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5,888 thoughts on “How To Make Him Miss You After A Breakup”

  1. Kim

    August 22, 2013 at 8:18 pm

    My boyfriend of 3 months just broke up with me because he says he is unhappy with himself and he doesn’t know what’s making him unhappy but it wasn’t me and he doesn’t know what to do. he claims he needs to be alone and let himself suffer to find what makes him happy. I’ve tried to be there for him and I’ve practically begged him to let me in so I can try to help him with his problems. We’ve been fighting and then not fighting about it because I just feel like I can be there for him and let him open up to me and trust him but he just won’t let me. Today he said he was sorry for what he did and he just needed to find himself, that his mind just wasn’t ready for a relationship. I sent him this long message telling him I didn’t want to have a bad break up and I hope that he can find what he needs so he can be the happy person that I knew before. Do you think if I just leave him alone to sit and ponder that he will realize that he can let me in and trust me to try to make him happy?

    1. admin

      August 23, 2013 at 7:06 pm

      P.S. you might want to check out Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO! If it is too pricey for you just email me and we can do something about it! I want to make it affordable for you.

    2. admin

      August 23, 2013 at 7:05 pm

      I think he gave you a false reason for the breakup. Nevertheless, the NC Rule is the way to go.

  2. Olivia

    August 22, 2013 at 11:22 am

    my boyfriend broke up with me a little over a month ago,basically a lot of people got involved in our relationship and it caused quite abit of stress with friends whom didn’t approve. In addition to this, his ‘bestfriend’ happened to have a serious fascination with him and it was clear her interest in him was far beyond friendship. After our breakup this was confirmed by a mutual friend of ours. After weeks of us being broken up I genuinely just want him to want me back. I’m having a little house party next Thursday and he’s coming, any advise that could drive him crazy? haha:)

    1. admin

      August 23, 2013 at 6:31 pm

      Look freaking amazing! Don’t be afraid to talk with other males. Engage him and then don’t be afraid to walk away. Get social proof, meaning get guys to crawl over you.

  3. Lula

    August 22, 2013 at 12:02 am

    My bf broke up with me 5 weeks ago. I know I was giving him hard time before this huppen. He alweays bagging me and cry on me. I should to stop doing crazy things. Now learn in hard way from my mistack. I really need second chance. I love him and I know he loves me so much. I have been in NC rule since a day of breaking up but I break the rule towic. The reasne why he alweays text me in avereg once in 3 days. When I ignore him he keep calls and text me, leave voicemail with temper and blaming me. He asked me to keep talking to him and says dont cut me off. I asked him to get him back 3 times since the frist day and during NC but he wouldn’t. He want to be freind and I told him I won’t. I don’t think I have more chance to get him back anymore becouse of my mistack.( Breaking the rule) he told me he care about me. Do I still have a chance.?( Sorry about the spelling )

    1. admin

      August 22, 2013 at 3:57 am

      Haha no problem! I just say you go back into NC.

  4. Michelle

    August 21, 2013 at 4:41 pm

    hi Chris.I was dating a guy for the past three months.He asked me out immediately.I wasn’t interested in a relationship and wanted to spend my summer having fun.He was very persistent and rather sweet,saying I am different and wouldn’t take no for an answer.Eventually we started going out and it was all good until the beginning of August.He wasn’t as eager and enthusiastic.I asked very calmly whether anything was going on, as I believe honesty is the best policy.He told me he still wanted me.But the signs were there so I texted him (would rather do it in person but he was away and I couldn’t take it anymore) and asked him to break up.He replied saying he’s feeling v.confused lately (as I could tell)because an ex said some “upsetting things”to him and he had no idea what to do.Now he’s out drinking telling people he “wants to forget” and looking very disoriented.I don’t feel the need to contact him at all.I just don’t know how to react in case I bump into him.I want him to realize what he lost and feel bad about it(not necessarily come back).What do you think I should do if I see him or if he contacts me?

    1. admin

      August 22, 2013 at 3:38 am

      If you bump into him you want to be pleasant, bubbly and happy.

      Keep the conversation short and leave him wanting more and regretting his decision.

