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September 26, 2018 at 3:01 pm
Hello everyone.
I am looking for advice or any thoughts on my „problem“. So the thing is, i dont know how to proceed with someone who is significantly younger than me. Me being a 26 year old student and him, 18 old freshman just finished highschool. We met a half a year ago and it just clicked- but at some point he just backed off. I feel like he is simply scared of me being the superior one, or at least its in his head. I do not feel at all superior to him in every single area. When I specifically asked him several weeks later if there is a chance for whatsoever, he texted that older women are just not his thing. And that i would change my mind 2 weeks later anyways- stuff like that. Which indicates again that hes just scared of being hurt maybe idk. We are still in touch though, and he is constantly pushing it up to a point where he keeps backing off which makes me really crazy. I am thinking to give him space and back off myself for a while. Hoping that going to uni and becoming more independent and so on will make him more mature. Still its very hard for me to handle this because we have a strong chemistry and it hurts when he backs off. Also i am afraid to lose him totally when i cut off the contact.
Or maybe this is just the best way to deal with it…. and just move on, letting him do his own stuff….
Chris Seiter
September 28, 2018 at 3:21 am
Hi Nici!
Well then you should consider no contact. Its meant to help you thru the crazy emotions you might be experiencing, but it can accomplish much more. Pick up one of my eBooks to really dive into all the details of how my program works.
April 7, 2018 at 4:09 pm
I’m currently still living with my ex, who broke up with me because of a fight and he also mentioned we don’t want the same thing in the future. We’ve been broken up for one week, still getting along fine. We’re planning on living together for the remainder of this month and next month because of financial reasons (I’m waiting to see if I get into the nursing program). It was his idea to stay in the house longer than this month. We were together for 3 years and have been living together for a little over 1 year. In the beginning of our relationship he told me he wanted to be a father to my child, marry me, and have a family. Recently he has expressed that he doesn’t think he ever wants to get married or have children, which is one of the reasons we broke up. His sister and I are really close and she said she thinks it’s because he thinks he can’t be a good father (insecurity). She also mentioned to me that he has told her I’m “the one” in the past. I realize that if he loved me he would want to give me what makes me happy, which he’s not willing to do. So, my question is, do I give up on the love of my life and let him do his own thing? Or try and get him to change his mind about what he wants at the moment? I know he has felt the same about marriage and children in the past and somewhere down the line he changed his mind. I didn’t change any of my wants and needs for the future, but he did. He knew from the beginning what I wanted in life. So.. what’s your advice?
Jennifer Seiter
April 7, 2018 at 7:17 pm
I don’t think he broke up with you because of his insecurity. Generally insecurity makes people cling to each other, unless you were pressuring him about having kids and getting married.
Do not try to change his mind. That will only make him angry and resent you if you actually do change his mind. Instead become the best version of yourself and work on becoming very secure. It’s really up to you if you want to wait for him to change his mind but I think it all depends on timing really… How old are you and how old is he?
April 8, 2018 at 5:15 pm
I’m 25 and he is 27 (young, I know). We have had disagreements in the past about our future and wanting different things, but had decided to stay together and see where things go. I know that I can’t force him to want the same things I want. He says he wants to be with me but just doesn’t think it’s going to work out in the future. I haven’t brought it up since we broke up a week ago.
Chris Seiter
April 11, 2018 at 1:57 am
Hi Bella. Cool name. Hang in there. Put my advice to work and if you need more details, take a look at my ebooks (via website menu/products link)
March 20, 2018 at 4:32 pm
I just got out of a whirlwind something. He asked me out all the time. We had a good time. He said he liked me and enjoyed my company. When I said we only see each other since 7 weeks in the course of a conversation, he got cold feet. He told me that he did not want a relationship although he showed all signs of it to me. He still would like to see me but as a friend with benefits because of other things going on in his life and he could not handle a relationship now. I declined. Should I forget about him?
