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598 thoughts on “Decoding The Mixed Signals From Your Ex Boyfriend”

  1. Samantha

    May 23, 2015 at 3:18 pm

    Hi Chris,

    I have been reading your page for about a week now since by ex and I broke up… its really gotten complicated and I am so confused. We didnt have the best relationship to start off with he is always wanting to go hang out and drink with his buddies and that start a lot of our fights. We got in a huge fight on friday and over the weekend he kept saying “half of be wants to be wit you half of be doesnt” and then sunday we were supposed to talk and he never showed up… i forgot to mention we do have an apartment together so he never came home… i found out that night he was with another girl “hanging out” from what he said… i put in place the no contact rule and he blew up my phone saying “i found out you moved on i cant beleive you did so fast” “please talk to me” and then he went as far as leaving me a note on my bed with a t shirt of his i always loved to sleep in that said “i hope you are doing ok would be nice to hear from you, ill be coming home soon im not with anyone else i hope your not”….. well i caved and i texted him… and i got no response… the next day he called me and i answered he told me he wanted me to move out of the apartment and that the note ment nothing he was just trying to be nice??? i really dont understand?? so i started the no contact rule over again and he hasnt sent me one text! his sister and i are the same age and we are really good friend last night he texted her asking her to hang out with me and find out if i was seeing someone… i just dont understand the back and forth does he want to be with me or not? the situation is kind of tough because I have no where to move to if i leave this apartment and he knows that I am just not sure what to think of his back and forth and acting like he doesnt care at all…

    1. Chris Seiter

      June 2, 2015 at 2:04 am

      I think you need to stay with him for the time being and work on some other living arrangements.

  2. naaz

    May 23, 2015 at 3:03 pm

    Well well it is going to be a long text…I really appreciate ur response and thanks so very much for getting ur precious time involved in this topics of life….(“ex boyfriends”)…… people come and go some teach lessons and some stays forever.. ur tool has given me a path too think broader. And like and ice cream topping my BF is back with me. I am surely gonna re read the entire website again and thtz for pretty sure. Coz I wanna make future with my BF but itz not an easy task as another girl is involve. Though he says he love me and waiting for the moment to come and also he cant go against his parents as that girl is one of his cousin and this is the thing i am worried abt. I hope u help me more understanding this.. and on other hand I am preparing my self for any disaster if happens. . Thanks alot chris… u rock dude. just to let u know m.no more into NC rule frm the last question I posted things have changed like 10 percent out of 100 …but what next…

  3. Annie

    May 21, 2015 at 8:01 pm

    Hi Chris,
    I implemented the no contact rule on my ex and after that period we began to text daily, he asked me out on a date and told me he regretted ending it. He’s even said if we try again he wants it to be done right. All good signs I thought. We arranged to go see a movie, which he cancelled and then rearranged before texting me the day before the date and asking if I wanted to go that night. He knew I was free anyway so I said yes, it was average, I can’t say it went really well. Then we arranged a second date, which he cancelled, and when I suggested another day he was vague and non committal.
    We had a pretty heavy sexting session a few days before our first date (stupid decision on my part) and since then he’s seemed colder. I even asked him if he would rather not bother (because Im scared of getting hurt again) and he basically said I’m thinking too much into it. Should I implement NC again? Should I see if he’ll go on the next date and if he doesn’t want to implement NC then? Or is there some other technique I can use. Please help, I’m so scared I’ll get in too deep and end up hurt again unless I manage this situation.

    1. Kayla

      June 30, 2015 at 1:46 am

      I’m in a similar situation you are! My ex and I have been broken up for 4 months. About a month ago we started talking regularly as friends and 5 days ago he started flirting with me pretty heavily. We sexted for 3 days and even talked about getting back together in the future. But then out of nowhere he said he felt we were getting too emotional and he wasn’t sure if he felt the same way about me as I did with him and he wasn’t ready for a relationship. We have agreed to continue to be friends but he still almost always initiates contact with me, but not flirtacious yet. I’m so confused on where to go from here…any suggestions any body??

