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649 thoughts on “This Is How You Should Contact Your Ex Boyfriend”

  1. EBR Team Member: Amor

    March 20, 2016 at 8:22 am

    Hi Surveen,
    I think it’s a combination of the time apart and he thinks you like gaurav.. if ever you get back together, do you have a plan working on that?

  2. Jess

    March 15, 2016 at 3:20 am

    Does it mean anything if he hasn’t removed our relationship status on facebook yet?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 15, 2016 at 2:18 pm

      Hi Jess,

      It depends on the person. Sometimes other just don’t update their status..

  3. Surveen

    March 10, 2016 at 10:33 am

    Hi Amor
    As u asked me to start it all over again so i thought of logging into his account again jus to check weather he got any notification about the different browser.. There is no notification that means he doesn’t know that i logged in his account.. yeah but i liked his picture with a girl so maybe for that i should start it again .. Should I??

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 10, 2016 at 11:54 pm

      yep you’re right… you still have to start over again because of that…

  4. Surveen

    March 9, 2016 at 9:30 pm

    I am not sure.. M just guessing that he must have got to know.. Bcz i also browsed my Facebook account after his with the same browser and i got the notification that you were logged in by different browse and my location also was given.. So if he has turned on his security notification (which I think he must have) then he got to know that his account was logging in from my location..
    For how many days i should do this now? Again for entire month?? 21 days are already over?
    And should i block him over social media?? Like on whatsapp and Facebook??

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 9, 2016 at 10:18 pm

      Yep, you can do just 21 days..since it’s the secind time..you don’t have to block him

  5. Surveen

    March 9, 2016 at 6:12 am

    There was no reason for our break up he just said he has stopped feeling the same for me now n wanted us to be friends.. I was on no contact rule i didn’t call r reply to his messages but i liked a recent picture of his with a girl on Facebook and i knew his Facebook password so i loged in to his account (there was nothing significant) but now I realized that he must have got to know that i am stalking him.. What should I do?? Should I start the no contact thing all over again??
    Please help

    1. Surveen

      March 9, 2016 at 6:31 am

      He never had any picture with a girl oon social media before.. This girl is a family friend of his and she tagged him… Our relationship was really good.. It last for four years.. 1.5 year back when i was in college i got these new friends n we used to study together he was not in my college we were in a long distance relationship ( i am a doctor and he is an engineer) there was a guy in my group who used to flirt with me alot and i got close to him (not physically) i told my ex the same.. And after that all the problems started.. I really love him and I think he also.. But he says that whenever I say i love you he feels irritated.. He GETSS IRRITATED!!! And he thinks that is all fake
      I don’t know what should I do.. I just want him back.. Its been 21 days we didn’t talk.. N now I made this Facebook mistake.. What to do next?

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 9, 2016 at 7:46 pm

      Hi Surveen

      yes, you have to restart no contact… how do you know he knows you opened his account?

  6. Confused

    March 8, 2016 at 11:50 pm

    So I have an odd question, me and my ex were dating for 8 months when he broke up because of distance and time issues… We never saw eachother but I was supposed to move there next January… It turns out I’ll be moving there this summer for work, how do I tell him? Do I tell him? I’ve gone no contact for 30 days exact now and am not sure what to say. I don’t want him to think I’m moving there for him but I feel it would be weird to contact him and not tell him I’ll be there. I also was going to ask his advise on which neighborhood to move to and about commute since he’s lived there forever, but don’t know what to say… Help me please ASAP, I’m stuck!

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 9, 2016 at 6:42 pm

      Hi Confused,

      if you’re moving there in two months, it means there’s still time to build rapport for now..I think you have to hold that info until you’ve established rapport

  7. Rie

    March 6, 2016 at 7:40 pm

    I don’t know what to say….We were in the relation for 3 and half years. At first it was so good for 9 months…then we started fighting and everything getting way to worse day by day….finally he seems indifference about me…. So, I decided to break up…. when we are breaking up, he seems that he don’t want that (me also not), but we both feel that there is nothing much left between us… now we are not talking around 2 months. But I still miss him and want him back in my life again. What should I do now? How should I contact him??(I dont know want he want know and as it looks that I broke up with him I don’t know how he react)

    1. Confused

      March 8, 2016 at 11:57 pm

      Also, some context… The only social media we have is WhatsApp, he’s seen me change my status and pic from time to time, but I have made zero contact with him. We broke up over the phone and I was crying like an idiot… I still miss him like crazy and am in love with him. He used to say he wanted to be with me forever (with no provocation to say this) and I still want to be with him. What can I say to him? I’ll be moving there in 2 months.

