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384 thoughts on “I Don’t See Us Getting Back Together… What Does It Mean?”

  1. Brooke

    September 6, 2016 at 3:57 am


    My boyfriend and I had been dating for over a year and then a week ago he broke up with me out of no where, he gave me all the excuses saying the pressure was to much and he just wanted to be single. But he asked me to still be best friends with. I begged for him to not do it and give me a chance but he said he didn’t want to be together or get back together. I stopped contacting him for almost a week but then caved again and begged for him back trying to talk to him about everything and to give me another chance he said the same thing and said he wasn’t changing his decision and the love he had for the relationship wasn’t there but then in some text messages said he loved me.

    I’m so confused is it really over? I’ve started no contact again and he was the last one to text. Will he reach out to me or change his decision eventually? What do I need to do other than no contact?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      September 7, 2016 at 6:08 am

      Hi Brooke,

      we canr guarantee that the no contact rule will work..but if he’s annoyed of you trying to talk to him, that means if you keep trying it wont help right? And if you keep being present, you’ll be friendzoned..

      do you want to try what Chris advised in the latest post you commented?

  2. C1990

    July 19, 2016 at 3:15 pm


    My boyfriend, A, of 1.5 years broke up with me about three weeks ago. He broke up with me because I lied to him multiple times about keeping in touch with my ex-boyfriend S over the last 6-8 months. S and I didn’t do anything but text and occasionally catch up over coffee and meals. However, I kept quiet about these events because 1) they didn’t mean anything, and 2) I didn’t want A to get upset or feel insecure. It turns out that A was checking my phone and messages this whole time and knew about everything, but chose to stay quiet so as not to lose our relationship. However, things developed to a point where he just couldn’t take it anymore and decided to end it with me 3 weeks ago.
    At the start of the breakup, he repeatedly said that he was too angry and that he was not ready to interact “right now”, but will re-consider us once his anger dissipates. He said he has trouble trusting me again and is afraid I would one day cheat on him, and this fear is preventing him from wanting to work things out.
    During this period, I tried to do NC twice, but failed after 4-5 days of silence. I kept messaging him (we’d have hours of back-and-forth) and also went to the city where he’s currently for the summer to have an in-person meeting. Clearly, my actions were ineffective because they just kept pushing him away to the point where he even said he “never” sees us getting back together “for good” a few times. Before we closed our conversation, he said that he would only reconsider us once he’s 1) less angry, 2) can feel like he can trust me again, and 3) have a desire to get back together, but caveated that it’s “extremely unlikely”.
    Beginning yesterday, I promised I’d start and follow through with strict NC all the way for at least 30 days. Can you please advise what my odds look like? I don’t know if he said he “never” wants to get back together at the heat of the moment/from me pushing him, or if he truly meant it.

    Thank you.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      July 21, 2016 at 10:04 am

      Hi C1990,

      he’s probably just angry.. but from now on, you have to be honest with him even if you think he will get angry.. because if you’re not doing anything wrong, he will realize that coz you keep being honest..

      but with what happened with you, eben if you’re not doing anything wrong,.it seems wrong..

      so, don’t meet up with your ex in the mean time.. when you and A are all good, explain the situation and include him… if you really are just friends with S, introduce him to A.. coz no matter how you put it, if you’re keeping it secret and you keep having along time with S, it will appear wrong

  3. Kat

    July 18, 2016 at 3:23 pm


    My ex broke up with me because my family got involved in a negative way and he didn’t want to secretly date (I live at home). He immediately suggested being friends which I was ok with as it helped me get through the breakup a bit. During that month, we fought but we also had great conversations. He would still compliment me and used my pet name a couple times. He also said, he is open to trying dating me again. When we met up in person 1.5 weeks ago, he asked if we should get back together and even talked about moving in with me. Flash forward to yesterday…he told me he doesn’t think he is ever going to get me back be cause he’s convinced that I hate him (I resent him, not hate) and he just has this “feeling” that it will never happen. He also thinks that he will find someone better. Well, maybe now he can after I spent two years fixing him and getting his life on track. I keep trying to do no contact and it’s almost impossible. And when I text him a question or a fact about something, he takes a long while to respond and all he says is “I understand” What on earth am I supposed to do?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      July 19, 2016 at 8:36 pm

      Hi Kat

      why is it impossible to do no contact?