    2. Annie

      June 3, 2015 at 3:50 pm

      Thanks for replying, Im not sure I am making progress, yesterday I text him to ask about meeting up today (we’d made rough arrangements the day before) and he ignored me, so this morning I text him to see if he was still free and he replied to say he wasn’t, when I replied, he didnt respond. I sent him another text (which in retrospect may have made me look like a text gnat) and he still hasn’t replied, this was hours ago, have you got any further advice?

    3. Chris Seiter

      June 1, 2015 at 6:15 pm

      No, I think you are making progress.

      This isn’t an overnight fix. Remember that.

      It takes time.

  4. Chey

    May 21, 2015 at 6:00 am

    Hello Chris,
    My boyfriend of 10 months just broke up with me five nights ago. I was utterly devastated. He literally told me that morning (after we made up from a fight) “I really mean it when I say I want to marry you” then he kissed me passionately saying “A kiss has never felt this way before”. In our relationship he would always talk about how much he wants to marry me. Even his mom and dad knew. I would always tell him “Lets not start thinking about that until we’ve been together for awhile longer”. Anyways, when he said those words, “I don’t want to be in a relationship anymore” I didn’t accept it. Not one bit. I was at his house from 11-3:30 a.m begging him not to end us! I now know that was a huge mistake on my part because it made be look pathetic and well… thats not desirable at all. We’ve had our fair share of fights and sometimes I would get so mad that I would say it’s over between us. Obviously I never meant it but he would always freak out saying “don’t give up on us!!”. Yet he goes and does this? I even said that same exact thing, ” don’t give up on us”. Nothing I did could his mind. When he ended it I was crying none stop and he would occasionally cry as well and hug me. He said he has never been this honest before not even with himself. He told me wasn’t happy anymore (because we were always fighting I’m sure) and that he should have done it awhile ago. He said he hasn’t not been in a relationship and he just wants to focus on himself, like work, school etc. I asked him if I should delete all the pictures of us on my phone & insta because when he broke up with his last gf he did that. He deleted every single picture he had of her and blocked her on everything! He didn’t want anything to do with her. But he told me no. Then he says to me “Honestly Cheyenne, I wouldn’t be surprised if I came back to you”. What does that even mean? When I finally came to the realization that it was over & left his house and he told me to text him when I got home so he knew that I was safe. I told him “I’m home” & he replies with “I love you” & I say “you’re so cruel”. The next day he sends me a “good morning” text and we talked briefly then he stopped replying to my texts. I left it alone… for a bit. I ended up showing up at his house two days after to talk things through because surely he didn’t mean it when he ended us. He told me he wasn’t going to change his mind and that I should just leave. I started to text him relentlessly (I know, huge mistake) and he blocked me on his phone. Now that you know what happened, I have a question and that question is, will he come back to me? Another thing you should know is that back in December I got kicked out of a University Prep School, because I wasn’t doing my work and my grades slipped. He felt horrible and that it was his fault that i got kicked out of school because he couldn’t leave me alone, we were always together. And of course it didn’t help when my family even told him it was his fault. I now go to a different school and thursday (day before breakup) I told him that I have a lot of work to do by next friday, and if I don’t finish all of it, I won’t graduate. He knew I had a lot of work to do and knew I still wasn’t doing it because we were always together. Is he just giving me this time so I can do my work so I can actually graduate? Because I know he would never be able to forgive himself if I didn’t. Then he will come back to me? After all why would he say ” i mean it when I say I want to marry you” and then tell me “I love you” after dumping me and that he wouldn’t be surprised if he came back to me. You may be thinking, well if that were the case then he would have suggested a break instead of ending it. We’ve tried having breaks. We can go through with it and he even said he can’t go more than a day without seeing me.

