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649 thoughts on “This Is How You Should Contact Your Ex Boyfriend”

  1. Anon

    August 17, 2015 at 11:21 am

    Hey Chris, not sure if you’ll see this comment but here’s hoping! The short (ish!) version of my relationship/breakup is this. We met on my 20th birthday, he was from the other end of the country, friends with some of my friends, they all just randomly turned up to my party. I’d been single for 3 years since the last ex and a rebound as I needed to find myself again and I didn’t trust anyone as it was destroyed by past ex. He was so lovely that night, and he was the first guy I’d been interested in. He ticked all the boxes, he was driven with his business ideas, we had the same ideas of travelling, etc. I visited him where he lived, he then came back down with me and moved to my hometown to start this business with two of our friends. Fast forward 1.5years and he’s still renting a room in a house, I practically live with him as home life was kind of difficult as my mum didn’t really like him and made no secret of it. His company was getting bigger, my uni work was getting harder. We were bored, last summer I had a great job with great pay, and because I was so bored I ended up spending it all so we could do fun things, paying for him. This girl and her boyfriend moved into a room in his house around Christmas time. They were ok, not really my kind of people, but I liked them. My ex and her got too close, he was shutting me out and only talking to her. They wouldn’t stop even when her boyfriend freaked out about it. They kissed in March, I wasn’t told til May. I sent her a vile message saying what I thought of her and was immediately banned from the house. When he finally broke up with me to my face we continued seeing each other like a couple for 3 months, but I was kept a secret from his work friends, everyone that had told him to ‘just break up with me’, his flatmates. He lied to my close friend about how much we’d seen each other and saying he said some stuff that may have given me hope but was pressured into it. This guy is the most stubborn person I’ve ever met, he won’t do or say anything he doesn’t want to. A week after we broke up he said he was still in love with me, out of nowhere. A week before he broke it off he was saying he still loved me, and if he got this big contract he’d take me away on holiday. He broke it off because I dared to speak to his flatmate and he told me my ex had slept with someone he liked, and I accidentally spilled the beans about us seeing each other for 3 months, and my ex sent me texts saying ‘f**k off’ and ‘not to crawl out the shadows and mess up his life.’ He’s blaming everything on depression even though he’s never been to the doctors to be diagnosed. Even when I showed him some of the sweet letters he used to write me he says ‘oh look you can see the depression was apparent here too’. He needs a real reality check. His mother and best friend both think he’s made the biggest mistake of his life and he’ll never do better than me. Yet even after all the pain he’s caused me I still love him. He’s in a bad place, influenced by nasty people. He broke up with me because he thinks single life will be better for his career, but he’s never been single longer than 2 months since he was 14! He just can’t do it. He kept saying how he wishes he could just re meet me in a year when he’s more ready. I wish that too, though maybe not a year. I miss him so much, but I don’t believe I even cross his mind. He always said I was his soulmate and that he’d never been so sure of anything in his life, and that I was the one. We were together for 2 years in total. I’ve not contacted him since he told me to go away, that was nearly 4 weeks ago. I’ve tried to be so so strong with this and carry on as normal but try and incorporate a bit more fun into my life. It’s hard because he was my best friend, I trusted him more than I trust anyone, even my mum. My question is is it too late? I wish we’d just gone cold turkey and not spoken ir seen each other when he ended it but you can’t change the past. I had so many dreams with this guy and they’re all gone now. Is there any point in trying NC and then trying to reastablish contact after all that’s happened?