EBR Team Member: Amor
March 26, 2018 at 10:30 am
Hi Rowenna,
Yup.. if he said he only wants to be fwb, and you don’t want that, you should move on from him.
February 25, 2018 at 11:10 pm
My ex boyfriend and I just celebrated out one-year anniversary earlier this month. We were perfect for each other – compatible, we never fought, chemistry was good, we saw a future with one another, and he constantly reminded me how much he loved me. But then a couple days later, he breaks up with me because he’s confused and he’s been feeling this way for a couple weeks. I was completely blindsided by this. I asked him what went wrong and all he said was that one day he woke up and it all didn’t many sense, it was just a weird feeling. 4 days later, he texts me saying that he loves me, misses me and breaking up with me was the biggest mistake. I call him to tell him that I love him but I fear getting back together because of this sudden breakup and without talking things through in person first, but I’m willing to give it another shot. However, just a few hours later, he calls me and tells me that he’s still confused and uncertain about us because of his irrational decision. So to save me from all the pain he may cause again, he’d rather just break up now. I’m not an expert but from the year of dating him, I know he doesn’t deal well with stress and anxiety, especially since he is in a professional college, his recent weight gain and recent low self esteem. So my questions are, how do I tell him to seek help for his anxiety without breaking the NC rule? And how likely is it for him to come back to me after realizing that I was the best thing that happened to him (sorry to sound presumptuous but he always said this to me). Thanks!
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 27, 2018 at 2:06 pm
Hi Cece,
You can’t control another person.. The best you can do is tell him what you think and leave the decision to him on what he wants to do with his life..
February 25, 2018 at 4:26 pm
My ex boyfriend and I just celebrated our one-year anniversary earlier this month. We were extremely compatible, we never fought, and he reassured me just before our breakup that he was very much in love with me. Just a few days later, he breaks up with me because he’s confused and uncertain about his feelings for me. So as you can tell, I was completely blindsided by this. I didn’t beg but I did ask why he wanted to break up and he just couldn’t give me a concrete answer other than one day he woke up and it all didn’t make sense. I also know he isn’t the type to cheat on me. A few days later, he texts me saying that breaking up with me was the biggest mistake, he loves me and that wants me back. I said that’s biggest fear is that he will never shake this feeling but I’m willing to meet in person to talk things through and give it another shot. Hours later he calls me and says he just can’t follow through because he’s scared of hurting me all over again. I’ve given it much thought and I think the reason he broke up with me is due to anxiety and stress he’s dealing with in school, his recent weight gain and low self esteem. But I’m not an expert so I could be wrong. So two questions. If I want him back, how do I get him to seek help for his anxiety without breaking the NC rule? And what are the chances of him reaching out to me again?
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 27, 2018 at 12:36 pm
Hi Cece,
You can’t control another person.. The best you can do is tell him what you think and leave the decision to him on what he wants to do with his life..
February 12, 2018 at 9:04 am
My ex keeps coming back to me, actually all my exs have but that’s another story. Anyways four 6 years me and my ex have gone back and forth. Why does he keep coning back then breaking up with me? Is he just a psychopath? Does he really care? This is the longest we’ve stayed away and that’s mostly because I’ve moved across country. Could he be changed and truly ready to commit? Do men ever do complete changes on what they want. He’s always said he doesn’t want marriage or kids and that’s why he can’t be with me.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 15, 2018 at 6:52 pm
Hi Leola,
Even if he doesn’t want marriage nor kids, that doesn’t mean he would just get out of the habit of being used to talking to you.. It doesnt mean he’s going to change, just means he’s acting out of what he’s used to..
