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3,819 thoughts on “Has He Moved On? How To Get Him Back If He Has A Girlfriend”

  1. Jessica

    August 25, 2013 at 2:15 pm

    I really think I messed up. I was with my ex for 3 years,but it was long distance and towards the end of the third year,I started to see he was getting distant. I broke up with him several times hoping it would motivate him to get closer to me and when I would come back,things would be great for a while but then he would slip back into his old habits. Anyway recently I had left him and during the first month he contacted me often,I tried to stick it out and after a month I was ready to answer his calls or texts but he just abruptly stoppped trying,after another month he finally contacted me but told me I didn’t have to respond back,I did because I missed him so much only to find out he had another girl…they have been dating for about 3 weeks,I told him that I wasn’t going to be put on the side for anyone so I wished him well with this new girl and for a week he kept offering to get rid of her so I trusted him and it seemed like he was going to but I think I’ve pushed them closer together because he decided he wasn’t going to go through with getting rid of her because he says he thinks she loves him more than me. I felt so sick to my stomach that he could do this to me,I thought he chose me…I told him that I was just going to leave the two of them alone and left…is it too late? Did I push him closer to her to where now it won’t work out,I mean just a day ago he was calling her b*tch and saying how annoying she is. I’m deeply hurt by this but I feel like there isn’t anything I could do… :'(

    1. admin

      August 27, 2013 at 3:15 am

      I would go into NC and just focus on YOU for a while. That is the most important step I think.

    2. Jessica

      September 3, 2013 at 8:12 pm

      Well I went no contact for a while and he contacted me,he was really feeling ill and I didn’t believe it until I heard the voicemail he left me,so for the weekend I spent it with him helping to keep mellow. Well he had been ignoring the rebound girl for 3 days,I thought I was finally getting somewhere but later he told me he needs to come up with a legitimate way to leave her because he doesn’t want to hurt her feelings. I can’t believe he cares about her feelings but he also told me she was there for him in my absense of 2 months and I feel like I indirectly sabotaged things for myself…and the other day I threatened him because I was upset…I told him since he cares so much about her,I was going to give her his address because she wants to see him,he told me he didn’t want her having it which I don’t get since he won’t get rid of her yet. He got really mad at me and told me he never wanted to speak to me again,the next day he called and he sounded so cold,its like he stopped loving me because I betrayed his trust and he said he was ready to sayhis goodbyes,I feel like I lost him and doing no contact won’t have any effect,that he just won’t come back because he told me all this hateful stuff about the new girl but he said after what I did,he thinks he was wrong and that same night after he called me,he was with her online…I don’t know if he’s coming back this time…it hurts so much.. the only good thing is he complimented me on looking much better now even when he was upset…but he never leaves me,I was always the one to leave…maybe he means it this time or he3 did it for her.

    3. admin

      September 4, 2013 at 2:47 am

      Jessica noooo… you were making so much progress.

      You had it!

      So what if he cares about this girls feelings. Actions speak louder than words and he ignored her to be with you for three days. Maybe you do a minimal contact and only talk to him IF he initiates a conversation.

    4. Jessica

      September 7, 2013 at 2:42 am

      For some reason I couldn’t respond to your other two messages,so I’m using this previous one as a source to respond to you. I guess your right,his feelings mustve been impacted because he called me several times today and texted me, I was astonished because I thought he was gone…I mean I’m relieved he’s not,but what he said was that the girl isn’t as attached to him as she was,I’m not sure if he’s just saying that to lure me in or what,what do you think? I browsed that page you suggested,thank you for that I just needed some reassurance that keeping him as a friend on my list wasn’t such a bad idea. I was just worried that he might believe by having me on my list,means I’m comfortable with him being with this new girl and then he might never pursue me again…oh and he destroyed my friendships by pressuring me to choose him over my friends everytime and unfortunately the people I was closet to were guys,he was intimidated but they liked me I never had much interest in them and basically they got tired of me choosing him over them. Its funny how now he has the oppurtunity to choose me like I did for him so many times but so far I’m not impressed…I mean I knew I would hurt them and I hated it but I loved him and I stepped back for a moment and realized he was more important to me…anyway I will keep you posted on what happens.

