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320 thoughts on “What To Do If Your Ex Boyfriend Ghosted You”

  1. Gizelle

    July 16, 2017 at 10:16 pm

    I was in a relationship for nearly 2 years with a guy. We went through a lot of hardships. A couple of months ago, I’ve noticed that my ex has been drifting away from me. We barely saw each other. I made many attempts to talk about it with him but he says he’s exhausted from work. Then he stopped texting me throughout the day. He would still call me. A year ago he closed his Facebook account. Things seemed off this week. Thursday night we had a great conversation, we laughed on Skype ect. Friday morning I noticed via Facebook that he activated it. He removed our pictures and blocked me. I called him and his number is changed. I didn’t email or anything. He doesn’t follow me on any other social media but twitter. I haven’t heard from him since. Is there any hope for me?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      July 18, 2017 at 9:04 pm

      Hi Gizelle,

      Since you just broke up, there’s still a chance, don’t chase and beg. Try the advice above.

  2. Celeste

    June 15, 2017 at 8:29 pm

    I was dating a guy for about 5 months. For the first 4 he was super sweet, we talked daily, hung out multiple times a week. When he would go on trips I would still hear from him throughout. Then all of a sudden things just felt off. He wasn’t trying to hang out as much, would make excuses for why I couldn’t join him on trips he had invited me to, but he still continued to make plans with me. We’d go out to dinner, watch a movie, etc. Then I noticed a dating app on his phone (but gave him the benefit of the doubt that it was not active, just had not been deleted). This past week we went to dinner but then the weekend came and he blew me off entirely, and with a little prying told me that I’d pushed him away. I don’t know where the switch was flipped…but we definitely had a lot of potential and when things were good, they were great! Do i have a chance of getting back together with him?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      June 17, 2017 at 6:46 pm

      did you just fight or you actually broke up?

  3. Maria

    June 9, 2017 at 7:54 am

    I went out with this tinder guy who lives in a different country but nearby and comes here very often. We connected so well it is crazy. He helped me with my routine and wasn’t hesitant on talking about our future. Was upfront. We talked for a month and the moment he landed he talked to me. We met the next day on a date which is my best ever. Then on our second date we became a bit intimate and once he flew back he talked to me normally and with the same excitement and attention. A week later he said he isn’t looking for anything serious so I refused to meet him again. He kept on asking but I said no. 2 weeks later when he came back he asked to come over and so after making him wait i let him. This time around he was a bit mean. Correcting the way I pronounce words and not being as kind/gentleman like with me. Still he asked me on a date for movies. He later teased me about having a double date and I insisted on him telling me if he is being truthful. He teased throughout the day until I got mad and became “crazy” to him. I told him not to mess with me lol 🙁 He asked if I wanted to end things based on a fight and I said yes, because I wont let a guy call me crazy. So I unfollowed/deleted him from everywhere except snapchat. I messaged him and apologized for my behavior, and that since I gave him a second chance I deserve one too. He said he’ll get back to me once he’s home but after 60 days.. He still hasn’t communicated once but never misses to see a snap of mine. Even though I unfriended him months ago he continues to see all my snaps. Should I give up? I miss him everyday and when he sees my snaps it doesn’t help.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      June 13, 2017 at 6:03 pm

      In the past 60 days, how much did you improve?

  4. Lisa1.0

    May 6, 2017 at 4:28 pm

    Perhaps I am crazy, but my Ghost and I haven’t had anything going on for 16 days now. Prior to that, he would ghost for 2-4 days at a time, I didn’t know what it was then, and he would call up like nothing happened. Sure, I’d be pissed, but now I know what he is doing. The reason why this thing is different is because I told him I was sick, in the hospital, suffered two seizures and cannot drive for 3 months (state law). So, he freaks out on the phone says he’d call me back in a bit and never did. I didn’t call him either. Screw it. I asked him before we hung up: so this is it, huh? He said, “oh, no. . . I’m not going anywhere. . ..” he’s told me that twice now, so what’s with the ghosting? Since we’ve done this before and gotten back together later, I suspect he’ll call eventually. But, I need to know what to do. Should we give it another shot or should I tell him what I really think of his dating skills? I am too old for this crap, I am 51 and he is 57; one would think that him, pushing 60 would be happy and on his best behavior to have a steady relationship since he still has kids at home. The only thing I truly do miss are those awesome 70’s Circa sideburns. Other than that, I can do without the Cialis and will remain losing weight, getting fresh air and doing projects around the house to declutter. Just need to know if I do give him a chance, sit down calmly and tell him that I won’t tolerate ghosting again, but he has a pattern. Otherwise, tell him what a moron he is for losing the Greatest Black Chick (well, only one) to ever grace his bed……..

