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1,519 thoughts on “Signs My Ex Wants Me Back”

  1. Jen

    November 29, 2013 at 10:12 pm

    Hey! So I’ve been having a hard time letting go of my ex. We were together for 8 months, & he dumped me because “he didn’t love me anymore” & “he wasn’t happy”. It’s been over a month since we split, & we’ve talked a few times but he yells a lot, & I’ve begged & pleaded & cried. & yelled, got angry & said mean things. Which I’ve always apologized for. I’ve made all the break up mistakes possible. I’m angry because I’m just so hurt. & he’s angry because, I don’t know why. He called me a psycho bitch. (I know, yikes) I guess because all the breakup drama we’ve been through. He blocked my number, & blocked me on Facebook, deleted my mom, weird I know. We have mutual friends, & he won’t go to a gathering if I’m there, & if I am there he gets mad. I just wonder if he’s really over me, & hates my guts, or why he acts that way if he’s really over it?
    Please help! I’m a mess over here!!

    1. Jen

      December 1, 2013 at 2:47 am

      Really? That’s all the advice ya have for me? :-/

    2. admin

      December 1, 2013 at 6:36 pm

      Sorry I wish I coul dbe more in-depth but I am so busy. I really hate that I can’t give you more but there is just soo much to talk about and I don’t have enough time to fit it all into a comment for everyone.

    3. Rachel

      December 1, 2013 at 9:44 pm

      I get what Chris is saying darling!
      You hurt, angry and pissed off…..and you want him back…..

      But in his head…. You’re too emotional….
      Think about it… Could you deal with you being emotional if you were calm? I know I couldn’t with myself.

      Breath…. And slowly slowly….

      I’ve just split with my bf of 3 years and its crap. But I was emotional when I pissed him off…. And emotional when we broke up…. Men get angry…but not in floods of tears.

      I’m meeting my ex tomorrow… I’ve had no contact all weekend… And don’t get me wrong its been bloody hard and I’ve not eaten. I’m so anxious about tomorrow…. But in my head I know I HAVE to be calm & positive.. So that we can both communicate clearly.

      You’ve got some soul searching to do….digg deep. This website is brilliant and I’ve read through lots of articles…. Read the one about the reason why you should get back together…I’m going to use it, even if we can sort this mess out, just so I can be less emotional.

      You can do it lovely…. Calm down :)))))

    4. admin

      November 30, 2013 at 4:54 am

      Hahah first thing I can already tell is you are way too emtoinal right now. You can’t get him back like this.

  2. eva

    November 27, 2013 at 10:15 pm

    I broke it off with my bf of 5 years a month and half ago because he fall in love with another woman.Just a few times he messages me a hi in facebook but didn’t answer at all.I feel very angry at him because the next day he started dating her…What I can’t get is his feelings for me if there are any..

    1. admin

      November 28, 2013 at 5:31 am

      Has he given any of the signs on this page?

    2. eva

      November 28, 2013 at 11:49 am

      just a couple of times I got the feeling that he was angry at me because I ignore him.just that…

  3. Lizzy

    November 27, 2013 at 5:08 pm

    I just don’t know what steps to follow to make my bf want to be back with me. We had a relationship of 3 years, and he broke up with me not giving me a reason, he just doesn’t love me anymore. It was sudden, it’s been a month already and I’ve come to realize the mistakes and the reasons why our relationship became a routine and why he decided to break up. After 2 weeks of breaking up, we started to hang out again and text each other as friends. My problem is that yesterday he told me he just wants to live his life, and if he ever felt in love again with me then he’ll ask me out again. He doesn’t want to stop talking to each other or hang out, but the problem is a couple of days ago he misunderstood that I told him I was gonna cut communications with me, and for the next 2 days he ddidnt text me, like “ok, no problem” like he didn’t care. I don’t know what steps to follow to get him to want to be with me again, he went through so much with me and he tells me that he still has feelings for me, just not enough to be a boyfriend. Any help please! Thank you.

  4. Sydney

    November 23, 2013 at 5:13 am

    Hi Chris,

    My ex is the who ended it and decided that we should no longer talk or see each other. I’m 10 days into NC. Four days into NC, My ex messaged my brother on fbook (they’ve met twice and don’t normally talk) to apologize about how it didn’t work out between us and that he still loved me and that if he ever came to town they could go have a beer. Then four days later he messaged my Aunt who unfriended him on fbook and apologized to her for us not working out and that he still loved me and that he was having a hard time with it all and that “I would always have a special place in his heart.”(We’ve had dinner with my aunt 3 times) Today I found he left some of my silverware in my mailbox with the key to my apartment and a punch card to my favorite sno-cone place with one hole punch. Is this a warning sign that he’s still interested? Or is he trying to break it off for good?