  4. Amanda Kelly

    June 14, 2016 at 11:48 am

    Having read all the comments and inwardly digested this website I am asking for myself, my husband left at easter after a 37 year marriage because he found “ladies” on internet games that were willing to talk to him, he has got into one person and they became friends on facebook, I asked him and messaged the women to stop talking to him as I was not happy that he and they were doing so, most of them stopped but some didn’t. It now appears that one of the ones who didn’t was more than friendly to my husband and he and she started an online relationship, it blew up when he would not leave his phone alone and it went everywhere with him, I asked him again to stop talking and delete himself from these games, he refused saying that as I would not talk to him (not true) he only had these women to talk to! He left at 2am at easter taking all his clothes, his car and his truck. It now transpires that he has been to the US to visit this lady and she apparently is the “one”. He has made comments about his sexual prowess and how sore she was admitting to being after one of their sessions. (He always made me sore too!) Which is extremely tacky to read online. She is coming over to visit him in his grotty little flat at the end of June 2016 for ten days and I am really having trouble with this, I know he has moved on and I am trying to as well, however, I have limited mobility and he was my carer, I am stuck at home while he gallivants around with his totty for all to see (he is 60 and she is much younger!) I am trying to deal with life as best as possible and have very few friends who can listen. I am very jealous to the fact that he took her to the places that we had booked to go to later this year as our big holiday. He has cleared our joint account and has generously agreed to give me some funds to keep things going short term, however I will have to sell my house to allow me to move somewhere cheaper and possibly abroad as I cannot work and possibly never will, so the funds left after purchase will allow me to live whilst I sort out my options. I have to have an income from the property I buy which makes moving a little harder. He has said he won’t take anything out of the house as he knows its in my name, we split many years ago as he went after a sandwich delivery person! However, I am worried that he will wait till I sign contracts and then demand funds which will mean I cannot afford to buy or move (I have gruesome neighbours) which to me is the worst thing out of all of this. I am trying to better myself by losing weight etc., but am worried about everything and trying to be so positive when my heart is breaking is very challenging. Advice please x

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      June 17, 2016 at 4:25 pm

      Hi Amanda,

      It looks like this is not just about you changing appearance. I think it has to be overall. It means you have to be more patient, more calm and really work out a life that he is not included. Basically if you want to get at least a workable relationship with him, he has to see you’re moving on without him in life.. Do you have kids? If not any friends that can help you move?

  5. Italy

    June 13, 2016 at 6:04 pm

    My bf broke up with me after 5 years because he says he wants to have fun and be free. I’ve always been very supportive and I’ve never cheated on him. For the first months after the breakup he kept telling me that he loved me and that he could see a future with me, but he still refused to get back togheter. Three weeks ago I started no contact on him. He hasn’t contacted me since and whenever I see him (we share the same group of friends) he avoids and ignores me. I want to get him back but I really don’t understand why he’s doing like this. He also said to a friend of mine that he really wants to move on and forget about me.

    1. Jennifer Seiter

      June 14, 2016 at 12:47 am

      Use a little bit of jealously during no contact. https://www.exboyfriendrecovery.com/how-to-make-your-ex-boyfriend-jealous/

  6. Emma

    June 11, 2016 at 6:47 pm

    Hey Chris. I need some advice. What does it mean when an ex boyfriend says he is enjoying being single and doesn’t want to ever get back together? We are teenagers and were together for a year and 4 months. He broke up with me because he was too stressed out. He has a stressful home life because of his mom, school, and sports. He was very committed during the relationship. There was no cheating. I did beg a lot during the first couple of weeks after the break up and I begged yesterday due to emotions. He gives me mixed signals. He will reply very quickly to my texts, but then he acts like he doesn’t want to talk to me. He stands very close to me and smiles when he is with me, but he doesn’t want to hangout. What do you think is going through his mind? What should I do? We have been broken up for about a week.

    1. Emma

      June 12, 2016 at 2:29 am

      I mean about a month.

