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3,819 thoughts on “Has He Moved On? How To Get Him Back If He Has A Girlfriend”

  1. Freddie

    September 3, 2013 at 10:47 pm

    Hi please help
    I’m on 18 day of no contact
    I have had a blank e mail then later in the evening another email saying
    freddieeee …I really hope that I was ok and to take care …..
    Previously had an email to this saying” I’m better than him” ( I have no one) (he doesn’t know that though)
    What do I do I want him and love him .. But he has someone else but emails me i have ignored them all … Do I reply or keep ignoring not sure what to do please help.. Freddie

    1. admin

      September 4, 2013 at 2:31 am

      I would finish out your NC without sending him anything haha.

  2. Charlotte

    September 3, 2013 at 6:24 pm

    So, here’s my story. I met a guy and we started talking and realized we had a lot of interests in common and then we dated like for a week and I felt like he was totally crazy about me so much he wanted me to be his girlfriend after that week of dating. Everything was perfect and he really made me feel happy about being with him even though they say what starts fasts ends fasts (I don’t really speak English as my firs but in Spanish is common). Well we were very happy together for about three weeks but then I found out something about his past and I really don’t care about the past of someone but I was told to question him about it as a friend told me he knew him and he would tell me the truth so I did but he refuse to answer and I already knew the truth so I press him with the same stuff so much he eventually told me he wanted to break up because I was really presser and he hated that, but I didn’t wanted so I forgot about the issue and we continued together but he changed a lot since that and started to avoid me a little and when we finally saw each other he just didn’t hug me and kiss me like before (it really felt different like he wasn’t the person I felt for). After that he continued to avoid me, he started to say that he didn’t have time because of his master’ studies and his classes and I was starting to be mad except that I really couldn’t because I knew some of it was truth, then he started to say that he had a lot of work and stay for lots of hours at the office and on weekends he was just too tired for anyone. Then one day he cancelled me a date and few hours later he wrote me to breakup because he didn’t have time and felt sorry about me always waiting for him but that he wanted to keep talking because he liked talking to me. After that we had breakupsex and I got really confused because he really acted like we were still together like at the beginning and then he travelled so I started the NCR but I couldn’t and I eventually texted him sometimes in bad mood but he always answered pretty fast to me he just never started the conversation it was always me. Then I stopped texting for like two weeks and then I wrote him a almost kind of letter being honest about my feelings and how I felt like he didn’t want us to be friends and talk like before the relationship started and I never got an answer so I stopped talking at all to him and tried to move on until a common friend told me he was saying I was a crazy person and that I wrote him a letter (it was a pretty long text not an email) that was creep and that he was already with someone else (I’m not really sure since when) from his studies so I figured out he was lying to me about not having time and perhaps he even wanted the other girl while we has still with me. I have continued with the NCR for like a month and a half after that creepy letter I send but I’m not really sure if I have a chance I mean he’s already with someone else that maybe is more adequate for him because of his age and studies but I really felt in love for him and I’m not the kind of person that falls easily I just couldn’t avoid it with him and I’ve been thinking about this and I really want him back honestly back and I don’t know what to do, I keep waiting to know about him but I erased him from facebook after he posted a picture of himself with an angry face since I felt it was meant to me even though I stopped talking to him. Please advise me what should I do I really want him thank you a lot.

    1. admin

      September 4, 2013 at 2:39 am

      I have a question for you. When do you think you will be ready to contact him?

    2. Charlotte

      September 10, 2013 at 7:43 pm

      That’s the point I don’t know if I should contact him, if there’s still hope for me. I’ve been getting better not knowing from him at all in this time and I really want to contact him but I don’t wanna be creepy or weird for him again.

    3. admin

      September 11, 2013 at 2:29 am

      Hahah well, you don’t know until you try.