    2. Michelle

      September 21, 2013 at 10:26 am

      Thank you for trying to help. So I saw him quite a few times ever since we broke up and I’ve always been looking good, smiling and being polite. He texted me twice, both times at 5am once asking “Are you OK??” to which I responded “Yes.are you?” a while later and then got no reply whatsoever.And 1 week later he texted me “Did u get home safe??” because he saw me out drinking.I replied hours later saying “Yes”. Why did this happen?

    3. admin

      September 21, 2013 at 11:19 pm

      Because he cares about you still…

  5. jd9749

    August 21, 2013 at 2:44 pm

    Prob: b/f of 6 mos stayed on dating sites but I didn’t. Was very angry seemed he needed the attention & told him so. We broke up when I blew up @ daughter’s home. Regretted that immediately but 2 late. Told me 2 get out & return his house key. I sent a ltr sincerely apologizing for disrespecting him. We had contact in the last 2 mos. He texted me (son having emer. surgery) I wanted 2 b there 4 him & was. A few more texts by me/short responses by him, with the last 1 saying. “B in touch”! Yesterday had 2 go 2 his workplace 2 p/u an item avail only there(I kw sounds fishy, but not) So I dressed 2 b a knockout. He approached me outside & chatted.I kw the n/c rule is 30 days & tech.I haven’t texted/called/emailed him in 10 days. Do I miss the opport of visually looking incredibly hot in his mind or stay off his radar for 3 more weeks? I want him back, I pushed the relationship ? & lost. Do I have a chance 2 get him back? Shouldn’t he pursue me? I kw men want 2 b pursued & respected, yet I don’t want 2 look desperate/stalk him by contacting 1st. What type of text do I send? We r both in our 60’s CAN YOU HELP???

    1. admin

      August 22, 2013 at 3:25 am

      Stay in NC for three more weeks.

      Sorry I can’t answer all your questions I am just so busy today. Stay with me though I will be happy to help you out.

  6. Rei

    August 21, 2013 at 1:08 pm

    Hi Admin,

    My ex had broken up with me after 2 1/2 years of being together. It was so sudden that during the breakup, I cried and begged him not to leave me. But he said he wanted to be free. So I walked out of him and never contacted him. Then two weeks later, I saw some news on TV and was worried about him so I tried calling his phone and he called back. We talked about pretty normally until I asked how he was and he said okay (how can he be okay when I was such a wreck?). Then he asked me and I said I didn’t know until I said I still wanted him back. Then he ended our conversation and told me he’d call me back, which he never did. So the next two days I began texting him again, throwing curses and bitter words, then asking for his forgiveness as I forgive him, asking for another chance after all is forgiven.. basically to start over again after a month if all has been forgiven… He didn’t want to because he said he didn’t love me enough to take another chance. But in the end, he said okay… but I know it’s out of pity. What should I do? Should I text him saying I’m letting him go and do the NC in one month?

    1. admin

      August 22, 2013 at 3:05 am

      Yes, I think the best way forward is to start NC for 1 month.

    2. Rei

      August 24, 2013 at 10:10 am

      Tnx Admin,

      Just wanna let you know that I texted him saying that I was agreeing to the breakup. and that I wont chase after him any more. and now I am going to start NC for 1 month. I hope all goes well..

    3. Rei

      October 2, 2013 at 6:40 am

      yup, there’s just so much to love in Big Bang. I totally love Sheldon’s character :).

      Anyway Chris, what if even with the great first text, I don’t receive a reply from him? Go into NC again for a couple of days before texting him again?

    4. Rei

      October 9, 2013 at 8:58 pm

      Thank you, Chris.

      Any way, something big happened. A bomb scare. And I slipped and texted him about it. Guess what? No reply from him. Does it mean he really doesn’t care about me any more? Should I stay in NC again?

    5. admin

      October 10, 2013 at 1:57 am

      A bomb scare? And he couldn’t text back?

      What a jerk…

    6. Rei

      October 7, 2013 at 3:41 pm

      Hello again Chris!

      Followed your advice about changing my status, and I actually feel great about it.

      I texted him another non-threatening text and he replied immediately, it was pretty neutral but at least he replied. So I waited an hour before replying and ended the convo.