  7. Emma

    June 11, 2016 at 6:34 pm

    Hey Chris. I need some advice. What does it mean when an ex boyfriend says he is enjoying being single and doesn’t want to ever get back together? We are teenagers and were together for a year and 4 months. He broke up with me because he was too stressed out. He has a stressful home life because of his mom, school, and sports. He was very committed during the relationship. There was no cheating. I did beg a lot during the first couple of weeks after the break up and I begged yesterday due to emotions. He gives me mixed signals. He will reply very quickly to my texts, but then he acts like he doesn’t want to talk to me. He stands very close to me and smiles when he is with me, but he doesn’t want to hangout. What do you think is going through his mind? What should I do?

  8. YNA

    June 11, 2016 at 1:54 am

    Hi Amor, I’m getting all hopeless.

    I’m almost done with my NC period and I know I’m doing great. Seeing my improvements, I thought everything’s falling into place. My trusted friends are so proud of how I improved physically, mentally and emotionally. Unfortunately a few days ago, I just found out through a friend that my ex is still being all bitter about me. He doesn’t like the idea of getting back together and he’s being all negative about love. Also an added complication is that there’s this girl who’s trying to bring me down. She made a fake account of me mocking my “change”. She also posted on a site bashing my changes. She’s just so pathetic. Good thing I handle her actions gracefully. My ex is very close to him and I feel like I’m losing chances knowing that my ex always talks to my hater. I feel like she’s the reason why my ex boyfriend doesn’t want me back.

    What should I do. šŸ™

  9. Ryan

    June 8, 2016 at 8:52 pm

    I started dating my high school sweetheart when we turned 16. She moved away for college and i visited her very frequently. I broke up with her when she returned to our hometown that spring. I moved to a new college for sophmore year. We stayed in contact all the time. She was very upset, she always contacted me and always helped me when I needed help with chemistry or writing papers. I broke her hear so many times with from tagged pictures on facebook with other girls. Some friends of ours went to the same college as I did and she’d always visit them and end up at my house parties. At the beginning of junior year I was really sick of the girls I had been chasing and finally invited her to stay with me and go to our footballs teams big home football game. Things went beyond great! We started dating again over winter break. She graduated from her school at the end of our senior year. She was accepted into dental school in another state. I had transferred schools because I couldn’t get into the program I wanted from all the partying. Fast forward to her sophmore year of dental school she calls me January 4, 2016 – the first day of spring semester after a long winter break; and says “Ryan, I don’t know if I love you anymore” My world shatters completely. She wanted a break. I didn’t eat or sleep for what seemed like the whole month of January. I tried so hard to win her back. In February, my phone broke and I was without a phone for two weeks. I got a new one on a friday and at 230am she texted me “this isn’t fair, but I really miss you Ry.” – a drunk message. I play it off and try to act cool, I only send a smiley face emoji. A week goes by and the following sunday I use it against her as to why we can’t get back together. She says she’s just lost and can’t figure herself out. For background, Dental school is extremely hard and a semester is from january 4 to june 17 taking 41 credit hours. I finish masters of engineering this fall, 3 hours away from her. So in late February we talk over the phone and agree that it’s dumb to be dating right now since we’re both so busy. I thereafter still text her occasionally on sunday to catch up with her and try to pry some information out of her and exclaim about how much I’ve improved about myself. I tried to limit how much I talked to her because I was afraid that the same wouldn’t work what she did to me- always contacting me and texting daily during the first breakup. Fast forward to now, after a drunk text messaging spree by my three weeks ago about why she doesn’t care about me or what I’d do wrong, I point out to her this past sunday that I’m acting JUST like she did when I broke up with her, and she’s acting like me, except that she’s not chasing guys. She’s just loving life and loving being single. I understand this but I received that dreadful “I love you and think that our friendship is invaluable, but I don’t see us getting back together, Ry” message after I pointed out to her that the roles are flipped this time. JUST last summer we spent every minute possible together and often would look at each other and say sappy stuff like, “I’m happy that I get to experience what true love is like.” She fought like hell to win me back and damn, did I fall for her, hard. Soooo it’s been six months, we were broken up for eighteen the first time. What do I do? I love her to absolute death, her family was calling me an ‘in-law’ just during christmas. I think she’s lost and upset about school. I can’t imagine myself with anyone else, I drove three hours on 9 separate weekends this past fall to be with her because i needed to study but she needed to do lab work, so it made sense for me to go there. I’ve lost 37 pounds since this began and I now have a 4.0 gpa and I’m much closer with my family and friends but that’s not impressing her much. I don’t have any friends at her school like she did at mine that I could visit. Any and all help is much appreciated. Sorry for the bad grammar.