    1. admin

      November 23, 2013 at 8:00 pm

      Hahaha from a snow cone?

    2. Sydney

      November 23, 2013 at 9:31 pm

      Yes! I laughed too! Like I really needed a punch card back? Why does he keep bothering my family members when he wasn’t close to them and doing weird things?

    3. admin

      November 24, 2013 at 6:54 pm

      People do weird things when emotions are running the show TRUST ME!

  5. Kelita

    November 21, 2013 at 4:41 am

    Hi, I have been dating my boyfriend for 3 months without sex. We have had several misunderstandings/quarrels. There is a girl he met two wks ago and she has given him the “cookie” and buying him little gifts. He said we should just be friends, so I did not argue back. I DON’T call nor text him back. The problem is we work in same place, so I get to see him often. He offers me rides and calls me when he is out to ask for the type of snack I want. I turn down most of the offers. He tries to crack jokes or start conversations but I keep a straight face. Is he trying to get me back? cuz Im confuse. What should I do since we work in the same place.

    1. admin

      November 21, 2013 at 7:18 pm

      Looks like you have to do a limited contact rule.

  6. Tbag

    November 19, 2013 at 6:33 pm

    Hi. I wish I found this site sooner. My story Is a little more confusing.
    I was with my ex for 2years when he suddenly broke up with me. He says his been thinking about it for ages but never said anything and was crying and extremely upset when he broke up with me but also very angry. He said to give it a week or so to get over him but 2 weeks come I still wasn’t. He wanted to be friends. But I said I don’t think I can because I will always love him and he apparently wants me to move on with my life. But when I say no I can’t be friends he gets upset and wants me in his life as friends. I’m so confused I really want him back but he says he didn’t want me back. His a hard nut to crack :/ he says I stress him out :/

    Please help

    1. admin

      November 20, 2013 at 5:13 pm

      Have you tried NC yet?

  7. Monette

    November 19, 2013 at 3:56 pm

    Hi. Me and my ex were dating for about 1 year and 10 months. We decided to break up. He said he’s unhappy with his life and that if he is unhappy he cant make someone happy. he said he wants to find God. After 4 months we started talking. We decided to see each other. And I dont know if us “doing the dirty at 7:30” is all right or is there a sign that he wants me back

    Also, when he found out that I was talking to other guys he got mad at me. he called me names, and he said he was wrong about me thinking that i am a good girl. then after that he apologize. He said he still loves me but he’s not sure if it is the right time to get back together. I did NC the first four months then he started contacting me and i reply back. (maybe i should have ignored him) I’m not sure if i should continue doing NC after i slept with him. i dont want him to think that im not interested with him or the other way around (if i continue talking to him).

    Also, when he visited me he “forgot his sun glasses”. he said he will pick it up on our dayoff (we have the same days off). i dont know if i should tell him he doesnt have to i’ll just ship his sun glass at his apartment lol.

    1. admin

      November 19, 2013 at 7:41 pm

      You are allowed to break NC to exchange things.

    2. Monette

      November 19, 2013 at 8:00 pm

      thank you love. but, MEH. i should just probably leave things as it is. there may be a lot of fish in the ocean but heck i’ll just plant veges. waiting for a fish to bite my bait is a pain in the ass. i’ll go vegan x)

    3. admin

      November 20, 2013 at 5:13 pm

      Well make sure you do whatever is comfortable!

  8. Grace

    November 19, 2013 at 2:52 am

    Hi chris,
    my he broke up with me last week and he said things for me to let him go. The saddest part that i did was i begged, i got really emotional at that time. He said he would never go back anymore but i feel he still loves me but he’s hiding it. i did the nc rule for a week now but he txted me that he wants to see me, i think he will return all my stuffs. He untaged himself of some of the pictures on facebook. What should i do? i didn’t reply to him yet 🙁 i just want him back chris

    1. admin

      November 19, 2013 at 6:44 pm

      Go into NC. You need to let some of this stuff calm down.

  9. Nancy

    November 15, 2013 at 7:46 pm

    It took my ex 6 days to reach out to me. Before this every message he sent me was mean.This one was jusy a comment. I go to Zumba and he is taking a class in the same building. The message was “I saw you dancing tonight!” Exactly like that. Is thia a good sign? I didnt message back. This was two days ago…havent heard from him since.

