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1,382 thoughts on “The Male Mind AFTER The No Contact Rule”

  1. Luan

    June 8, 2019 at 6:42 pm

    If I’m to use the NC period to work on myself and become the UG, why am I contacting him? Shouldnt he reach out to me? Doesnt this go against the mans need to hunt a d to place value on us? How can I now be a lambourghini and reach out?

  2. Lola

    June 6, 2019 at 8:13 am

    Dear Chris: I want to thank you, because I read your blog and applied NC from day 2 and it does work. After our terrible breakup (he broke up with me on a fight) to calm waters I decided to text him the day after (and also cause I had the hope to solve it) I texted him “how are you?” and he NEVER responded. Since then, I decided not to insist at all and go all silent. His birthday was a week later, didn’t wish him a happy birthday, anything.

    So exactly 5 weeks after, he reaches out with a neutral text – kind of cold- saying that he was sorry for never having responded to that text. I thought too much whether I should answer or not. So 3 days later I said “I don’t really know what to say” and he said that I didn’t have to say anything, and that he just needed to let me know.

    Now he changed his Whatsapp profile picture to a pic I took of him in my place, a private artistic photo that I took of him, and for me this is a way to catch my attention.

    I have the feeling that he’s waiting for me to make a next move, but honestly I feel like he must have been nicer in his text and at least asked me how I was. I think he know sees me like a Lamborghini…

    So… Is it a good idea to text him now? I don’t know exactly what I could say… He was so ambiguous!

  3. Zama

    June 1, 2019 at 12:37 pm

    My ex cheated on me with his ex girlfriend, broke up with him politely via text, gracedully walked away without a response from him. I went NC for 5 months, emailed him, no response and now a month later (6th month) he’s asking me to help him (hair and make up) with a film of his life story that he’s producing…(story basically shows why he was the way he was). Should I not think anything of this?

  4. Ana

    May 28, 2019 at 4:55 pm

    Im at day 1 of NC or better said indirect NC as yesterday I still had contact with his mom and it affected me. I have not seen or spoken to him since 17 days but did wrote him an email 8 days ago. I wanted to start over and do a fully and thoroughly good NC for myself foremost and not be in contact with his family.

    I´m afraid of him being real about the breakup, and blocking me. We have had ups and downs and broke up a few times (2+ years together), but just a week before the last breakup (bad fight) we had a great time and we had previously conversations about having children and did quite some traveling together in our relationship.

    After a few break ups is there still hope for things to turn around? Am I being too stubborn to want to make it work and wanting him to mature and see that he made some mistakes in the relationship (too)? What happens if he doesn’t contact me or doesn’t respond to me after NC?

    1. Chris Seiter

      May 28, 2019 at 10:06 pm

      HI Ana…I would recommend you pick up a copy of my epic long eBook, “Ex Boyfriend Recovery Pro” so you more fully understand all of the ins and outs of the post breakup period.

  5. Morgan

    May 10, 2019 at 5:26 pm

    Can no contact work if I was the rebound? We broke up very amicably after 7 months together. He was clearly into his ex (AEB the fact he talked negatively about her all the time but the few times he shared a positive memory, his face lit up when telling the story). I was clearly bothered by this. Also, our relationship wasn’t progressing even though he obviously cares about me, at least on a personal level, very much.

    1. Chris Seiter

      May 10, 2019 at 10:24 pm

      Hey Morgan….so yes, it can because the reasons this person parted with the ex could be for very sound reasons suggesting the pairing might not work. NC can do a lot for a person, so feel free to take a deeper dive into my Program.

  6. Kat

    May 5, 2019 at 8:19 pm

    Hi Chris!

    5 days back i confronted my man of 1 and have about a lady be told me she is his friend girlfriend but she is the lady i picked is an ex he has been telling me about. Its sad that he has been seeing us both. I confronted the girl and she said she ended their relationship of 8 years a month back, with a case openened. He requested me to cut off all social media since i am appearing in the case too. Which i did. Apart from that no discussion. We have businesses together and he wants me be intouch with his brother, which is totally difficult.
    As from today i want to try a NC for him and his brother.

