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1,415 thoughts on “This Is How You Know If Your Ex Still Loves You”

  1. Lisa

    August 9, 2013 at 9:26 am

    please advise me i have dated my bf for a year now. Just this Monday i was asking him about what he really feel about me and he told me he doesn’t love me anymore due to our misunderstanding and arguement at times. Just some hours before the breakup he told a friend he loves me but want me to change. I initially stopped calling him and he does the calling and will come to my home. He starres at me whiles talking to me and will like to know everthing I do or is going on. One way or the other he came over to my place on Wednesday and we had sex. i later asked him if we actually breaking up and he said yes. The problem is we have a business together and he says am still part of it and will always ask me questions about it or tells me actions he takes pertaining tot he business. but I still love him sooo much and i know we have a future together. please what can i do. I really nid to win his love back

    1. admin

      August 10, 2013 at 2:50 am

      Wow, so I think you should distance yourself from him for a while.

      Instead of doing a full on NC rule (b/c you own the business with him) I believe you should try minimum contact.

  2. Maxine

    August 6, 2013 at 9:50 pm

    Me n my ex broke up a year ago,he cheated on me n went n made a baby in ower relationship of 5 years,but he invited me on watsapp so few months ago but he never send me a message first I’m must always send something to get his attension,please help me find out if he still loves me or feel anything for me

    1. admin

      August 7, 2013 at 3:19 am

      Okay…. that is a confusing comment. I want to help you but I can’t make sense of it. The English is really bad. No offense.

  3. angela

    August 5, 2013 at 8:45 pm

    So me and my ex broke up he’s doing the whole rebound thing and he told me he doesn’t know if he loves his new girl for sure. His new girl best friend was saying some pretty mean and nasty things to me on facebook and he messaged the girl and told her to leave me alone. I didn’t even ask him to either he said he did it bc its not right to do what they did to me. Anyways before he left my house he told me he loved me but he is not gonna say it all the time. What do I do now that I know how he feels do I remain friendly bc of his gf or do I push the envelope a little bit? P.s we hooked up one night when he first started dating his new gf and he told me he loved me then but after that night he didn’t say it again until last night. Please don’t say have you tried NC bc I have already completed that.

    1. admin

      August 6, 2013 at 3:38 am

      Have you tried NC? No jk jk!

      Your ex seems kind of like a player. I think you should work to get him on a one on one date.

    2. angela

      August 6, 2013 at 5:00 am

      The gf is gone now do I go in for kill or just wait for him to come to me? You should do a topic about how men think and how they feel or you should do one on the steps of rebuilding a stronger relationship with your ex

    3. admin

      August 7, 2013 at 2:11 am

      Writing about that topic as we speak ;).

      Wait a few days before you swoop in.

  4. Rhea

    August 1, 2013 at 6:58 pm

    I’ve was dating a guy for 3 years … We had a lot of problems and last year january he broke up and started dating another girl who was his bestfriend. The entire previous year something or the other happened and we kept coming back to eachother and talking and I couldn’t seem to get over him. Now, we started talking again And he broke up with that girl, he’s been texting a lot, asking me to call, skype and meet up. He’s giving me “hints” but won’t directly tell me whether he loves me or not but I very obviously cannot stop loving him. Any suggestions on how I could get him back because I know I can’t live the rest of my life without him. Thanks!

    1. admin

      August 2, 2013 at 2:21 am


      Well, don’t have the expectations that you want him to say “I love you.” Play a little hard to get and just try to get a one on one date with him and work your feminine magic. You truly need to become an “ungettable girl” in his eyes. Guys always want what they can’t have.

  5. Elise

    August 1, 2013 at 4:55 pm

    My ex just ended things on Monday, telling me he fell out of love with me. We had been dating over a year and I was his first serious relationship since high school (we are in our 30’s). I am absolutely devastated because we were so happy up until he got his new job in March, then everything just seemed to stop. He just withdrew from me and made it so hard to move forward. There are a lot of variables to address, but the truth is, I felt he just started to pull away and wouldn’t try to fix it. We’d fight and he’d tell me he didn’t have a heart for the relationship anymore and I’d accuse him of being a coward and not trying to open his heart up to love again. He doesn’t get that love waxes and wanes in relationships. We were so compatible and so happy for so long and then the past few months have been a roller coaster of emotions. He told me loved me every day and he was so sweet and wonderful to me. Then it just ended. He sabotaged our relationship by putting his best friend, a girl, before me and backed me into a corner – either he expected me to be a doormat and take not being a priority or ending it. So I packed up as much of my stuff as I could and left that day. I thought if he came home to an empty home it would snap him into reality that he can’t treat me like this but it was opposite response. He didn’t seem to care I was gone (or didn’t show it when we talked on the phone) and said he was done and it was over.

    Ive texted him once since then, asking if a package arrived and to water the plants until I can come and get some more of my things. I still have furniture and so much stuff there. When do I go and get it and how do I do this? I want us to work so badly and I’m trying to be strong. But I love this man so much and it kills me. I know he loves me and I know he has the capacity to love again but he is fighting it. How do I fix this? Can this be fixed? Help me 🙁

    1. admin

      August 2, 2013 at 2:13 am

      Have you read this page? It answers a lot of your questions.