      Today I sent another text message, again non-threatening but received no reply. What does it mean? Also was it wrong to send another text after just a day of not texting him? How long do you have to usually wait before starting another conversation if you received a neutral/positive response?

      Thanks a lot once again!

    7. admin

      October 8, 2013 at 2:06 am

      It is kinda freeing isn’t it? The status change.

      Lay up on texting for a day or two before you try again. Sorry, I am answering this from my phone can’t go into huge details. Too much to type.

    8. Rei

      October 5, 2013 at 4:47 am

      Is one week of NC fine? (I hope by that time I have already picked up your e-book so I could get tips about the texts to send).

      Another thing. One week after our breakup I changed my status in FB to single but changed my mind (I wanted him to be the first to change his status to single since the breakup came from him). So right now my status is “in a relationship” pending his confirmation. So his status is the same “In a relationship”. Up until now he hasn’t changed his status nor have I changed mine.

      Should I change mine to single? And coming from your perspective, why do you think he still hasn’t changed his status?

      Thanks a lot!

    9. admin

      October 6, 2013 at 12:02 am

      I think it should be ok at this point!

      Yes, you should change it to single because that is what you are right now.

    10. Rei

      October 4, 2013 at 1:19 am

      Thank you, Chris. Yes, I understand what you mean by the guidelines. I’m sorry if I’m bombarding you with questions.

      What if he’s getting the texts? But he won’t reply? Does that mean he needs more time?

      I remember one week after the breakup I texted him something non-threatening like “hey, Gilas won!” (our national basketball team) and he also didn’t reply. one week passed when I tried calling him (because of an emergency), he called back. I can’t seem to get a hold of what he’s thinking. He is so frustrating (stubborn as hell as Sheldon)!

    11. admin

      October 4, 2013 at 9:37 pm

      No problem!

      Yes that usually does mean he needs more time or just isn’t ready to talk yet.

    12. Rei

      October 3, 2013 at 5:55 am

      Haha. Wanting to punch him – I think that’s exactly how Leonard feels about him 😀 . I’m also pretty excited about the development of things (sexually) between him and Amy! How long can Amy last? haha.

      Anyway, I’ve sent out the text and still no reply from him. My friends say to let it go. But I think I still want to give it a shot. I’ll wait for a few days and think of another text to send him.

      The thing is, I’m not sure if he still has the same number. Would it still be against the rules if I try calling the number?

    13. admin

      October 4, 2013 at 12:27 am

      Yes, I mean sometimes I watch sheldon and think “if someone literally came up to me in real life and did the things he does I would punch him.” Hahaha! Its a great show though. I am not a super avid watcher but I know of it because my little brother and mother watch it all the time.

      Yes it would be against the rules but the truth is that there are no “rules” each situation is unique. Look at this site as giving you “guidelines.”

    14. admin

      October 3, 2013 at 12:54 am

      Yes, sometimes these things just take time no matter what you do. Hopefully he will respond though.

      I like Sheldon too! Though, in real life I am pretty sure I would punch him.

    15. admin

      August 25, 2013 at 7:23 pm

      Good luck!

    16. Rei

      September 30, 2013 at 7:36 am

      Hello Chris!

      So I have completed 30 days of NC and right now I’m planning on reaching out to him (he hasn’t texted me even once during the NC period, which is what I expected of him). Could you give me your idea about my first contact text? I’m thinking along the line of, “I just saw season 7 of Big Bang is out and it made me smile. Remember how we enjoyed watching this together? :)”

      Thank you!

    17. admin

      October 1, 2013 at 2:28 am

      Yup love it and love the big bang theory!

    18. Rei

      September 10, 2013 at 1:27 am

      Thank you once again.

      Ill wait for your reply on my e-mail.

      God bless!

    19. Rei

      September 6, 2013 at 6:27 am

      already sent you an email regarding the e-book..

      Also (I’ve read this somewhere), because I’m in NC so I’m ignoring him, will he think that I’m finally moving on and perfectly fine without him in my life that it’s okay for him to do the same and move on?

    20. admin

      September 7, 2013 at 1:42 am

      Ok, I will get to your email later today.

      I have found that, that’s not exactly true. After all, you are only ignoring him for 30 days.