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      May 6, 2017 at 5:12 pm

      tell him calmly, if he doesn’t change, move on from him..

  5. Lynn

    April 15, 2017 at 2:07 am

    I meet a guy about 6 months ago, we hit it off right away. He lives an hour from me and works far from home quite often so the majority of our relationship was long distance. I drove across Canada with him to his work, he flew me out to see him, he even surprised me when he came home and came to see me first before anyone else. We had a great relationship, we talked, text and FaceTime everyday. Once he was home i was super excited because it meant I could spend more time with him getting to know him better. I gave him space since he has kids so he could enjoy them. But once he got home the contact became less. I told him how I felt and was ready for the next step in our relationship and he said even though we don’t talk about it, he thinks about it often. I was trying hard not to pressure him but my emotions got in the way. Because we both had kids and juggling our own lives, I felt overwhelmed to the point of physical exhaustion. He came to spend the day with me, I opened up about some of my anxieties in my life ( just going though some tough times)He was very supportive and attentive although did seem a bit off. We were planning a trip together and 2 days later after confirming the trip with him that morning I went and booked it. He texted me an excuse why he might not be able to go. I was frantic because I already paid and became overwhelmed even more. I called 3 times to talk to him that night and poof! He disappeared.
    I couldn’t believe it, total shock. I wanted answers but was very respectful in my text while also being understanding to his feelings because he generally was a nice guy…up until the ghosting part. 2 days later I got upset and called him out on ghosting me via text. The next day I got emotional again and poured my heart out to him but then by the end of the day I texted good bye….and still nothing.
    I think he felt like I was being pushy and maybe me being showing anxiety scared him…so lost..I know he really cared for me. I think I might have messed up.
    I started NC 5 days ago.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 16, 2017 at 11:36 am

      That’s good that you started nc.. You have to show him indirectly through your activity posts that you’ve accepted the situation and that you’re moving on.

  6. Lindsey

    March 14, 2017 at 2:38 am

    Hi, I wish I can get some insights into my past relationship. I met my ex from an online dating app. After we messaged about two weeks, we finally met. From the first time I met him, I knew I like him, so the followings days we became the intimate friend. After three months later, I gave myself and forced him into the relationship because I want to be with him. At that time when we knew each other, I knew he was not ready for our relationship because he had depression issue from various things happened in his life (also include his past unsuccessful four years relationship). But he still accepted my relationship that I want to be with him.

    We were dating for three months before we broke up. During the relationship, we had quite a lot of fighting and arguments. Also, we thought of break up several times, but eventually we decided to back together since we had feelings for each other. However, this time due to misclassification of a certain issue and due to my misunderstood of his words, I was pissed off and decided broke up with him. After that, I was so emotionally and mad at him so I said a lot of bad, insult words to him for several days, and even he knew I was mad but he still took my words seriously, and I totally hurt his feelings.

    Even if I beg him several times that admit my fault and want him to give me another chance, he refused, and said he want to focus on finding job and back to school, he doesn’t want a relationship and he is not ready for a relationship. He said he could treat me as a normal friend, but I refused, so he and I only talk online now. I met him two days ago in my place, and I emotionally broke down all the time when he was here, cried all the time, but he still gave me the same answer. After he left, he hasn’t messaged me yet. I love him a lot and still want him back. In my case, (awful broke up), do I still have a chance to get him back?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 15, 2017 at 5:10 pm

      Hi Lindsey,

      it’s a general breakup, yes, I think there’s still a chance.. Are you going to do at least 21 days of no contact to focus in improving yourself?