    1. admin

      November 16, 2013 at 8:29 pm

      I think its a great sign. Don’t message back though.

    2. Nancy

      November 17, 2013 at 4:37 am

      Thanks Chris:) This site has really helped me….I guess we will see what happens!

  10. Ms. Hopeful

    November 15, 2013 at 3:25 am


    I just wanted to share that I have been doing NC for 9 days now and my ex decided to email me with an attachment of a funny youtube video of someone doing something that he does all the time. I have to admit I wanted to reply back to the email but I didn’t. I really didn’t think he would try contacting so soon. It take a lot of patience to do this but the one thing I have learned was to keep myself business so I wouldn’t think so much on when he would contact me. I wish I would have known about the NC a long time ago. Plus, I love the fact that I’m in controlled in all of this. Ladies, take control! And Chris thanks for the wonderful advice you are giving us.

    1. admin

      November 15, 2013 at 6:50 pm

      Your welcome!

      Thats a fantastic sign. It took 9 days for him to reach out.

  11. Christine

    November 14, 2013 at 6:58 pm

    My boyfriend and I were dating for almost 2 1/2 years and about a month ago we decided to break up. It had been coming for a while but neither one of us wanted that to be the solution. We decided to use this breakup as time apart and maybe in the future we can be together once he figures stuff out with his own life. But since the break up, he’s contacted me via text and I’ve answered. But when I see him in person (we travel in the same social groups) all he does is give me a sad face and walk away. And friends of mine say he seems more quiet than usual but overall fine. Help! What does this mean?

    1. admin

      November 15, 2013 at 5:25 pm

      Do you think he is depressed you are not around? That the two of you broke up?

    2. christine

      November 18, 2013 at 5:45 am

      I mean he is constantly hanging out with friends and my other friends have told me that he seems okay right now. I worry that he really doesn’t miss me and has felt the time away has made him happier and miss me less. He just keeps saying he still wants us to be in the same room and be able to talk without any discomfort. His constant reminding me of being friends makes me think he’s giving up on the idea of any future together. Am I right for thinking this?

    3. admin

      November 18, 2013 at 6:49 pm

      Sounds like he is putting you in the friend zone.

  12. Tristen Anderson

    November 14, 2013 at 6:49 pm

    I had my very first boyfriend we dated for two years. I am still curently in highschool and he is about to go on two years with ou being in school after he had graduated everything kind of started to go down hill. BUt we still managed to stick it out. we spent a lot of time together and i thought that it might be the reason we where having problems and then i stopped distancing my friends from me i started to go out with my friends and hang outwith my friends start to do what normal high school students do. well he broke up with me because i decided to go out with my friends to a festival to go get something to eat because i had to wake up early the next day to play volleyball. and i had told him that but he got upset and said i never put him first but i had hung out with the the day before. but out of no where i get a text message saying im done with you. it caught me by suprise but i didn’t know how to react to it. well then we continued to talk and i did get to that point where i was begging him to come back to me. and he always told me that all i do is talk about our problems ad it annoyed him. well he ended up blocking me on his phone where i could not call or text him but he still kept me on all my social networks. well a month passes by with no contact from either of us. and then the next month we start the communication all over again he asks me to hang out with him and i do go and see him and we do have phyiscal connection. he still told me he loved me and we communicated threw other social networks but he was already talking to another girl the next day that he broke up with me and that freaked me out alot. she is from around our area but right now she has been living in montana and will be here in december. he says they arent together but she postes on his facebook he has her picture as his background but while she is up in montana he still is talking to me and still asking me to hang out with him and of course i hang out with him he tell me he loves me and wants to wait for me till i get out of high school. and i am very confused because they havent hung out in person before it is all threw the phone but they do know each other. i did ask what will happen when she comes back over here are u going to continue to talk to and hang out with me and he said yes that it wont stop. and i did say that is yall get together it will be called cheating. i dont think he tells her i love you but for sure i know that he calls her babe. i dont know to think if this is a rebound relatioship or if he really likes her and if i am the rebound till she gets here? i have told him how is it so easy i mean if i where to stop talking to you right now you would be just fine and he said no i wont thats what you think. but idk what to think anymore i am very confused. can you give me any advice what kind of relatioship do u think will happen between them? do you think that he wants be back but doesnt know how to tell the other girl that he wants his ex back or what?