    21. Rei

      September 5, 2013 at 9:11 am

      So I’m into 2 weeks of NC and I’ve been following your suggestion about bettering myself and I think it’s working since my friends claim I’m slimming down and look great.

      Just a quick question. If we’re in a LDR and he cheated on me, when will I initiate the communication (I know he wouldn’t be the one to initiate contact since he is one stubborn man)? After 30 days or 45 days?


    22. admin

      September 6, 2013 at 2:07 am

      What do you feel is right? 30 or 45 days. Trust your gut on this one.

      Also, have you checked out my long distance post?

      You might also get a lot out of the E-Book too.

    23. Rei

      August 29, 2013 at 5:37 am

      I also think he got pressured too much. So if that is the case, do we still have a chance?

      Thank you.

    24. admin

      August 29, 2013 at 5:42 pm

      I think so, as long as things calm down a bit.

    25. Rei

      August 28, 2013 at 3:13 am

      Hello again Chris,

      Thank you so much for taking time to answer our questions! You’re really a big help 🙂

      I just want to add something… After starting the NC rule a couple of days ago, I kept on reading your site and found out about “how to get your ex boyfriend back if he cheated on you”… Now I think I haven’t told you why he broke up with me… at first he wouldn’t tell me and even used the line “it’s not you, it’s me”.. but after my persistence he told me it has been a few months (late last year) since he felt he’s not that happy any more (he told me there was a time when we fought a lot but aside from that we were very happy, fighting a lot was also the reason he broke up with his ex)… that he’s happy but not that happy to be married to me, that he loves me but not sure if he loves me enough to be married to me (because unfortunately, he cheated on me with a girl he met recently and he was thinking if he really loves me that much then he wouldn’t have done it), that he’s so pressured to propose to me (before our supposed fights last year he was already planning on proposing).. with all those reasons, do you think we still have a chance together?

      i still want him back since i know we’ve been happy together though we fought some times. we didn’t really openly talk about our future, but i knew and felt we were both thinking about it. and there were hints, too…


    26. admin

      August 29, 2013 at 3:25 am

      Sounds to me like he got cold feet and the looming “pressure” got to him.

  7. Airreal

    August 21, 2013 at 3:42 am

    So this has to be the dopest article and is very appreciated! I just broke up with my boyfriend this past Sunday thru text…. And he didn’t respond. We were together for a year. But I’ve gone thru his phone and caught him talking to exs and communicating with “friends” From the past. I forgave him and begin to trust him again. Now mind you I am 23 and he is a lot older. He has a daughter she is 9 . His daughter visits LA for the summer so they can spend time. The first week she got here we would all have dinner together when I would get off work and hang out. But it begin to change a month later all the way till now. He said he couldn’t see me while she is here but when she goes to San Diego to visit her mom then he can. But it felt WIERD like an excuse …. He says he loves me and cares for me but I would think if u have a daughter u love and girlfriend you continue to try make sure both the girls u love are happy. Now. I don’t wanna be with them everyday but it changed from a couple days out the week to I can never see u till she isn’t around. Idk but this past week while she was here back from San Diego … I sent him a long text letting him know that I appreciated him and loved for being my boyfriend and spending time with me . And he didn’t respond. Them thru the week I would text him to tell him have a great day he wouldn’t respond till the end of the day or immediately to let me know he will be very busy . Then Saturday I text him the usual he didn’t respond at all then I text him and told hope everything was well for his day he replied “thanks making dinner” . I pretty much had been fed up so Sunday morning I sent him a long text letting him know that I felt left out and hurt and that he was using his daughter as a excuse and that the effort I was putting into being in his life seem like he didn’t care. I told him I didn’t want him to choose between me and his daughter just make me apart of his life if he really loved me . Because I felt like he was only seeing me when it was convient or when he felt like it… At the end of the text I told him I was really in love but but I know ill get hurt if I continue to try and pursue him……. I need advice it’s been three days ???? Was I wrong? He never responded?? What should I do?

    1. admin

      August 21, 2013 at 5:16 am

      Question: are you two broken up officially? or are you waiting for him to respond?