  5. Susie

    May 20, 2015 at 3:39 pm

    Hi Chris,

    Please could you give me a plan to follow in getting to be a bit at a loss.
    I broke up with my boyfriend about 6 months ago because I knew he wanted big commitment and I wasn’t sure.
    He told me to think on it and he gave me lots of space. During this time we kept in contact lots and supported each other.
    After 2 months I said I wanted to try again and he said no and that he had been really Brit and wasn’t ready for a relationship.
    Then I committed all the sins over the following month and in the end we agreed to have a month silence to sort myself out. During this time I kept to not word not to contact him and started sorting myself out. He however contacted me during this time asking me if I was dating, had forgotten himmetc. I did alreapond to his contact during this month.

    After our month silence we met up and I made the mistake of sleeping with him. A week later I asked if he wanted to meet up again and he said yes in a couple of weeks.

    I phoned to arrange a time and did lay it on the line e.g. Asked him to be honest and to tell me if there’s no hope so we can move on or if there was hope suggested we meet up regularly to see how it goes. He choose to meet up regularly so we arranged a day. He cancelled because he was ill. I haven’t heard from
    Him since and that was 6 weeks ago. However during the first month of that 6 weeks I was contacting him a lot asking what was hppening. He didn’t respond.

    I then sent one last email 2 weeks ago asking him to be honest and say if he doesn’t want to meet up and asked him to call me so we can discuss.

    For the past 2 weeks (4 weeks after since he’s responded) I have undertaken the no contact rule. I haven’t heard anything and am obviously concerned that he won’t get in contact.

    What should I do?

    I did commit all sins. And have been contacting constantly all of which he has ignored .

    Any advice would
    Be great!

    1. Chris Seiter

      May 21, 2015 at 3:29 pm

      Right now you are doing the right thing with the No Contact rule.

      Stick to it.

  6. naaz

    May 17, 2015 at 2:54 pm

    Hi Chris,

    I have posted one question but unfortunately I didn’t see any response and in addition to that I dont knw were to find the reply of the posted question. :-/. Today I.E 17th may I was in NC day 5th and out of the blue my ex texted me saying sorry and to forget everything and forgive him. I did reply to his text after 3 hrs though. But we had this text thing going with gaps of hrs in between. Did I made a mistake replying him. And shud I re start the NC RULE again.

  7. Kirsty

    May 12, 2015 at 10:49 am

    Hi Chris,
    I recently bought you Ebook and you mention contacting you so here goes!
    My bf ended things on Thursday after a couple of months together. He’s 35, I’m 27. He’s been single for 3 years (had two long term relationships prior) and I’ve been single for 1 year with long term relationships prior. Everything was genuinely going incredibly well with us. We laughed a lot, he treated me well and was a gentlemen, we went out on dates, introduced each other to our friends, talked about everything and anything but taught one another things too. He even bought me a toothbrush and made comments about how he was excited for us etc. Last weekend we made cupckaes, went out for a meal, had a duvet/film day so all really nice. A picture of us went up on facebook which he tagged us in. Then on the tuesday he seemed really distant. . The pic was our first “official” post to people who weren’t in our friendship groups. He has a brother who is 40 still lives at home with mum and I think his mum puts a lot of pressure on Jon (not his brother) in terms of settling down, having grandkids etc. I suddenly got a message on Thursday that he was worried we were at the meet the parent stage and he wasn’t ready for that and it made him realise he was unprepared for a relationship. I told him that I also wasn’t there and I thought we’d agreed to take things slow, but he ended things. On Sunday I had a text saying he thought the world of me he just wasnt in that place / bad timing. And then this describing me randomly: 27, hot, likes marvel, has a degree. But I would add funny, kind, pretty, intelligent, amazing in bed and gorgeous x”. So I don’t really understand – if he thinks that, what is the problem? I’ve left him to it and am on day 2 of NC (so very early days!) Do you think I stand a chance of him getting in contact and us working this out? We seemed really happy together and had the same plans for the future / outlook on life. Help please!
    Just to add I’m not going to sit here and say “oh my gosh I need him, without him I’ll die” etc etc. I don’t think that and have more respect for myself. But for me, this has genuinely been the most relaxed and happy relationship I’ve been in. We just worked and it felt natural. I’d hate to let something go that had so much promise and was excited to see where it went. I would really appreciate your advice on this, please?