  7. Olivia

    March 7, 2017 at 9:36 pm

    I don’t think my other comment went through so I’m posting again. I’ll keep it simple this time.

    Guy I was seeing for four months just quit texting me three weeks ago, right after we spent Valentine’s Day together. We didn’t argue or fight but he advised that the relationship was casual. I don’t know we know wth this guys problem is because he’s dissapeared, But he’s all over my social media and likes my Facebook posts (but not any photos). I’ve been improving my life, and Doing my own thing . Also does NC also mean no looking at his social media?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 10, 2017 at 12:39 pm

      Hi Oliviaz
      yes, it means no social media stalking.. if.you’ve always been doing that restart the count.. That’s good that you’re improving yourself. Keep it up.

  8. Oli

    March 6, 2017 at 7:45 pm

    I have a weird situation. I was seeing someone casually (his words) for about four months. He’s very busy and works long hours so our time together was limited. He admittedly had an unsuccessful relationship with someone a year before me which ended because of these long hours. I think he still is bothered by the fact that his work schedule makes relationships difficult.

    Long story short. A few weeks ago we spent a fun evening together for Valentine’s Day (he made it a point to do something) this went against the whole “casual” thing and I thought maybe things were getting a little more serious. Apparently I was wrong because he ghosted me immediately afterwards and hasn’t contacted me since EXCEPT via weird Facebook stalking (he seeks out things I comment on and likes it). And making strange comments on events I want to go to. He just likes things that make no sense. I wonder if it’s some half assed attempt at keeping one pinky toe in the door while now giving zero effort to reach out.

    Am I now a backup plan? And Is this his warped way of communication? We’ve been NC for almost three weeks but this was set in motion by him not contacting me so I just went with it. After a week I realized there was a possibility it was over, after two weeks I resigned myself to NC. But How do I deal with a ghost when they won’t stop creeping on and liking my fb posts and comments? He makes himself known yet won’t reach out to speak to me now. I’ve accepted a date with someone else to occupy myself. I work out constantly so I’m in great shape and I’ve also been really doing everything to keep a positive attitude and be a better human overall. Aside from this is there anything else I should do?

    Admittedly I’m torn between being open and receptive to I’m coming g back and also me setting boundaries and just blocking his crazy ass.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 10, 2017 at 2:44 am

      Hi Oli,

      if he said he just wants to casually date, and now he’s ghosting you, that means he really is just casually dating you.. Because it looks like you’re expecting something serious from him… For me you should move on or if you want to give him a chance, take it as face value that he is not that serious and if he wants to date you, he has to prove to you to first that you’re in the same page

  9. E

    February 12, 2017 at 5:18 pm

    I’m hoping for some advice here… I started talking to this guy on a dating app at Christmas. He was on vacation so we could not meet up but we would text every day, video chat and talk on the phone.
    One month later he came back in to town and we went on our first official date. Sparks were flying, we had an amazing time and kissed at the end. Straight after he texted me and said that I was as wonderful as he had imagined and that he couldn’t wait to see me again. 2 days later we had dinner at my house, we kissed for hours then he drove home.
    After that he texted me again, said all the sweetest things.
    My dad came visit me after that for 5 days so we could not go for another date, although we kept phone contact and texted. Then he got sick with fever, he texted me saying he wished he was feeling better so he could hug me, he wrote and said that he couldn’t wait to get well.
    The week after he contacts me again and apologized for not texted as much because he’d been sick, that he was feeling better now and what my plans were for the week, he said he wanted to see me (that was on Monday), we made plans for Saturday. Later that Monday I asked him if he wanted to come over that night. He said he was free, would hurry over and call me soon.
    That was the last thing I heard from him. He never showed up or wrote back to my “where are you?” text.
    Today, 6 days later I texted him and ask what happened, said that I didn’t expect a wonderful guy like him to do this. That he could have said something…
    He never replied…
    I’m so upset and confused… he has putting so much effort in to me and he was soooooo attentive and said so many nice things to me.. that I was his dream girl and that he’s so happy me met me..
    I don’t know what to do now… regret sending him the text today 🙁 but I’m truly left confused and broken. I just don’t get how it could change over a day like this :/

    1. E

      February 21, 2017 at 6:13 pm

      Yes, I see him active on Snapchat and instagram every day. It’s really odd.. never heard back :-/ doesn’t make sense.