      I think maybe he distanced himself because he lost feelings for you want wanted you to break up with him. The good news is that you can reignite those feelings if you work hard. Nothing will be guaranteed but if you try out a NC period and correctly text him you will raise your chances significantly.

    2. Airreal

      August 21, 2013 at 7:21 am

      To be honest idk if we are…. This has happened before and he usually says something but I know he is on a trip with his daughter now and I guess he doesn’t wanna deal with it right now…. But also I do think I deserve a response cause if he has lost feelings cool but say something…. Being left in the dark makes me leave a guy alone really quickly especially if I have been putting lots of effort into the relationship…. So idk cause I’m already on the verge of changing my number….. So honestly is it me who should be seeking a person who has no true interest? Or should I leave it alone and move on?

    3. admin

      August 22, 2013 at 2:31 am

      I don’t think you should block him or change your number. I have met many women who have done that and I have to say it is never a good idea.

      I do believe you deserve an answer but I would wait things out for a while to see what happens.

  8. Julie

    August 20, 2013 at 1:11 am

    What if my ex boyfriend only missed me because he wanted sex?

    1. admin

      August 20, 2013 at 4:59 am

      It is possible. Guys do think about that above all else. The way you can test him is if you see him in person (eventually) if he asks you to go to his place then it is probably just about sleeping with you.

  9. Marie

    August 19, 2013 at 9:08 pm

    I met a guy about a month ago, we hit it off and things seemed to be going really well. He is in the national guard and has been gone for almost two weeks. For the last few days i was really lonely and he wasn’t texting as mu h as he usually would. I don’t know why but without thinking about the consequences i told him i don’t know if we should talk anymore. I guess i wanted him to be like what no! It was a crazy game which i normally can’t stand. I guess him being away got to me. I texted him to try to explain and he doesn’t want to talk to me because he said its to new of a relationship to be this stressful. I want to explain that this is not the real me. He said he doesn’t think we have a connection but just the day before he was telling me how much he misses me. We had plans to hang out this weekend when he gets back. First he said we shouldn’t then he said he will think about it. I need to see him so i can explain it to him. We don’t have mutual friends, we don’t really hang out at the same places. How can i make him miss me enough to give it another shot? I really like him a lot and think that we have a good chance at having more but i need to convince him to give us that chance. Please help!

    1. admin

      August 20, 2013 at 4:48 am

      Well, no contact is a good starting point!

    2. Marie

      August 21, 2013 at 9:25 am

      Ok, thank you for your help! We’ll see how this goes 🙂

    3. admin

      August 22, 2013 at 2:35 am

      Keep us all updated

  10. Jd rmixirm

    August 19, 2013 at 7:38 pm

    It’s cool, but my ex broke up wth me and he said me never wanted me back and a lot of other mean things.

  11. Taylor

    August 19, 2013 at 4:50 pm

    Me and my bf of alittle over a year broke up 4 days ago, he said he would text me in a few days but he hasn’t and I am starting to worry that he won’t meaning he is over me. he broke up with me once before about 3 months ago but asked to get back together the next day. He has bad anxiety at times and tries to push me away saying he wants to be alone I am hoping that that’s what happened and he will realize he made a mistake. I felt that I put more effort into the relationship and last time he asked for me back he promised he would try harder but didnt really. I don’t know if we should get back together because of this but I’ve never cared about as much and I want the option, maybe a longer break this time would be better for us but I want to know if and when I should contact him if he doesn’t contact me.

    1. admin

      August 20, 2013 at 4:16 am

      Take a deep breath. The best approach here is wait to see if he contacts you first. From there you can decide if you want to respond or embark on a NC period. In the meantime, try not to mope around the house. Just work on being active and enjoying life as much as you possibily can.

  12. amanda fisher

    August 19, 2013 at 2:46 am

    hey um me and ex boyfriend of three years broke up a month ago and he came back for a week and left again i have not had any contact with him expect for that week and that was it this is killing me i want him back i dont know what to do

    1. admin

      August 19, 2013 at 4:02 am

      Keep no contact going for 30 days straight!

  13. Angela

    August 18, 2013 at 8:10 pm

    I broke up with my boyfriend about 2 weeks ago. He texted me Happy Birthday a couple of days ago. I did not respond to his text. Should I?