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 8, 2016 at 11:01 am

      Hi Rie,

      are you still friends in social media? Do you see each other personally?

  8. Carey

    March 4, 2016 at 12:30 am

    Hey guys,
    I’m going to write him a letter because I got rid of any trace of a phone number and I don’t really have any other way of contacting him. I was thinking of writing and telling him that I have been missing him and I still love him (not mention the fact that I deleted his number) and say that if he still feels the same way about me that on (a specific date or time) then he should meet me “where we first saw the lady stuffing Alfredo into her trunk”. It’s a reference that only he would get from our first date. If he doesn’t show then I’ll know that it’s really done. Is this to cheesy or to much? Should I write something along the lines of “just text me or call”. I guess I figure that if I’m going to put it out there that I want to get back together that I ought to do it big and definite. What are your thoughts?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 4, 2016 at 7:06 am

      Hi Carey,

      how did you break up? Honestly, for most that actually pushes the guy away because that’ s chasing.. what about social media?

  9. Mary

    December 12, 2015 at 3:51 am

    I forgot to mention..we have been together 9 months..maybe u are busy to reply me…but I am wondering what ppl should do if their bf/gf really wanna stop the relationship..
    I have read yr article about preventing break up..I understand wt u said about open and honest talk..but the information about nfluencing him is too late..especially we are in different city. Can u give me more information pls.
    Sorry for asking so many questions and I sent an email to yr support team accidentally..I thought it was the correct email which I should send..sorry about that.

  10. Melanie

    November 12, 2015 at 10:42 am

    I DON’T KNOW HOW ?! I don’t know how to start . We just broke up on Last Sunday . It was happen like so sudden ? Past few weeks we were so happy , we texted. He said that his company and family going to broke. So he need to works. Moreover, he is still study in University. He’s 22 years old and I’m just 16 years old. Well age is nothing , all we care is love. We already in relationship (1years18days) This happen because of his mother, his mother dislike me because of religion, age and family . He is Buddhist and I’m Christian. And he said I’m not mature yet and I’m selfish. I realize that , but , he still love me the way I do . I asked him to wait me 2 years ,when I’m turn ,18. All he said I don’t know over and over . Deep inside my heart , I still love him and I know he still love me. He keeps ask me to move on and he keeps ask me to forgot about him. For girls , that is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE. Summore, he said her mother told him that she going to intro him a client girl for him , so both of them can get better , and company will become better again. What should I do ? Please help me . I really loved him so much . He means so much too me . I know there are a lot of billions men out there , but , I still choose him. What should I do ? Help me , I’m really sad.

    1. Melanie

      November 12, 2015 at 10:49 am

      And we’re far distance relationship .. He came visited me 5 times

  11. Kait

    November 7, 2015 at 10:35 am

    Hi Chris, I know you get thousands of messages like this, but I really need some advice. I think I’ve completely blown my chances of ever getting my ex back, even if I do follow your guides/advice. Basically we’ve been on and off for over a year now and we argue a lot, he never apologises after arguments and will just ignore me for the rest of the day or even for a day+ where as I’ll apologise most of the time regardless and I hate being ignored, especially by him, and then when he does speak to me he just acts normal again or sometimes he’ll say things like ‘going to be a normal gf or still an angry troll’ I admit when we argue at times I can say some really horrible and unforgivable things, but so has he. He’s said many times over the past months that he doesn’t love me and hasnt wanted to be with me for months now. It’s mostly him who breaks up with me, I’ve only ever broken up with him I’ve but I didn’t mean it. He’s also said that he’s only taken me back because I made him or wouldn’t leave him alone. Now last week we had a huge fight on Sunday and things got so bad and again he said were over and that he doesn’t love me anymore and that once I leave his house I won’t be setting foot in there ever again. Things got broken and he got angry and pushed me but I replaced the broken things and got them sent to his house. He text me after the break up saying he got the items but he can’t accept them knowing how he feels about us and that he sees no future for us and doesn’t see us ever working. I tried to do no contact but failed on day 3 🙁 and text him back saying ‘Hey, I was just thinking about the first time we went to the cinema together to see Jurassic World, it was so good. I am glad we did that.’ But because he didn’t reply I turned into a text gnat and then said ‘could we talk please? I don’t like how things were left.’ He replied ‘I enjoyed the good times we had too but things arent the same and we argue too much, please send me your address so i can return the items as it doesnt feel right’ I responded ‘I don’t want to lose you, so will you please work with me to make our relationship work again, I know I don’t deserve it but I care for you deeply and I love you..I want you to keep the them, I’m sorry.’ And again he didn’t respond so I text him again saying ‘Please just talk with me, even if you hate me, please hear me out.’ He responded saying ‘it’s over I sorry, there’s nothing else I can say’ I continued to keep begging him to take me back and him not replying and when he I asked him if he loved me he said no sorry and he also said he won’t be contacting me anymore and i really dont want to upset you more and talking is doing that, you are more than welcome to let me send the items back, other than that good bye. I continued to bombard him with messages and calls, he replied no my minds made up..I continued to message and call him the next day too but no reply. It’s not been almost 3 days I haven’t heard from him and I’m absolutely terrified of losing him. I didn’t text him today so this is the first day I haven’t contacted him for..I want to try the no contact but I always end up caving in. Do you think the Nc rule will get him to speak to me or even give us a chance of ever getting back together? Please help.