  10. Numb

    May 15, 2016 at 3:55 pm

    Hi, My husband and I just recently separated 3 days ago. We have been married for 9 yrs and have a daughter together. My husband was the one that left and wanted the separation becaus he felt unhappy and said that he no longer saw a future with me. I also found out that he has been talking to his co-worker and when I confronted him about he admitted to me that he “liked” her but that she didn’t know, which I know is a lie because no woman who is also married with two children will engage in daily texting and being in the phone with her boss talking for lengthy period of times especially when she knows me as well. We have had a very hard marriage. He blames me because he says that I was always controlling and dry and always argued with him over everything. I admit that I did push him away a lot and that I was a bit controlling especially after we got back together after the first separation which was also initiated by him and I found out that he had been talking to two girls at the time as well. So after he wanted to seperate the first time 5 yrs ago we got back together and I just build a wall and just felt insecure and basically lost affection for him which I showed a lot a times. Still I loved him and I wanted to work things out. Now he has left, he says he’s unhappy and that a future with me would be horrific. On top of that he admitted to liking, and has been talking to his co worker who is also married with children as I mentioned before. He feels our marriage has been horrible for the past 9 yrs because he says I have suffocated him. I know that a lot of our problems is my fault but also he has done a lot to make me feel I can’t trust him especially after the first seperation. I still love him dearly though even though I wish I didn’t but, I really don’t want our marriage to be over but I fear that maybe he is just tired and that he doesn’t love me the same anymore. But the truth of the matter is that he betrayed me and has hurt me to the core and I would like to work things out but for right now what I really want is for him to regret and beg that I take him back, because despite our problems I was never unfaithful to him. Im honestly a bit terrified that he really is done with this marriage and that he will never feel that remorse n want to come back,but I want to try my best to make him regret leaving and betraying me the way he did and maybe possibly fixing our marriage along the way. Please help I would appreciate any advice that will help me get him back and regret what he has done, but also come crawling back to me. Thank you in advance

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      May 19, 2016 at 7:12 am

      Hi Numb,

      do limited no contact.. try to get rid of the anger first and focus on yourself.. you know, he will mostly likely you building up a wall again if you’re just silent.. don’t initiate a talk, but don’t be engaging when he initiates it..reply politely direct and if you can excuse yourself, excuse yourself.. start to focus more on yourself by spending more time improve yourself.. only talk about your child and nothing else. don’t talk about feelings or the relationship..


    May 9, 2016 at 7:12 am

    My ex boyfriend/co-worker and I dated for 7 months. We had the biggest argument ever. Two days later I texted him to apologize. He said he accepted my apology but he never apologized in return. I just wanted to mend things so I didn’t push the issue. The next day I called him, he picked up and hung up. I tried calling him back but he didn’t answer. I gave it some time to see if he’ll call back but he never did. Obviously he was still upset about the argument. Unfortunately I made the biggest mistake by calling him and texting him repeatedly. I even left voicemails while I was very emotional. Needless to say he ignored my every attempt to talk to him. I tried two weeks later and still no response. I felt extremely hurt. I also felt it was something more than just the argument that he wasn’t telling me because he was becoming distant with me prior to the argument. I made one last attempt to reach out to him and again no response. So I sent him a final text then went NC. I deleted his number, got rid of everything he gave me, and made sure not to run into him at work. (Sidenote: We work in two seperate buildings) Last week we had to do a training together. That was going to be our first time seeing each other after three months. I did not want to see him because I was embarrassed about how I acted after the breakup and I’m still hurt on how he handled the situation. So I sat at a table in the back of the class. He walked up to me with the biggest smile on his face and said you know I’m dealing with you right in a joking manner. I gave him nonchalant look and said OK. He then walked over to another table grab a chair and placed right next to me and sat down. While the sign in sheet was going around he asked me to borrow my pen. So I handed him the pen never making any eye contact. The instructor gave us another paper to sign and again he ask to borrow my pen same thing I handed it to him and just looked away. I never spoke to him or made eye contact throughout the whole training I just ignored him, texted and from time to time spoke to two people that were sitting on the opposite side of me. Later that evening I received an anonymous call which I didn’t answer but it seemed very suspicious to me because I don’t get anonymous calls. Basically I don’t understand his reason for sitting next to me when there were available desk in the classroom. I don’t know why he felt the need to tell me that he was not dealing with me when his actions clearly stated that three months ago. A part me still misses him but I’m still hurt how he could just cut me off like that. I don’t understand what’s going on. Please help!!!