    5. admin

      September 7, 2013 at 11:42 pm

      Sorry for the trouble commenting and absolutely keep me posted!

    6. Jessica

      September 4, 2013 at 6:49 pm

      Also I wanted to know if I should keep him on my friends list because the last time I deleted him for closure,he had told me he believed I was really gone so that’s why he let the relationship with the new girl ensue. Like what would you think the benefits of keeping him on my list could be?

    7. admin

      September 5, 2013 at 12:40 am

      Check out this page for why I think having him as a friend on Facebook is a good idea.

    8. Jessica

      September 4, 2013 at 12:37 pm

      I know I know Chris…believe me I felt so awful,the realization that all my persistance and all I had endured just went down the drain in one day just collided with my heart … I guess that is true but that was when I was doing minimal contact and doing everything you suggested like reminding him of the good times we had and being the sweet nurturing girl he adored, that’s why he ignored her. But now he despises me, he said Monday was the last time we would ever speak and I just saw on facebook that she wants to move to where he is,she’s very sexual and always there for him,I feel like he will never get rid of her now. Ok yeah I was going to do that,I actually don’t usually initiate contact. Do you think that keeping him up all night and threatning him and basically being very hateful for that one day would really have so much of an impact on him,that he would lose interest and all love for me the next day? It feels nice to be able to talk to someone about this so thank you Chris,I let my ex destroy most of my friendships…so I should just continue no contact until he contacts me and if she’s still around,should I just go back to withdrawing from him? I hope its not too late…

    9. admin

      September 5, 2013 at 12:25 am

      No but his feelings may be impacted.

      How did your ex destroy your friendships :(.

      For now, do NC yes. After 30 days THEN you can contact him.

  2. Rochelle

    August 25, 2013 at 9:02 am

    I am 18- we have been together for 2 years and ended the relationship in a split decision. after telling him I love him and still want him, he got a new girlfriend 2 weeks after we ended things. As we go to school together, how can i effectively apply the “no contact Rule” when I see him a few times a day? Is there other things I can do? I try to avoid places I know he’ll be as best I can, but it’s hard because we have classes together.

    1. admin

      August 27, 2013 at 3:08 am

      You can do minimal contact. Essentially doing NC but any time you see him you act happy, pretty, awesome and calm.

  3. Alyssa

    August 25, 2013 at 2:24 am

    we dated for four years, left him four years ago. always stayed in contact and when ever he had girl problems or I had male problems we could always count on the other one lending a shoulder to cry on and always reminisced about the past. we both clearly still love eachother. couple moths back I was living out of town and the topic of maybe getting back together some day was brought up and he had told me how he would treat me well and make make up for all the mistakes we made when we were young. a month after that conversation I come back with hope in my eyes and then he is seeing someone else. I made the foolish mistake and did not read your 30 day no contact rule. now he wont talk to me at all. and at this point all I want is to talk to my friend and im afraid I have lost him forever. what do I do and why could someone so close to me do something to hurt me so bad?

    1. admin

      August 27, 2013 at 3:03 am

      Start the NC Rule right now.

      Also, sorry for the late response. I have been behind lately 🙁

  4. Maria Fe

    August 24, 2013 at 2:25 pm

    Hi, I need your help!!! Last week I and my bf talked about our relationship!!! We’re only 8months… He told me that he’s smothered by my actions (I’m accusing him that he has another girl everytime he can’t answer my calls and txt right away, I threatened him that it’s better to end this relationship, because blah blah) … He can’t breath anymore and that his asking for space!!! And what I did, is change my number and deactivated my fb Accnt… Is it a good idea? Please help me…

    1. admin

      August 25, 2013 at 11:39 pm

      Not a good idea at all. The best idea is to give him some space and work on figuring out what makes you so uncomfortable that you crowd him and falsely accuse him being out with another girl.
      I would like to highly recommend my E-Book to you. If it is too pricey then you can just email me and I can work to make it more affordable for your budget!