  2. Alexis

    July 23, 2015 at 4:29 pm

    My ex and I broke up 2 months ago. We had been dating for 3 years since we were 17 so as you can imagine, it’s been extremely difficult. We made it through our first year of college and when summer came things seemed to be fine until he started hanging out with his friends from home again. 2 weeks after summer started, he told me we needed to take a break because there were too many things that he wasn’t happy with in our relationship. I had no idea what he was talking about because our relationship seemed perfect and he had made this decision (after talking to his friends from home) within 2 days. When he broke up with me, I cried like a baby in front of him begging him not to do it. Our break up got pretty nasty because we both did and said things to one another that neither of us will ever forget. About a week after he broke up with me, I asked him if we could talk and he said yes. We met up at a Starbucks and we started to talk about the things that were bothering him like the fact that I wasn’t okay with him looking at porn (which had been a huge problem at the beginning of our relationship because he spent so much time looking at it), times when he had come home to see me because I was working over the weekend when it was inconvenient for him, and some other issues. At the end of the night, things seemed awesome and we agreed to work on our relationship but we wouldn’t be exclusive again until the time was right. Things were good for 2 weeks; we were talking about things that bothered us and how to go about fixing these issues as a couple.

    On a Monday, he called me that night and said that he needed some time to think about if he wanted to fix things or not because he was worried that things weren’t going to be the same. I told him that things were never going to be the same; they were either going to be better or worse but we had to try in order to find out. 2 weeks later, he told me things weren’t going to work out and that maybe one day we could be together again. I freaked out on him telling him that I wouldn’t wait around for him and that I had to move on with my life. 2 weeks after that, I wrote a letter to him telling basically saying that the things that we had broken up over were minor (neither of us cheated on each other, which I consider to be a huge problem) and that we gave up too easy and I didn’t want to look back years later and wonder whether or not we would have worked out. He texted me saying he really appreciated the letter and he was completely happy with all the thought that I had put into it, but that’s all he said. He then said that he wanted to give me my stuff back but I told him all I wanted was the scrapbook I had made him over our whole relationship and he said he wanted to keep that. He put some of my stuff on his porch (picking and choosing what he wanted to give me back and what he wanted to keep) and I tore up all the letters he wrote me and left them on his porch. A week later I texted him twice and he never responded so I started the no contact rule.

    It’s been about a week and I’m stuck wondering whether or not were ever going to get back together. One of his friend’s girlfriends told me that he was super depressed and was seeing a therapist and maybe I should reach out to him. I thought about it, but I decided not to. All my friends and family said there’s something going on with him that has nothing to do with me and that I just need to give him space and he’ll come around. His friends from home always picked on him for not getting drunk, going to strip clubs, and for having a long term girlfriend so if I had to guess I would assume that he doesn’t want to do the things that his friends want him to but he feels pressured and wants their acceptance. His friends at college are super awesome and one actually reached out to me and said he didn’t know why my ex had broken up with me because he bragged about me all the time to them. In 3 weeks, the no contact rule will be over and I have no idea how to go about it. Should I wait for him to contact me? Should I contact him? If he doesn’t contact me, should a few more months and try to contact him? Do we even have a chance of getting back together? Even after all the horrible things we said and did to each other, I’m still in love with him and it’s extremely hard to picture myself with anyone else but him. We were best friends and had few arguments, we had an ideal relationship.

  3. MissAya

    July 21, 2015 at 5:00 pm

    So, I’ve just sent a funny video to my ex via Facebook…

    We had done the whole NC thing for a month and he broke it by sending me a birthday message. I responded quite bitterly, to the extent that he felt I didn’t want to be his friend. A week after this I sent him a cruel song on Facebook that was supposed to be funny, although in hindsight was not a smart move (it was called the ‘Dickhead song’…). He immediately called me upon listening to it and asked me what my problem was. We went into a full blown argument about how he had made the right decision about dumping me and I said I was happy without him. He said he wanted to be friends but it was obvious to him that I didn’t want to be. I told him I would think about it.

    A week on, I have sent him a nice video and a message wishing that his move into a new house has gone well. Am I doing this totally wrong?

    A bit about us, we had been together for 2 and a half years, we’re both 24. He told me that he felt I didn’t have enough ambition and that I would never trust him, that is why he ended the relationship.