      You are allowed to break NC to go get your things.

    2. Elise

      August 5, 2013 at 10:54 pm

      I did. I read your whole website after I posted and it helped. I went to see him this weekend to get some things. I took your advice and looked great and kept it positive and not negative. Then he opened the door for conversation and we talked about us. I broke down and cried, telling him I didnt want it to be over and that I still loved him and missed him. In the beginning he was very stoic and like stone but at the end, after I had packed things up and was leaving, he broke down and cried with me. We just held each other, crying. It was extremely hard for me to leave him. When i asked about us and trying again in the future he said he didnt know. He doesnt know if we can try again or if he wants to try again.

      Everyone is telling me to move on and I know I have to let go and be stronger for myself,but I want more than anything for us to try again. I told him if we do we have to start over and have a blank slate. I didnt beg and told him I wasn’t begging.

      Now I know I need to give him time and space and no contact. Do I move on at this point or still hope that after time we can try again? How do I know if its just a moot point? i know he loves me. I know he still loves me but he’s just locking himself away.

    3. admin

      August 6, 2013 at 3:48 am

      Hi Elise,

      I think you give the NC a try. Why not? You have nothing to lose right. Mine as well try everything you can before giving up on him completely.

  6. cathy

    July 31, 2013 at 2:24 am

    help we dated 11 years got ebgaged I had a sreoke age 47 he hadthroat cancer and wen it came back he sai he fell out of love is seeing someone else it it possible to reconcile

    1. admin

      July 31, 2013 at 2:38 am

      He probably feels he doesn’t have time left and just wants to have fun for the rest of his life. Thats what I am thinking.

  7. nunukinz

    July 29, 2013 at 11:41 am

    no im still confused im not sure if he still loves me we broke up five days ago. and we havnt talked ever since i mean i would like to break the silence first but i dont want him thinking im despoo…! plus i think i want him back but his a jerk what can i do

    1. admin

      July 30, 2013 at 1:42 am

      Do, the no contact rule. 30 days before you initiate contact.

  8. Kaya

    July 28, 2013 at 3:44 pm

    My boyfriend and I were dating for 2 years until recently when I broke up with him because he said he didn’t know if he still loved me. This summer we were/are nt going to be able to see each other at all. We saw Each other everyday during the school year and even lived together for 6 months. We have been fighting during June and July because we would get jealous of echother. On top of that he found out some terrible news about a family member which I think, I cannot say for sure, changed him. He didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life anymore and his behavior started to change. He didn’t like drinking and now he does it everyday etc. he broke up with me because he said he didn’t feel it was right for me to stick around while he was trying to find himself and discover what he is meant todo. 2 days later we skyped and he was crying because he said he really didn’t want to break up with me. Everything seemed okay until 3 days later he said he didn’t know if he loved me. So I broke up with him because I couldn’t handle being with someone who didn’t want me, but now I’m destroyed cause were not together. I told him that we should just talk when school strts because hes really indecisive with his priorities and what he wants. We’ve been broken up for about a week now and I have been doing NC. I have read a lot of your articles and I guess my question is what do I do now? I know I’m doing NC now but I don’t even know what to think. For instance, he hasn’t changed our fb status and his pf pic is of us. Yet he hasn’t tried contacting me, aka no signs that he still loves me. I truly believe I have legitimate reasons for wanting to try again, but is it still possible with everything that has happened?

    Thank you for taking the time to read this. I don’t think you realize that you have helped me so much already. I tried to confide my feelings with my friends but all I get is demeaning and irrelevant advice that leads me to hurting more. I really appreciate this.

    1. admin

      July 29, 2013 at 3:35 am

      Hi Kaya!

      Sorry that your bf just changed instantly on you. That has to be a scary feeling.

      Ok, well a lot of what you do during the NC rule is essential towards getting him back. What do you plan on doing to evolve during that time?

    2. Kaya

      July 29, 2013 at 8:38 am

      I tried to focus on other things but sometimes it doesn’t work. I work out and try to take my mind off him. It usually doesn’t work though

    3. britnney

      August 24, 2013 at 1:52 am

      My ex broke up with me like 2 weeks ago saying he can’t be with me no more. But continuing telling me that he wants us to be friends and tells me everything and gets upset if I talk to other guys.

    4. admin

      August 25, 2013 at 7:07 pm

      I would go NC on him immediately!

    5. Kaya

      July 28, 2013 at 3:52 pm

      I also forgot to mention that he works a lot and right after work he usually drinks and goes to the bars… So it’s like he doesn’t have time to miss me or anything. Is he still thinking about me?

    6. admin

      July 29, 2013 at 3:35 am

      Yes, I think he is drinking his sorrows away. He is going through something right now obviously.

  9. chloe

    July 16, 2013 at 3:28 am

    Well, I’m impressed, it was semi-sweet….but s0 is the truth right? Keep writhing, and people, keep reading!


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