February 5, 2018 at 2:46 am
I was dating someone less than two months. I admit I was a bit too clingy in the relationship and it got worse when I felt he started to pull away from me. After a fight about him ignoring me, he decided to break up with me telling me that we are too different and we have different needs. He also said I wanted a more serious relationship when he wanted a casual one. I asked for a time off but he refused. He asked to be friends but I didn’t want to. We met up to talk for 5 minutes where I said I wanted a mutual breakup and told him I wasn’t exactly happy in the relationship. We agreed to end on good terms and hugged. I was really sad after the breakup because I still wanted to work things out but he gave up already. It has been three weeks and we haven’t contacted each other. I see him every day in school and he has been avoiding me and not even saying “hi”. I acted very happy in school as it didn’t affect me at all. I did catch him looking at me sometimes. I blocked and unblocked his snapchat, tried to add him back but he didn’t add me back. I don’t feel as devastated as the beginning of the breakup, but I think deep down I still have feelings for him.If there’s any way we can try again, I definitely feel like I will be less clingy because the breakup got me thinking about myself a lot. I don’t know if I have any chance, or when I should reach out to him.
Thank you very much.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 7, 2018 at 3:04 pm
Hi Jj,
How much are you improving yourself and what new hobbies or activities have you started?
January 27, 2018 at 6:59 pm
Hey Chris,
Recently I was with someone and I became a little too much, which was my own fault. We ended things. He said he still likes me, is attracted to me, but doesn’t see himself having a relationship with me because of that and he doesn’t think we were the right fit. I told him how I felt. He wants to be friends so bad, but I told him no and to give me some space. We have not spoken for a few days.
Do you think he could change his mind?
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 30, 2018 at 11:43 pm
Hi Katherine,
There’s a chance, especially now that you’re establishing that you’re not going to chase which he probably expects since it looks like you were too clingy.
January 19, 2018 at 7:53 pm
Hello, I was dating my very hopeful “one” since October 2016. He broke up with me in October 2017 and he just broke up with me again last week. Both times it was a miscommunication problem. He has been burned by “love” badly by 2 or 3 different women, he is twice-divorced with 2 wonderful kids. I am not-yet-divorced (I filed in November 2016 and been living in my own place since February 2017 – it’s a contested divorce…slow going but it is amicable, just the financial part that is contested). Anyway, my ex knew what he was getting into. We had incredible chemistry, always laughing, eating, drinking, dancing together, his friends and family think I am great, etc. We are both alpha personalities that enjoy autonomy, freedom, we are free thinkers, etc. He goes to Toastmasters to work on his communication skills. He also told me that since he read the book “No More Mr. Nice Guy” that this has been his guide with taking control of his life. We both take pride in ourselves, our work ethic, the way we influence people around us. When we walk into a room together, we shine because we are both social butterflies and people gravitate towards us. Really, I thought that he would be the one (and I still think that way but I need your advice!). I think that he also struggles with emotional availability because of childhood stuffs and failed relationships. I think that he has control problems (though nothing so terrible that it’s stifling) – control problems in that he will not show vulnerability, he will not outwardly ask “babe would you like to stay at my place tonight” – I am the one that needs to initiate that and when I ask “do you want me to stay over tonight?” His response is typically “I don’t care.” Another thing I need to emphasize is that I am a single mom to a 9-year-old and I co-parent with my soon-to-be ex-husband. I keep my son every other week/weekend so my now ex boyfriend and I only get to see each other a handful of times monthly. He (ex-boyfriend) has been going through many stressors lately because of his job. He and I have also had very open, honest communication about our relationship. As a matter of fact, we discussed our relationship on a Thursday night and by Sunday morning he had “ghosted” via social media. Here is what happened: I went to support him at a basketball game that he PA announces for. We went out for a snack after (later, I found out that he really did not want to go out at all and instead of saying “I don’t feel like going”, he did not want to “hurt my feelings” so we went) – the whole time I guess he was exhausted but he did not put his hand on my leg, did not initiate any kind of intimate gesture like he typically would. I stayed at his house like I usually do (which he later told me was presumptuous – so why did he not just say to me “babe, I really need my beauty sleep, I’ll catch up with you tomorrow) – instead, I stayed over, I laid in bed next to him – no snuggles, nothing. He got up to use the restroom, I asked him to snuggle me – he hollered that my body was like a furnace – I told him that that aspect of me will never change and then he went back to sleep. I got up and left at 3:30 in the am. He did not call or text to apologize or ask if there was something that he might have done to offend me. I showed up to his son’s basketball later that (Saturday) as promised. He half-heartedly hugged me. We stood next to each other awkwardly and did not say much. Later, we went a friend’s party separately, I showed up around 4pm, he showed up around 7ish. I looked at him and said “there’s trouble” (in a joking way), he half-laughed, we pretty much did our own thing/mingled with the crowd. Later on when he was feeling like he was getting ready to part, he came and stood next to me, said that he was kind of tired and getting ready to go home. I replied with an “ok babe, I’ll see you later.” To which he gave a big, heavy sigh and said “enjoy!” The next morning (Sunday) – I learned that I had been dumped a second time by him because I looked him up on FB and I was blocked completely.