    1. admin

      November 15, 2013 at 5:24 pm

      Hard to say. Do you think that the new girl has any rebound signs?

    2. Tristen Anderson

      November 14, 2013 at 6:58 pm

      And when we do talk i already no so much about him i mean we dated for two years and he broke up with me this septemeber on the first. andnow that we are communicating i dont want to just talk about our problems. what should i talk about with him i get these butterflies and i like lose the subject to talk about can u also help mem with this any advive?

    3. admin

      November 15, 2013 at 5:26 pm

      You need ideas to talk about?

  13. vicky

    November 14, 2013 at 12:19 pm

    Hi, my boyfriend broke up with me on Saturday, he was really upset and angry at me. But yesterday he came to return some of my stuff and he seemed so determined not to see me again. What scares me that he was not angry anymore and he himself said that he is not mad at me. Is this the end? Please help me. I’m not sure NC will work because he is so determined. I don’t wanna live in hope during these 30 days if it will break my heart again by him still ignoring me. Please help. Thanks!

    1. admin

      November 14, 2013 at 8:00 pm

      I think NC can work but I am not guaranteeing it.

  14. Jess

    November 13, 2013 at 7:33 pm

    I just found your website and we’ve been over for two weeks. He called me and i answered him, does that mean i scared him off

    1. admin

      November 14, 2013 at 6:15 pm

      Did you talk to him at all?

  15. sue

    November 12, 2013 at 2:22 am

    hey there my ex and i broke up because i found out that he lied about being conscripted to the army. i.e. he signed on but kept telling me he was considering it. I implemented the no contact period. Blocked him off everything. He still managed to contact me via sms… Then he turned around and said lets just be friends. We meet more often as friends than when we were dating… no sex is involved though 🙂 I dont understand whats his motive.

    1. admin

      November 12, 2013 at 7:06 pm

      He is probably just as confused as you.

  16. Elle

    November 11, 2013 at 4:34 pm

    Hey there,

    My boyfriend and I were together for 8 months. From the beginning we had 3 weeks together (and bonded quickly) and it was very intense and very powerful. Then he went up north (he works six months up north and six months down south- where I live) and we were faced with the dilemma of a long distance relationship. We had already fallen in love at this point and we decided to give the long distance a shot. It worked, and I spend the majority of my summer up north with him making long visits (some were two months at a time) and coming home just briefly for a week here and there. We created a life together, we lived together, and we loved intensely.
    Upon returning back to the south (moving together), things were stressful… and 4 days later, he broke up with me stating that we lack common interest and that he did not see it working in the future. He told me that he loved me, and always would, but that love would not be sustainable in the future.
    I was shattered, completely broken. As I’m sure you predicted, I texted him pleading and telling him how much I love him and the potential I still see for us. Some which he responded to, and some he didn’t resulting in me going off radar.
    We’ve been back (living in the same neighborhood) for about two weeks now. In that time I have found a good job which starts this week, and I have made some personal changes such as my appearance, behavior, and thinking from a rational place instead of an emotional one. He texted me recently congratulating me on my new job and told me how proud he was of me. He wished me luck and then followed that up with telling me how much he misses me. We bumped into each other over the weekend and it was awkward, but he texted again telling me how “gorgeous” I looked, and how hard it is to be apart, but he’s not “ready” to see me or spend time with me.
    Chris, my question is simple: Is his behavior and communication a sign that he still has interest in me, enough to work on our relationship and fix what needs fixing? OR is he just reaching out to make sure I’m handling it okay? His mixed signals are confusing to me as I would do just about anything to reestablish my relationship with him. The whole reason for this breakup is quite confusing to me as well, and I feel that there might be other factors playing into this that I am unaware of. He is extremely stubborn and sticks to his decision no matter how miserable it makes him, so perhaps he can’t admit that he made a mistake? Maybe he doesn’t know what he wants? OR maybe he fell out of love with me over time and can’t find the words to tell me?
    We have always had a very respectful relationship, very loving and kind. We never fought, but we did have a few minor disagreements that were always resolved minutes later. We planned a future with each other and integrated our families nicely. We were “it” for each other and this break up came out of the blue for me, like a slap to the face. Despite my efforts, I cannot find the anger I am supposed to feel, I just want him, and his love, back.
    Please help me with this, I am in desperate need of some guidance.

    Many thanks!

    1. admin

      November 11, 2013 at 7:12 pm

      Have you tired any of the tactics on this site? NC?