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      May 9, 2016 at 1:45 pm

      Hi Candice,

      yeah, he didn’t even apologize for leaving like that.. he didn’t even had the guts to break up with you face to face.. honestly he’s actions are actions of a player.

  12. env

    April 25, 2016 at 10:11 pm

    So my ex and I broke up about a month ago. He had said that we needed some time apart and there was a chance that we would get back together. We havent done nc yet. This last weekend his ex girlfriend and i met up because she said that she needed to talk to me. we talked about a bunch of stuff and now my ex is saying that we will never get back together ever. He says that it is weird that we are friends and we will just never get back together. I said that he needs time to not be so emotional and he says that he is completely level headed. He says that he still cares about me and still wants me in his life, but that he will never get back together. He is so mad about me being with his ex and now wont even give us a chance. I am not sure what I should do?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 27, 2016 at 6:21 am

      Hi Env,

      I think now is the time to start nc.. Let things cool off. He probably said those out of anger.

  13. Sauan

    April 19, 2016 at 2:10 pm


    i have been with my ex for 5 years i have committed all the 7 deadly sins

    has been giving me mixed signals and message me a lot saying he miss me even plays or song down the phone ..

    i felt i was in the wrong that why i begged ,, i have done this for 3month he will not see me or speak to me on teh phone will only message by texted – control

    will no contact work or is it to late ?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 21, 2016 at 10:10 am

      Hi Sauan,

      it’s not guaranteed 100% that it will but give it a try.. since thigs are not getting better.. be active in improving yourself physically and emotionally during nc

  14. Ingie

    April 18, 2016 at 12:45 am

    Hi! ItĀ“s me again, on a different page now. My ex has told me that” he is not ready/willing to be in a relationship for he has had enough with his problems to be in a relationship and he does not know where he will go (to live, workwise)”. How should I interpret this? As I want to have some space away from him, I suggested him we should better exchange the stuff we have at home of one another.
    But tonight I have seen pictures of him on facebook hanging out with a friend we have in common and his wife and another girl. These pictures were taken at Carnival, and the friend we have in common posted them on his page. I donĀ“t know is she is a rebound/his carnival date, or a friend of my friendĀ“s wife (donĀ“t think so, for I did not see her being tagged in), but I felt very jealous when I saw them.

    1. Ingie

      April 21, 2016 at 2:17 pm

      Thanks for your sincereness, Amor. I called the friend and indeed he is in a relationship with her. Possibly they even became friends when we were still dating. It hurts, especially as he never told the friend about me, and he introduces him to the very first girl he meets after we finish … (well, the friend is an ex of mine too). The friend suggested me nevertheless to have a talk with him, for if there had been real love we might me able to get back again. And that it did not matter if he had known this girl before or after my break-up. But I was too hurt. And sitting this guy on a chair to have a talk is mission impossible. So, I shut him off from my facebook. I am insisting now that we should exchange our stuff, but also for this he is taking his time and not undertaking any action. Three days now since he last wrote to me “yes, I will bring them back asap”. I am contacting his mum now (he lives in his motherĀ“s house) to arrange for that…
      I am very hurt, and have started to wonder if he is any good assett at all. For, he is 38 years old, without job/income, living at his mumĀ“s, he has lost the right to visit his daughter and he has issues with his green card…..So, instead of fooling around I think he should take care of his stuff and grow up!!
      I am working very hard right now on getting my self esteem back and hope I will meet a different type of man in the near future.
      Thanks for you guys support during these weeks. Love you.