    4. Charlotte

      September 17, 2013 at 7:28 pm

      So I txted him just hello how are you? And he didnt text me back for like 5 hours and when he did he told me: hi I was on (another country) I just got back how are you? But it was saturday night and I was out at a party so I didn’t reply until the next morning like 10 am and wrote him: I’m fine just studying so another country what city did you go? And he never texted me back… It’s been 2 days since that and I don’t know if I should write him again I mean I reeally want to make him understand that I’ve changed and I want to be able to talk with him but I don’t understand why he didnt texted back I was asking him about his trip I cared about it and he just ignores me

    5. admin

      September 18, 2013 at 3:31 am

      Well, you opened with the most boring text message in the history of he world haha.

  3. Nina

    September 3, 2013 at 5:15 pm

    My ex broke up with me 3 months ago. Then since July we had no contact at all. Till I sent him message asking for a meeting few days ago. He has new girlfriend and now she’s moving in to his place. Despite that he said he missed me badly, kissed me and we spent night together (but nothing happened). He knew he shouldn’t but we agreed it was some sort of goodbye. He still wants to have contact though and considers me as his best friend. Is it possible that he still has feelings for me? Honestly, I can’t stand thought that she will be living with him now and after only 2 months of relationship. Please tell me what should I do.

    1. admin

      September 4, 2013 at 2:25 am

      Yea, it is looking like he does if he is willing to put the new girl on the back burner for you.

  4. keely

    September 2, 2013 at 7:59 pm

    So my ex and I broke up a month ago then a couple of days later started to date a new girl. Well then I found out that two weeks after they started dating that they got engaged. Now I feel like I’ve no hope. So I worry? Please tell me your opinion and advise on what I should do.

    1. admin

      September 3, 2013 at 3:18 am

      Well, the engagement probabaly won’t last. However, I would begin to move on if I was you.

  5. Veera

    September 2, 2013 at 4:33 pm

    i did my nc for 30 days. Lost weight got crazy new hair cut, and at the moment i´m feeling good. i have sent my ex 3 texts, week apart from each other, 1st i didn´t get any answer and for 2nd and 3rd i got immediately answers but they were very neutral answers. My ex in on a rebound for 5 months now. any ideas what should i do?

    1. admin

      September 3, 2013 at 3:10 am

      Make sure you don’t lose any progress on the looking and feeling good.

      I would say give him two weeks and then try again. Hopefully we can get that positive answer.

  6. Megan

    September 2, 2013 at 2:24 pm

    So I was dating this guy Corey for 6 & a half months. I know not really a long time, but we worked together for almost 3 years so I have known him for a while. I am 24 years old I have been through a few different relationship & never once have I been in love before. Like have that special feeling with someone. Until I started dating Corey. I have a one year old son but Corey isn’t the father. Corey told me when we first started dating that hes not much of a kid guy but we really liked each other & we were gonna make it work. In my eyes we rock together & we were both happy & in love. Then 6 months later he started pushing away from me & I had no idea why? When he broke up with me he told me that he wasn’t happy with his life. It wasn’t me he just doesn’t like that he’s 26 & doesn’t have a career yet & that he want to focus on school, which I understand cuz I feel the same way. However he also told me that he doesn’t think he can be a “step dad” figure in the future. Which I know it can be hard dating a single. I sadly lost my job 2 weeks before he broke up with me. Its been a little over 2 months since corey & I broke up. Corey works with one of his ex girlfriend s that he dated like 5 years ago so they have history. However she is recently divorced & has a kid around the same age as mine. I was told they might be dating now. Which pisses me off cuz he made iy very clear hes not a kid guy…? I’m still in love with Corey & I know deep down he still has feeling for me. This girl he might be dating Marissa, I havse known her for about 5 years as well. I know that her plan was to steel corey away from me. I really want corey back & I don’t think him & marissa will work out. The girl is crazy! I’ve kept my cool so far. But how should I go about getting Corey back in this situation???

    1. admin

      September 3, 2013 at 3:05 am

      Have you started your NC rule?

  7. Felicia

    September 1, 2013 at 1:56 pm

    I have had an off and on relationship for 4 years. While I had a problem lying to him, I really stopped and was great these last two months. Two weeks ago I went by his house to see another girl there. Apparently they had started talking a few days prior to me finding her there and he said sorry I didn’t have the balls to break up with you. He had been texting me until I called her this past Friday. Now I feel like I have brought them closer. He claims he is.so happy and I just don’t understand how or why. He is posting things now all about her on his fb especially since i called her. And while many people tell me it wont last he assures me it will. I just know that I am still in love with him and want him back. I am completely miserable. And he wont talk to me. What do I do here?! Please help!!