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      February 22, 2017 at 8:38 pm

      so, that means he’s ok.. and he is ghosting you.. Try to complete the 30 day no contact period. Be very active in improving yourself and in posting in social media. If you didn’t do that in the past few days, restart the count and then after initiate contact. If he doesn’t answer, that means it’s better to move on.

    3. EBR Team Member: Amor

      February 13, 2017 at 11:07 pm

      Hi E,

      that’s odd.. do you see him being active online?

  10. sandy

    February 11, 2017 at 7:09 pm

    Relationship and everything was fine, we even skyped and said he will call the next day. next morning i woke up to find that i was blocked everywhere. he even told his friend to block me and said that he will explained later. he told his friend that it wont ever work out… i don’t know if he will ever come back but he has blocked me before two times.. seems like it is serious this time though.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      February 13, 2017 at 3:09 pm

      Hi Sandy
      did you chase him before? Maybe that’s what he’s preventing.. are you going to do the no contact rule?

  11. Becca

    February 3, 2017 at 5:53 pm

    Hi, I was seeing this guy for a few months and I know I did something (very minor, his words) that bugged him so he ended it.. Blocked me on facebook, whatsapp but still continued to be my friend on snapchat. We both look at each others snapchat for a while, until I didn’t want to see his pics with his new girlfriend. So I stopped, he then unblocked me on whatsapp and spoke to me almost daily about general things, things in our relationship like events and memorable things and also, that he wasn’t sure about being with this new partner. While he was with her, we met up to see fireworks and kept it very friendly.. No touching/kissing etc he told me alot about this girl and he genuinely seemed unhappy with her – I’m not the girl to tell him she’s a bitch etc I just let him ramble on and I nodded and smiled in the right place..
    They ended after a month or so and we met again when he asked me for a favour.. That was all fine, and we spoke like normal the whole night. I was then unblocked on facebook but still not added as a friend..
    Jump to recently, I hadnt heard from him for 5 weeks and I began to really get upset and angry with him for being so hurtful that he ignored my messages.. FYI, I didn’t become a text gnat, it was just a general text maybe once a week if that.. He has a lot of health issues so I was concerned for that more than anything..
    But recently, I’ve had a new outlook on things and taken a leaf out of his book with how he veiws life and I’ve never felt better, I genuinely feel so much more content in life and I know where I’d like my life to head..
    So, I feel like that has shown through my snapchat story, and he’s sent me a few direct snapchats and he’s continued to look at my story. I really do like this guy and I feel like he’s not gone on dates or anything as last time, he posted alot of their on snapchat.. And it just seems different this time.. I do want to give him the space because I don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t want me I just wish he could see how much more positive and ready I am for this relationship.. Any advice? Thank you x

    1. Becca

      February 4, 2017 at 8:09 pm

      Also, as he isn’t replying via whatsapp anymore.. I havent sent a check in time of message.. The last was a mutual joke I thought he’d find funny and I hoped it would kick start a conversation but it didn’t although he still is contacting me via snapchat pictures.. Letting me know what he’s up to. I also find it fascinating that sometimes he posts the same picture on his story that he sends to me – it almost feels like he really wants me to see it.. X

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      February 5, 2017 at 6:25 pm

      nope dont block him but dont reply to any of his messages..whether it’s a joke or a sticker, dont reply but be active in posting in your social media accounts

    3. Becca

      February 4, 2017 at 8:05 pm

      Yeah, full no contact isn’t a problem 🙂
      Just a few tips though..
      1) what do I do if he sends me a direct snap? As that seems to be his go to contact right now
      2) do I block him from veiwing my snapchat story for the time being?
      3) how long would I do it for? 30/45days?
      Thank you x

    4. Becca

      February 3, 2017 at 6:34 pm

      Just to add, since he sent me direct snaps I have tried to talk to him on whatsapp, just to see if he’d reply on there – he hasn’t.. But he did reply via snapchat when I sent him a direct snapchat 🙂 x

    5. EBR Team Member: Amor

      February 3, 2017 at 8:52 pm

      Hi Becca,

      I think the once a week check ins on him sends a message that you’re still into him.. want to try a full nc?