I sent him a nice farewell text telling him that I was grateful for the time that we spent together and the memories that we made. I wished him all the best moving forward and to take excellent care.
He texted me back the following day (Monday) asking if I would be home because he wanted to drop off a few things. I thought it might be the curtains, sheets, and two fans that I left at his place plus the cards and picture books that I made for him. I said “yes, I will be home at such and such time and please bring my key and the homemade honey that I left in addition to whatever else you plan to bring.” He brought me the key and honey but he also bought me my favorite bottle of wine too.
We had a brief discussion. I asked him “will you please give me some insight into what it was that I did this time to make you decide to break my heart again?” In a nutshell, it was because I did not initiate or ask him if he wanted me to come over. I was like “really, so you’re throwing this away because of a miscommunication – again?” He stated that he had been really irritable lately with his job situation, there were uncertainties, he had things he needed to do. The jist that I got was that he really just did not have the time to give me the love and affection that I deserve. Pretty legit – I get it (sort of..). After he left, I sent him a text thanking him for the wine and said “for what it’s worth, I hope that we will grow old on each other’s pillows. Take good care.” To which he responded “I am blah and need to get past some things, specifically January. I don’t want to sour things further between us. Not sure what that means.” To which I replied “Ok. As I’ve said before, I’ve got your back through thick and thin. Keep in touch whenever the moment grabs you. I’ll be here waiting with no regrets regardless of the final outcome.”
My question is: do you think that he will come back to me and if he does, do I give this another shot?
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 21, 2018 at 4:45 am
Hi Mel,
You did almost everything right when he broke up with you, the only downside is you told him you’re just there waiting… Give it a week, if he doesn’t reach out to you, start the nc period and do 30 days..
In search for hope
December 20, 2017 at 4:40 pm
Hello, i need an advice.
I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years. In the last period we had some issues also given the long distance relationship, but the last two months have been crazy. We also had a lot of problems with sex…. when i came back home my boyfriend told me he don’t love me anymore and that in the last month he have been seeing someone else…. i wasn’t prepare to give up after 4 years and i ask to try again. We met the first time and he seemed really confused he was sure at the bagging but the more time we spent togheter the more he was confused and he agreed to try he also kissed me. The day after we had a thing we book in advance 4 months before. We met to go there and he said he didn’t want to go with me he wanted to be alone and that he don’t want to try he just felt sorry and so on. Then we went anyway and at the end he thanks me and again he ask me to go closer to him take my hand and things like that. We also came back more late then we were supposed because we walked and talked before he said he needed some time alone to clarify his thoughts (but since what happened i am not sure he would be really alone). At the end of the night he said he didn’t want to try again and that he was very sorry and just want me to understand that and to give up. I don’t know what to do. What shall i do? I haven’t tex since when he said so…. i desperately want him to change is mind i also explained him i would do everything.