  5. Jess

    August 24, 2013 at 6:36 am

    Ok so I’m in love with my best friend of 15 years. We have dated off and on since high school. No matter what we have always been there for each other. Up until 3 months ago we have openly expressed our feelings towards one another. Never have we gotten serious but seemed to have an understanding of these feelings. Also; he has told me many times, that he’s in love with me. However; 3 months ago he started dating someone. I thought we were starting to progress considering, we had just gone on a date a week before they started dated. Would this be considered similar to the relationships you speak of? If so…. Would these steps work in my case? Then on the other hand; what do I do if I have a big heart and don’t want to hurt his new girlfriend? She seems like a very sweet girl, whom has never wronged myself in anyway. I’m so confused.

    1. admin

      August 25, 2013 at 7:23 pm

      I think they can work. Although, you guys were never official so they may not work as well.

  6. Shaniyah Powell

    August 23, 2013 at 11:06 pm

    So me and my ex were together for about a year a three months and we broke up two days ago and as soon as we broke up he gets a new girlfriend and im not sure what to do

    1. admin

      August 25, 2013 at 6:58 pm

      Read this page.

  7. Helo

    August 23, 2013 at 9:37 pm

    I need some advice. My ex left me August 1, 2012 (over a year ago). We had been together for 3 years and just had a child together in late March 2012. On August 1 he sent me a text at work saying he would love me forever, 3 hours later he sent a text saying he wasn’t happy with me and ended everything. I ended up moving out of our house Sept 1 and moved woth family. He got into another relationship very shortly after he left me, however he denied it for months. She moved in with him in January and now plays “mom” to our 1 year old daughter. I will be honest, I begged, pleaded, and chased him for a long time…I was heart broken. So I asked him if he loved this other women he said “No” he said he will never marry her or have any children with her. I also asked if he thought we would ever be together again, to which he always says “I don’t know – i cant read the future”.

    Our relationship was up and down, we married 7 months after we started dating. However (here is the bad part) I was married once before, to my first boyfriend and father of my son. When that marriage fizzled we went for a divorce but because my then husband had bad credit and couldn’t get our house in his name only we changed the “divorce” to a “legal seperation”. Well fast forward 8 years and I meet this new man, I fell in love very fast and very hard…we married each other, had our daughter, four months later he left. Around the time he left I received a letter stating I could not be married to two men at the same time. I freaked out! I had forgotten my first marriage was never changed to a divorce and it was still a legal seperation. I was 22 when all that happened and over the 8 years that had passed I had truly forgotten. Long story short, my recent ex thought I had lied to him and whenever we talk about what happened between us he gets really angry and says “you were f*****g married”. He says he left me because I was still legally married, but he left me two weeks before I was notified of it. So I know that was not the reason. Since this I have had my divirce legalized and my marriage to my recent ex was annauled.

    Is there any hope for my situation? With his anger, new girlfriend living with him, and the indifference he shows me, is there hope? I don’t know exactly when they started dating but it was within a month or two of him leaving me.

    1. admin

      August 25, 2013 at 6:52 pm

      I don’t think it is about hope for you. I think it is more of a question about is he worth the effort. You are in one of those tough situations where you will have to have incredible patience and discipline. It will take a lot of work. Is he worth all the effort?

    2. Helo

      August 31, 2013 at 3:13 pm

      Worth it? Yes and no I suppose. But I would like a male perspective, is there any hope? I would like nothing more than to have him back as I sincerely love him. He downplays his current relationship, saying “I don’t lover her” and “relationships are stupid” but when I ask why he left me he gets very angry, tells me “I’m not talking about this stupid s**t anymore” and hangs up. I am confused and I feel so lost.

    3. admin

      September 1, 2013 at 4:32 am

      Yes, there is definitely hope but don’t let that go to your head.

      Honestly, I would take a break from talking to him for a while. Try out NC.

    4. Helo

      September 2, 2013 at 4:20 am

      Thank you for all your help. Honestly it feels nice to have a complete outsider (not to mention male) perspective on this.

      He has absolutely NO issue with saying heartless things to me (ie. “You’re a crazy b***h” etc.), so I wouldn’t think he would have a problem shoving that knife in my heart. If it were me, I would have no issue saying “I love this person, get over it”…especially if I wanted the ex to just move on. So his constant downplaying gets me confused. As does his “I don’t know if we’ll ever be together again” – I truthfully would just say “absolutely no chance in hell”.