  12. Dee

    February 2, 2017 at 4:03 am

    My BF and I were together 6 months before going long distance. He broke up with me out of the blue 3 months later – complete no contact from him at all – 2 months later, shows back up we get back together. It’s been over a year since he came back. We are just about at our “2 year mark-save 2 months” and I had just came back 3 days ago from seeing him.
    We talk on the phone nightly
    The phone call started great – how much he loves me misses me can’t wait to see me – and ended with him saying he was done with the relationship after a a little tiff. Haven’t heard from him since and it’s been almost 2 weeks
    I’ve been NC
    1) we have stuff at each others houses. When do I send his stuff back
    2) he’s obviiously good at being stubborn as he went MIA for two months last time – how do rules change?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      February 2, 2017 at 4:24 pm

      Hi Dee,

      it’s ok to exchange items if really needed as long as you only talk about those..That’s just it. You still have to do at least 30 days of nc, be very active in improving yourself and in posting and then initiate a text after

  13. Andrea

    January 17, 2017 at 9:30 pm

    I got ghosted :/ So I have been seeing this guy for awhile and we saw eachother a week ago, he told me he loved me and everything I wanted to hear and I haven’t heard from him since. I have tried calling him, texted him twice and still nothing. then sent him a fb message asking if we could talk, in which he saw and ignored. So 5 days later I send him another telling him that what he is doing is extremely unkind, but he didn’t answer and didnt even bother viewing it. He has been active on and off fb all day so I blocked him on facebook. Was blocking him the right thing to do? I want to make my ghost realize he made a mistake and truly disrespected me because I also feel like he has been using me for sex. Will I ever hear from him again?

    1. Andrea

      January 18, 2017 at 4:39 am

      No it wasn’t the first time I slept with him, he has done this same exact thing a couple times and I would like to get my value and respect back I would like to do the above advice, but do you think I will ever hear from him again?

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 18, 2017 at 7:12 pm

      there’s a chance that he will, especially once he sees you’re moving on but more probably, sadly, it will be for a booty call..

    3. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 17, 2017 at 9:56 pm

      Hi Andrea,

      was that the first time you slept with him? Dont ever sleep with him again if you’re not officially together if he ever talks to you again..are you going to do the advice above?

  14. Ashley

    January 17, 2017 at 7:52 pm

    He Ghosted me after seeing me a week ago and telling me how much he loved me. It does hurt. I tried calling him, I eventually asked him if we could talk in which he ignored. And then I told him what he was doing is unkind. I then blocked him on facebook. Do you think it was wrong of me to block him on facebook?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 17, 2017 at 9:36 pm

      Hi Ashley,

      it would be better if you dont, but if you’re going to unblock him or not, proceed to nc but don’t send a friend request during it..

  15. Ashley

    January 17, 2017 at 10:46 am

    Hello, I really need some advice. My bf & I have been on and off for two years. Before he ghosted me, we were not getting along and we got into a big argument before I was going out of town. We had a brief conversation after the argument and everything seemed okay. We did not talk while I was out of town for the weekend and I contacted him when I got back and he started ignoring me. This was before christmas and new years he did not contact me at all. I went no contact for 30 days. On the 30 day he contacted me by calling back to back then texted me saying he misses me and I complete him, and has been thinking about me everyday and wondering if I am okay. He also contacted my best friend to tell me that he misses me. It is now day 31 and I don’t know what to do because I was really hurt by him stop talking to me and I don’t know his true intentions. I do want to get back with him but take things slow. Should I continue doing 45 days then contacting him or what do you suggest?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 17, 2017 at 7:32 pm

      Hi Ashley,

      well, it’s not really a 45 days nc anymore because you already talked to him.. but if you need more time, just dont initiate..