EBR Team Member: Amor
December 20, 2017 at 10:16 pm
Check this one:
If You Had a Long Distance Breakup Here Is How You Get Back Together
In search for Hope
December 20, 2017 at 2:01 pm
Hello! I really need a good advice on what to do. My boyfriend left me after 4 years of relationship. He said he don’t love me anymore and he hang out with another girl one week before leaving me. We were on a long distance relationship and things weren’t ok at all. We quarrel a lot on the sex side we had many issues and so on. When i come back home we met and i tried in every way to make him come back. I clearly express how much i love him and everything i would do for him and for our relationship. The first night we walked a lot and he seemd to me confused he kissed me and the said it was a mistake and all this things. He agreed to a second change but then almost suddnely after we said goodbay he change is mind and said he just felt very sad for me because everything he has done and he don’t really want to try again. The second day he didn’t want to meet me but again we met to go on a thing we booked on September and also there he was really angry at me while we were going he said I didn’t understand he wanted to be home in that moment alone or prefer to go with anyone but me and ask me several time not to go but i insisted. Also at the end of the night he was acting confusing ask me to be more close to me then change is mind and so on. We also walked and talk more than necessary after in this moment he ask me fo “some time” like one month to be alone and understand what he wants. In the end he said he don’t want to be with me and he don’t want to give me false hope, he said that is over and just wanted me to understand that. I really think we can make it through this period and I don’t want him to be “alone” to remeber just bad things of our relationship but i understand i can’t pressure him to much. What should I do?
EBR Team Member: Amor
December 20, 2017 at 10:04 pm
Check this one:
If You Had a Long Distance Breakup Here Is How You Get Back Together
December 17, 2017 at 6:30 am
Im not sure if you can see the emojis but the first one is the grumpy side way look one.
And the second one is the one with a smirk.
EBR Team Member: Amor
December 20, 2017 at 6:50 pm
Hi Jenny,
Just to make it clear, you broke up long ago, but kept talking and it came to a point that you nagged him because up to this time he’s still not sorry for what he had done before?
December 17, 2017 at 6:28 am
I brought Up a huge fight that happened 2 weeks ago which affected me and it led to my ex over reacting. I was still hurt from that fight and had lost some feelings after it which i told my ex. We were supposed to try move on but i found it hard to sometimes when i felt like he wasn’t that Sorry about it. He gets impatient when i talk about it. So My ex broke up with me said he couldnt stand my nagging anymore. At first the things he was saying was awful like “Im done with u”, “go away” but after that he said Thank you and Sorry he just cant stand my nagging all the time and Hope i find someone who Can put up with me Because he cant anymore. I said Thank you too and Hope he finds someone who’s a better fit as well, and all the best, Hope u get to do all the things u were planning for too after new year. And he responded with all the best too and i dont see why u have to Thank me, and i will do dont worry. I didnt text him anymore after that.
The next day he texted me saying “just realised i did kind of over react it wasn’t your fault in the end”
I didnt reply, and he sent another text later on “Hey are you ok” with a “”
Im confused – whats with the emojis and ? The first one looks as though he is still annoyed or grumpy, and the second one just senda a very casual weird Vibe.
And should i reply or continue with no contact?
Lost Soul
December 8, 2017 at 9:36 pm
Me and my bf were together since 2014. It was a long distance relationship so there were alot of fights and breakups. No contact rule for 30 days always worked. After 30 days he contacted or left a signal for me to contact him. We got engaged in Aug 2017 and things got rough (he thought I was not taking the engagement seriously and not giving him enough time). However things got worse and he came over with his parents and his mother got super angry on me and blah blah. Anyhow we were being told to decide if this will work or not. Later on he said that he thinks it won’t work and its over. I begged him alot and did everything I could. He was giving me mixed signals like telling me to block him on WhatsApp but not doing it himself, telling me to move on yet asking for my selfie for the last time and stuff like that. Anyhow I sent him an emotional video of an appology and told him that I’ll wait for him forever and left him on his own. Its been 2 weeks now. I am monitoring his social media activities which are completely non existent (his mood is very much visible on social media). If he’s happy he’ll be changing his dps and putting up statues and all. But once he’s depressed he’ll just seize the activities. But this time the no contact rule is being too tough for me. I am uncertain if it will work this time or not? It worked initially because things were different. Its too sever this time. I don’t know if it will work or not?