      At this point I am going to continue trying to move on and do right by my children. If there comes a time when he comes back I will deal with it at that point. As things sit right now he has moved on and I look pathetic 🙁 …sad really because I am actually a very confidant and attractive women (great shape, petite, blessed with a pretty face, good career) never had any self esteem issues prior to him. Ugh…I just wish there was a “I don’t care button”.

    5. admin

      September 3, 2013 at 2:55 am

      Well, if you need any help going forward I will be around!

    6. Helo

      September 1, 2013 at 3:34 pm

      I can’t do “NC” due to our daughter, but I can certainly do the minimum contact.

      Thanl you for your response. I have been miserable for 13 months and everyone in my life tells me to “get over it” – but that is so much easier said than done. My concern is about this other women, they have been together for about a year and living together for about 8 months…so she isn’t a “rebound” but I can’t help but feel he is using her as a band aid and to sort of stroke his ego.

      From a male perspective do you have any idea why he will downplay his relationship to me when he clearly is acting in his every day life that they are serious?

    7. admin

      September 2, 2013 at 2:31 am

      Sorry, I mean minimal contact. (I was really tired and mixed them up yesterday.)

      I would say that, that is out of rebound territory. However, you are right. Maybe she is a band aid.

      He may say those things to kind of not make you feel as bad or he really means what he says. He fakes it in public for her but deep down his heart is with you.

  8. Fred

    August 23, 2013 at 8:49 pm

    Had e mail from Steve saying …. I’m better than him (m

    ( he’s obviously thinking I’m with someone else and I’m not )

    What do I do now ?

  9. Sara

    August 22, 2013 at 8:55 pm

    i need your help because i wanna know if there’s hope for me.
    me and my bf dated for a year and 4 months but lately he was being kinda distant and weird. he were talking and he said he was just tired of my instability (i am very emotional and let it all out on him [which i now know it’s a mistake]).
    after a little more talking he said that he wasn’t in love with me anymore. i asked him if he thought the feelings would come back and he said that he didn’t know but it was very possible. i then said that we probably should break up (i didn’t want to be with someone who’s not in love with me, but i would wait ’til he started feeling something again. probably wasn’t the smartest decision). he didn’t want to, he said that i needed him and he wanted to be there for me, but i insisted. we then broke up.
    2 days after that, i talked to him again to know how our situation was. i asked him if he liked other girl and he said he didn’t know. a little after (he were already talking about other things and he brought this up out of nowhere) he said that he likes this other girl in a very strong way but didn’t want to tell me who she was. i tried to guess and he told me i was right (this is not something he would normally do because he’s very stubborn) he said that she likes him back and that it is impossible for him to start feeling anything for me again. he met her like a month ago so i might guess that’s why he was distant..? he says that i’m still special to him and all but he only sees me as a friend.
    i don’t know if this is a rebound. we’ve dated, like i said, for a year and 4 months. we fought a lot but we also had a lot of good moments together. i don’t understand how can he move on so fast ? and how can he go from “it is very possible that i can feel something for you again” to “there’s no way at all”.
    sorry this is so long but i didn’t want to forget any details.

    1. admin

      August 23, 2013 at 7:07 pm

      Have you read my page on rebound relationships?

    2. Sara

      August 23, 2013 at 7:53 pm

      yes i did. but i don’t know if it applies to this case. anyway, i’m going NC and see what happens

    3. admin

      August 25, 2013 at 6:47 pm

      Definitely a smart way to approach things.

    4. Sara

      August 23, 2013 at 11:20 pm

      can he be in a rebound but still think he’s really in love ? i heard about something called “unconscious rebound” .. is that true ?

    5. admin

      August 25, 2013 at 6:59 pm

      Humans are so weird aren’t they? Haha I guess it can be true.

