By Chris Seiter

Updated on July 12th, 2021

Over the years I’ve referred to the being there method several times in my articles, YouTube videos, and podcasts, however, I’ve never really given an in-depth explanation about it.

After discussing with moderators of my private Facebook support group and getting opinions from a few members, it’s become clear that people want to hear more about the being there method.

So today is all about the being there method, including:

  • What is the being there method and why does it work?
  • It’s a morally gray strategy
  • FAQs regarding it.

Let’s dive right in.

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What Is The Being There Method And Why Does It Work? 

The being there method is basically a specific strategy that can raise your chances of getting your ex back if they have moved on to someone else.

So that’s the basic definition, but let’s get into the specifics of how we came up with it and the two major parts of the being there method.

Truth be told, coming up with the being there method was a complete accident. We didn’t really have specific strategies for people whose exes had moved on to someone else and our generic strategies didn’t always work in those situations.

That’s when a success story of ours shared how she was able to get her ex back after he had already moved in with someone else. Her process and success thus became the cornerstone for the being there method with the following two essential steps:

  1. Extending the no contact rule
  2. Being there as a secure attachment that intimidates your ex’s new partner

Let’s take a look at each of these steps.

Extending The No Contact Rule

To understand the first step let’s take a crash course on our general method of getting an ex back, the bases of which are the no contact rule, the value chain, and the value ladder.

  • The no contact rule is a period of time (generally 21 – 45 days) where you ignore your ex and focus on yourself instead.
  • The value chain and value ladder come into play when you re-establish contact after a successful no contact rule.

These two basically involve slowly building value over conversations and different mediums of conversation from texting to calling/face timing and eventually to in-person contact.

Now, this all changes when your ex has moved on to someone else.

When your ex breaks up with you and then immediately moves on to someone else your first instinctive reaction is probably to try to fix things right away! You know, before your ex and their partner get too close.

Let me tell you why that’s a bad idea – at the beginning of a new relationship, your ex and their new partner are probably in a temporary honeymoon period.

Everything is perfect and any attempts you make to get back with your ex will just seem desperate and will probably push them closer against a common enemy.

Therefore, the best strategy is to extend your no contact period, so their relationship has had a chance to get over the initial butterflies.

But how long should you extend the no contact rule for?

Generally, we recommend longer periods of no contact in such situations – usually around 45 days, but we’ve seen success in even longer periods of no contact. For example, the client who inspired the being there method actually extended her no contact rule twice and ended up with a total of 60 days of no contact.

Her first no-contact rule was for 30 days, but when she saw her ex move in with someone else, she decided she wasn’t ready to approach him just yet. We suggested a 15-day extension but by the end of that, she decided to extend for another 15 days. So technically, 60 days went by before she actually contacted her ex.

Now we still don’t think 60 days is the ideal time frame to be contacting your ex because usually, it gives them too much time away from you. 45 days seems to be the sweet spot, but it goes to show that the first part of the being there method is extending that no contact rule so that your ex isn’t in the honeymoon period with the new girl or boy anymore.

Being There As A Secure Attachment Can Intimidate The New Person

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Part two of the being there method is the actual “being there” part where you essentially insert yourself in the middle of your ex and their new partner’s relationship and compete directly for your ex’s time.

Now, inserting yourself doesn’t mean going all out trying to win your ex back or generally friend zoning yourself, it’s more about proving that you’re a better match than their new girlfriend or boyfriend because you’re more secure with yourself.

To properly understand how being there works we need to look at attachment styles.

There are four types of attachment styles:

  1. anxious
  2. avoidant
  3. fearful
  4. secure

Generally, people are combinations of different styles. For example, most of the time people can be secure but sometimes they’ll have a touch of the avoidant or anxious aspect to them.

What we’ve noticed is that when your ex moves on to someone right after your breakup, their new partner will not have much of a secure attachment style.

They clearly feel like a rebound and aren’t quite sure of their place yet.

That’s where you come in.

If you work on yourself to mimic or become a secure attachment – meaning you will have the fortitude to deal with the fear of loss –, simply inserting yourself into your ex’s relationship will raise alarms for their new partner. The presence of a secure attachment from someone that they used to date will make your ex’s new boyfriend or girlfriend feel insecure and intimidated. So much so, the relationship might even self-implode as the new person feels threatened and your ex realizes they chose wrong.

It’s almost like your ex has a direct comparison between the two options right in front of their face and all you have to do is “be there” – in other words, be your awesome self. Now it’s not as easy as that by any means but it can be extremely effective if it’s done properly.