    1. admin

      August 19, 2013 at 3:51 am

      Nope not if you are doing NC.

  14. Kylie

    August 18, 2013 at 7:51 pm

    There is this guy that asked me out over a year ago though i liked him very much but i said NO to him due to so personal reasons after a year we reconnected and we started dating everything was so perfect..After spending a weekend with him three days later he stoped calling or anwering my pings after sometime he told me we aren’t compartable that our ways are different that we cn’t be together that i did nothing wrong,i can of begged him 4 d 1st 2days then i stopped..i later notice he delected me from his BBM i never contacted him 4 a month…i snt him a birthday text on his birthday but i never got a reply although i wasn’t surprised….what should i do is been a month now with dis NC i really want him back i think about him everyday..Do u think he will come back?

    1. admin

      August 19, 2013 at 3:50 am

      So you have already tried NC and now you don’t know what to do? Like what text to send him?

  15. emily

    August 18, 2013 at 4:19 pm

    My ex bf and I dated for 9 mouths. And he broke up with me because he didn’t like my bestfriend and you know the say bros before hoes but anyways I dont know If he is gonna talk to me again ?

    1. admin

      August 19, 2013 at 3:34 am

      Thats a sorry reason to break up with someone. Have you tried implementing the NC rule?

  16. estel

    August 18, 2013 at 11:45 am

    was with my ex for almost 4 months. before dating we talked none stop for a year and saw eachother 2 months.was always so caring,everything i ever wanted in a guy. would tell me his gona marry me ill just say well see cause im scared of getting hurt and trusting and he wa aware of that.he would be immature and try testing me to see if i cared or not by doing silly things i would get angre & break it of.he would say his sorry come bak begging.one day i broke it of for no reason told me to think about it i didnt want to.didnt have contact then realized how much i missed him and loved him.i went back saying sorry he replied dw im use to it made me feel so bad so i called him we talked about everything and decided to be more open with eachother.promised him i wouldnt break up i showed him i cared but realised he changed and i comfronted him about it he told me he lost a bit of trust and is scared i understood everything was all good we would message all day and hell call me and talk all night. one day we were arguing and gt angry thought he wanted break up so i said it.was so headstrong about it and he said he didnt want this to happen.i then told him i dont care what he does and it was his life. msged him the next day to get my stuff and he replied with aha ok and a loaction to meet him he was outside his car. i notice if i turned he would stop he looked like he wanteed to talk. got home and said sorry he had to come all the way he replied saying his sorry this happened and wish i find a better guy i just said no thx he then said not to delete his numb or fb incase i need anything hell b there for me i said ok.. he then said believe me on one thing ill never get into another relationship again(his not a relo type of guy).thats when it hit me i said ok first then he never replied.i went crazy i kept askin if his ok i called he wouldnt answer then he answers saying whats wrong with u i fell asleep i told him im sorry i loved him and he said i should sleep cuz i have work tomorrow and hell turn his phone of. i kept msgin and no reply i called to find out his phone is of. the next day he replied sayin stop ur msgs are hurtin me..he blocked my number but he would reply and then start to ignore me i kept begging then he called me and kept sayin no i cant do this i wanna be free i wanna b single but then say we can be friends. i cried on the phone said ill come see him he said no ill come see u tomorrow he said hell call me and he never did we msged a few times then he just ignored me completly.. i kept msgin and callin but nothing.. the next day i told him are we meeting he ignored me then i told him im gona stop bothering him and i wish him best of luck and if he decided to come bak i hope it wouldnt be to late.. he still didnt reply i waited 1 and half weeks with nc and i txted him askin if we cn tlk and how long hell b angry for he ignored me later the next day i msged him sayin if he wants me out of his lik for good and if this is really wat he wants. he still didnt answer so i left it.. 2 weeks later of nc i see him at a wedding.and i was happy dressed up and havin fun i was in the foyrer with my cousins and he comes and stands infront of me ALONE for about 10 min then leaves.i dont get it i know he couldnt talk cuz i was with family and there strict.. but why stand alone in the foyer infront of me if all udo is ignore me?.. i didnt msg nor call him cuz i thought hell expect it and he comes on fb 2 days later uploads a photo on how live is unfair and hurtful and adds location in the area i live in (he lives 1 and half hour away) then a few days later he uploads another one saying when in trouble god is there.. and this time his location was of as it always is.i duno what to think i havent contact him since the last time i msged askin if he wanted me out of his life.. even after i saw him i didnt.. ive been on the nc rule for almost 3 weeks do u think the nc rule still might work? he said he will change his number and delete me of fb to make it easier for me after beggin him but he just blocked my number and left me on fb.. i havnt used fb either what should i do im madly inlove with him and i regret not showing it to him whilst with him i was so hard headed and never cared.. i really have a strong feeling hell come bak but at the same time i say how will he if he blocked my number.. i feel sad i honestly still think his the one for me.