  4. Francesca

    July 17, 2015 at 2:28 am


    This past Sunday my boyfriend of 3 years (best friend of 10) left me. He sent a letter on Tuesday saying how I would never know how much I loved him, that since he loves me so much we can no longer be together, and that it pains him that our relationship got to the point that it did. I was emotionally abusive to him. I took his love for granted and hurt him. I have gone to see a therapist because I felt as if I always had mental instability which really affected how I treated him. My intentions were to never hurt him, though I did. My goal is to be a better person (with my counseling and familial/friend support) and hopefully rekindle the relationship to a brighter future – one that I will fight for and work on. My reasoning for getting back together is also because we shared the same dreams and aspirations. It was a bond that I truly felt . It pains me because before the break up, we had spoken many times in confidence about our future together and he showered me with all the love of how he was proud to have me as a girlfriend, future wife, and mother of his children, etc. His leaving was such a shock to me. We both attend colleges out of state and miles away from each other. I do want to implement the NC rule for 30 days, but I feel as if it does not leave enough time for me to see him one last time before we head back to school for the entire semester (school begins August 24). We do not have contact through texting. We do not have contact through Facebook since I deactivated mine for personal reasons and so did he. We do have e-mail and the phone. I am leaning towards a phone call. I am afraid that my chances of at least igniting a spark or even sharing my personal journey to better mental health will be out the window if I do not see him before the semester starts. What should I do?

  5. Honey Bee

    July 9, 2015 at 7:40 am

    I met this Indian guy through Instagram on university page. He followed me and I followed him. We started talking for a week through fb messenger and finally met on campus. First day we connected so well and had a great time talking. He fell for me. We got close within a month and then he had to leave to a different state for his paid internship. Long distance was tough for me. Two months passed by. Within these two months, he kept saying “I love you, but there’s no future…” He’s very close to his parents in India and I assume he will marry the girl of their choice. I got so frustrated that we ended up arguing a lot over this topic. He said he don’t like to argue so he gave up on me. I tried to text him apology messages, still no respond from him. Its been two weeks now and my question is, should I still text him after 30 days? Do you think he will respond? I blocked him all over social media so I can move on. Sometimes, I think there is no point of texting him anymore because he sees no future with me. He is Indian and I am Pakistani, we are from different religion but he seems to be from a very conservative background. Is it worth to contact him after 30 days so I can apologize for hurting his feelings and will he reply? Hope to hear back from you soon! Thanks

  6. G

    June 25, 2015 at 3:24 am

    Hello, I’m wondering if you think a Facebook message is acceptable for first reaching out after NC? My ex will be abroad for the summer and since I can’t guarantee that a text will go through, I think I would agonize over whether he got my text and ignored it or whether it simply didn’t go through.
    Should also mention a few basics: ex (25) and I (26) dated for 2 1/2+ years, lived together for nearly a year, and were long distance for the last 8 months. He broke up with me (largely because long distance had been hard on us and the prospect of me moving out there felt like a proposal to him, and he didn’t feel ready) but even as he was ending it, he said “a big part of me does think I’ll regret this and want you back but it’s not fair of me to say that.” Immediately after the break up, he texted me a couple times to make sure I got to my destination and home safely (I responded just “yes thanks”). And then less than a week after, he texted to ask if he could call the following week but gave me an out if I didn’t want to talk for a while. After a few days, I replied to ask if there was something specific he wanted to talk about and he said he just wanted to chat every once in a while, so I said that that was cool but we should hold off for a while. That was 3 1/2 weeks ago and I haven’t heard from him since. The only thing he’s done is like one of my mom’s pictures on Facebook. Why is he keeping his distance and do you think I’ll hear from him soon? Or do you think I should extend the NC rule since he’s leaving to go abroad next week? And in general, does this situation sound like there’s hope of getting back together? As it turns out, I’m moving out there anyway at the end of the summer for graduate school.

    1. Chris Seiter

      July 16, 2015 at 6:21 pm

      Text message is my first choice.

      A facebook message is what I would reach out with if I was blocked.

  7. Athena

    June 23, 2015 at 2:33 am

    Hello there! I am in desperate need of advice!

