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458 thoughts on “How To Make Your Ex Jealous (Based On Real Life Experiences)”

  1. ishmita

    May 27, 2015 at 6:48 pm

    Hi ….i was dating my friend who was commited to someone else bt he claimed dat he loves me n leave her soon as our college ends n i believed him because he sweared on her mother ….i know im a fool that i believed him bt im a very emotional person n even loved him alot ……nw his girlfriend came to know abt us so he left me bt wanted me to be his friend i denied n asked for some time …..nw it seems that he is happy with her but i want him back …. its been a month ive not talked to him …ive been following your guide lines of no contact rules ….nw what should be d next step i should take ….please help me

  2. pooja

    May 6, 2015 at 10:45 pm

    help me

  3. christen

    May 6, 2015 at 12:25 am

    Hi Chris ..I want to ask ur opinion…me & my fiancee breakup 2months ago…he want us to be a friend, so I agree coz I think its a better way for me to get him back & close to him..I do telling him tat I want us to get back together,but he said its od break…I know deep inside he still want me in his life, but he want to take care his pride..I send him my latest picture, & he show interest to see it..I told him that my car is brokedown & he advising me what to do…he even still kept my house key…now he od moved back to his country bcoz his dad is sick & he have to take care of them….what should I do ?…can I make him jealous while we still remain as a friend now?

  4. Conni

    April 29, 2015 at 9:06 pm

    I left a comment earlier, but I can’t seem to find it. Maybe it’s because I commented that making someone jealous is IMMATURE and very controlling. So you get a guy that’s jealous? Why would you want that? It’s childish, and not a healthy way to live. Jealousy is a killer; it’s an ugly beast that doesn’t raise its head for me. I’d like to see my comment posted please. Grown-up relationships don’t use jealousy. If guy gets TOO jealous, you may come away black and blue.

  5. conni

    April 29, 2015 at 4:12 pm

    Why in the WORLD do you want to make someone jealous????? That’s not a healthy relationship! That’s childish, and destructive. Jealousy is a horrible feeling. Why do you want to make someone feel bad? They’re your ex for a reason. Grow up.

  6. Embee

    April 24, 2015 at 12:33 pm

    Other funny methods of making him super jelous. Text him on Facebook or viber a conversation, as if you are answering friend, say something like :- you know Mary I don’t believe in friendship between man and a woman, then state a point that one of your old male friend confessed how he wants you after he finds about brake up, you confused and deleted him from friends list. Then text your ex tell him that you are very sorry that you have sent a text on Facebook, Viber, what’s up, but it meant for other person, ask him to promiss not to read and delete it. That’s it leave it at that. He will be soo curious and he will read, jelousy kick off, if he text you like yes I will, do not text him back you don’t hAve to look you contacted him just to talk. It will show him that you have men chasing you, and you are in control of outcomes.

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 24, 2015 at 11:01 pm

      Not bad.

      I like these.

  7. Aditi

    April 18, 2015 at 9:35 am

    I was in a relationship with a guy for two years.. unfortunately we broke up about an year ago.. but even after break up we were in contact with each other but then.. suddenly we both stopped talking to each other. I don’t know how I feel about him. I just wanna make him jealous. I wanna make him realize what he is missing. I know it’s childish but I wanna. Help me.!

  8. Angie

    April 13, 2015 at 8:11 pm

    Hi, I was with a guy for about a year and half before he dumped me out of no where. He barely gave me an excuse, all he really said was he could not be with me anymore. I did do everything “wrong” at that time…begged him to come back and kept telling him it was a huge mistake. But I only acted this way for about a week, then just left it alone and moved on. No more than two months later he wanted me back and convinced me to get back together. Then we were together for another year after that, and it was really great for the most part. We started planning the future, vacations, marriage etc. Then we both got very stressed about many things that were going on, and we were just fighting ALL THE TIME. Anyways just a fews days ago he dumped me again. Said that he was too unstable, that we were toxic for each other and like a million other excuses. Being that this is the second time that he has done this to me, should I finally just move on, or hope he changes his mind again. LIke I said earlier, the relationship for the most part was great. At least in my opinion…I cant help but wonder if he’s just playing with my emotions.