  10. rita

    August 22, 2013 at 2:31 pm

    Hi my ex boyfriend and I meet when we was 15 he liked me so much but I didn’t feel the same about him. Over the years while he kept getting locked up we remain in contact through facebook and letters. Almost two month ago he got out juvenile jail and express to me how he loved me and loved me for a long time and wanted to spent the rest of his life with me I didn’t feel the same but told him I did so I wouldn’t hurt his feelings long story short we started dating he took me to the movied, out to eat and even introduce me to some of his family things were going good than we started to argue a lot over the littleiest of things it seem like we’d break up atleast once a week than he ask me to go to dinner with him one day to talk about our problem and try to work through it but he stood me up that day I was so angry and upset that this guy I now have stronv feelings for and want to be with is treating me so bad later that not I called him said some very mean anf down right hurtful things to him and brooke up with him. The next day I get this long text from him stating how he apologize for how he’s been treating me and that we should leave the past behind us and start fresh I to apologize so we got back together things seem to have been going great like old times untill two days later I slept at his house we got in another argument and he told me he still loved and care about me but don’t think wasnt ment to be together that’s all that he said to me its been a week now and im still confuse to what happen and what I did wrong also I want him back badly and can’t stop thinking about him what should I do should I give him time because we never give each other time after the hugh blow up before getting back together so please help and give me advice

    1. admin

      August 23, 2013 at 6:42 pm

      Have you tried NC?

  11. Allison

    August 22, 2013 at 12:21 am

    I met my ex during my freshman year in college and we were together for 3 years. When I went away this summer, he broke up with me. He told me that he no longer loved me as his girlfriend but as a friend and that he wasn’t happy anymore. When I came back from my summer trip I saw him and we had a long conversation about what happened this summer. We both cried. He told me that he stills cares for me so much and that he wants to be friends. Also over the summer he spent a lot of time with a certain female and they are now dating. Rebound relationship? He says he wants to try new things and he even told me maybe I should date someone else. The biggest problem that we had in our relationship was communication. I had a hard time expressing my feelings because of past issues in my life. I had some trust issues. He was there for me during some tough times and I truly love him with all my heart. He made me so happy and we have the same values. I can tell that he doesn’t want to disappear from my life and that he doesn’t want me to either. He told me himself. He asked me if I was going to stop talking to him if he was dating someone new and I said no. I have hope that we will get back together someday and be able to start new. Should I implement the no contact rule now? I feel like he will think I stopped talking to him because he told me he is dating someone else.

    1. admin

      August 22, 2013 at 3:58 am

      Yes, try out the NC rule now. Also, have you read my page on rebound relationships?

  12. Fred

    August 21, 2013 at 8:58 pm

    When is the time to let go
    I love Steve so much
    I hurt he’s moved on
    I email him he replies
    i asked if he would consider seeing me he replied…. To do what? I never replied because it wasn’t a no I know ….
    Then later that day he emailed me the football scores and a picture of where they are In The league and his team won and they were at the top of the league at that time ??????? ??????????

    1. admin

      August 22, 2013 at 3:50 am

      If you get the feeling that it is time to throw in the towel then you can do so and we can focus on healing after the breakup.

  13. Jackie's

    August 21, 2013 at 11:29 am

    Hi Chris,

    I’m thinking of texting my ex since I’ve I’ve been doing the NC since June 13th. My last text to him was positive reminding him of the memories, while I moved out of state. He did not respond. I am only two hours and a half away. It’s been more than 30 days with NC. In fact I saw him in June the first week he came to me wanting to hook up ( I did not want that) I really just wanted him back in my life and my son prays for him daily & it’s pitiful. We only married for 9 months which I tried to slow things down but it got rushed and I really wanted this relationship to last. Bottom line I’m thinking of texting him soon, and just drop a note that I found his keys to his car as I unpacked stuff, I’m only doing this as an anology to see if he reacts or any positive response from him then how should I proceed? The “key” represents to his “heart” that’s my hope. All he remembers of me is negative & in laws got in the middle of this and made it messy. In fact our couples therapist said a long time ago that if we didn’t move our marriage wasn’t going to survive. Well here I am I’ve moved & he knows where I am and he has my number.

    Your thoughts?



    Ps. Thank you for sharing your insights are extremely helpful already!

    1. admin

      August 22, 2013 at 2:53 am

      Hello Jackie,

      Thank you for the comment and nice words!

      Hahaha do you think he will get that analogy? I don’t think I would pick up on that hint to be honest. Ummm… I say as long as you keep the first contact interesting, intruging and impossible to not respond to you are golden. Make sure you keep the whole conversation very short and end the conversation first.

      Those are my thoughts/tips!

      P.S. You might want to check out Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO (it could be really helpful for you especially since you are about to go into the texting phase.)