    2. Elle

      November 12, 2013 at 2:57 pm

      Thank you for your response!
      I tried No Contact for about a week, I would have stuck to it (despite its difficulty) but I have run into him around town because like I said, we live 2 minutes away from each other now. He doesn’t avoid me when he sees me, he’ll hug me or at the very least, wave but he doesn’t stick around for long. Every time I see him, I await a text (which usually takes place) saying “It was really good to see you” or “You looked gorgeous”. He seems quite interested in the events of my life as well, asking about my new job “How was your day at work?”.
      Obviously these are all mixed signals that I’m getting from him and I don’t know where to place it all. I do my very best to not respond to his texts all the time, but I find myself intensely distracted by constantly checking my phone.
      I hate it.
      I want to be with this guy, I still love him. When I see him, it’s so hard to not run to him and touch him. I’m really struggling, but the fact is we live in the same town now and I have run into him an unhealthy number of times.
      Chris, what is he doing? 🙁

    3. admin

      November 12, 2013 at 7:42 pm

      He is probably all over the place emotionally too hahaha.

    4. Elle

      November 12, 2013 at 10:30 pm

      Hahaha I can see that…
      What should my next step be though? Where do I go from here?
      Are these signs that he is making his way back to me or should I just assume he is confused and move on?

    5. admin

      November 13, 2013 at 6:58 pm

      Hard to say to be honest. Only time has the right answer.

  17. Elizabeth

    November 10, 2013 at 6:27 am

    I was with my ex for two half years and we both cheated and did wrong Nd then he moved to another state and said he wanted me to as well but obvi got left behind and heartbroken. We tried to work things out and I tried to make up for any and all hurt caused but it seemed he wanted me when it was convenient and now we have been broken up for 7 months and he is with the girl from his home town and has been he says he does not want to marry her and will leave her but don’t know if he wants a relationship again with me because of our past which I respect and I admit I’ve let my anxiety get the best of me and contacted him more than him to me also went to see him and I know it was wronghonestly this is the first time I’ve told anyone anything about my relationship and breakup . I told him I’m changing my number because it’s to hard to talk and not have what I want while he asks for what he wants for now (sex) he said give him 3 months to prove he wants this and he will leave her in this time which he lied about as well and I went off sending texts tonight because my intuition cuz the past tells me he is lying and will say feelings change or only said it so I wouldn’t hurt as bad and he has done a lot more as well to hurt me but still says he don’t want to let go I mean I just feel real messed up from all this and I’m not me I know u repeat no contact but I mean idk I just need an opinion like I’ve said I’ve never told anyone always made it loon good so I didn’t have to I guess. Thanks for your response.

    1. admin

      November 10, 2013 at 10:02 pm

      I think feelings are there but I think the history from the both of you is whats hurting your chances. In the end do you see yourself with him?

  18. Maria

    November 8, 2013 at 8:35 pm

    My question: what would you say regarding the NC rule for an ex who both have decided to be friends with? Of course, you can’t ignore your friend?

    I was thinking minimal contact, only small talk and only reply to whatever contact he initiates? And to NEVER contact him myself.

    Will he still miss me and want me back?

    1. admin

      November 9, 2013 at 11:55 pm

      I think limited contact is the best way to go here.

  19. Jenny

    November 5, 2013 at 1:30 am

    Hey, so I’m a bit confused. I did NC for 30 days. Then I contacted my ex and we chatted but I kept cutting him short. Last Wednesday we talked for 2 hours and he flirted, asked me for nude pics(which I ignored), and asked THREE times if I am dating a guy I work with that I’ve been hanging out with. I said no we’re just friends. Now he’s ignoring me and won’t answer any fun light messages. What is going on? How can I get him to talk to me again?

    1. admin

      November 5, 2013 at 5:48 pm

      Don’t spam him with messages. Go back into NC for a while 1-2 weeks and then send him a message to see if he bites.

  20. Jenny

    November 4, 2013 at 5:51 pm

    My ex broke up with me for something very little. We kept contact at first but he started being mean soI did the NC for 2wwwks and I texted him yesterday, he texted back fast and sounded excited to hear from me which is weird because weeks before Id send him a thousand messages and we wouldnt reply at all. The only reason I texted him was so he knew I was notangry at all the mean things he said,i didnt tell him this directly all I saidwas “hope you had a good weekend and enjoy your week”, my question is what now, should I start no contact again as in should I just wait for him to text me now or should I continue texting him?

    1. admin

      November 5, 2013 at 4:57 pm

      Well, have you implemented any of the txts that I talk about on here or recommend?

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