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 23, 2016 at 4:57 am

      You will find the right Ingie! It’s his loss! We hope the best for you!

    3. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 18, 2016 at 2:06 pm

      Hi Ingie,

      you have to take it as he say it.. either he’s not ready for a relationship at all or relationship with you.. I know it hurts.. I hate to say it..but it’s better to take it as it is than have false hopes

  15. Alexa

    April 10, 2016 at 3:33 pm

    I am helpless
    My ex boyfriend and I met a year ago,we talked for 2 months and started dating.Him and I never had downs except one or two but we would always talk everything out the next day.He was always caring and he never hurt me.I was a bit too controlling,I didn’t want him to have too much fun (parties and smoking).It was hard for me to stop him from doing these things because he is a teenager who wants to enjoy his senior year in High School. Everything was normal and perfectly fine until we had this argument about him going out late at night with his friends and getting drunk.Excuse my language but I for the first time told him “fuck you”. He got mad said goodnight and never texted me until I texted him the next day.I went to his house and he broke up with me out of the blue.I cried I begged but nothing changed his decision.I only texted him once after the breakup then started the no contact rule.Yesterday was my 25th day and I broke the no contact rule by texting him.I saw his picture on my instagram newsfeed and noticed how sick his grandma was.I could not stop myself and texted him saying that I will always be there for him if he ever needs anyone to talk to because I know how much his nana means to him.He answered me right away and said ” thanks for the gesture but my family is taking care of it”. I all of a sudden started feeling like crap again and I regret texting him.I see him in the hallways every day and he seems so happy without me.He is never upset and it shocks me because he used to be so emotional and sensitive when he was with me. There is 60 more days until graduation and I dont want to leave for college without talking to him once.What do I do…? Please help me:(

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 11, 2016 at 7:18 am

      Hi Alexa,
      have you been active in during no contact? If not you should restart count and be active with improving yourself.. that’s the more important aspect during no contact.. Improve yourself, build a new life and meet new people and heal before trying to talk to him again.

  16. karen

    April 6, 2016 at 12:06 pm

    I just read this page. After my ex boyfriend broke up with me few months ago, I did beg him several times to get back together in the first month and of course he was insisting so many times that we won’t get back together. But now I’ve been trying to be a very positive person and never tried to bring out my feeling, when we were talking. But does it really mean the chance of me and my ex getting back together is imposibble because he was insisting so many times?

    1. karen

      April 11, 2016 at 11:28 pm

      So there is no chance at all? šŸ™
      I was trying nc but I broke it because I was trying to always be there for him, everytime he neeeded me. We broke up after 6 years together and he told me that he was tired because we were fighting a lot and he didn’t have the strength anymore for saving this relationship. Last time we were fighting before brokeup, we solved the problem and since then I was trying to be a better person. He realized that I’ve changed but at the same time he also realized that he felt nothing for me. And we broke up. But sometimes he was also checking on me and told me that he still cares. But now it has been almost a week we haven’t spoken. It’s been almost 4 months that we broke up. I’m starting to miss him again and it’s freeking me out. Please help me..

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 13, 2016 at 2:09 pm

      Okay, let’s say you didn’t fully utlized nc.. Although it has less effect if you repeat it.. But you haven’t done it the right way. This time don’t baby him… He can handle himself… He’s been far from you, if he really is depressed, he would hold onto you for him to feel less lonely.. So, now for just one last option.. Do nc, focus on yourself, improve and try to build a new life. Be more independent and meet new people.. Go on date. Maybe it could spark jealousy in him.. and then after 30 days, try to slowly rebuild rapport and attraction through texts, and then calls and then dates but continue what you were doing during nc.. If it still doesn’t work out after that, at least you know you tried.

    3. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 8, 2016 at 12:40 pm

      Hi Karen,

      Hmm..it can be like that.. it can mean that he’s just friendly now.. have you done nc?