  14. Eliza

    August 21, 2013 at 9:55 am

    My boyfriend of 2.5 years just ended our relationship. We started dating when I was in college and we’ve lived together basically soon after. He was always wanting to talk about a long term commitment (marriage, kids, ect.) but I was scared about that and wanted to focus more on my career. He got a job across the country and we started a long distance relationship. I recently started my first job post college and wanted to stay at it for at least another year. However, I had set a date to move across the country to be with him. After about a month of him moving away we were having big arguments. He wanted me to move up there sooner and I wanted to stay at my job to get a good reference. A few weeks later he stopped communicating with me and then broke up. Later I come to find that he met some local girl at the bar (back from college for a month) and was confiding to her about our relationship and how he wanted me to be up there and he needed me but I wouldn’t come until 6 months after he wanted me there. Then basically the day after he broke up with me he and her got together physically and then started a relationship the next day. She has only known him for a few weeks yet she says that she loves him, is willing to transfer schools to be by him (he said not to do it this semester but she is going to transfer schools in December), she said she wants to move in with him, she calls him every night and cries to him on the phone about how much she misses him and that she would do anything to be with him and would move at the drop of a hat. Now I want to see this as a rebound, but I don’t know what to do. He confided his broken heart to her when we were still dating so she knows everything he wants to feel and to hear. He felt like I didn’t want to move up there, even though I set a date. He felt like I didn’t want to commit to him, even though we lived together and were inseparable. Now this new girl comes in and says exactly what he wants to hear and she is willing to do anything for him. I want to see this as a rebound, but he says that he is happy and that the period that he stopped talking to me before we broke up was because he was talking to her. I broke the ‘No Contact’ rule and told him that I loved him, that I want to be with him, that I still want to move up there, that I forgive him for anything/everything he as ever done, but he says that he chooses her over me. I think this is a rebound but she is clinging to him and saying everything he wants to hear. He says that he loves her even though he has only known her for a couple weeks. If she is a rebound could he be able to say that he loves her, might move in with her when she transfers schools for him, and that he is happy? I’m devastated.

    1. admin

      August 22, 2013 at 2:39 am

      Have you read my rebound page? That should give you some more insight.

      Have you started NC yet? What is you plan going forward?

    2. Eliza

      August 22, 2013 at 1:30 pm

      Yes, I’ve read the rebound page. It seems as if he ‘met his targeted rebound girl while he was still in a relationship with me’. When she picked him up at the bar (before we broke up) they started talking and hanging out. That is the time when he lied about phone problems and stopped talking to me for a bit. She was there coaching him to break up with me and then swooped in the second he did. I did some NC but by that time (a couple weeks) they basically said they are committed to each other (ILY, she is moving back to her home town/transferring schools, is planning on moving in, ect.). That doesn’t sound like a rebound. That sounds like two people going crazy. My plan? I feel like there is nothing I can do. That’s why I wanted your advice. I will probably just let them be and see if their ‘relationship’ works out or not. :/

    3. admin

      August 23, 2013 at 6:35 pm

      They sound crazy to me and I am a neutral party. Your best bet is to do what you described I think. Go NC completely and let them crash and burn (I think they will.)

  15. Alaina

    August 21, 2013 at 5:20 am

    My ex broke up with me after a 2 year 8 month relationship and a 2 year engagement. Our relationship wasn’t perfect by any means but it made us both happy. Another woman swindled in and he unfortunately fell for her actions. He broke up with me before he had any sort of a relationship with her though. We have stayed friends the entire time and its been about 2 months. He and his new girlfriend argue all the time and they use foul language towards each other, and neither one of us ever did that. When we see each other out in town we can’t keep our eyes off of one another. His mother has even began to notice how different he is now that he isn’t with me, she is even trying to show him that. How can I prove to him that he made a mistake and that he isn’t happy. Anyone with eyes can tell he isn’t happy. I mean he still pays some of my bills, he worries about me, he is extremely protective of me, and he tells me things that he doesn’t tell his new gf. He has even told me a few times he still loves me. What can I do?

    1. admin

      August 22, 2013 at 1:36 am

      Wow, he still pays your bills?

      Do you think you can ask him if he will pay mine?