    While at college I met a guy and everything was perfect for 2.5 months. He was perfect. Although, I noticed he was always receiving texts from girl, but he always brushed them off as “classmates”, “coworkers” or “old friends” but he barely ever replied and I had no reason to worry- he liked me and only me. ( naïve I know…).
    Well I had to leave the state to return home for 2 months before I came back for classes. He helped me pack and made plans for us to call and Skype while I was away and talked about our dates in a few months when I returned.
    I have been home almost a month and a half and I have not received a single call or text from him… not one. On twitter he was tagged in a picture with a bunch of girls…. that’s when it hit me… I was played.

    The stupid thing now is I miss him… more than I want to admit. It was barley 3months but I cant shake him from my head. I think because I need to just text him what I’m feeling in order to move on. Because until I do this I wont be able to.

    This is where I need help. I don’t know what to say. I don’t want him to know I miss him but have also moved on. If he were to try again, I would say no. I didn’t appreciate him messing with my feelings and not even pretending when I was away to keep this relationship. Or even being a man and just ending it. How do I snottily but politely send him a text that will realize he lost the best thing he could’ve had.

  8. B

    June 13, 2015 at 1:48 pm

    A majority of these tactics do seem to be quite effective. My son’s father left me when I was 3 months pregnant due to a job offer out of state (a year and 10 months currently), his reasoning with me was due to the baby on the way (& the fact be already had 2 other children by two other women.. ) was he needed to be able to provide & was going to build ‘the nest’. I was initially crushed & quite intense (my first child – hormones conquered me in ways I never thought possible: I was a complete basket case at times); despite my emotional state at the time, I never once tried to stop him. I lit him up via text like the 4th of July initially (he was going to build ‘the nest’ yet did not maintain contact – months at a time I might add), I couldn’t understand how someone could do such a thing. In retrospect I can understand and respect his want/need to provide for his children, however I implemented the NC rule without actually being aware that is what it was; 3 months later I get pictures of ‘the nest’ & a slew of I miss you & I was doing this for us texts, we talked & even discussed me moving to be with him – I had a plane ticket ready to go talk face to face & check things out …stone cold silence again. After more intense angry, upset & confused texting; of course around the time the little guy was born, several more NC months we arrive at this past week where he asks if I want to talk on the phone. I am incredibly indifferent at this point considering he insists he loves me (refused to state otherwise – even when I tried to force it out of him he didn’t), regardless; he calls, I answer & moments later he is pulling into my driveway. Gives me this big spill on how he was looking at the ‘big picture’, he is moving back to do what is right, I was supposed to be the one yadda yadda – body language dirrected intently on me, he wouldn’t stop touching me (hand on leg, shoulder – moved into a hug & trying to kiss me, which I adamantly gave him the side of my cheek; two eventual passionate kisses did end up in the mix); he went back that following day (insists he’s moving back in a few months), we are back in NC zone. Yes, he has a very demanding job (IT support for customers all over US , Canada & Australia), I am back to feeling confused & slightly fed up – with a miniscule am out of hope refurbished after our last encounter; I’m nearly back at my prepregnancy weight & had been seeing someone else (until I was fed up with him blowing a gasket every time I talked with him about my ex – single mom, nuh uh.. too much on my plate for that ), my ex knew/knows about him (doesn’t know we aren’t together) and admitted to me how it infuriated him to know this other guy was with both me and his son – jealousy factor (even though on several occasions the ex stated – unprompted – he isn’t the ‘jealous type’). Yes I’m highly confused, yes I feel an intense passion for my son’s father (surprised even myself ) & naturally yes I would love nothing more than to reunite & have a complete family.