  16. Allie

    December 28, 2016 at 5:26 pm

    Hi! I wrote in yesterday, but my comment doesnt show up yet…
    So, I was dating this guy for a couple of months (we made it clear early on that we werent seeing other people). Everything was great, but then I had to move because of a job. We talked about it and decided not to end it but see where things would go. First few weeks he was great – we texted every day and would skype once a week. The problem was, I got a bit clingy and he got a bit scared that things were getting too serious. We talked about it and agreed to take it slower. I decided to back off a bit and give him some space. During my second visit things seemed to be a lot better. But then they werent… at first it was just a day without hearing from him… then it was two, then three. No more good morning or good night, or how was your day? texts. During the first three months he was the one who would text first like 90% of the time, and then he just stopped. I would text him something casual and sweet, and his answers were short and less interested. He would take hours to reply, if at all sometimes. I decided to skype with him one day, just to see if I was reading into it but we never got around to it because either he would cancel or I didnt have time. He was obviously ghosting me. So I decided to just start the NC rule. I havent heard from him in 3 weeks. He didnt write on my birthday or christmas. What I want to know is if a NC rule even works on someone who has ghosted you to begin with? Especially since it is long distance anyways. Should I just use the NC rule to move on and stop hoping for him to get in touch with me?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      December 29, 2016 at 12:07 pm

      Hi Allie,

      Sorry, I just haven’t reached your comment yet.. There’s no guarantee that the nc rule will work but that’s still a better choice than chasing and it’s the same process to moving on, so if you decide to move on after it, that’s ok..

  17. Allie

    December 27, 2016 at 3:45 pm

    Hi! So I was dating this guy for 2 months (we agreed early on that we weren’t seeing other people). Everything was great but then I had to move because of a job. We decided not to end it and see how things went. The first few weeks it was great – wed text every day, skype once a week. Then we got into an argument because he felt a bit pressured – I was being a bit clingy and demanding and I admit it. I tried to give him some space and it seemed to be working. But after the last time I visited things were just off. He no longer texted every day, wouldn’t ask how my day was, never suggested skype. One day turned to two, and then three without hearing from him. If I texted then he would wait hours to respond when usually he’d answer right away and his answers were short and uninterested. I asked to skype (not in a serious ‘we need to talk’ kind of way though) and he said sure but then he’d cancel and only once asked to reschedule. And again, he didnt text at all that week. Eventually I cancelled on him because he just didn’t seem to care anymore.
    I decided to start the NC rule after that and it’s been 2 weeks. He didnt write for my bday or xmas. My question is if I should just do the NC rule to get over him and move on or do is there still a shot?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      December 29, 2016 at 12:07 pm

      Hi Allie,

      Sorry, I just haven’t reached your comment yet.. There’s no guarantee that the nc rule will work but that’s still a better choice than chasing and it’s the same process to moving on, so if you decide to move on after it, that’s ok..

  18. Marie

    December 19, 2016 at 7:46 pm

    I tried to post earlier, but I don’t see my comment. I’m deeply hurt and confused. I’ve been seeing someone for nearly a year and three weeks ago, he went radio silent. No response to text messages. I left him two voicemails. Nothing. I was really starting to care deeply for him and trust him and I’m stunned. He’s quite a bit older than me but that didn’t matter at all to me. We had a great connection and insane chemistry, he was always so sweet and caring. I stumbled across your website and started the no contact rule (tomorrow it will be 2 weeks). Yesterday he texted me to see if I was at work and I didn’t respond. I’m just not sure what to do. Do I respond and find out what’s going on or where I stand and then go from there or continue the NC?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      December 22, 2016 at 12:05 pm

      Hi Marie,

      finish nc.. How much are you improving? are you active in posting in social media?

  19. Marie

    December 19, 2016 at 3:13 pm

    I’m really at a loss of what to do. I’ve been seeing a man for nearly a year and three weeks ago he ghosted me. No response to texts or calls. I stumbled across your sight and began the no contact rule almost two weeks ago. Yesterday, he texted me to see if I was at work and I just didn’t respond because I’m not sure what to do. On one hand, he never said anything to me so I have no idea where I currently stand or if he decided to see someone else or if he got in some freak accident (kidding…I do not think this is the case). At any rate, I’m not sure what I should do. Should I respond to see what’s going on and where I stand and then go NC, or should I continue no contact and then go on with winning him back from there??? Please HELP!