    1. admin

      September 2, 2013 at 2:24 am

      NC rule?

    2. Felicia

      September 1, 2013 at 2:04 pm

      I am very scared I am going to lose him forever. I try the NC rule but I think all these things so quickly how he’s so happy, they’re together all the time, we will never get back together etc. I’m desperately needing advice/help.

    3. admin

      September 2, 2013 at 2:22 am

      Felicia, I understand completely.

      However, I belive the NC rule is the best way forward.

  8. rishita

    August 30, 2013 at 9:09 pm

    i loved a guy. we were bffs for 2 years we both liked each other but no commitment. he said he loves me on valentines day and the dick of i refused it (still dont know why)later he got involved with some pretty chick so i got furious and snapped my contacts. did not talk or a month but after his persistence i started talking but nothing was like before.our talking became formal and very very rare like once in two three months but he was always sorry for hurting my feelings. we have not talked since 8 months now(broke off 2 yrs ago and he has been in a relationship with her since then) as that same pretty chick who is his gf now has asked him not to. I still love him and want him back so guide me.

    1. admin

      August 31, 2013 at 2:26 am

      Go to this page: https://www.exboyfriendrecovery.com/how-get-your-ex-boyfriend-back/

      Scroll down to the texting section and implement some of those texts.

      You might also want to look into Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO

  9. mishaal

    August 30, 2013 at 8:21 pm

    Hey Chris,
    I’m in hell here so please bear with me. As much as i hate to admit it,I’m desperate. So here’s my story.
    In 2009 i met a guy on Facebook,we flirted,and eventually started dating. It was my as well as his first proper relationship. For 2 years everything went smoothly . We fell in love,had our first time with each other,though i still had doubts about his sincerity cuz rarely I’d receive texts that were clearly for someone else and random girls openly flirting with him on Facebook.i finally asked for his passwords and found out that he had been adding and flirting with random girls on facebook. And his passwords2 female besties knew all about his conquests. I broke up with him for his2 weeks during which he convinced me that it was just a meaningless habit and swore that he wouldn’t do it again. Since i hadn’t found any other girlfriend and the girls on Facebook were totally random,i forgave him,but naturally started stalking his email accounts. After a month i found that one of his female friends who didn’t know about me had hooked him up with one of her besties and he had actually gone to meet her and had started a relationship with her. That was the limit, i broke down,and tried to commit suicide. I was saved though but i broke up with him. This was in may 2012 from that time till December he kept on begging .me to come back,that he’d change but he refused to let go of the female friend that hooked him up,claiming it wasn’t her fault. I wasn’t okay with that.so in Jan2013 he finally gave up begging me to come back and we didn’t talk for a whole month. For me that was complete agony.after a month i sent him agoodbye forever email after which we patched up again for a month. Now i have a habit of cyber stalking him and i saw that he had liked a pic of the same friend that hooked him up with the girl with whom he had cheated on me with. I called things off and we havnt spoken since. After 2 months he sent me a random sticker on viber to which i replied rudely and he said sorry. A week after was his birthday and i didn’t wish him. And since then he is again following random girls on Facebook.(he’s not in my list but the people he follows are public so that’s how i know)i don’t know if he has a new girl friend or not,but I’m still madly in love with him and i can’t live without him but i want him to make me his number one priority not his bitchy female friends. I feel as if he’s more concerned about them. Please help me out. We don’t have any mutual friends and we study in different universities,chances are i might never see him again :'( i know he still has feelings for me and we’d be happy together :'(

    e friends had sent him sexy pics of herself

    1. admin

      August 31, 2013 at 2:25 am

      Have you tried NC?

    2. mishaal

      September 1, 2013 at 10:52 am

      We havnt communicated since the 30th of may

    3. admin

      September 2, 2013 at 2:14 am

      I guess you can go ahead and text him now. Make sure you check out the texting examples on this website. OR pick up Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO for a more in-depth guide.