  9. kamini

    April 10, 2015 at 10:04 am

    hi.. i met my ex bf through fb on dec 2014 after one month conversation we met on January 2015 after some time he ignored me and stopped message me. he said he cant give me time..i wanna him come back so i m applying NC rules from last 10 days is it possible he will come back

  10. Katelyn

    April 7, 2015 at 4:53 am

    Hi, so ive been with this guy for almost a year, and its long distance, how do i use jealousy to get him back with the distance. He doesnt use social networking… help please?

  11. Andrea

    April 3, 2015 at 4:17 pm

    Hey… I just read the post and I would like to get some advice from you or anyone that reads this. I´ve been in a relationship for three and a half years and since September it became a long distance relationship. About three weeks ago he broke up with me saying that he no longer feels the same about me and he doesn´t like the long distance thing, he doesn´t like the fact that he constantly has to pay attention to what he does and how he behaves when I´m not around, so that he wouldn´t hurt me. And since we´re not even together, meaning we don´t spend time together (we see each other about once a month for two-three days), he just changed his mind about wanting to be in a serious relationship.
    The thing is, there´s a wedding comming up three weeks from now, it´s his sisters wedding and I decided that I want to attend it (she also wants me there) even though her brother and me are not together anymore, that´s not what is important, it is her wedding and I wouldn´t like to miss it since I´ve known her for so long. So I´m going. Period. He also wants me there, although I think the reason is so that the whole family wouldn´t question him why I´m not there. The second thing is, we were planning to go to the USA during the summer to work and travel. The programme has already been payed for and everything is arranged so there is no way that it could be cancelled, nor do I want to cancel it, I will not sit on my butt all summer at home just because he would be my ex during summer. We will work at the same place and probably live together, although I´m not sure about this since we can share a room with someone else other that each other, but this is kind of a sensitive topic since I´m hoping that things would fall back together during the summer because we will spend so much time with each other, so I don´t really want to get into talking about wether we would be living together or not. (I KNOW this sound SO complicated, that´s why I need your advice).
    Now… he is comming to see me this weekend, meaning in two days. Maybe you´ll respond by than, maybe not, I hope you do, because this is what I need your advice for. We plan to talk about this, and end thing personally and not on the internet or through texting. The thing is, I don´t want to end it and he does. He already made his mind and I don´t think there is anything I can do that will change it. I´m not even sure how to act… I´m not sure how to act now, how to act at the wedding (I certanly don´t want to ruin it) and I don´t know hoe to act during the summer… Please, let me know what you think about all this… I´m in a very complicated situation, since he wants to end things, but we will see each other at the wedding and during the summer. So you can´t really say that it´s over, ´cause there will still be communication and spending some time together. I´m hoping to change his mind if not this weekend, then at the wedding or during the summer…
    Thank you for your opinion!

  12. Sar

    March 31, 2015 at 8:17 am

    Hey Chris, I’m wondering if you are able to help me?So there’s a guy that I’d been seeing for around 4/5 months and before that you could say that we were friends as well. Before we were friends he broke up with his ex of a year because he no longer had that special spark for her no more, and afterwards she just gave him grief even though he gave the relationship another chance and even a chance at being friends but she didn’t make it work. We spent much of our time together (as young lovers do) and if anything was wrong we were able to talk it out, give space and recover. We literally were/are best friends, shared our goals and inspirations with each other.

    But recently something happened where I was hurt by him, so he gave me some time to get over it but still contacted me each day to make sure I was ok. Then once I was feeling ready to move on from what had occurred he had gone quiet, and whenever I texted him he was very sort in replying and I knew something was wrong. So asked him and he said that he met up with his ex (because they finally agreed to be friends) and his feelings had come back for her…And of course all hell broke loose.