    1. Chris Seiter

      May 12, 2015 at 1:25 pm

      Thanks for the ebook purchase.

      I think you definitely have a shot. I mean you are still sooo early in NC at this point.

  8. Alisa

    May 9, 2015 at 2:39 pm

    Kakistos was a demon on Buffy the Vanpire Slayer. He killed Faith’s watcher and terrorized her before she killed him with a giant wooden beam. Do I get a free ebook? šŸ™‚
    (I swear I didn’t look this up)
    Love all the Buffy references on here, by the way!

    1. Chris Seiter

      May 11, 2015 at 5:33 pm

      Unfortunately no.. you werent the first person to get the correct refrence but its awesome that you got that it was a buffy refrence. I let a little of the nerd inside out every once in a while.

  9. Dani

    May 8, 2015 at 4:46 pm

    Hi there! Ex and I broke up 2 months ago. I followed NC and gained confidence and just explored who I was and it was amazing. He of course attempted to get in touch with me several times during NC, which I resisted and when I finally sent that first text, I was actually surprised at how well it worked. He asked if we could start back again slowly with the opportunity for a committed relationship down the road, but with a twist, hanging out and spending time together now with sex already on the table. I put him off for 2 weeks after that bc I had to handle finals. We met at him place and began talking and then had sex. Pillow talk afterward really did start to show me that we were moving in the right direction. The day afterwards he got cold again. Questioning my use of pet names and declining an offer to spend time with me. I was so sure we had a plan in motion that would lead to us getting back together but I think now he is getting cold feet. I decided to go back into a modified NC for 2 weeks and continue my transformation into the Ungettable Girl. However, even in this I am a little lost about how to go about this or if I am even taking the right steps. Help!!

  10. Liliana

    May 8, 2015 at 11:26 am

    Hi Chris,
    My fiance broke up with me 1,5 months ago. He told me the “its not you its me” excuse and he told me that he doesnt want a child yet (some weeks before we were at the doctor for consulting about stopping the pill so we can try to make a child) and he told me some other painful things that were totally different from what he used to tell me before. You have to know about the relationship that I met him when I was working abroad and I fell in love with him immediately and I made a lot of efforts to get him. I even moved to his country leaving behind my family, friends and everything. He is a very closed person and its very hard to guess what he thinks and what he wants. We had really beautiful times we are very similar in many things and have similar opinions about life. Unfortunately we faced many problems and went through many obstacles. It was very hard for me to get used to a different lifestyle, language, I couldnt find a proper job and friends so day bday I was losing myself. He alredy had many issues form his childhood and he couldnt handle his anger many times, he was rather destroying than building things and he was keeping all his thoughts. The last drop was that his father got seriously ill and he couldnt digest it. He started to be be angry, remote and in the end he just blew everything up. I was trying to speak wiht him but he didnt hear anything. I saw that there is no reason to push him more so I decided to act sharply and moved home. He was thinkink that we will stay friends but I decided for NC for one month so he can realise what he wants. He was trying to contact me at lest 2-3 times per week durong NC but only with some breadcrumbs. I didnt answer but after one month when he was still trying I answered his chat message and were speaking a bit. He told me he miss me and if we could reconnect and see what happens and I told him that I am not into frienships with my exes. When we finished the convo he just told me that he wants me but he is afraid. The other day he sent me a letter (I left him one also before I left) where he was writing that he still loves me with all his heart, but he couldnt hold the problems and was worried about my future. Now that he had time to think he realised what mess he made and that he lost me. He wrote me that he misses me in every possible way as a whloe person. He thanked me for everything I gave him and and said that the one who will be with me will be very lucky. I thinks he means everything what he wrote but since then he is sending me mixed signals…he is cold and remote. He says that the breakup was his fault but when I ask him how he imagines the reconnection he just backs off saying he doesnt know and tha maybe the things can not be fixed….I try to be polite with him witohut being demanding or needy. I dont know what should I do. I was so hurt from the breakup that I could not stand more pain but I still love him.