      Ok, have you tried anything like the NC rule before. Usually that is the best way to approach things.

  16. Sheila

    August 21, 2013 at 2:15 am

    My ex has sworn never to get back with me because of my nagging and quick to anger attitude. He said he hates my character alot. He said we should remain close friends. After he broke up with me I stopped contacting him since he wouldn’t listen to me. Now he has started contacting me. He calls me every two or four days yet I don’t pick his calls because I do not want to remain friends with him if he can’t see me as his lover. Even when I eventually pick his calls he would complain stylishly that I do not call him anymore except he calls. He is the one who dumped me and i’m still surprised at the manner in which he calls. He got so angry at my not picking his calls and started saying nasty things about me to his friends. Please does his reaction mean that he still has feelings for me and what is the best way of communication for me to get back with him and not sound needy or desperate because I still want him and we have been dating for eight months and broke up a month ago.

    1. admin

      August 21, 2013 at 5:09 am

      Oh yea, they mean he has feelings for you. Think about it logically for a moment. You don’t get angry over stupid stuff like that with someone you have no feelings for. Hahaha you are doing the righ thing.

    2. Sheila

      August 21, 2013 at 2:31 pm

      Tnk u so much. He says he wants to be single and not ready to mingle for now with me or anyone. I’m planning to improve on my character but he doubts if I would ever change because he said character is inbuilt nd mine is not what he needs in a wife. We’ve not seen for almost a month now and we are surely going to see in three to four weeks time when we resume back to the university. I hope he sees changes in me and his feelings for me don’t change cas i’m kinda scared. Also he likes communicating with my brother on chatting site and used to ask him about me before but now he stopped asking cas he feels I dn’t care about him anymore since he heard that i’m always going out with friends and having fun.

    3. admin

      August 22, 2013 at 3:23 am

      He probably still cares but doesn’t want to ask your brother anymore b/c your brother will just come and tell you.

  17. Jo n

    August 20, 2013 at 3:40 pm

    Me and my ex broke up atleast 2 n half years ago now. It just stopped working due to us probably being too young. He ended up getting into a rebound relationship and getting the girl pregnant. He’s recently started messaging me and I’ve seen him a few times, he said how sorry he was about our relationship and how things weren’t different. We’ve both realised we’ve now changed and I’m starting to fall for him again. He explain as he has only recently split up with his ex and as its causing quite an issue over their kid at the minute he doesn’t want anything. I just don’t understand why he’s telling me he’s sorry and wanting to be ‘friends’ with me now after not speaking for so long?

    1. admin

      August 21, 2013 at 4:40 am

      Well, I think it has a lot to do with his child with this girl. For someone really young that can have quite an affect. He is still figuring out how to handle it all.

  18. amy

    August 20, 2013 at 10:45 am

    Okay well i dumped my ex boyfriend to be honest i don’t know why i did that . I feel completely stupid . Ahh . Okay well i still always had feelings for him and it feels like im always gonna have them . Its been what 4-5months we’ve broken up and hes in a relationship like 2 days later after our break up . Buthe always leads me saying he misses me and wishes he would treat me better give me compliments etc .. And he still does , while hes in a 4-5months relationship with hes new gf . What should i do ? As in like how can i get him back ? And i hate how i cry for him . Is he even worth it ? He also seems to always bring up our memories ♥♡(:but idk . I need help

    1. admin

      August 21, 2013 at 4:24 am

      I am sorry you are feeling this way :(. Are you two still in constant contact?

      It is looking like him and his gf could be dating for a while so my advice is that if you want him back really focus on using the proper text messaging format with him, evolve into an uber hottie, possibly do a NC if you two still talk frequently.

  19. Maria

    August 20, 2013 at 4:50 am

    What do I do if his new girlfriend comes up in the converation?

    1. admin

      August 21, 2013 at 3:59 am

      Dont make a big deal out of it. Just act naturally and try not to talk too much about it.

  20. Sana

    August 19, 2013 at 8:09 pm

    He’s the kind of guy who needs no contact to get over someone so i’m really afraid of using that.

    1. admin

      August 20, 2013 at 4:44 am

      I understand your concerns completely. What is the alternative though? Begging for him back? I don’t think that will end well.

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