    Right now you’re probably thinking yeah he’s not worth it anymore, move on but there’s so much more to it! See he’s still an immature boy and he doesn’t like to share much of his problems with people so it all builds up in his head and makes him a very confusing person when it comes to these situations. I met up with his mum and she did not understand why all of a sudden his ex had come back into his life (not back together literally jus back in the picture) and she thought we were so great together (I know clique) that he looked so happy when I was around in his life, whereas when his was dating his ex before he wasn’t quite as bright and happy because his mum said the ex made it all about her and he seems to have a protective feel for her.
    But right now I’ve only met up with him a couple of times due to the fact that he has become a busy person and I have a feeling he’s not as keen to see me because he finds it hard. I’ve told him how much I feel about him and that I don’t want to give up on us or lose him out of my life, but if he does choose her that I’d be willing to still be the best friends that we are. But all he could that he doesn’t know what to do or what to choose but he doesn’t want to lose me or hurt anyone and that we have to wait and see.
    So after displaying desperate scenes in front of him, I decided that ill leave it to him to talk and catch up with me. I wouldn’t contact him for a period of time to see if he notices my absence and wishes my presence to return. It was very hard but it was the only thing that I could do considering that the ball is in his court, and whilst doing so I would work on myself to be a better person, and secretly post pictures on social media sites where I knew he could see them and see that I was having fun without him. But in return on snapchat on his story page (if you have heard of snapchat) he posted a pic of his ex eating dinner. At that moment I saw it I could only see red everywhere, enraged by the fact that he could throw away all the feelings that we had created for an ex that he broke up with! So I wrote a letter (because texting is just not the way to go for me and gets no where) considering the fact that he struggles to meet up with me and needs to actually absorb information. I wrote that I cant endure anymore of this where he throws away what we had and that im now considering moving on with my life because if I sat by it would only tear me apart and I got cocky saying that you will regret losing me and will find no one else like me.
    The next day after posting the letter in his letter box, he saw that I posted pic on social media working at my new job so he ended up contacting me saying “why didn’t you tell me you got a job, congrats!” so obviously the secret and silent treatment had work some what, but I was still angry and asked if he had read my letter which he hadn’t at the time. So he ended up reading it and cracked the sh*ts with me, he didn’t think that I saw it from his point of view and how much stress was on top of him (but I do understand the pressure he just didn’t seem to understand my issue) and thought that I was making it all about me and pushing him for an answer (which I was not, I was trying to tell him that I thought I had decided to move on after what I had seen).
    He said that writing a letter was stupid because I was hiding behind it and it wast allowing him to reply to it and that I should contact and arrange to meet up, which I have been doing so!! Just he always turns out to be so busy and texting is just ridiculous, he said that him and his ex where just meeting up to talk about stuff but now I don’t know anything anymore and I tried calling him but he wouldn’t pick up and told me to stop and that hed call me later (this was on Friday) and he hasn’t. My male friend says give him at least a week or two of space again and see if he contacts you again because we have to meet up and discuss things now. But I have a feeling that he wont contact me and still wont want to face it, which will hurt me a lot because we worked well together until his ex came back in the picture and now he looks in the worst condition ive ever seen.

    I really want him back, he’s my best friend, my partner in crime and he believed that we fitted together like a puzzle. How does he not know that what hes done with his ex that he wont do with me where he decides to come back. Please help and give me some advice, I would really appreciate it

    Thank you for your time in reading my letter. ps sorry for it being really long and complicated but that was as much as I could type and there is still more to it

    Yours sincerely

    1. admin

      March 31, 2015 at 10:40 pm

      Ya I absolutely hate letters so I am never a fan of them.

      Have you done NC yet?