    No this was not the point I was initially making , yes – I am a woman. My intentional point is that there are con’s to a text message. From my experience the written word can be taken out of context by the reader/receiver of the message. In the midst of my hot & cold relationship with my sons father, I have realized several errors on my part that likely assisted in pushing him away; I have apologized to him for this & my point is, I have been more genuine in owning my own mistakes & genuinely complementing him on his efforts and abilities; there have been occasions when I intended a statement to be flattering to him (in a new relationship – it would have been), yet he took it as sarcasm; leaving me to reinforce and elaborate my true intention – which is very exhausting on seems trivial on my part at this point. My last text was left on the basis that if he was indeed genuine with what he told me, I was open to the idea but wasn’t holding my breath – he knows I still care for him, I’m not certain if he does for me .. then I found your page. NC again for me I suppose – perhaps with a more structured approach this go. I only opt caution on text because it can be easily taken out of context.

  9. Kayla

    May 27, 2015 at 4:34 am

    My ex and I broke up almost 3 months ago. We stayed in contact for the first 6 weeks after breaking up, and then he said he wanted complete space because I needed to move on since I kept begging for him back. So, for 3 weeks we had NC. He contacted me asking a question about our previous apartment deposit, so I had to respond, that led to more conversations unfortunately…we continued talking for about 2 weeks. Now, out of no where he’s not talking to me and he says he doesn’t want to talk about it. It’s now been almost 2 more weeks since we’ve spoken, but of course I was dumb and professed my love to him and everything after he said he didn’t want to talk about anything *face palm* so now my question is where do I go from here? Do I wait another 30 days? I had already started implementing some of your techniques with talking to my ex and it seemed to be working but I think I just rushed it too quickly. Do I just start all over? I’m really scared he’s not going to talk to me anymore whether I wait it out or not:(

  10. Kazhal

    May 24, 2015 at 12:15 pm

    Dear Chris,
    I broke up with my ex boyfriend last week, I think I fucked his brain with text and call, he always said do not call or text me till I do, I never listened to him, now he left my, I think he hate me now, even he do not want to say hi to me, today is 8 days I started NC rule. he still do not want to see me or calling me what I have to do? I really love him I did everything to get him back like apologizing, love you, miss you, be for starting NC rule he did not respond me now i am so unhappy, upset, tired I do not want to see anyone in my life, but I started doing gym, change my style as before what do you suggest to do?

  11. Colleen

    May 18, 2015 at 8:53 pm

    about a week after we broke up ( because he realized he wasn’t ready to commit again even though he loved me) I received a message from him, I made the mistake of chatting with him, so after that I waited over six weeks before making any contact. It was a simple message asking him a quick question. He was quite receptive and very chatty . I ended the conversation with simply letting him know I had plans and had to go. Do I just leave things now to see if he inmates any conversation or do I wait a few more weeks and contact him again?

  12. Jess

    May 18, 2015 at 3:19 pm

    Hi Chris,

    My boyfriend and i are on a “break” after having had our first real argument in our 6 month relationship. We are both very busy professionals and i have an opportunity to move to Europe for work for a year so i really want to know where we stand so i can move on with my plans. His behaviour after our fight is completely childish to me, our communication channels broke down and he is just burying himself in more work. When i would message, he would ignore the message for a day or more before responding blaming his behaviour on being very busy. BUT, he won’t just break up with me. We spoke yesterday i presented him 3 options (fix it, take a break or break up). He wants a break, and we were to meet to talk about it that evening. However, he messaged saying he forgot about something he had to do and apologized asking if we can meet the next day. I responded and said ok. The next day, i hear nothing. I am so confused by his behaviour. I don’t want to contact him anymore. But i do really care for him and would be willing to not move to Europe for the sake of our relationship. i just need to know…now. Should i just implement the one month no contact rule from now on….and then the strategies you’ve outlined? Do you think he’s expecting me to freak out and chase him?

  13. Sara

    May 13, 2015 at 7:58 am

    Chris, I am so impressed with your site and your posts! I have only 3 weeks before having to decide to get on a plane to continue a relationship or let him go. I desperately need your advice.

    After a year of dating, bf moved back to his hometown this past Sunday and I was to move in with him three weeks later (flight purchased already). He called me same day he got there to break up saying he is worried if it wouldn’t work out with me living there. That he loves me but isn’t in love with me, and he doesn’t know if he would ever marry me but he’s also not sure and wonders if he’s wrong cause he does love me. I was shocked and distraught, took it as just cold feet and asked him to give us longer. We ended the call agreeing to give it 3 months me living there to see.