  11. Madison

    May 7, 2015 at 4:51 pm

    Hey Chris, my boyfriend and I recently broke up about almost a week ago. His reasoning for it was that the relationship was just getting too serious for him. He kept saying stuff like “you’re my best friend” and “donate hate me” and stuff about how you never know what the future holds and how he thinks we could be a thing in the future. He also said he’s also going to always have feelings for me and that i treated him really well and I was the best girlfriend he’s ever had. He’s never really had a girlfriend before me and we dated for about 8 months. And also he said that he’s still going to talk to me and text me and make an effort to hang out with me, yet he hasn’t even made an effort to reach out to me and doesn’t reply unless I text first. What do you think it means that he would say all of that stuff but not follow through with it?

    1. chathu

      May 19, 2015 at 12:53 pm

      I have the same problem dear.he wants to be a friend.he told me lets leave it to destiny…..

  12. Claire

    May 7, 2015 at 12:12 pm

    I broke NC. I didn’t want to come off crazy but I was so broken inside…I texted him:
    “Thinking about you, hope you’re doing well.” I got nothing for a day. Then…this:
    “Hey. Yesterday was a long day onsite again. I’m sorry for not responding earlier. Today has been busy getting ready before my trip…I hope you’re doing well. I truly do.”
    This is after our 3 year relationship. This text sounds so cold, I don’t know what to think. I didn’t text him back. I’m dying inside.
    Advice please.

  13. Demi

    May 6, 2015 at 2:37 pm


    Long story short weā€™ve been together 3 years but I got really depressed and started taking it out on him (this spanned almost a year) ā€“ verging on verbally abusive ā€“ we always hurt the ones we love the most right? Anyways heā€™s an overthinker and instead of telling me how he felt he spoke to everrrybody else and 2 months later ended it saying he could NEVER love me again and didnā€™t think I was worth it. This snapped me out of my depression and I genuinely felt like myself again ā€“ fight or flight I suppose.
    He agreed to let me stay in our flat while I found somewhere to live and I took it as an opportunity to show him I was myself again.
    10 days later heā€™s telling his best friend he could see it working again!
    ā€“ His best friend previously broke up with his long term girlfriend & tbh I think he doesnā€™t want us to get back together ā€˜cos heā€™s ā€œgot his buddy againā€.

    I have a moment of anger ā€“ not at him ā€“ and I say sorry after something I never did before.
    5 days later he gets upset that I feel stronger for him than he does of me and says he still needs to be alone, still wants time to be selfish and work on himself & that I should do the same. ā€œIf our selfish selves met again in the future then greatā€.
    This goes on back and forth for like 3 months.
    So we agree to ā€˜see how it goesā€™ and I move out.
    I move out and really we aren’t seeing how it goes at all. He’s happy enough to be alone which is what he wanted.

    He textes me straight away and for the last month weā€™ve seen and spoke to each other almost every week ā€“ I did have sex with him and I know that I probably shouldnā€™t have.

    When I was living there I was still having sex with him as that was a problem for us due to my low libido ā€“ I literally was acting like weā€™d never broken up and things were better than they EVER had been because I felt genuinely better. The shock of losing him snapped me out of whatever rut I was in. And that confused him and changed his mind from a no to a maybe.
    He said “you’re the perfect girlfriend now so shouldn’t I feel more?” – he had too much tunnel vision, couldn’t see past being alone so I agreed to move out as he said “if we carry on this way and I never got my chance to be alone I could end up resenting you for you it”.

    Anyways so now I find your website and wonder what I should do now?

    His reasons for break up obviously were me at first. Then he was saying he made the decision to be alone and live alone and couldnā€™t see past that. Needed his space first and doesnā€™t want a girlfriend AT ALL.
    He travels a lot with his job and has just started his Masters so it busy all the time.
    He says that he doesnā€™t want to give me false hope, still wants me in his life but canā€™t promise that when he does want a girlfriend that it will be me.