So, the key component here is for you to obtain a secure attachment because the new person will not be able to handle someone so secure with themselves.

Usually, they’ll end up giving your ex an ultimatum to choose you or them and that doesn’t wind up well because such ultimatums are the literal opposite of secure attachment.

Here’s A Short Recap Of The Being There Method

  1. The being there method is simply a period of time where you extend your no contact rule if your ex has moved on to someone else.
  2. After that extended no contact rule is up you insert yourself in the middle of the relationship to basically compete for time with the new girl/boy and your presence of being a secure attachment style is intimidating enough for the relationship to implode.

The Being There Method Is A Moral Test

It’s a morally gray strategy.

Let’s be real – it’s always going to be a morally gray area if you insert yourself into your ex’s new relationship after they have moved on to someone new.

I feel like it’s my duty to tell you that the being there method is definitely a personal choice, especially with the cheating aspects. Our way of helping with that is by coming up with a simple rule:

Don’t try to get your ex to cheat on their new partner by sleeping with you.

Think about it, if your ex is willing to sleep with you and cheat on their new partner what does that say about the likely success of your potential relationship if you get them back?

That said, even if you’re not actively trying to get your ex to physically cheat on their new girlfriend or boyfriend, you might be tempting them with emotional cheating.

It’s totally on you to decide if you are okay with doing that.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About The Being There Method

I tallied up questions regarding the being there method in our private Facebook support group and basically narrowed them down to three all-encompassing questions:

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Question #1: What is the relation between the being there method and the “moving on without moving on” concept?

I’ve recently been interviewing a lot of success stories from our program to see if I can find any common trends between them.

The single most common and effective technique our success stories talk about is having the mindset of moving on without moving on:

Moving on without moving on basically involves working on yourself to the point where you become the protagonist of your life again instead of your ex. That way, you reach a mindset where you don’t really care if your ex comes back anymore.

Does that sound familiar? That’s probably because moving on without moving on is heavily dependent on attaining a secure attachment style just like the being there method is.

So, if you ask me whether there is a difference in the moving on without moving on concept and the being there method here’s what I’d say:

Yes, there’s a difference but like anything in relationships, there is a bit of crossover.

Having a secure attachment which is the key to “moving on without moving on” will actually increase your chances of getting your ex back after they move on to someone new. So, both the moving on without moving on concept and the being there method work in tandem to get the best results.

Question #2: How can you actually be there for your ex if they don’t want you there?

This is probably the toughest one to answer because you really can’t force your way into your ex’s new relationship If they don’t let you.

My answer to this would be looking at WHY they don’t want you there and here are two points I want to make:

You must mimic a secure attachment style

As I already said, having or mimicking a secure attachment style is crucial to the being there method. If your ex doesn’t perceive you as being a secure attachment, they won’t want to deal with you.

It can’t seem like you’re waiting around for your ex

This goes hand in hand with having a secure attachment style because if your ex feels like you’re just waiting for them to give you attention or break up with their new partner, they will not let you into their life.

The key here is to live your life independent of your ex. When your ex sees you doing your thing, they’ll think that you genuinely just want to be friendly with them while living your own life. It’s an important distinction to make because that almost removes any of the tension or ulterior motive suspicions that your ex may have about what you’re doing.

Question #3: How do you deal with big pullbacks when you are well into the process?

Now this is when you’re doing the being there method and getting incredible results and all of a sudden your ex just pulls back and leaves you wondering “What happened!

We were doing so well”. There are two main reasons why this can happen:

  1. Your ex’s new girlfriend or boyfriend caught wind of you guys chatting and gave them an ultimatum so they’re pulling back
  2. You’re getting close to a big breakthrough

The main question is how you respond to a big pullback, regardless of why it occurred. There are two circumstances to get the best results possible:

Make sure your perceived attachment style is secure

I know, you could probably make a drinking game out of how many times I’ve mentioned a secure attachment style in this article but it’s just THAT important.

What Are Your Chances of Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back?

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You need to embody that secure attachment style where you believe that you have the fortitude to overcome failure, no matter what happens. It’s not enough just to sit there and say you have it, which is the case with most of the people that I work with. It’s just as important that you embody it in every aspect of your life and sometimes that means confronting and accepting failure.

When you get a big pullback like this your initial reaction is probably to try to pull your ex back yourself. That’s the opposite of the secure attachment style and totally the wrong move in this situation. If you try to pull your ex back, they’ll just become defensive and think that their current partner was right about cutting you off.