  12. Holly C

    October 2, 2015 at 8:03 pm

    Where do I start, LOL!!! So, just last week I was receiving texts and calls from my boyfriend at the time that he loves me so much. We spent time together on last Wednesday and on Monday I was running errands on my side of town when I noticed a car similar to his. As I approached I noticed his personalized tag. So, I waited in the parking lot of the movie theater and when I saw him come out I drove up smiling. However, he was with another young lady to my surprise. He saw me and cam to my car with a nervous look on his face, and when I asked who she was he said “She’s a friend of mine”, I replied “Wow, is this what we do now? Last week you love me so much and a few days later I catch you with another woman”. His reply “Baby, it’s not what you think”. I asked her how did she know him and she said through a friend and I asked how long they had been seeing each other and she said it wasn’t like that. I asked how did they end up here at the movies and she said they were on the phone talking and laughing and she asked him to come to the movie and he said ok. MY PROBLEM is that if you are supposed to be in relationship (1.5 years), why would you think it was ok to start a new friendship and go out with this person? UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR and WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!!!!! I asked him how would he feel if I did that to him and of course he had no answer. I got back in my car as he stood there with this look of fear, regret and what seemed to be tears in his eyes and I called him a low down, nasty, dirty, so and so. The whole time this young lady never left (they drove separate cars) and when I noticed this I said to him there was no way I believe she is just a “FRIEND” because she’s still waiting for you to come back to her. I rolled up my window and sped off. That was Monday and today is Friday and I started NC that day it happened. Apparently so did he because I haven’t heard anything from him. I’m not sure how to handle this but it hurts that he ruined our friendship, love, and trust by thinking it was ok to hang out with someone else. I had no idea he was even unhappy. I do know one thing is for sure HE NEVER EXPECTED ME TO SEE THEM. How should I proceed. I know men will jump from one woman after another to fill voids, but I just don’t understand what happened in just a few days. HELP!!!!

  13. Louise Mar

    September 30, 2015 at 3:03 am

    My ex bf broke up with me and then i slept with his best friend. I started seeing my ex again afterwards and we were working on things but I was still hiding what i had done while we were broken up and not speaking. I eventually alluded to the fact one of his friends betrayed him and told him the truth. I sent him countless apologies in which i confessed to him how strongly i felt about him and how my actions were to intentionally hurt him after he had hurt me. I asked to meet up but he didn’t want to because he was afraid of forgiving me too quickly, letting me back into his life or not being able to stop himself from being in any way sexual with him. I see him everyday at school but we haven’t spoken in two weeks. what do i do????

  14. appy

    September 28, 2015 at 8:01 pm

    my bf and i love each other..from past 6 years. we have been in relation from past 2.5 years. bt he broke up with because we dont have any furture together. we cannot get married as we belong to different religion. i have tried nc rule and he called back within 20 days..bt jst wanted to check that i am fine or not. I talked to him nicely showing supporting behavior. But he didnt talked abt getting back together. what should i do..?? Should i call back and talk to him..??