    Any advice?

    Whenever things have reached a point of almost being solved it’s because we’ve spent a lot of time around each other and naturally we fall back together.
    Not talking then in that sense doesn’t seem right to me. He’s not like other guys “wanting what they can’t have” he just kinda gets over it and moves on with his life.
    Isn’t bothered.

    I don’t want him to be indifferent to me by dropping off the map.

    I’ve read other things that suggest friendzoning him to get him over his indifference and then starting from there.


  14. Zenyth

    May 6, 2015 at 1:32 pm

    Hi Chris!

    First let me say thanks so much for all of your advice. I got through a two-month NC period. My ex and I began texting again about 2 weeks ago. First, he started bringing up sex and how he really missed our chemistry. To this I became skiddish with him and decided to have a talk letting him know that I wasnt comfortable with his idea that we would just be fwb. He explained that bc we were texting, that his whole message did not get across. He explained that he really wasnt ready for a relationship yet but that he wanted us to work up from where we are. Spending time together, hanging out and seeing where things go, maybe we would get down to it maybe not, and then getting together in the future. I played hot and cold and a little bit of ignoring his texts and putting off seeing him every time he would ask. I mean I had this dude practically begging and using pet names. Now my ex is big on saying what he means but I have the feeling that he bit off a little more than he could chew. Either way, we decided to meet up this past weekend. We ended up having sex and afterward we had an amazing conversation. Then he looked over my shoulder and saw that I was texting another guy. The next afternoon I texted him asking how his day had gone, adding a little pet name to the end. He commented on the fact that I had used a pet name, and has been very distant ever since. My feeling is that he unconsciously started moving faster than he thought he should and is now backing off to save face from seeming like like a flake on his position to break up with me in the first place. I have been giving him space since then and letting him come back to me on his own. I just want to know if there is anything else I should be doing or not doing at this point. Thanks!

  15. dneirfyobxe

    May 6, 2015 at 12:30 pm

    broke up 3 months ago. recent contact and flirting. told me he still has feelings. dont know if we will get back together. he is moving to another country in two months. ( i might move later) what do i think/expect in our relationship. (yes i love him alot) (should i tell him?)

  16. Megan

    May 3, 2015 at 11:23 pm

    So my boyfriend and I broke up a week ago and he told me that he never wants to get back together but then the next day he tells me he loves me and always will and that he will always care about me. He said he wanted to keep all the pictures of us so he could always remember me and the good times we had. And we hugged and it was the most connected we had felt in a while, he kissed me on the cheek and told me he loved me. This is all very confusing. I love him very much but I am just unsure about the future. Help please? šŸ™‚

  17. DAVE

    April 21, 2015 at 2:29 am

    Hi Chris,

    What does it mean if he says he still care for you? you tried to meet him up but he said he will let me know?and then just give him some space and he wil come back as friends.?


    1. Chris Seiter

      April 21, 2015 at 5:41 pm

      It means that he is standing you up.

      Remember actions > words.

  18. Kristy

    April 21, 2015 at 2:10 am

    Hi, Chris,
    I’m so confused.. Hope you can give me some advice.
    Weā€™ve been 9months.
    We decided to move to another country together 2 months ago, but whenever we had issue he said simply he wonā€™t go there together because he’s not happy today, and he didn’t want to take risk that he would have the same day like today in another country. But ā€˜stupidlyā€™ whenever he said like that, I calmed him down, and made conversation and we back.
    A week ago, same thing happened. We argued via messages, and he again said ā€˜I wonā€™t move togetherā€™. I thought he was using it as an weapon as hurt my feeling or I though that he could be in control when he said it. So this time I simply replied ā€˜itā€™s fineā€™. Since then I didnā€™t contact him again as I used to ā€“ I made initial contact and he replied later etc-. He messaged me next day afternoon and asked if I was ok, and heā€™s worried about me. I didnā€™t replied. Next day, he again messaged me, he hates how we ended on, and heā€™s worried about me, but I ignored again. On the third day he messaged me and said please say something, talk to him, heā€™s worried about me and hate how we ended. Anyways, after three days in a row messages, he didnā€™t do it anymore.