    1. Marie

      December 23, 2016 at 6:51 pm

      Hi Amor,

      I’m feeling a lot better. Very busy with the social activities of the holiday. I’ve taken up running again and mentally feel so much stronger. Treated myself to a new hairstyle and feel really confident in my new look. I’m active on social media but he’s not on social media at all. Not sure how that helps.

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      December 28, 2016 at 9:26 am

      continue to be active in nc because you’ll never know if he checks that through a different account.

    3. EBR Team Member: Amor

      December 22, 2016 at 12:05 pm

      Hi Marie,

      finish nc.. How much are you improving? are you active in posting in social media?

  20. nikki

    November 29, 2016 at 7:53 am

    Hi…i am so confused and deeply hurt. After 4 and a half years…I believe i just got ghosted. On Nov 8th…my bf went to work..and never came back. previously…he has disappeard for a night or two while he uses meth…but always comes back, and cries his face off that he knows he needs help and that he loves me and is so sorry. After he didnt return after 4 days..i became very very worried…cuz who knows what could have happend…(he has no cell phone by the way) so i texted all his friends and none of them have seen him..and start calling and texting me often to see if he has returned. The man who provides free drugs for my bf..never responded to my text…(mystery solved) so..i tell him again PLEASE REPLY TO ME..EVEN JUST TO TELL ME “YES FINE LEAVE ME ALONE” i just wanted to know he was ok…and no reply….after 5 days…i go to the police station and file a missing persons report… cuz well..yeah he was missing..i asked everyone…havent heard from him AND he has never EVER done this before…

    i dont really have social media but friends do..and was told that the man who provides free drugs wrote on my boyfriends brothers facebook (my boyfriends family and i dont speak..EVER EVER…in fact..they have all showed up at my house two years ago..threatening to kill me and my mom cuz they were drunk or something..they resent me cuz my bf always picked me/chose me over them…(who wouldnt) ) his comment said ” ______(name of my bf) said that his stalker ex gf filed a missing person report and is telling people he OD’d cuz he wont return her calls or go back to her house lol”

    my heart dropped and i died. 1)EX???? WE NEVER BROKE UP. 2) calls??? he has no phone how can he get or return calls? 3) I NEVER EVER MENTION DRUG USE TO ANYONE cuz i dont wanna get him in legal trouble.

    i could not believe whati read…if this free drug give away man can go on facebook..why couldnt he just text me back saying “hes alive. go away” or something? so i didnt sit around for 4 days thinking my bf was dead or not okay.

    I was also in contact with my bfs bosses…who had told me he had not cashed his check…after a week..and when he left my house that day he had no money…

    something just wasnt right… how could he not come home after a week, not contact me a week, and not have any money??? they said when they saw him last time (he only works 1 day a week) that he seemed fine… we kept in touch and they told me they would text me rather he shows up for work this week or not. they never did..so i call…and they said “no…he didnt show up..but he did leave me a message that said for us to tell you not to call her anymore” and hung up on me.

    OMG OMG OMG…my world crashed yet again..what? how? why??? really???

    at this point…i thought it was the free drug giving man who was just texting and facebooking people whille my bf was high out of his mind on meth…(cuz a few days before i saw him last…he was so high it was scary….and if he got higher..i could only imagine)

    He had been telling me for 4 years..and latley as welll how much he loves me..hed be lost without me…that he literally needs me and KNOWS that no matter what problems we have…its me and him forever and he doesnt ever see himself without me. and i feel the same. he lived me with. and even now..ALL of his clothes are here.

    Come to find out…he wasnt too high to go to the police station..which isnt far from my house…to inform him that he wasnt missing…*another huge blow to my heart*


    I still have not heard a word from him. and i am completly broken..hurt…and just…the worst i have ever been. WHAT HAPPEND? why is he doing this? is it reallly over? how can he stop loving me over night? will he back back? has he even thought about coming back?

    i miss him so much…and i would DO ANYTHING just have him here again how it was.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      November 29, 2016 at 8:54 pm

      Hi Nikki,
      we don’t advice going to abusive relationships. I believe you know it is an abusive relationship. You should move on from him.

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