  10. Gayesha thomas

    August 29, 2013 at 9:58 pm

    It has been 7 years since we broke up and he called me again last week. it seems like he stil loving me. he is married and no kids. is there any possibility get him back to me

    1. admin

      August 31, 2013 at 1:55 am

      Well, I am not into breaking up marriages. So, I don’t think I can help you out.

  11. Kathryn

    August 29, 2013 at 6:08 pm

    Hi again!
    ok so I finished NC and reached out using the text your ex back system. We met up last week to chat for a bit. (By the way I have never been so nervous in my life) We are going to hang out again this week. Question. He brought up the fact that he was really upset that he tried to reach out to me and talk to me (during NC) and I didnt respond. I was doing NC, obviously he didnt know that, but apparently it really bothered him. What is the appropriate response when he brings that up again?

    1. admin

      August 31, 2013 at 1:49 am

      Pretty simple just say something like I was “going through some stuff and needed to be alone.”

    2. Kathryn

      August 29, 2013 at 6:11 pm

      because when he said that I just responded by saying “you broke up with me… you dont get the benefits of talking to me” haha it may have been a little harsh so I wanted to see if you had any advice on saying it differently.

  12. Marian

    August 29, 2013 at 11:50 am

    well i have been having this problem how me and my boyfriend was together for 5 months but he recently asked for a “break” and we never got back together and it hurts me everytime he gets a new girlfriend i cry i get really insercure and jealous and half of his gfs was my friends

    1. admin

      August 29, 2013 at 5:55 pm

      Have you been in contact with him the entire time? Have you gone NC?

  13. Lillian

    August 28, 2013 at 7:26 pm

    Hi, the guy I was with wasn’t technically my boyfriend. He was in a bad relationship for 5 years and I came into the picture a couple weeks after they broke up. We had been dating for a year and a half and he’s told me that he wanted kids, a house, and marriage with me. We were close to becoming official but then he dropped the “im afraid i have something good with you and im not ready because im afraid of comittment” bomb on me. its been almost week since this happened, he has a new girl now and im keeping my distance because i am so angry and hurt but at the same time i want him back 🙁

    What should I do? please help me. Thank You

    1. admin

      August 29, 2013 at 4:07 am

      Keep your distance for now.

  14. Fred

    August 27, 2013 at 8:13 pm

    I love him so much and want a life with him
    How do I get him ?
    He has a new girlfriend but emails me ?
    Why ?

    1. admin

      August 28, 2013 at 4:09 am

      Hahaha read the entire site. I am doing my best to give you guys a plan. If you really want step by step instructions get the E-Book.

  15. vee

    August 27, 2013 at 3:28 pm

    thanks for getting back to me chris and yes i know do not remain contact like i said he is always the one contacting me. yesterday was the last day that we spoke wanted to give you a little detail on how it went down i had to address him on things that i felt he was lying about. he called me ignorant and corny and that he is a grown man and that he does not have to lie… (bull) we ended up arguing he told me that he does not need a friend like me and that he will delete my number which is something that he never did he said and that he will forget about me.. i told him that i really dont care giving him the impression that im not up for the games. i also asked him a question to see where his mentality was at as a friend just to see if he was real about what he said about missing me and he avoided the question and told me that we cant have a decent conversation without me arguing which i wasnt at the time. we left it at that i told him ok i guess we will go our seperate ways and you take care of yourself… my coworker says give him till october lmao but i say and think what if i dont even hear from him anymore after what i had said?… im really really sad about this 🙁

    1. admin

      August 28, 2013 at 3:43 am

      His actions say he is just frustrated with the whole situation to me.