    1. admin

      August 19, 2013 at 3:24 am

      I still think it could work. If he has blocked your number is there any other way to communicate with him? Facebook? Emails?

    2. estel

      August 26, 2013 at 5:43 am

      ok chris but what should i say?its been 26days should i do it after the 30th? and over fb? since his blocked my number.

    3. Estel

      September 8, 2013 at 10:01 am

      Yeah tell me about it.. I don’t think I should since ive blocked him I was thinking of not contacting him but going to his hang out with my guy mate an just being happy.. I didnt text him because he just ignores plus I blocked him hell think I’m still chasing him I just hope he regrets what his done and come Bak to make contact because
      I’m done trying

    4. admin

      August 27, 2013 at 3:31 am

      Yup on day 30, on Facebook.

    5. estel

      September 5, 2013 at 6:48 am

      yes after the 30 days of nc i msged him like i was saying he didnt even open the msg on fb.. then i called him few days later on private and he kept saying i cant i cant talk… and then i sent him a msg he didnt reply so i just blocked him on fb, it was his birthday today i didnt wish him because i feel lik he doesnt want anythin to do with me.

    6. admin

      September 6, 2013 at 1:53 am

      Yea, what a jerk to avoid you like that. ARGGG…

      Yea, just stay in NC again for about 2 weeks before you reach out again.

      P.S. why didn’t you text him?

    7. estel

      September 4, 2013 at 11:33 am

      i duno chris i waited 30 days. still nothing.. ive blocked him on fb. i think his over the the whole thing i really did and still do wish he would come bak but i lost all hope. but thanks so much for ur help.

    8. admin

      September 5, 2013 at 12:18 am

      You haven’t tried contacting him yet?

    9. estel

      September 2, 2013 at 4:19 am

      so i contacted him on fb.. he didnt even bother to read the message. i left it for a couple of days and deleted him of fb.. then after 1 2 days i called him on private he answered i said hi can we talk for a minute.. he said noi cant i said just 1 minute his lik i cant im busy bye i laughed and said only a minute wont take long and he says no i dont wanna hear it bye bye and hangs up. i sent him a msg sayin i didnt want anything from him i was just sorry for what i did and he didnt even reply. should i loose hope in gettin himg back? i want him to come back now i think ive done enough.

    10. admin

      September 3, 2013 at 2:53 am

      It is obviously too early to talk to him. He needs more time.

    11. estel

      August 27, 2013 at 12:04 pm

      hey chris sorry to bother u again.. well i made a new fb and added him he accepted, he hasnt talked, yesterday i had a bad car accident and my mates commented aking if i was okay.. he hasnt bothered asking if im ok.. do u still think i should contact him on the 30th day? saying what?

    12. admin

      August 28, 2013 at 3:26 am

      You contact him on the 31’st day and you might want to check out my E-Book for a complete guide of what to say.

    13. estel

      August 20, 2013 at 1:18 am

      yes he has kept me on facebook

    14. estel

      August 23, 2013 at 11:47 am

      hey christ.. i almost been 4 weeks and still nothing he only uploaded a song about break up.. his brithdays in 2 weeks.. do you think i should send im a message? itll have to be through facebook since his blocked my number ..

    15. estel

      August 24, 2013 at 6:39 am

      hey chris yes i have its been exactly 24 days of nc but i saw him 2 weeks ago at a wedding. his birthday is in 12 days do you think i should message him? and should i just say happy birthday?