    Now I’m contemplating breaking up with him for this cowardly behavior and hurting me like this. We had what seemed like a very happy relationship. I’m angry and I started NCing him hours after that call. I can easily go a month or longer but I have 3 weeks to decide to get on that plane or not. Any advice appreciated, even from readers.

    1. Chris Seiter

      May 13, 2015 at 12:54 pm

      Explain this plane thing to me?

  14. ka

    May 13, 2015 at 6:55 am

    my ex boyfriend of 6 years and i broke up and it has been 2 months of NC both sides. but he sent a ‘like’ on my facebook on one of our old pictures together. i did not reply but wondering what was that for?? what do you think his intentions or going through his mind? his birthday is coming up in 2 weeks, should i break the NC and send him a text to wish him happy birthday? or continue the NC until he make the first move? please help… thank you…

  15. Nessa

    May 11, 2015 at 8:04 pm


    I texted my ex boyfriend after 3 months of nc. He responded positively after a few hours and said “thanks for being so nice with someone who treated you improperly at times” and then said hopefully we can talk and meet again. This was 4 days ago. What’s the next step? Do I wait for him to follow through?

    1. Chris Seiter

      May 12, 2015 at 1:11 pm

      Well, 3 months was a little long but I am impressed you made it so long.

      As far as the next step…

      Well, I would just try to get some momentum built up through text messages.

  16. Peyton

    May 3, 2015 at 11:18 pm

    Hey Chris! So my boyfriend dumped me about 3 weeks ago out of no where. Our relationship was pretty good and we were dating for only about 3 months, I was left very confused and hurt. A week later he sent me a couple snapchats- I didn’t respond. Then a little over a week ago he texted me like nothing happened. I gave him a very short response, broke the no contect rule!… But it was very breif I swear, like a one word response. Then that same night he apologized for what happened – I didn’t respond. He then sent a paragraph explaining why he broke up with me (he didnt feel exactly the same and he didnt want to lead me on) and apologized again – didn’t respond again. Then he said “I mean it can we still be friends?” To which I responded “idk I need time.” & he said “thats respectable” and that was it. I’ve decided to start the 30 NC period over. I didn’t really know what to think after that, I obviously want to be more than just friends right now but he really is a great guy so I didn’t want to say we could never be friends again especially when we got along so great he just wasn’t that into me I guess. Anyways so at that point I thought he was completely ready to just move on. Well I started talking to this guy, we are nothing at all just friends, but my ex found out and acted kind of mad. He started asking the guy I was talking to if he was “hittin it” and saying really nasty things. Then a couple days ago my ex sent me a few snapchats (I didn’t respond) but I thought it was weird. I talked to my friends about and they think he wants to remain friends so he can still have me around to fall back on.. I don’t really know what to do or think.

  17. kayla

    April 6, 2015 at 1:35 am

    me and my ex broke up he was in Vancouver policeman we dated for almost 5 years I was there for him since day one when he started his school. on March 6 2015 he dropped the bomb and said he no longer wants to date me I was heartbroken I didn’t know it was coming I lived in Victoria and he lived in Vancouver when he moved away he told me to be strong and he was coming back we had plans in the future that he was going to buy a house my hopes and dreams got wrapped up..he only told me his career took him awayit was so good to him I try to contact him today but he didn’t respondI’m just wondering will he ever try to contact me or would he ever think me? I treated him like gold.its just sad how you can love someone for so long and they end up walking away from you I tried the 30 day no contact but I broke down and had to contact him so now I’m starting all over again..he told me this would be the best solution if we broke up cuz of his career took us to different cities 🙁 I would of done anything to be with him but he does not want me

  18. Mandy

    April 4, 2015 at 11:17 pm

    My boyfriend and I were together for two years. He was amazing and treated me like a princess.