  16. Kelly

    August 27, 2013 at 12:01 pm

    My ex and I dated for 5.5 years. It ended almost a year and a half ago but we stayed in touch, and the lines were somewhat blurred. We weren’t physical, maybe some hand holding and hugs, but nothing that crosses a line. Now he has a new girl. I know that when this started there were still photos of the two of us in his apartment. I had always held the idea that we would get back together, but I though time not as a couple would just help us get our individual shit together. However, when he started dating this new girl he got very mean in his texts. This really hurt me and I wasn’t terribly nice back and I told him I’d never contact him again. Do I have any shot left? It’s not a rebound relationship because it’s been so long, he’s in the honeymoon phase of new relationship, he going to have bad memories and I ended things poorly. I actually instinctively did a NC rule with him when we originally broke up and we ended up speaking a lot as friends after, and he said a lot of really loving things. But I feel like since I did it once that it won’t work again – and he has a new girl. I’ve read the site but it’s hard for me to make my situation quite fit in with these pages.

    1. admin

      August 28, 2013 at 3:41 am

      Hi Kelly,

      Why don’t you do NC and really focus on becoming an ungettable girl during that time. After NC you can text him and get back on every day speaking terms.

  17. Lydia

    August 27, 2013 at 4:48 am

    So..me and my boyfriend.. we broke up a while back because i was pretty sure he still liked his ex(his bestfriend). We have been staying in touch and hes even said a few times that he missed me.. but i just found out a week ago that hes dating his bestfriend again. But when they got in a fight and broke up.. i was still there as his bestfriend. but right after he asked me out. I have extreme feelings for him so of course i said yes. But it was obvious he still liked her. So i broke up with him ..-again. But lately hes been really distant from her and really close to me. I cant really tell if he likes me.. or if its better to just not take the risk of getting my heart broken again. I really really care about him and i would love to be his.. but i just dont think he really likes me. I know this sounds kind of stupid and pretty confusing. I get that im stupid.. but i really dont know what to do. PPlease help?

    1. admin

      August 28, 2013 at 3:17 am

      Hi Lydia,

      So, as you know I use this website as a medium to help women get their boyfriends back. Sometimes that means telling someone that they shouldn’t try. Now, I am not saying that to you but I do want to point out that it seems you were a rebound relationship for him.

      Now, most websites wouldn’t tell you that b/c they want you to purchase some scammy product. Now, I do have an E-Book on this site and I do want people to purchase it but I have no trouble telling someone sometimes that it is best to move on.

      However, if you do want him back and you are dedicated to it just let me know and I will STILL help you!

  18. vee

    August 26, 2013 at 7:41 pm

    hello chris,

    i must say i love your page it is very helpful and that you are helping those have hope than feeling hopeless. i was with my ex for about 8 months and we have been broken up for like a year ago. when we broke up like a couple weeks later approximately he has a new girlfriend. i was really pissed off that he has one but i mean what would i do. this man texts me like once in a blue like about every 2 months or so, we have also met at times when the girlfriend was not coming to his house mind you chris i even knew the days and hours that his girlfriend would have off and the day she would go over to see him. i have left this man alone i dont bother him i dont text him until he texts me he says that he has thought about me and the cute things we used to do and how he would like it if we were friends because he does not want to lose me. im to the point chris that i dont want to be no ones second plate of food i need your help i do remain on the no contact rule all the time trust me but in this situation idk if he is just testing me to mess with me or he wants something from me please help i do care about him

    1. admin

      August 27, 2013 at 4:13 am

      I say… remain in no contact!

  19. neha

    August 26, 2013 at 11:25 am

    my relationship was 3 yrs long and we had a very stable relationship n we liked each other very much but then we decided to break up as we had no future.. but still we were in contact and were talking like bf gf only.but one day he said we should end this as there is no future and after 10 days , he told me he is committed with some other gal. i want him back at any cost. i want to be with him the maximum time its possible. plz help me out.

    1. admin

      August 27, 2013 at 3:57 am

      The first step is usually to go into NC.

      However, I would like to offer you my E-Book Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO at a discount price. You sound like you need some help and I think the ebook could help you. Just email me and I can make the E-Book affordable for you.

  20. Wendy

    August 26, 2013 at 4:14 am

    I have been reading this pages questions and comments, I dont know where to begin to tell my story… I feel like such a loser right now I have no one to talk to and I was jst wonderin if you had some time to converse with me if your not busy!!!

    1. admin

      August 27, 2013 at 3:24 am

      Absolutely Wendy and you are not a loser.

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