  15. Rose

    September 27, 2015 at 8:48 am

    comment hi im 27 & iv bn datin a guy 6 yrs younger thn me 4 2 months,we started as frnds tll we dicided 2 tke our frndship 2 th nxt level.Things wre fine between us as if we wre dating my whle life evn if it ws a short period of time,he jst decided not 2 talk 2 me & i hav no idea why.i sumtyms bump in2 him since thn we living in th same neighbourhood & i jst say hi or sumtyms i pretend as if i ddnt c him.Iv bn doin ths no contact 4 2 weeks bt wht really puzzle me is tht he’l greet or look @ me as if he’s expecting me 2 say or do sumthin & i dnt i jst walk away,it really pains me especially whn i c him bt im stll keepin th rule,i really miss him a lot & i luv him big tym i jst wnt us 2 gt bck 2gthr

  16. Kate

    September 10, 2015 at 10:08 pm

    My ex and I broke up a few months ago and have had no contact since the breakup. Recently, he was in town and we met up for drinks and it was nice catching up. While we were talking, he was very adamant about not talking about if I had seen any other guys while I was single because it would make him jealous. At the end of the night, he kissed me. This led to us making out for a while and talking briefly about our past. He said he misses me but was hesitant when I asked if he thought we’d ever get back together because doesn’t think we were good for each other. Over the last few days, he has not talked to me.

    Do you think i have a chance with him at all still?!

    Kate T.

  17. Rachelle

    September 2, 2015 at 9:14 am

    Hey Chris,

    My ex is adamant that we won’t get back together and has made his mind up, yet when I try to challenge his views, he’s reluctant to answer any questions and I believe it’s because he knows that what I’m saying makes sense.

    We’re long distance, though only 2 hours from one another. I was going to give him 30 days like you suggest, then see where things go from there. Do you think it’s possible to get back together, even though he says no?

  18. zarin

    September 1, 2015 at 6:08 am

    Hi Chris
    M a muslim girl. I met a guy 9months ago who is hindu and dan we eventually fell in love and started dating each other. But one fine day he said me that he can’t marry me because he belong to a Conservative family. I was so madly and deeply in love with him that i said its ok, let us be together till its possible. But than now suddenly his parents looking for girls for his marriage. I thought since we had been so close to each other and that we made love and spend nice moments he will take a stand for me. But he didnt. Very soon he will get engaged. Knowing this, that he will get engaged soon he broke with me. I tried every possible means to make him understand that since we both love each other than why he is marrying somebody else just because he don’t want his parents to leave him. Itz being very hard for me to live without him because i love him like hell and want to be with him because he is really a good guy. I texted him so much to be with me and marry me but he didnt agree and hv blocked me from social site. Than i finally messaged him that i will not disturb or text or try to meet him just before 3 days. but m missing him very badly and my life is becoming a hell without him. I want him back. Can i get him back so that we can be together and he agrees to marry me?? Please help me out because m really going through a very bad time ;(

    1. Chris Seiter

      September 2, 2015 at 3:28 am

      I think its possible to get him back.

      Have you tried NC yet?

  19. Patricia

    August 28, 2015 at 5:33 pm

    Hi Chris,
    My boyfriend broke up with me because he went through my phone and read my conversations with my friends and family. He caught me asking my cousin if my ex boyfriend is still with his girlfriend. In his eyes it was like i cheated on him. I tried reaching out two weeks after the break up to talk things over. he told me to move on and let go/ he said that the last two weeks have made him more angry but content with his decision. How should i approach this?

  20. sapphire

    August 17, 2015 at 12:29 pm

    hi chris ,
    please do help on winning my ex boyfriend bback to me ..
    he broke up with because of my attitude ,, and then he was irritated and mad of this attitude , i was needy and always mad at him .. so the he broke with me i did not sorry .. so after two days i went to his house and apologise .. but he said we don’t the relationship anymore .. i begged, cried , pleased him but he said he just want to be frinds for now .. but later i ask his phone but he refuses to give it to me .. so i forcely ask for ot and find in his room .. but i can’t see it . so i pleased him to give it to me .. he refuses so i doubt it too much so i forced him .. and later he give it to me and i saw messages that his flirtinf with other woman .. so i ask her “who is she?” then he told me that she’s courting the girl .. so i got so mad and shouted at him .. blah blah blah … i decided to go home and just apologise to him before i leave but he didn’t want to accept it .. by the way we’ve been 2 years in relationship .. i know his new girl is just a rebound .. my question is .. is there a chance of winning him back after how cruel i was ? but why he is affected when i posted on fb that i am happy even after break up ? and after that he posted photos too with the girl ? and the following day .. the phone number of his father texted me but i did not reply coz i’m suspecting that he is just that person .. and inthe afternoon the number keeps calling me but i snob it .. what does all it means ?? help me to understand my situation ,, ty .. i always read ur articles .. helps a lot . btw , im doing the NC for almost 3 weeks.. thanks

    1. Chris Seiter

      August 17, 2015 at 8:39 pm

      Yes there is a chance. He’s trying to make you jealous with the other girl most likely. Sounds like no contact is working.

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