    16. admin

      August 25, 2013 at 7:19 pm

      I think you should message him BEFORE his B-day.

    17. admin

      August 23, 2013 at 7:23 pm

      Have you been in NC in all that time? I think you can text him now if you have.

    18. estel

      August 23, 2013 at 11:49 am

      sorry chris* lol

    19. estel

      August 19, 2013 at 10:50 am

      yes he has kept me on facebook. but hasnt made any move in contacting me.

  17. Lee

    August 18, 2013 at 9:21 am

    My ex boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for two years and things were amazing until I fell pregnant with our baby. He changed a lot,treated me badly and we argued all the time,which is why he ended things,he said. I love him so much but he says our baby changed things and he doesn’t love me like he did before. He also told me about his girlfriend who he started seeing while I was stil pregnant. Please help me,I love him so much and I want us to be a family

    1. admin

      August 19, 2013 at 3:16 am

      Wow, I can’t believe he did that to you. There are some real jerks out there.

      I say go NC immediately. Or at least MC.

  18. Windy

    August 18, 2013 at 7:59 am

    WE just broken up for 1 weeks. Although I was the one who said goodbye but he was the one who wanted that. We broke up because we spent too much time together and could not pursue our own interest, beside there were some differences in our future direction but I believed I could made them ok if I have chance. When we broke up, he said that because I loved him too much so I wasn’t the girl he used to fall for. If I come back to myself, he would come back to me. May be he will flirt me one more time? He promised he still gave me gift when he got his first salary. How ridiculous he want to say? What did he mean? Real promise or just try to ease my pain? It was a week like a hell. I began to miss him so much but I am following NC. Sometimes I can’t handle myself and want to call him immediately. I act like crazy. Perhaps, we will meet in one or 2 weeks because he is going to a Foreign country for 2 months. Should I ask him a chance to come back in that time? Please give me some advice

    1. admin

      August 19, 2013 at 3:09 am

      Don’t act crazy! (the best advice you can ever get haha)

      I would say that you should stick to NC like you are.

    2. Windy

      August 19, 2013 at 4:03 am

      How long could NC rule be applied? 2 weeks enough? Because perhaps he will call me soon before he go abroad as he said.

    3. admin

      August 20, 2013 at 3:31 am

      Generally speaking a NC period can last up to 30 days.

  19. d.ajz

    August 17, 2013 at 11:43 am

    we recently broke up,because he was cheating on me.but he tells me he gat feeling for me and i also love him but it really seems its over he doesnt even text me that much wat should i do without me showing him i am still inlove with him,and i don wanna loose him -Anonymous

    1. admin

      August 18, 2013 at 4:00 am

      Hahaha anonymous eh!

      Have you tried NC?

  20. Jimila

    August 17, 2013 at 8:11 am

    I was friends with a guy for a few months before he decided to ask me to be his girlfriend. At first, I wasn’t attracted to him at all. But, I got to know him as a person and became very attracted to him within a few weeks. We ended up dating for only four months. Within the first three months, everything seemed perfect between us. He seemed like the perfect guy for me. Before we started dating, he brought me around his family and I began going around them very often. I’ve gotten really close to his family, and still to this day keep in touch with them, though we are not together. We broke up about a month ago. He became really distant from me and decided that it would be best if we were friends. I didn’t understand his thought process behind it, because he said that I never did anything wrong and that I was the best girlfriend that he’s ever had. I’m thinking that if I was so ‘perfect’ for him, why does he just want to be my friend? He claims that he doesn’t plan on being with anyone else, but I don’t believe it. I told him that I couldn’t just be his friend, because I wanted to be more than that. He won’t let it happen though. Since the breakup, we haven’t talked at all, unless it has something to do with his family. And even then, the convos are very short and simple. I am put in a very awkward situation because his mom asks me to come over all of the time, and I end up seeing him a lot more than I anticipate. He seems not to care anymore, because he doesn’t say anything to me when I’m around him, and he never looks my way anymore. Help me please!



    1. admin

      August 18, 2013 at 3:37 am

      What do you think about trying out the NC rule? I am a huge advocate of it.

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