him without saying anything… I answer 1 day later and he did not answer. And after that like 3 days ago he wrote a message saying that he misses me and he called me 3 times and I did not answer then because I was bussy with work. When i went to answer i saw that he had blocked me from every where and I tried to call him back and he did not pick up. I just gave up on trying to talk to him to see what is it that he has to say now and I am very confussed of what he wants and if he wants me back or what, and if i want him back, because I am still dating my work BF and we are in a long distance relationship since the beggining because of work and I feel great and my BF loves me more every day but I feel like something is missing and that I am not fully committed to this relationship because i might still want my EX back, and I do not know what to do now that he might have gave me some signs again… He is a really nice guy though and he could awesome an friend, but i dont know if to put him on the friend zone or to break up with my current BF and try and get him back, which would be very crazy because I would still be far from him almost all the time working. But i dont know what to do…
EBR Team Member: Amor
December 17, 2016 at 3:25 am
Hi Vanessa,
Put yourself first. It would be better to be alone and heal, if you feel like you’re unhappy with youe current relationship..dont jump from one relationship to another..heal, improve, and grow first
December 8, 2016 at 8:44 pm
my boyfriend dumped me two months back he had blocked me from social media cos i hv been a nuisance then to my suprice he has unblocked me i stil love him he coments likes on my facebook posts which he never did when we were stil together n recently we maintainin contact not daily n we do not talk about personal stuff m afraid to just tell him i stil love him wt if he disappears help me hw do i go on about this
EBR Team Member: Amor
December 12, 2016 at 4:42 pm
Hi Katlego,
How much did you improve since the break up?
December 7, 2016 at 7:11 pm
He even says that he wants me to be happy n I can’t be happy with him so it’s better we don’t be in a relationship. But I know he loves me what should I do?
EBR Team Member: Amor
December 11, 2016 at 5:44 pm
Hi AD,
It will base on your standards. Talk to him first. As they say, we train people how they treat us. If you keep allowing him to do that, he will keep doing it