  17. Vanessa

    April 6, 2016 at 1:12 am


    My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years going on 5. However about 7mo ago he broke my trust completely we fought about it and then broke up then recently we got back together but have been fighting so much. Finally he said he was finally over it and just doesn’t see us getting back together because I’m never gonna change. He also said that he still loves me, cares about me, and want to be with me but doesn’t see how it’s possible because I can’t let things go. Then he said to leave him alone. He doesn’t want me to try to change his mind because it’s over for good! Then he did a full out block so I can’t contact him ever.
    Should I take this as a “he doesn’t want to be with me… Right now” or a ” he doesn’t want to be with me”? of course I made the mistake of being a call/text gnat and I also know I have a lot to work on when it comes to me but should I rule him and Me out completely?

    1. Vanessa

      April 9, 2016 at 7:26 pm

      Hello Amor,

      Thank you, I do think I will take some time to focus on me. One thing that has confused me is today my ex sent me a long message apologizing and telling me he loves me and misses me and will be there is I ever need anything. This is after 5days of NC. In his message he also says that he wants me to get better and forget about him. What is the point of contacting me if he just wants me to forget him?

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 10, 2016 at 9:24 am

      Well at least it would be easier to do nc and contact him after

    3. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 8, 2016 at 11:26 am

      Hi Vanessa,

      looks like he got annoyed and it’s because if your insecurity… put him aside and rebuild yiur self esteem first before entering again in a relationship whether with him or with another

  18. Louise

    April 4, 2016 at 12:07 am

    Hi my name is Louise I was with my boyfriend for 9 years we lived together for 5years we been split for just over 2months am confused because my stuff is still there I went there because I still have his key now I went back to the house an my stuff is not packed everything is in the same place as I left it the only thing he threw out was my toothbrush we have a dog an I was talking to his mate an he said he noticed I’ve been going the house to take the dog out am confused why hasn’t he once said come get your stuff an give my key back not once he told his mate am his best mate an always will be

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 4, 2016 at 2:10 pm

      Hi Louise,

      well that’s a good sign..that means he’s not that angry

  19. Candice

    April 3, 2016 at 6:19 pm

    UPDATE: I also forgot to mention one more important mixed signal that my friend just texted me about. I saw him at a bar last night and when we first made eye contact he waved and I smiled back and then turned away. My friend and I were asked up on stage to dance which we did. I first noticed him leaning against the stage looking bored and not talking to anyone. Then he saw me up on stage and started dancing with his friends and then it looked like he was having a good time. There were some guys that I talked to up on stage but I don’t know if he saw that part. My friend told me though that while I was dancing he kept looking my direction. Sorry to just now add this but it’s so hard figuring out what’s going on in his head with all these mixed signals and I just need to know. Thank you so much for the help!

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 4, 2016 at 10:34 am

      Hi Candice,

      it looks he did get jealous, just continue on with no contact and being in the look out from your friends

  20. Candice

    April 3, 2016 at 5:54 pm

    My ex and I have been broken up for two weeks now. We were together for a year and 2 months. We had plenty of fights towards the end but throughout our whole relationship we were normal as in we would have fights here and there but get through most of them. The funny thing about all of this was that I decided to break up with him because I felt he didn’t appreciate me enough but after two days regretted it and asked for him back which he refused because he said he didn’t feel the same way about me anymore. Something tells me that’s not true because he told me throughout our relationship that he never had any exs ever do any of the things that I did for him do for him. I encouraged him to drop his major and pursue his real passion even if it was competitive which he did and is loving it. I got him into the internship that I work at and he loves it there. I would bend over backwards for him and I know that I was the best girlfriend that he’s had. I’ve been thinking about it and maybe I pushed him away by being so available and willing to do anything for him. Maybe I am feeling so torn up about this because he was my first boyfriend. All I know now is that I am still in love with him and I want him back. I am a 8 days into no contact and he hasn’t contacted me. His friend told me that he told him that he does miss me and the dog we had together and that he would get jealous if he saw me with another guy. Another friend also told me that he told him that we weren’t getting back together. There’s so many mixed signals that I’m so lost and don’t know what to do or say. The hardest part about this is he lives on the other side of the country and is just here for school with me and we get done with school in a month and I really want to know if we can fix this before he leaves. I just want to know with all these mixed signals, does he want to get back together with me too?

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