    2. Sar

      April 1, 2015 at 6:45 am

      Yeah I was doing the NC until I saw the pic of his ex and didn’t understand why he thought it’d be ok to post is knowing that id see it. Now I’ve done the NC since Friday

    3. Sar

      April 1, 2015 at 7:13 am

      I’m scared to do NC for too long because he could just stick with his ex in the end and forget about me

  13. basmas

    March 26, 2015 at 4:01 pm

    Hi chris.. I love your website and i got so much advice from it. I need some help chris! I met this guy while i was visiting my parents abroad. Both our families know one another. I was very attracted to this guy when we first met but nothing happened. My second trip we ended going out and we started to really like one another. Anyway things were going well one night until we decided to go out clubbing. I ended getting really drunk and i said some hurtful thing i didnt mean. He ended breaking it off with me and i ended going back to my country. I tried to contact him but he blocked me from everywhere. that happened last year august… i found your website and i did the no contact rule… it worked but took a bit longer like 2 months and he finally called me. His excuse was our families are not talking so we should try and get them talking again. I agreed then he apologized and asked for my forgiveness. I did forgive him and then he dropped a line that shocked me!! he was like so when are we getting married?!! i was shocked and i didnt know what to say. He asked me to txt him of the things he wanted to change about him self like things i werent happy with. I told him that i couldnt do that and it would be better to do it face to face and really get to know one another… after that things have been really werid. He doesnt call or he doesnt txt back only whne he wants and i really dont know where i stand with him. I feel so confsed. please help

    1. admin

      March 31, 2015 at 8:53 pm

      Are you two still long distance?

    2. basmas

      April 5, 2015 at 1:47 pm

      yes still long distant but i am planning to go see my family again so he will defintly know i am back.

  14. Casey

    March 9, 2015 at 10:59 am

    So to keep myself from contacting my ex, I’ve deleted his Facebook, blocked him on instagram and also personally deleted the instagram app myself (so i don’t see his dinner date posts ewith some other girl)

    How else can i make him jealous if he jas no connection with me online anymore…? I’m three weeks in my NC rule

    1. admin

      March 13, 2015 at 4:01 pm

      Wow, check you out!

      You can mak ehim jealous through text you do realize.

  15. Charmaine

    March 9, 2015 at 3:05 am

    I need to ask you a question but in private Please and Thankyou 🙂

    1. admin

      March 13, 2015 at 3:51 pm

      I no longer am doing emails…

      Sorry 🙁

  16. jakie

    March 2, 2015 at 10:37 am

    Hey my fiance broke it up with me this saturday. I dont knw wat to do this is the 4th major break up we have had and its always him braking up over txts like im to young i want to explore my options idk what to do anymore he gives me mixed signals ive never loved anyone so much than u. Maybe later down the track we might be right im so confused he always comes back though its usually between a month and a half but i dont contact him what so ever what should i do ive moved all my stuff out except he has to pay for my fr8dge and washing machine which he daid he would he told me i will contact the realestate and get ur name taken off i call in the middle of the day and the real estate hasbt heard anything or said anything. Plus when he asked me to move out i did but when he sore me do8ng everything he said u could do it with in a couple of weeks we can be friends still and be mature about this im so lost

    1. admin

      March 2, 2015 at 10:08 pm

      How long in the engagement were you?

      Also, what was the reasoning for his breakup?

      The young excuse again?

  17. Louise

    March 1, 2015 at 8:39 am


    I was wondering if you could help as my situation differs to the advice above.

    My ex broke up with my saturday, I totally adored him and a few weeks before we were in Thailand having a great time however he told me the feelings aren’t there anymore. The week after we sent some light hearted messages and met up this Saturday and we both cried and he said he hadn’t changed his mind and we kissed and agreed to see each other this Friday.

    I am not sure he will ever change his mind if he didn’t saturday just gone but what is your advice for Friday? Should I tell him maybe I have a date for the weekend?