Pull back for a bit and then re-engage properly

The best thing you could do is give your ex some time and pull back, just as someone with the perfect secure attachment style would do. Now there’s no magic formula for how long you should give your ex, so I recommend trying out different time frames to see what works. Sometimes it’ll take a few days and other times it could take a few weeks.

I know that pulling back for some time after seeing success in this already long process can suck but for the process to truly be successful, you need to be patient. The being there method just adds length to the ex-recovery process but if you stick with it you will see good results.

Now you’ve pulled back when they pulled back and it’s time to re-engage. How you re-engage is crucial to your ex’s response. You don’t want to just re-engage and act like everything’s okay.

Instead, you want to label and say something like “Hey I know you and I are having some friction lately, but I saw this really cool thing and thought you would like it.”

That way you camouflage it but also bring up the elephant in the room so it removes any tension and you can get right back to normal after that.

Now if you don’t know this concept, I’ve talked about this a lot in some of my latest content because it’s based on one of my favorite books – Never split the difference.

Essentially you label your partner’s emotions and it kind of acknowledges their emotion and lowers their guard, making them much more receptive to what you’re going to say.


The being there method basically works through extending the no contact rule and then inserting yourself into your ex’s new relationship.

Extending the no contact rule ensures that you don’t prematurely step in while your ex and their new boyfriend/girlfriend are in the honeymoon phase.

The second part that involves actually being there and inserting yourself is centered around having or mimicking a secure attachment style.

When you display a secure attachment style by showing the fortitude to accept whatever happens, your ex’s new partner will feel intimidated and their whole relationship may implode.

What to Read Next

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16 thoughts on “Exactly How The Being There Method Works”

  1. A.R.

    April 23, 2023 at 2:09 pm

    Ex and I had been texting and talking everyday until this morning when he sends me a message saying that he wants to separate himself from me bc it’s causing stress and problems and he’s not going to keep any form of communication with me any longer. How long should I pull back and how do I rengage?

    1. Coach Shaunna

      August 16, 2023 at 2:09 pm

      Hey AR you need to follow a 45 days NC and allow your ex this space. If they believe that you are the reason for their stress then you need to show that you are NOT by giving them space and letting them see that things are not that great without you around either. In that time work on your Holy Trinity and UG to show that they made a mistake letting someone who is fun and exciting go.

  2. Hurting

    October 30, 2022 at 7:38 am

    Met my ex as friends recently. We occasionally whatsapp but I’m always initiating. He sat very close to me and we made lots of eye contact. He has lived with the other woman for a year but our relationship lasted 6. He offered to come over to help with DIY one evening and was quite flirty.
    I’m hurting as I really want to tell him I love him and to come home. How do us readers, living out the being there method, cope? Thanks xx

    PS I know to act neutral which is the difficult part

  3. Jane

    October 18, 2022 at 6:19 pm

    Hi team
    Ex left me a year ago. We have limited contact but recently following the being there method we have decided to be friends and plan to meet up.

    Question: recently in texts we’ve laughed at each others turn ons. Is this ok or should I avoid sexual conversation? Thanks

  4. A

    April 17, 2022 at 3:07 am

    I did the being there method with my ex bf through text message for 2 months. It was going fine until my ex texted me saying he was not doing well and that his gf was uncomfortable with him talking to me even though we are friends. Now he ignores my text messages and it sounds from the igniting like he was ordered to cut contact.
    What do I do? I live 2 states away and this was my only connection to him.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      April 21, 2022 at 12:22 pm

      Hey A, so it shows that the being there method is working and that you are a threat to the new girlfriend. I would pull back for 21 days and then reach out again with a text that would ask him for advice about something only HE would know about this would open conversation again and means that the new girlfriend would be less worried about things between you at that time.

  5. Laura

    December 4, 2021 at 10:41 pm

    I hope this thread is still active. I was wondering if NC is still recommended in the case where the ex left a really good relationship to explore his options with another woman due to some securities they had shared (they think current gf will leave them eventually for their shortcomings despite how much she likes him) and they aren’t ready to settle down yet but don’t know what the future holds and would like to start things if it doesn’t work out with the new woman. And there is already have a secure thing between them. What if they had contact?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      December 27, 2021 at 11:41 am

      Hey Laura, yes you need to NC you also need to assess the situation. If there was someone treating someone you loved and cared about as a second / back up option would you be telling them to wait for them? I understand that you have feelings for this person but the fact that they want to be with the other person because they want to explore their options and chances with someone else then they are directly telling you that you are a backup plan. Read about being the Ungettable girl and I HIGHLY recommend that you start dating other people.