    He told me he wanted to marry me and move in with me and we were so happy. He used to call every day and we saw each other every day we were best friends

    Two weeks ago he called me after a heated night and he told me he didn’t love me like he used to and we just weren’t right for each other. We had been arguing too much. I think it’s because I had been clingy lately. It wasn’t an attractive side to me. Also he has also been going through a lot of family issues lately and anxiety and a mother who isn’t keen on him settling down with someone yet.

    He hasn’t even made an effort to contact me, however I did cave and contact him a couple of times, just being friendly, he told me he was doing well and didn’t think we should be friends because I need to move on this was all over a period of two weeks.

    He deleted all my photos off his Instagram account which hurt me so much and he blocked me on Facebook. This is my first question, if he has unfollowed my Instagram and deleted my photos will he still likely get curious and look at my account ? How do I look like I am out and about when I am blocked on Facebook?

    I love him

    My other question is if it has been two weeks since he left me is it too late to start no contact

    Also we have broken up before and last time it only really lasted a week, he saw me and realised he still loved me and we got back together, I feel like if I see him again this time the same outcome with result so I don’t know if no contact is for me.

    I am struggling already and it’s only been a couple of days since the last conversation we had

    Why isn’t he missing me the way I am

    I am empty

    Please help me please

    Please please I am so depressed and I need help :'( I need to get him in my life
    What if he forgets me and moves on

  19. Kelly

    April 4, 2015 at 11:06 pm

    Me and this lad both started work on the same day last year and we both got on straight away we always been close friend we always talk and few months later we started getting good more closer and we develop feeling for each other it was wrong in first place cause he was with his girlfriend at the time but we wasn’t going to have a affair I never wanted him to finish with his girlfriend he was really unhappy with her and so he finished with her and we carried on with our relationship but we wasn’t officially together we was like friends with benefits we always talked about getting together officially in time few weeks passed I was happy he was so much happier he found out his ex was sleeping with someone else while she was pregnant with his child so we both decided to end the relationship give us a break and a chance to clear his head and few months later I find out his back with his ex and he’s not talking to me and he won’t come near me at work I don’t understand why he’s being like that with me I want to talk to him I’m going to be leaving my job for a new one soon any advice anyone please

  20. Zwal

    April 4, 2015 at 9:59 pm

    A little advice please.
    I was dating a writer. He told me from the start how gruesome his traveling would be, informed me that I would not see him often, so I prepared myself. I also have a demanding job which kept me quite busy. Things were perfect. After a few road trips with him in February met his parents ,then he was on the road again for another month. While traveling the only contact made was his informing that he was landing or flying out of another state. Traveling to about 3 states a week. My concern was the lack of contact while on the road vs working from home. His job is quite demanding to say the least, writing stories, tv and radio time. But with the new age of contacting I felt it only would takes a second even via text to converse, His twitter was quite busy so why no time for texting?
    We were 8 months into the relationship and on the 13th of March after covering a home game which I also attended I waited for 3 hours afterward at a local restaurant before he arrived home, the timing was not uncommon but the lack of contact was was also promised a key which I’m sure would have saved the night.
    While I was at the restaurant he arrived home asked me to bring something to eat but it was pass the last call. I walked the block to his house, informed him that the restaurant had closed. I also had a few drinks when I went to the kitchen and attempted to cook something for him.
    He started getting annoyed and I was getting agitated. After not seeing him in a month he should have been happy that I was even trying to cook at 2am. Before I knew it I slapped him and broke his glasses.
    I later left his house that morning due to unending arguing. He contacted me later that day and I apologized for my actions but he said something along the lines that he hope I could work on that with my next partner later saying that he was still with me, loved me and contacted me as often as he could on the road. (He has also been a little ill so I was determined to stay opened minded to various possibilities)
    A day went by. I contacted him and apologized again, he said “don’t sweat it. I’m recover quickly”. Not sure if that was to mean from the relationship or the night.

    We have not been in contact since. I’m sure hes hurting and I am being tormented. Should the 30 days no contact apply here? Writers are very vulnerable.

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