EBR Team Member: Amor
December 11, 2017 at 11:50 am
Hi Lost soul,
You have to be active in posting.
So that when he gets curious he’ll see your posts..
November 27, 2017 at 4:34 am
Hi Amor,
Me and my bf had been together for 5 years and 2 months ago we broke up. He was the one who dumped me on text and said he wants some freedom and changes. However, during the 2 months NC i have asked his closed friend about us. my ex mentioned about he was stressed when he was facing me. He cannot express his insights towards me because he thinks I’ve got my own mind and sometimes he may not agree with my opinion and so he didn’t speak out. he was too afraid his opinion got challenged by me or by anyone because he is kind of a person who hide his own feelings in his mind and Somehow he cannot stand different points of views. If we weren’t having same views he may think our thinking were way too apart. he is kind of a person who easily get upset if his opinion didn’t get valued. In the meantime he also didn’t know how to express his feelings well. We seldom have argument during these years. Probably he just hide his own feelings among us.
Now we’ve broken up, my camera is still in his house and he is too afraid to meet me in person and we are still in the No contact period. i can assure currently in his mind there were mostly negative thoughts towards me and i want to change that. According to his friends, he keep going travel everywhere. his friends said he kinda like a mess in his current status. But he didn’t ask my friends anything about me but only read my Instagram stories. His friend told me he still likes me, however, he wont think about get back together in this time of period. He also cannot assure there’s not a single chance that we won’t get back together. I need some advice.
EBR Team Member: Amor
November 28, 2017 at 1:35 pm
Hi Aria,
do posts that stays unless you remove them. How active are you in improving yourself?
November 26, 2017 at 11:18 pm
my boyfriend broke up with me almost a month ago after I was away for a month. He said he feels weird when i got back and left. he is working abroad a lot so we met only once since the break up and it was very weird. he was appearing like a different person, like he was angry or building a wall. Then he was traveling again. we msged about the break up which i was against and felt we did even have time to properly discuss and process. He wrote that he is sorry and is very emotional as well but last time we met he realized he just does not have theses kind of feelings towards me anymore. I want him back and I love him but i am also hurt and i was obsessing and not being able to function at all the last month. we are supposed to meet tomorrow to talk and that i will take my stuff. i wonder if i should postpone the meeting until i will feel stronger, or is it best to properly discuss the breakup in person and not in a virtual style. i feel that the reason that he broke up with me is that he was feeling to much pressure and demands from me, and i lost my confidence and my personal life while we were together which made him feel anxious. i wonder if i should get all of those back and then go see him or just be honest and give it a proper chance as i feel this break up was weird but he is still very convinced of the choice he made.
EBR Team Member: Amor
November 28, 2017 at 2:17 am
Hi Agamit,
how did the meet up went? Do you want to try the no contact rule?
November 19, 2017 at 11:19 am
Hello my name is Kelly, and my boyfriend and I broke up about 3 days ago at are just getting back together after about a week of a breakup. Well he had to go out of town for his job so I went and hung out with him the night before he left ;and all he talked about was how much he loved me and that we were going to be together forever. Well I texted in the morning he left with no reply I didn’t think too much of it just would send him a little text here and there throughout the day with still no replies. Then he texted me later that night and said that he did not want to talk to me no more that he had been talking to another girl all day and that she had picked his interest well a few days before any of this even happened this friend that he was talking to all day is a girl he’d went and hung out with because she had just lost a family member and he wanted to be there for her. No big deal they known each other forever is what I thought in my mind. Yes him and I did have some issues in our relationship I lied to him once or twice Little White Lies but I quickly admitted to it. Defense mechanism I Grew From past abusive relationships I was in. But we still talk occasionally my ex and I and I hung out with him the other day he was kind of flirty kind of not said he wanted to only be friends I know he was texting her while hanging out with me but then before we left he told me he worries about me and he cares about me but he doesn’t see a future with me. What should I do because I love him still with all my heart and when we first met he said he knew instantly that I was the woman he wanted to marry because his soul was never this happy before Help Please.