  6. Anna

    November 3, 2021 at 2:54 pm

    My ex has left me for someone else (although officially he broke up with me because the spark was no longer there). I have seen him spending more time with her for days before the break up and long behold 2 days after I’ve seen them constantly online talking.
    I have done the no contact and definitely it bugged him. We used to play online game together and he would contact me for some most random reason but it was always business like. Finally we had talked after 2 months of no contact (I broke it once because he was acting out completely). Since then first he was grumpy and said he we can be friends or not talk at all, but all his actions indicated that he was hurt. We are now friends and he initiated contact three times and we had such good time. On all occasions I left conversations on high point. Then I reached out to him and again we had great time but he started responding slower and slower so I ended it before it went bad.
    He actually said to his friend that this new girl is very serious and he wants to live with her (after a month!) and that we argued too much :(. I don’t know. He actually said he wanted to marry me after a month so I guess he falls in love so quickly. I know from shared friends she said to her friend it’s nothing serious (but then it looks otherwise). It feels so hopeless and difficult to try to beat the odds… not sure if there is even a chance or are they really serious. Or maybe he is just playing with everyone…

  7. Natalie Nounou

    September 1, 2021 at 12:22 am

    My ex is with someone else now I have been scared and anxious to contact him it has been almost 7 weeks now since I broke up with him. We were together for about 9 months and we were only in contact so I could get my stuff from him since the break up. My intuition tells me that maybe he is in love with the woman he left me for because she was in touch with him on social media the entire duration of our relationship. He told me he never fell in love with me. How should I approach this?

  8. Mary

    March 30, 2021 at 10:56 am

    So my friend and I started a fwb situation both of us caught feelings and never told the other. Now he’s asked a girl out and I’m all alone but he told me I’m still his best friend and that he has feelings for me still just didn’t think I had them for him. He does say he regrets not pursuing me even at the beginning of the new relationship. I feel like I can’t go MIA because at the end of the day we are close friends so can I use this method by maybe limiting the contact or taking longer to reply to him rather than cutting off contact.

  9. Bre

    March 13, 2021 at 2:02 am

    How will this rule apply to a baby daddy? Me and my boyfriend had been together for 13 years and our relays started to decline because of issues we both had going on and communication became less and less and distances became greater but we never feel out of love. He cheated on me because he feel like I didn’t love him no more and we haven’t slept together since my pregnancy. He is still with this girl but reaches out to me to tell me issues he has going on with her and how he wants me back and he loves me. There was a time when he asked for sex but I told him no. I want to us to one day get back together but I want to do the right way. I know the no contact is hard to do since we have 3 kids together. I dont want him think I’m here always available waiting for him . I also don’t k ow what his tire intentions are. He could be using me incase his girl doesn’t work out or if he really want to get back with me. He usually contacts me every other day or two days and it’s always when his not with her. He said that she gets mad when he contacts me and that she thinks that he still has feelings for me.

  10. Jacqui

    February 1, 2021 at 9:32 am

    My boyfriend and I broke up after a year of dating. This was mainly due to my jealousy and insecurity. I have just finished a 30 day NC and initiated texting about 2 or 3 times, with only short answer responses. I’ve just discovered that he is back with his ex wife, they share a kid. How do I proceed with the being there method if I have already broken the NC. Do I commence another 30-45 day NC, or do I just extend the 30 day NC, even though I have already started texting?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      February 4, 2021 at 5:58 pm

      Hi Jacqui if he has gone back to his wife then I would suggest that you move on.

  11. Kai

    January 26, 2021 at 1:22 am

    Ex let me know was on his 2nd date with a woman. Threw me off but he still wants to be in contact after an nc period so I feel my chances are not bad. Not perf because he bounced back quick but they are there if I amulete secure attachment. Or be it. Breakup was 1 month 2 days and he said he was talking to someone 1 wk after it. Did close to 21 days and we been talking as friends so far i know Im the only ex he asked that of as he can’t believe men and women are ever friends and the others he has around are for his kids. Question. Do i extend another nc period here of few wks and also how do converse in ways he continues pursuing contact?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      February 6, 2021 at 4:16 pm

      Hi Kai, if your ex is involved with someone else then you need to complete a 45 day no contact, in which time you work on yourself. However, you said your ex told you he wants to keep in touch after your NC – you were not supposed to tell him you were following a NC.