    I want to buy a copy but i am have no finance, as i am from Africa

    I will really appreciate your respond on email

    1. Chris Seiter

      May 6, 2019 at 4:01 am

      Hi Kat….so feel free to utilize my website as there is a lot of content here that can help you with how to implement NC

  7. Payal

    May 4, 2019 at 7:00 pm

    Hi Chris…i am a 25 year old female from India..nearly 9 months ago i started talking frequently to a college senior…he was sensible charming and caring… since we both live in different cities after 2 months of texting we decided to meet up…our date went pretty well and the man even wanted a relationship with me..but on the first date only he told me that his family has caste issues and they have already rejected 4-5 girls on that basis..i wanted to give him a chance as i thought he is a good man and worth the risk..future we can decide later on as i didn’t wanted to pressurise him…our relationship was pretty good…just that i was holding on the sex part as i am quite reserved in getting that intimate without even discussion of marriage… after 5-6 months of dating he broke up with me in February mid telling his family is thinking of his marriage and we shouldn’t continue.. i was shocked as just 1 day also we had chatted and there was nothing like this topic ..

    At the end of the relationship i had to actually ask him to priortise our relationship.. it’s not that he didn’t used to..he was a amazing man during the relationship.. he would treat me well ..would respect me..would love me..would watsapp me every day.. try to meet me..although not very often..so i couldn’t figure out what went wrong and the worst part is he ended it through text..no guts to meet me and breakup..

    I tried to talk to him for a day but eventually started doing no contact…although i couldn’t stop stalking him on social media after first 15 days of no contact… i was so hurt that i couldn’t gather the courage to contact him..one of my friends just gave him a mis call from my number after 35 days of no contact but he didn’t called back..it’s been nearly 3 months of no contact now. I am so angry and hurt by his behavior.. i don’t know whether to contact him or not even though i still have feelings for his..recently one of his friends whom i have dropped a watsapp message” to look after my ex as i thought he must be in a bad place just after breakup ” contacted me telling that my ex is fine..i am so confused.. why is my ex best friend rreplying to message now..did he did all this after telling my ex about my message to him..and i am not blocked on watsapp or Facebook also..i am so confused..please help..

  8. Mona

    May 2, 2019 at 7:42 pm

    So my ex broke up with me and I did no contact for 21 days. I texted him Tuesday, and we chatted a good amount and he initiated most of the conversation. He then snap chatted me later in the night. To which I messaged back. We talked for a tiny bit. I sent a upside down playful emoji last and he never responded. Now it’s Been two days and we haven’t talked. What do I do now?

  9. Khris

    April 7, 2019 at 6:14 am

    Hey so last week my boyfriend of 1 year dumped me cuz he said I wasn’t independent and when I talked to him the next day he said that he was never gonna get back with me so I didn’t contact him for a few days and then I broke and I called him and he said the space I gave him made him realize that he really doesn’t wanna get back together cuz he doesn’t wanna do that to himself. The first year of our relationship was the best year of our lives but the last 3 months were toxic. Now I’m trying to do the no contact rule to try to get him back and it’s only been 3 days but I’m worried that he really is just going to move on and not miss me

  10. Angel

    March 30, 2019 at 9:22 am

    My ex and I broke up 4 years back. It was quite ugly Break up…he dumped me ..now after years we met Again and it was initiated from my side to which he responded back too…we had some telephone conversation n messages exchange..and we met also for once recently .is there any hope of him getting back to me after seeing the change out in me? Plz reply… awaiting a clarity for my query..

  11. GLG

    February 12, 2019 at 4:06 am

    Hi Chris,
    I’ve got one good NC going on right now. My boyfriend of 1.5 years dumped me because he is a man child….a real peter pan. The only adult thing he ever did was leave me and admit he was not mature enough to be with me. I’m not sure I want him back. However, it’s only a matter of time he will text me. He and his whole family want to string me along with, youre the right girl but he just needs a little time. Dont give up on him! Do you have any advice for dealing with NC on a man child? Does it help them grow up? Or should I just walk on by?

    1. Chris Seiter

      February 13, 2019 at 12:56 am

      A “Man Child”……a “Peter Pan”….I like that! Unfortunately, far too many guys fit that description. I do think NC has a maturing element to it. Worth the effort, but make NC about “you” and your ongoing growth.

  12. Isabel

    January 23, 2019 at 1:13 am

    Hi Chris,

    I am currently doing no contact, 23 days thru. But my friend has her child’s christening on my 30th day of the no contact, and my ex is going to be there. (Very convenient, Ik) That doesn’t really give me a chance to text after no contact rule because I am going to see him all day. We broke up on good terms and we parted as good friends so there shouldn’t be any conflict. I just don’t know what to do! Do I hold off on the texting till I see him that day or what should I do??