    Well, he has some of my stuffs, but he’s never said he wanna return, so I asked him first after 5days later we broke up. And I said it’s better for us to send each others items, but he said he wanna deliver to my place. And we broke up on Monday, but on Sat nite he said he missed me, he wanna know where I was, he said he always wanted to a family with me, I’m perfect to him etc but I didn’t react on those words, just talked about my stuffs.
    This Monday he said he wanna deliver my stuffs, he didn’t want to rely on parcel. And he said he never hate me, he was in love with me, and still think/know he’s in love with me etc. I felt like he’s lied, or he play me. Because, after 4days we broke up he post himself on date website. I don’t know why he’s saying those words when he’s looking to meet someone right away. (he’s 26, well, I found out that whenever we had cold-period he sent some random email to ad which posted on date website, he gave them his skype id :(( ) Really confusing. –

    I really don’t know what’s going on, and what’s in his mind. Does him try to play me…?

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 21, 2015 at 5:44 pm

      The dating website thing is common.

      Technically you are broken up so he didn’t do anything wrong.

      How long did you date him for?

  19. Rebecca

    April 17, 2015 at 8:13 pm

    Hi Chris,

    I met a guy on a dating website…..met and instant “sparks”. Spent every chance we could together, laughed, talked, was having a great time trying to navigate through a new relationship……Two months strong with one BIG red flag……he never took me on a date (we spent quaility time together and had sleep overs but never went out……had plans for the BIG FIRST date but we both got sick and never had the chance to re-schedule). We are both single parents (he met my son I had yet to met his) we both have long jobs……his much more than mine and he has a child custody schedule that simply works in the favor of the ex wife.

    Two weeks ago I had a horrible day…….just an emotional, horrible day when my past came back to haunt me…….well to make a long story short I took it out on him and let past insecurties rule and fired off a emotional text ending the relationship out of the blue. I have not even heard from him……NOTHING. Not even a fight from him or a “WTF” reply. I tried and tried to reach out to him about 5 times with a BIG appology……..he will not budge. I found your website and have entered into the NC contact rule and am in the first 7 days. It’s been a hard 7 days!!!! I feel guilty for dropping this guy for no reason and it’s killing me that he is quiet. He was great, we had no arguements, no jealousy, just laughs and fast heartbeats.

    I guess I’m just looking for a little bit of luck and I’m gonna try really hard and hope that what I felt is also what he felt…..the guilt on my shoulders is what kills me since it was my actions that lead to this situation right now.

    Wishing for BIG LUCK!!!

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 20, 2015 at 8:45 pm

      Stop feeling guilty.

      What happened has already happened.

      There’s no use of living in the past.

  20. ella

    April 14, 2015 at 9:01 am

    Hi, wondering if you could give me some advice. I was looking to buy your book but wondered if it was too late. My ex and I broke up in Dec 2014 after going on a break for a month ( his idea, he said he didnt know if he loved me anymore. I was hospitals last August and ended up in ICU fighting for my life and he was constantly there which was great. The day he decided we needed a break I returned to hospital and he visited and we’d play games to keep me entertained on my iPad. Anyway in Dec he said we should break up for good, initially I contacted him quite a bit asking for him to take some stuff back (he basically moved in after a few months together) and I found him on tinder (looking to still feel wanted whilst I was in hospital. Anyway he said the stuff wasn’t important and that I could keep it. Since then we’ve talked on and off he told me last moth he missed me and we had a conversation, next day he apologised for saying it. Recently (last week) I bumped into him at a bar and he told me to sit down and started talking to me in front of his friend and we all had a good chat for a bit. He’s also been reading over my essays for university recently too and will occasionally comment on things on fb. I no longer have his number so Facebook is really the only way to message. Ia this a lost cause before either purchase your book?

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