EBR Team Member: Amor
November 20, 2017 at 10:12 pm
Hi Kelly,
Do you want to try the no contact rule?
November 11, 2017 at 7:26 am
Hi Please help…my ex and I broke up a month back…he broke up with me and said we was spending to much of money…but I know that was just an excuse.We dated for almost a year and our relationship was good.We had lots of good memories together…however he was way smarter than me even though I have a degree and went to university..I also failed 1 year of my schooling life but I went back and repeated the year i never told him it cause I don’t like speaking about it, but I know that he knew about it.He broke up with me after we went out on a date and I couldn’t calculate the food bill manually..I miss him soo much i even used no contact but it did not work…What can I do to make him change his mindset?
EBR Team Member: Amor
November 13, 2017 at 1:09 am
Hi Jessie,
First, you have to change the way you look at yourself. Second, he broke up with you just because of that? check this one:
Do You Have The Same Values As Your Ex? (With Chase Kosterlitz)
November 9, 2017 at 12:05 pm
Hi Amor,
You seem to be the go to person on all the comments on this site and have replied to me twice already in different posts so thank you for that.
I am in day 4 of NC and I am finding it hard! Hard the I am ignoring my ex. He would have texted me everyday but he was giving me mixed signals hot and cold and his mum asked him on Monday 6th Nov was he seeing me again because we had met up a few times to his reply not at the minute. His responses are never a no or we are broke up but he did end the relationship with me a month ago over a silly argument. Today I have noticed he has hid being in a relationship with me on his facebook but still appears on mine so he has not fully deleted it, just hid it so others cannot see it (same thing I guess). Should I leave it on my facebook or also hide it from my timeline? I don’t want this to turn into a back and forth thing. I don’t know if this is him acting out because he texted me on Monday the day I started my NC and I didn’t reply. I had previously told him I would be his friend but its too hard and obviously I want him back. As stated before I was clingy, always stayed over at his apartment and we didn’t spend time doing our own thing or with friends. So I think he is taking time being on his own. My NC ends on the day he goes to Manchester, England to watch a football match overnight with his friend. I was going to contact his then and wish him a great time on his trip and start building rapport from there. We have a trip to Poland booked for 4th March 18 and I would LOVE if we were back together and ok to go on our trip 🙁 can you give me some advice please?
Thank you again,
EBR Team Member: Amor
November 12, 2017 at 11:10 pm
Hi Tracy,
just leave it for now.. focus more on your activities now and the new daily routine you’re going to build.
November 6, 2017 at 3:53 pm
My ex boyfriend is stress at work, fed up on everything including me. He decided to resign from his work and go back to his he country.
Were not in a good shape since I left his place. We meet last night as he returned my stuff. He admits that he invite a girl for coffee two times and he said that im just using her for time passed. I ask him im still here why you cant just invite me to be with you. He answered me, dont make me suffer more i dont have feeling for the girl and i have feelings for you. If i leave and she drop me at the airport i dont care but during my flight youre the one thats on my mind. He also said that we need to get used to this youre not there im not here so it will be easy for us to keep going.
I admit that i nagged him all about my feelings. Only my feeling i didnt eveb consider his current situation the stress he’s into. I also get jelous from the girl. He said to me that he has the option to hide it from me but he show the chat conversation and tell everything because she’s nothing. I gave him bad emotions.
I dont know what i will do. Upon reading most of the article here i realize that I was wrong. I want him back but he said my decision is final and you have to respect that i will leave the country.
NC rule will apply to this when he’s rushing to escape the country. How it will work? Do I have to message him and confess all my mistake and realization?
Im lost. I purchase all your book i keep reading all the topic online even the comments but I cant the answer as he made up his mind to leave the country including me. But i want him back.
EBR Team Member: Amor
November 6, 2017 at 8:14 pm
You just have to start it and approach the relationship as a long distance one..