    1. Chris Seiter

      January 24, 2019 at 12:01 am

      Great job Isabel with getting to day 23 and I hope you have been spending a lot of those days thinking about “you” your healing and personal growth as that is the most important part of NC. Yes, I think it would be practical to hold off on texting him until you see how things unfold at the Christening. I hope you are using my 485 page Guide “EBR PRO”

  13. me

    January 18, 2019 at 2:12 am

    Just buy the mans ebook. Thats what this is all about…lol

    1. Chris Seiter

      January 18, 2019 at 3:57 pm

      Hi there….it is about much more. And by the way, feel free to explore the tons of free content, help videos, and podcasts on my site!

  14. Ava

    January 15, 2019 at 5:09 pm

    I caught my ex cheating with a Live Photo he sent me! He didn’t know it was live and I could hear her. I confronted him and told him that it’s over and never contacted him. It’s been 3 weeks and I haven’t heard a word from him ever since I confronted him. Why is that? We are in a long distance relationship and I had a ticket to go see him but I cancelled my trip and didn’t even tell him that! He was begging me to go marry him four days before I caught him and during that 4 days he changed his mind and said he’s not the same guy he used to be and I should only stay with him for 3 days and not more! That’s when I knew something was up. I stopped contacting him right after confronting him. Why he hasn’t even said one word and try to explain? Does it mean he’s in love with this girl. From the sound of the picture I realized this is possibly an ex he went back to when I was not talking to him.

    1. Chris Seiter

      January 15, 2019 at 11:07 pm

      Hi Ava! He may be thinking you are still very upset with him so has been shying away. Its way too early to know what is really going on with this other girl. Best to have a plan which starts with your own recovery and then concluding your NC period and following up with him as I discuss in my Program

  15. Anastasia

    December 5, 2018 at 3:39 pm

    Hi Chris,
    I’m almost finished with no contact on my sorta ex, only 3 days left til it’s 30 days. So far he hasn’t texted me but he has liked 2 of my Facebook statuses on thanksgiving and then unfriended me on Facebook 12 days later after he liked my fb statuses… does this mean the no contact is working? Once 30 days is finished, what do I say to him when I reach out to him?

    1. Chris Seiter

      December 6, 2018 at 3:06 am

      Hi Anastasia!

      There will be twists and turns. Just keep following my Program as described in my eBook Pro!

  16. Vivian

    December 4, 2018 at 2:30 pm

    Me and my ex of 2 years and 2 months broke up a week and a half ago and I have been no contact since. I was bored last night and updated my dating profile (where I met him before). Turns out he was on there 2 and messaged me twice. Just being silly on one message he said “Nice picture that you took in my house lol” I did not respond but I am very confused. We broke up because he wouldnt put enough effort but I just didnt expect for him to be in the dating app so soon, it hurts. I did not reply to his messages on the dating app but I am very confused now.

    1. Chris Seiter

      December 5, 2018 at 12:28 am

      Hi Vivian!

      It is a selfish and immature act on his part…..perhaps he is playing games or playing the jealousy card. He obviously is keeping tabs on you. Have you considered my Program? Employing No Contact?

  17. Andrea

    November 27, 2018 at 3:07 am

    I blocked my ex on Facebook for me to move on. After a month, I tried adding him again. When we broke up he wished that we can still be friends. Why he doesn’t accept my request or doesn’t respond to my text messages?

  18. Rea G

    November 26, 2018 at 2:38 pm

    If he has new girlfriend, I don’t know if it’s rebound but it was to soon after out relationship end. Do we still have hope?

  19. Rea G

    November 26, 2018 at 4:33 am

    My ex and I ended our more than 3years relationship. He moved to other city for work temporarily. Communication is very hard. I broke up with him and started liking our common friend. Nothing happened. We remain good friends. But my ex is furious. He wanted to get back together but I’m not ready. After a few months of talking, my feelings for him came back rushing. He was ok at that time. Then I went there to visit him, I found out that he is courting a young girl. Very young. Then, he was hot and cold. He wants to get back then not then get back then not. I did the no contact rule for 30days. He hasn’t contacted me during NCR. What should I do?

  20. Aditi

    November 24, 2018 at 3:23 am

    A month ago ex bf broke up with me because I was being clingy. On Thanksgiving day he texted : Including today, I always thank God fom bringing you as one of my chapters in life. It’s been a blessing.

    Is he saying I am his past now? I am confused

    1. Chris Seiter

      November 25, 2018 at 1:54 am

      I don’t think so. Sounds like he is having some wistful moments of appreciation. You want him to have more of those!

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