    Thanks for your help


  18. lost

    February 25, 2015 at 12:34 pm

    Hi chris

    So after my bf of 6 years broke up with me . Till now its been 3 month and now iam about to finish my Nc (26 days ) and all i can c is that he is acting way too comfortable like going out having a lot of girl friends i ddnt c any reaction that he cares about me or he is jealous! What should o do i really want him not feel that comfortable anymore and feel like he is loosing me
    Please help on this

  19. Anshika

    February 17, 2015 at 12:47 pm

    I broke up with my boyfriend last April. I didn’t contacted him neither i asked any question to him for a couple of weeks since i was expected him to wish me on my birthday but he didn’t. Later, after a month, when i came to know that his exams were approaching i wished him on his exam n kissed him as well when he asked. But as soon as exams got over, he never contacted me. After a couple of months i contacted him again n he just replied to it. He never starts any convo nor calls me anymore. I always stood beside him in his raining days n always messaged him after seeing his every problematic status update. I really love him alot n i want him back. What shall i do??

    1. admin

      February 18, 2015 at 9:13 pm

      Well what have you done so far?

      Have you implemented any of the tactics on this site?

  20. Kara

    February 15, 2015 at 9:54 pm

    I am devastated. I am pregnant, soon to deliver, my ex’s child and on January 27th my ex and I ended it for good when I found out that he had started seeing someone else. I had suspected it for a little while but he continuously denied it. He even denied it after I found emails that pretty much proved otherwise. I was finally able to get him to admit the truth, with very steamy texts between he and I that he didn’t want me to send to the other woman. I told him at the end of a conversation that literally lasted the entire night I told him that I felt obligated to tell her because she had the right to know the truth. I don’t ever want to be the cause of that kind of pain for another woman. He promised me that this would not affect him having a relationship with our daughter and that he and I woulx stay in contact via email and whatsapp. He said that he wanted me to give him updates on the pregnancy. I told her via whatsapp with screenshots of the texts so that she knew that I was being truthful. I told her that what she decided was of course 100% up to her but she at least had the right to make an informed decision. On January 29th I emailed him to give him an update on the dr appt. He didn’t respond. The next day I emailed him to ask if he still planned to help buy the necessary items for our daughter like he said. His response was that he does not want any contact with me. He said do not call, do not email, and do not respond to that email. All responsibilities would have to be handled through lawyers. I know that it’s seem pathetic but I still love him. I read your posts and I have not contacted him in 16 days. I am about to order your ebook but I afraid that there is no point. What do you think?

    1. Kara

      February 16, 2015 at 3:11 pm

      Oh, and I forgot to mention that he has blocked me on whatsapp, deleted me as a contact on Skype, and I think blocked me on his phone. I made a lot of the common mistakes that you talk about during our relationship due to my inexperience with dating. It does not justify his actions but I do have a better understanding of myself now. As I said, he said that he doesn’t want contact with me. I have been sticking to the no contact strictly on my part. I have not contacted him in 17 days. Does it still count if he breaks the contact? How will I start contact after the no contact period of I am blocked? Is there even any point in me ordering your ebook? It feels pretty hopeless right now. I am having his child so it makes it harder. Please let me know your thoughts.

    2. Kara

      February 17, 2015 at 1:00 pm

      I guess that my situation is truly hopeless. I was really hoping that you could provide some insight but maybe you are in agreement. I have still not contacted him. I’m not sure what to do now.

    3. Nitya sri

      February 26, 2015 at 6:00 pm

      I I’m not an expert but I’ve been doing months of research. You have to reverse the break up. You have to be the one in control. U do this first by focusing on you. This guy u love is a tool. I can’t say how old u are but you gotta get it together for your baby. Your baby will feel all your pain and heartbreak. Forget him now. You and the baby are most important. After baby is over make him think u could care less. Do that now. No contact. If u broke it after 17 days start over again. Make him think he fully lost u… Get the book why men love bitches. Do it. Act even like there’s someone else even if there’s not. A little jealousy goes a long way. U must make him think you rejected him. Don’t be needy. If he calls you.. Deny him. Why? Because u and the baby are more important. When u make you number one Then he will come back to you.

    4. Nitya sri

      February 26, 2015 at 6:03 pm

      But one more thing. This guy who behaves like this with you is not loving you at all. You are only tolerating such behavior because you don’t love yourself. Love yourself then soneone can really love you.

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